Topic: Violence in chicago | |
44 shooting, 5 death in 14 hours. This is sad. Officials are trying to figure out what can be done to curb the violence. You can't protect people from themselves.
I saw this on the news today. They attribute it to gangs.. thugs. They shot up a block party, a funeral ( in progress) and a whole bunch of others shootings.
But thee are the " misguided".. the ones who never had a chance.. and we should feel sorry for them. F-ing animals.. all of them. |
I bet we see police brutality coming soon. It's time they do something. I would hate to be a policeman in that area....Or a citizen
You couldn't pay me enough money to be a cop there. I feel sorry for the good folks who can not even come out of their houses. The innocent people and kids being shot or killed in the cross fire. The elderly who are petrified.
I would put the national guard in there and take the streets back from the lawless thugs once and for all. Put them all where they belong.. in PRISON or in the ground before they can kill again and frankly it would make no difference to me which way they went. |
I agree that the national guard should go in. People who try to raise their kids in a safe place are looked at as backward. ATL isn't as bad as Chicago but it's pretty bad. It's always a shooting or car jacking on the news. It isn't safe to pump gas.
Toronto is becoming the same. We just had a Terrorist attack but the politicians and the police are refusing to call it that. "On July 22, 2018 Faisal Hussein, a Canadian-born 29-year-old male of Pakistani heritage and Muslim faith, opened fire with a handgun on citizens along Toronto’s Danforth Avenue, killing two and wounding 13. After an exchange of gunfire with police Faisal Hussein turned his gun on himself.
Faisal was known to police. He had posted favourable comments on jihadi websites and had recently visited Afghanistan." In mid-2017 Faisal’s brother, Farad Hussain, suffered an overdose. He has been in a coma ever since. In September 2017 firefighters responded to a carbon monoxide alarm at a house on Liatris Drive, in Pickering, Ontario (40 kilometres east of Toronto). Inside the house they found a cache of weapons, including 31 identical high-end handguns, and 42 kilograms of carfentanil. It was the largest carfentanil find in North America; if not the world. This house was Farad Hussain’s home at the time of his overdose. The media misrepresent the 42 kilos of carfentanil as a major narcotics stash. Actually, it was a massive chemical weapons stockpile. A 2016 AP article titled: Chemical weapon for sale: China’s unregulated narcotic, stresses that: “Before being discovered by drug dealers, carfentanil and substances like it were viewed as chemical weapons.” The article quotes Andrew Webber, Assistant Secretary of Defence for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defence from 2009 to 2014. Asked about carfentanil, Webber states bluntly: “It’s a weapon.” Carfentanil was developed in the 1970s as an emergency tranquilizer for large animals, however“Governments quickly targeted it as a chemical weapon.” Carfentanil is 100 times stronger than its weaker cousin fentanyl which is 50 times stronger than heroin. By weight and volume carfentanil is as deadly as traditional military-grade nerve agents. This information is confirmed in a Guardian article titled: Dose as small as a grain of sand can kill you: alarm after Canada carfentanil bust; which came out on November 12, 2017 in response to the carfentanil find at Farad Hussein’s home. The article points out: “Carfentanil has been studied as a chemical weapon by US, China and Israel.” For an expert witness The Guardian summoned Brian Escamilla, a forensic chemist who has trained US DEA agents for over a decade. Asked about carfentanil, Escamilla responded. “I don’t view it as a narcotic, I view it as a toxin and a potential WMD… And I think a lot of agencies are now looking at it from that perspective too.” In 2002 carfentanil was used by Russian authorities to end a hostage-taking incident in a Moscow theatre. Between 100 and 200 hostages died after inhaling a carfentanil mist the authorities had surreptitiously pumped inside that spacious auditorium. The second largest carfentanil seizure on record occurred in British Columbia in 2016. Teams in full hazmat gear were called in to remove 1 kilogram from a shipping container. The arithmetic in the reportage regarding both this 2016 BC bust and the 2017 bust at the Danforth shooter’s