Community > Posts By > shovelheaddave

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 08/07/18 07:02 AM

All I did today was watch TV and movie, eat, sleep, and chill all day and pretty much everyday. Never have plans so...


you are doing the exact same thing that just about every person that is in a nursing home does,except you figured out how to do it without having a life to reminisce about,like they did,and skipped right ahead to the point where they are just waiting to die.

good job!! :thumbsup:

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 08/07/18 06:58 AM
its only a 1/2 hour until I HAVE TO get up,so I might as well just go ahead and get up now,instead of trying to go back to sleep. '~'

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 04:06 PM
isn't it funny how bad pickup lines are 'cute' when someone we think is attractive makes them??

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 04:03 PM
'Coulrophobia' (n) - the irrational fear of clowns

this useless fact has been brought to you by shovelheaddave,who reminds you to remember...
a warped mind is a terrible thing to waste!


shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 03:57 PM

After MONTHS of Donald Trump publically swearing that "there was no collusion",both in person,and in his twitter rants,Trump has changed his denials and publically admitted that there WAS collusion between his presidential election campaign and the Russian government during the June 2016 meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower.

Trump made the admission in a tweet on Sunday where he wrote that the purpose of the meeting between the Russians and his son,Don Jr,,his son in law,Jared Cushner,who is one of his senior advisors,and his then campaign chairmen Paul Manafort was "to get dirt on a political opponent",not "to talk about Russian adoptions",like the press release that Trump Sr. dictated for his son to give to the media from aboard air force one originally claimed.

Trump also claims that even though there WAS collusion,it is not against the law,even though Federal campaign finance law clearly states "it is illegal for a foreign national to "directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value to a campaign.",and it is ALSO illegal "to accept help from a foreign government,or a foreign national to influenece an election".

"Hard to see how there is not a serious case here of solicitation. Trump Jr. appears to have knowledge of the foreign source and is asking to see it," Rick Hasen, a campaign finance law expert, wrote. "Such information can be considered a 'thing of value' for purposes of the campaign finance law."

Trump has repeatedly expressed his desire to see the Mueller investigation into russian meddling in our elections shut down. On Wednesday, he tweeted that Attorney General Jeff Sessions — who recused himself last year from all matters related to the Justice Department investigation — should "stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further."

It's unclear whether Trump's latest admission will affect Mueller's probe in any way. But, as NPR's Brian Naylor reports, if Mueller could prove Trump was aware of the meeting in advance, "or cast doubt on denials by Trump and Trump Jr., it would be a dramatic addition to Mueller's investigation into Russian election interference in the 2016 presidential race and collusion with them by the Trump campaign."

You have to wonder,though,since the main purpose of the Mueller investigation is to determine whether or not the Russians interfered in our elections,how they did it,and if there were any americans involved in it,why is trump so desperate and publically determined to try to get the investigation shut down if he is indeed innocent,like he keeps claiming that he is?

It seems like the desperation of his constant public denials in his tweets,and press statements,his determination to shut down Mueller's investigation at all costs,and his displeasure with attorney general Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the case and putting deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein in charge of it is a public admission of his apparent guilt.

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 03:12 PM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Mon 08/06/18 03:14 PM

Y'know, if Trump admits to breaking the law, why is he still POTUS?
Arguments are moot.
The election is illegal and Trump should go to jail.
What part of "admitted to a crime" is not understood?
The crime invalidates not only the election but all those officials associated with Trump's win.

I think THAT is one of the reasons why trump has been denying that it happened so rabidly,and so often...

because it invalidates his win,and means that he really lost the election to Hillary,and is NOT the true president of the united states,even if he IS the one holding the office.

I don't know if anything can be done about that,at this point,though,since we are dealing with uncharted territory that has never happened before in the entire 242 year history of this country,short of declaring a constitutional crisis,and letting the supreme court decide.
[minus the justice[s] that trump appointed,of course!]

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 02:38 PM

"Suppertime...and the livin' is easy..." smile2

(George Gershwin, 1934)

I think that it is supposed to be SUMMERtime,not SUPPERtime...

but,i think I like your version better!!


shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 10:24 AM

After MONTHS of Donald Trump publically swearing that "there was no collusion",both in person,and in his twitter rants,Trump has changed his denials and publically admitted that there WAS collusion between his presidential election campaign and the Russian government during the June 2016 meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower.

Trump made the admission in a tweet on Sunday where he wrote that the purpose of the meeting between the Russians and his son,Don Jr,,his son in law,Jared Cushner,who is one of his senior advisors,and his then campaign chairmen Paul Manafort was "to get dirt on a political opponent",not "to talk about Russian adoptions",like the press release that Trump Sr. dictated for his son to give to the media from aboard air force one originally claimed.