brothers’ home is wonky; especially as regards the latter. Regarding the former we are alternatively told that 1 kilogram of carfentanil could yield up to 50 million LETHAL doses; or up to 50 million STREET doses – two very different quanta. Regarding the bust at Farad Hussain’s home we are told that 42 kilograms of carfentanil yields 420,000 STREET doses. (Intriguingly, the primary source document for all reportage on this bust is a press release from the Durham Region Police Department – since removed.) The precise lethal dosage of carfentanil is unknown and controversial. Estimates are as low as 20 micrograms; or 20 one millionths of a gram, which explains the 50 million figure. Other estimates are much higher. A veterinarian accidently splashed about one thousandth of a gram in his eye and survived; albeit with emergency medical assistance. In either case, the 420,000 street dose estimate is absurd. On the street heroin is often sold in “points” or 0.1 of a gram. Forty-two kilograms divides into 420,000 “points.” Carfentanil, however, is 5,000 times stronger than heroin. One point of carfentanil would slay a raging elephant. Packaged in marketable, “recreational” units 42 kilograms of carfentanil would yield BILLIONS of doses. The Hussains are alleged to have been involved in a neighborhood (Thorncliffe Park) gang. Forty-two kilos of carfentanil is more dope than they could deal out in forty-two centuries. Your local Safeway does not keep billions of cans of soup on the shelf. This volume of carfentanil exceeds by many magnitudes what even a major international mafia would keep in stock. Also note: carfentanil is a rarely used, rarely seized, drug in Canada. The chemical is simply far too dangerous to traffic and sell. Farad probably “overdosed” off the ambient vapours in the house.Hence, the most logical explanation for the weapons cache and chemical stockpile in the Pickering house is that they were for use in a major terrorist attack. Farad’s brother and compatriot, who no doubt frequented the stash-house on Liatris Drive, just carried out a suicide terrorist attack on civilians in downtown Toronto. What could 30 Faisals and Farads with handguns, hazmat suits and canisters of aerosolised carfentanil accomplish? After the July 22, 2018 Danforth attack the media and police utterly betrayed themselves by conspiring to suppress the Islamic terrorist link. The September 2017 raid on the Pickering house should have sponsored headlines reading: “Islamic terrorists found with chemical weapons stockpile.” It didn’t. Institutionalised “Islamophobia-phobia” could get catastrophic. Sources Kinetz, Erika and Butler, Desmond. Chemical weapon for sale: China’s unregulated narcotic; AP, October 7, 2016. Kassam, Ashifa. Dose as small as a grain of sand can kill you: alarm after Canada carfentanil bust; The Guardian, November 12, 2017. Dunn, Trevor. Danforth killer had no criminal record but guns, gangs and drugs weren’t far away; CBC News, July 27, 2018 Dormer, Dave. Deadly opioid carfentanil bound for Calgary seized in Vancouver; CBC News, August 9, 2016 World Health Organization. Carfentanil: Critical Review Report; November 2017 |
I'm surprised people are campaigning on abolishing ICE after all the terrorist attacks we've had. We are feeding and housing them while the plot attacks against us.
I agree that the national guard should go in. People who try to raise their kids in a safe place are looked at as backward. ATL isn't as bad as Chicago but it's pretty bad. It's always a shooting or car jacking on the news. It isn't safe to pump gas. Its bad here in the NYC area but not as bad as Chicago although we have more people. I think one reason being is that after 911 the city invested heavily in cameras. There is virtually nowhere in the city that the cops can not go to a tape and see what happened. And every morning I watch channel 7 news, to get the commute info and there they are.. on the screen.. the ones the cops are looking for.. the ones who did the drive byes, rapes, murders, robberies, shootings, slashing, ect.. the night before. And no reason to adjust the color on your t.v. sets.. its not stuck on one color.. that is the color. Chicago will have to go in and clean house first. then install much more cameras |
The one thing I do enjoy about being out here in China theft...nothing people just going about there day
unfortunately,there is not just a single source that is responsible for these violent attacks that we can fix...