Trump also claims that even though there WAS collusion,it is not against the law,even though Federal campaign finance law clearly states "it is illegal for a foreign national to "directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value to a campaign.",and it is ALSO illegal "to accept help from a foreign government,or a foreign national to influenece an election".

"Hard to see how there is not a serious case here of solicitation. Trump Jr. appears to have knowledge of the foreign source and is asking to see it," Rick Hasen, a campaign finance law expert, wrote. "Such information can be considered a 'thing of value' for purposes of the campaign finance law."

Trump has repeatedly expressed his desire to see the Mueller investigation into russian meddling in our elections shut down. On Wednesday, he tweeted that Attorney General Jeff Sessions — who recused himself last year from all matters related to the Justice Department investigation — should "stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further."

It's unclear whether Trump's latest admission will affect Mueller's probe in any way. But, as NPR's Brian Naylor reports, if Mueller could prove Trump was aware of the meeting in advance, "or cast doubt on denials by Trump and Trump Jr., it would be a dramatic addition to Mueller's investigation into Russian election interference in the 2016 presidential race and collusion with them by the Trump campaign."

You have to wonder,though,since the main purpose of the Mueller investigation is to determine whether or not the Russians interfered in our elections,how they did it,and if there were any americans involved in it,why is trump so desperate and publically determined to try to get the investigation shut down if he is indeed innocent,like he keeps claiming that he is?

It seems like the desperation of his constant public denials in his tweets,and press statements,his determination to shut down Mueller's investigation at all costs,and his displeasure with attorney general Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the case and putting deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein in charge of it is a public admission of his apparent guilt.

if shooting someone in central park won't cause his followers to bat an eye, and that was HIS assessment of them, which may be on the short list of things he is honest about ,,, what's a little back office negotiations with Russia gonna mean?


Many of those who are supporting him are dogged determined to support him NO MATTER WHAT. Politics, its the WHO, and not the WHAT.
funny you are saying this... who still supports the liberals after 8 years of lies? But whatever, ain't none of y'all will be happy till the nation is in shambles over something as petty as this...if it does happen, it's open season on liberals...

that is an ironically HILARIOUS thing for someone to claim,considering that trump has lied more in his FIRST MONTH in office than Obama did in 8 years,or any democrat EVER has!!

lol...that's not even close to being possible...
Obama - 1500+ verified lies
Trump - 0 verified lies


that post is so HILARIOUSLY FALSE that it doesn't deserve any rebuttal...
only RIDICULE!!!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 10:19 AM

I think the price of more freedom is more risks and more violence, and the price for more safety is less freedoms.

that being said, it is tragic anyone should lose their life. I am pro life all the way around and pro youth.

There definitely needs to be focus on preventative measures so that there is not such urgency in creating punitive measures. And Chicago isn't even the most violent city in America or even as violent as it was in previous decades. But there is a correlation between levels of concentrated poverty and levels of concentrated crime. there is also a correlation between community relationship between police and citizens and the violence rates.

Uplifting the communities will take cooperation from citizens and police and city and state governments. There need to be options presented from an early age to reinforce self respect and self value from a young age, there also needs to be resources and community/parental cooperation that help these young people get exposure to different interests and possibilities than the concentrated poverty they are immersed in every day.

The immediate band aid will be to focus on gangs, but without uplifting the community, it will only be a band aid on a broken bone. there needs to be real attention to improvement that is long term.

maybe Obama can donate some of his millions from his "book" deal and help out his home city...

good observation!! :thumbsup:

cuz,whenever you need to SOLVE a problem,instead of MAKE IT WORSE,it sure is funny that it takes a DEMOCRAT to do it,isnt it?

AND,that IS A LOT more likely than CURRENT PRESIDENT Donald Trump ever doing anything to help them,considering that he bought&paid for,and is in the hip pocket of the NRA,isnt it?

I see your still babbling without thinking first...what problem was solved? What Democrat solved it? Do you really think the Democrats don't take money from the NRA? Is there a point to your post besides **** talking our president?


was there any point whatsoever to YOUR post,besides **** talking about Obama?

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 10:16 AM
like the old Jethro Tull song says...

"You're never TOOOOO O-O-OLD to ROCK and RO-O-OLL,

if you're too young to die!"


shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 10:10 AM

After MONTHS of Donald Trump publically swearing that "there was no collusion",both in person,and in his twitter rants,Trump has changed his denials and publically admitted that there WAS collusion between his presidential election campaign and the Russian government during the June 2016 meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower.

Trump made the admission in a tweet on Sunday where he wrote that the purpose of the meeting between the Russians and his son,Don Jr,,his son in law,Jared Cushner,who is one of his senior advisors,and his then campaign chairmen Paul Manafort was "to get dirt on a political opponent",not "to talk about Russian adoptions",like the press release that Trump Sr. dictated for his son to give to the media from aboard air force one originally claimed.

Trump also claims that even though there WAS collusion,it is not against the law,even though Federal campaign finance law clearly states "it is illegal for a foreign national to "directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value to a campaign.",and it is ALSO illegal "to accept help from a foreign government,or a foreign national to influenece an election".

"Hard to see how there is not a serious case here of solicitation. Trump Jr. appears to have knowledge of the foreign source and is asking to see it," Rick Hasen, a campaign finance law expert, wrote. "Such information can be considered a 'thing of value' for purposes of the campaign finance law."

Trump has repeatedly expressed his desire to see the Mueller investigation into russian meddling in our elections shut down. On Wednesday, he tweeted that Attorney General Jeff Sessions — who recused himself last year from all matters related to the Justice Department investigation — should "stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further."

It's unclear whether Trump's latest admission will affect Mueller's probe in any way. But, as NPR's Brian Naylor reports, if Mueller could prove Trump was aware of the meeting in advance, "or cast doubt on denials by Trump and Trump Jr., it would be a dramatic addition to Mueller's investigation into Russian election interference in the 2016 presidential race and collusion with them by the Trump campaign."

You have to wonder,though,since the main purpose of the Mueller investigation is to determine whether or not the Russians interfered in our elections,how they did it,and if there were any americans involved in it,why is trump so desperate and publically determined to try to get the investigation shut down if he is indeed innocent,like he keeps claiming that he is?

It seems like the desperation of his constant public denials in his tweets,and press statements,his determination to shut down Mueller's investigation at all costs,and his displeasure with attorney general Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the case and putting deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein in charge of it is a public admission of his apparent guilt.

if shooting someone in central park won't cause his followers to bat an eye, and that was HIS assessment of them, which may be on the short list of things he is honest about ,,, what's a little back office negotiations with Russia gonna mean?


Many of those who are supporting him are dogged determined to support him NO MATTER WHAT. Politics, its the WHO, and not the WHAT.
funny you are saying this... who still supports the liberals after 8 years of lies? But whatever, ain't none of y'all will be happy till the nation is in shambles over something as petty as this...if it does happen, it's open season on liberals...

that is an ironically HILARIOUS thing for someone to claim,considering that trump has lied more in his FIRST MONTH in office than Obama did in 8 years,or any democrat EVER has!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 10:02 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Mon 08/06/18 10:04 AM

I think the price of more freedom is more risks and more violence, and the price for more safety is less freedoms.

that being said, it is tragic anyone should lose their life. I am pro life all the way around and pro youth.

There definitely needs to be focus on preventative measures so that there is not such urgency in creating punitive measures. And Chicago isn't even the most violent city in America or even as violent as it was in previous decades. But there is a correlation between levels of concentrated poverty and levels of concentrated crime. there is also a correlation between community relationship between police and citizens and the violence rates.

Uplifting the communities will take cooperation from citizens and police and city and state governments. There need to be options presented from an early age to reinforce self respect and self value from a young age, there also needs to be resources and community/parental cooperation that help these young people get exposure to different interests and possibilities than the concentrated poverty they are immersed in every day.

The immediate band aid will be to focus on gangs, but without uplifting the community, it will only be a band aid on a broken bone. there needs to be real attention to improvement that is long term.

maybe Obama can donate some of his millions from his "book" deal and help out his home city...

good observation!! :thumbsup:

cuz,whenever you need to SOLVE a problem,instead of MAKE IT WORSE,it sure is funny that it takes a DEMOCRAT to do it,isnt it?

AND,that IS A LOT more likely than CURRENT PRESIDENT Donald Trump ever doing anything to help them,considering that he bought&paid for,and is in the hip pocket of the NRA,isnt it?