it is a mixture of a bad environment,where there is little opportunity for most of the people commiting these crimes... bad parenting of these people by parents who are too busy trying to scratch out a living,or parents who have allowed themselves to be distracted by 'shiny objects' such as TV,FB,and other things to spend the time to properly raise their children,so they leave it up to the public school systems,and TV/the media to raise them... a culture of violence that is prevalent in most of the television shows,movies,and video games that detatches our children from reality,and shows them that dealing with problems with extreme violence is the 'normal' way to deal with your problems.... a government who is in the pockets of lobbying groups like the NRA who openly promote gun culture,and refuse to allow their "bought&paid for" politicians to make ANY legislation pertaining to guns,no matter how sensible it might be.... [although,chicago already has some of the strictest gun laws in the country!] but,the lobbying by the NRA will not even let the government officially call gun violence a problem,and has gotten them to stop any funding for any studies on gun violence,and even made it illegal for the CDC to call it an epidemic. until we can get all of the money out of politics,make parents start taking a more active part in properly raising their children to have better values,make sure that the people who are commiting these acts of violence have better opportunities,get the violence out of TV/ Movies/video game,etc.,and do a lot more research to publically identify where the problems actually are,and what we should do about it,we can not expect anything to be done about this problem that will actually fix it. |
Edited by
Mon 08/06/18 09:15 AM
I think the price of more freedom is more risks and more violence, and the price for more safety is less freedoms.
that being said, it is tragic anyone should lose their life. I am pro life all the way around and pro youth. There definitely needs to be focus on preventative measures so that there is not such urgency in creating punitive measures. And Chicago isn't even the most violent city in America or even as violent as it was in previous decades. But there is a correlation between levels of concentrated poverty and levels of concentrated crime. there is also a correlation between community relationship between police and citizens and the violence rates. Uplifting the communities will take cooperation from citizens and police and city and state governments. There need to be options presented from an early age to reinforce self respect and self value from a young age, there also needs to be resources and community/parental cooperation that help these young people get exposure to different interests and possibilities than the concentrated poverty they are immersed in every day. The immediate band aid will be to focus on gangs, but without uplifting the community, it will only be a band aid on a broken bone. there needs to be real attention to improvement that is long term. |
I think the price of more freedom is more risks and more violence, and the price for more safety is less freedoms. that being said, it is tragic anyone should lose their life. I am pro life all the way around and pro youth. There definitely needs to be focus on preventative measures so that there is not such urgency in creating punitive measures. And Chicago isn't even the most violent city in America or even as violent as it was in previous decades. But there is a correlation between levels of concentrated poverty and levels of concentrated crime. there is also a correlation between community relationship between police and citizens and the violence rates. Uplifting the communities will take cooperation from citizens and police and city and state governments. There need to be options presented from an early age to reinforce self respect and self value from a young age, there also needs to be resources and community/parental cooperation that help these young people get exposure to different interests and possibilities than the concentrated poverty they are immersed in every day. The immediate band aid will be to focus on gangs, but without uplifting the community, it will only be a band aid on a broken bone. there needs to be real attention to improvement that is long term. |
I think the price of more freedom is more risks and more violence, and the price for more safety is less freedoms. that being said, it is tragic anyone should lose their life. I am pro life all the way around and pro youth. There definitely needs to be focus on preventative measures so that there is not such urgency in creating punitive measures. And Chicago isn't even the most violent city in America or even as violent as it was in previous decades. But there is a correlation between levels of concentrated poverty and levels of concentrated crime. there is also a correlation between community relationship between police and citizens and the violence rates. Uplifting the communities will take cooperation from citizens and police and city and state governments. There need to be options presented from an early age to reinforce self respect and self value from a young age, there also needs to be resources and community/parental cooperation that help these young people get exposure to different interests and possibilities than the concentrated poverty they are immersed in every day. The immediate band aid will be to focus on gangs, but without uplifting the community, it will only be a band aid on a broken bone. there needs to be real attention to improvement that is long term. they are already donating millions to chicago jobs programs .. so yeah. Hopefully others who are able can follow suit. |