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 09:08 AM
unfortunately,there is not just a single source that is responsible for these violent attacks that we can fix...

it is a mixture of a bad environment,where there is little opportunity for most of the people commiting these crimes...

bad parenting of these people by parents who are too busy trying to scratch out a living,or parents who have allowed themselves to be distracted by 'shiny objects' such as TV,FB,and other things to spend the time to properly raise their children,so they leave it up to the public school systems,and TV/the media to raise them...

a culture of violence that is prevalent in most of the television shows,movies,and video games that detatches our children from reality,and shows them that dealing with problems with extreme violence is the 'normal' way to deal with your problems....

a government who is in the pockets of lobbying groups like the NRA who openly promote gun culture,and refuse to allow their "bought&paid for" politicians to make ANY legislation pertaining to guns,no matter how sensible it might be....
[although,chicago already has some of the strictest gun laws in the country!]
but,the lobbying by the NRA will not even let the government officially call gun violence a problem,and has gotten them to stop any funding for any studies on gun violence,and even made it illegal for the CDC to call it an epidemic.

until we can get all of the money out of politics,make parents start taking a more active part in properly raising their children to have better values,make sure that the people who are commiting these acts of violence have better opportunities,get the violence out of TV/
Movies/video game,etc.,and do a lot more research to publically identify where the problems actually are,and what we should do about it,we can not expect anything to be done about this problem that will actually fix it.

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 08:43 AM

yes,that is one of the sources I got some of my information from,but there are LOTS MORE articles on this subject all over the internet if you care to google it,so it is impossible to just claim that it is only liberal sources,like NPR, that are claiming this.

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 08:24 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Mon 08/06/18 08:30 AM
After MONTHS of Donald Trump publically swearing that "there was no collusion",both in person,and in his twitter rants,Trump has changed his denials and publically admitted that there WAS collusion between his presidential election campaign and the Russian government during the June 2016 meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower.

Trump made the admission in a tweet on Sunday where he wrote that the purpose of the meeting between the Russians and his son,Don Jr,,his son in law,Jared Cushner,who is one of his senior advisors,and his then campaign chairmen Paul Manafort was "to get dirt on a political opponent",not "to talk about Russian adoptions",like the press release that Trump Sr. dictated for his son to give to the media from aboard air force one originally claimed.

Trump also claims that even though there WAS collusion,it is not against the law,even though Federal campaign finance law clearly states "it is illegal for a foreign national to "directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value to a campaign.",and it is ALSO illegal "to accept help from a foreign government,or a foreign national to influenece an election".

"Hard to see how there is not a serious case here of solicitation. Trump Jr. appears to have knowledge of the foreign source and is asking to see it," Rick Hasen, a campaign finance law expert, wrote. "Such information can be considered a 'thing of value' for purposes of the campaign finance law."

Trump has repeatedly expressed his desire to see the Mueller investigation into russian meddling in our elections shut down. On Wednesday, he tweeted that Attorney General Jeff Sessions — who recused himself last year from all matters related to the Justice Department investigation — should "stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further."

It's unclear whether Trump's latest admission will affect Mueller's probe in any way. But, as NPR's Brian Naylor reports, if Mueller could prove Trump was aware of the meeting in advance, "or cast doubt on denials by Trump and Trump Jr., it would be a dramatic addition to Mueller's investigation into Russian election interference in the 2016 presidential race and collusion with them by the Trump campaign."

You have to wonder,though,since the main purpose of the Mueller investigation is to determine whether or not the Russians interfered in our elections,how they did it,and if there were any americans involved in it,why is trump so desperate and publically determined to try to get the investigation shut down if he is indeed innocent,like he keeps claiming that he is?

It seems like the desperation of his constant public denials in his tweets,and press statements,his determination to shut down Mueller's investigation at all costs,and his displeasure with attorney general Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the case and putting deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein in charge of it is a public admission of his apparent guilt.

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 06:38 AM
I like cats,bt I just cant seem to ever finish a whole one by myself!

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 06:37 AM
I was in a roller coaster wreck at the La. state fair in 1994.

i had never thought about it before,but the rides at these little traveling carnivals are put together and taken apart every week by a bunch of dopeheads,and alcoholics that cant hold down real jobs anywhere else....

so,just a little something to think about,before you decide to get on one of them!

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 06:33 AM
my back&neck hurt.

I am waiting for my pills to kick in.

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 08/06/18 06:30 AM
I sing all the time!
[and,the general consensus is that I don't suck!!] lol

I used to play and sing with a band when i was younger,until life got in the way,but now it is mainly just karaoke.
[although,i DO occasionally get asked to get up on stage and do a few songs when I go listen to friends who have bands that are playing at some of the local clubs.]

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 08/03/18 12:51 PM

Our t.v. had a antenna... with tin foil wrapped on it.. and at times one of us kids would have to touch the tin foil to make a better picture on the t.v. while the rest of the family watched the show. Lol.

and,dont forget the required pair of needle nosed pliers to change the channel with,after you broke,or lost the knob!

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