I think the price of more freedom is more risks and more violence, and the price for more safety is less freedoms. that being said, it is tragic anyone should lose their life. I am pro life all the way around and pro youth. There definitely needs to be focus on preventative measures so that there is not such urgency in creating punitive measures. And Chicago isn't even the most violent city in America or even as violent as it was in previous decades. But there is a correlation between levels of concentrated poverty and levels of concentrated crime. there is also a correlation between community relationship between police and citizens and the violence rates. Uplifting the communities will take cooperation from citizens and police and city and state governments. There need to be options presented from an early age to reinforce self respect and self value from a young age, there also needs to be resources and community/parental cooperation that help these young people get exposure to different interests and possibilities than the concentrated poverty they are immersed in every day. The immediate band aid will be to focus on gangs, but without uplifting the community, it will only be a band aid on a broken bone. there needs to be real attention to improvement that is long term. they are already donating millions to chicago jobs programs .. so yeah. Hopefully others who are able can follow suit. |
Does anyone really think that offering a gangbanger training a job is the way Lol... they don't want a job.. they have one already
And I will agree with one poster... bad parenting.. terrible parenting, actually...and lack of community leadership. Lack of role models.. hell even a lack of a father figure. And ask the families of the 44 shot and 5 killed if they feel sorry for the gunmen. I'm banking on... no. Its easy to feel pity.. when it is not your loved on the the steel slab in the fridge.. It all starts with the renting.. doesn't matter what ethnic group t is.. it all starts there. |
The one thing I do enjoy about being out here in China theft...nothing people just going about there day know,, when I was there they caught a guy with 3 bullets. not even a gun and he got 5 years in prison.. for 3 bullets.. Lol You get caught with a gun there... bye bye |
Edited by
Mon 08/06/18 10:04 AM
I think the price of more freedom is more risks and more violence, and the price for more safety is less freedoms. that being said, it is tragic anyone should lose their life. I am pro life all the way around and pro youth. There definitely needs to be focus on preventative measures so that there is not such urgency in creating punitive measures. And Chicago isn't even the most violent city in America or even as violent as it was in previous decades. But there is a correlation between levels of concentrated poverty and levels of concentrated crime. there is also a correlation between community relationship between police and citizens and the violence rates. Uplifting the communities will take cooperation from citizens and police and city and state governments. There need to be options presented from an early age to reinforce self respect and self value from a young age, there also needs to be resources and community/parental cooperation that help these young people get exposure to different interests and possibilities than the concentrated poverty they are immersed in every day. The immediate band aid will be to focus on gangs, but without uplifting the community, it will only be a band aid on a broken bone. there needs to be real attention to improvement that is long term. good observation!! ![]() cuz,whenever you need to SOLVE a problem,instead of MAKE IT WORSE,it sure is funny that it takes a DEMOCRAT to do it,isnt it? AND,that IS A LOT more likely than CURRENT PRESIDENT Donald Trump ever doing anything to help them,considering that he bought&paid for,and is in the hip pocket of the NRA,isnt it? |
We have the same in Canada.
On the afternoon of June 27 while most of Canada was at work or watching the World Cup matches, a major funding announcement was made with little fanfare and in front of no more than a couple of dozen, mostly Muslim audience of Pakistani Canadians. Mississauga-Erindale MP Iqra Khalid who has been the mouthpiece of the divisive Motion M103 on ‘Islamophobia’ stood in her constituency office to announce that the Trudeau government was investing an additional $23 Million into its multiculturalism program. With no mainstream media in attendance to ask any questions, Khalid boasted that her “hard work has resulted into tangible action.” She listed the following two groups as being potential recipients of the new funding: The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), a former branch of the U.S. based Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) that was named in 2008 as an unindicted co-conspirator connected to the “largest terror-funding trial in U.S. history. NCCM has denied links to CAIR. Islamic Relief, a worldwide charity accused of links to Islamist extremism by Middle East Forum, Israel and the United Arab Emirates among others. There is no solid record that the Canadian arms of these two organizations have contributed to current problematic behaviour. Nonetheless, for over a year many Muslim Canadians, including yours truly, my Sun colleague Farzana Hassan as well as other Muslim critics of Islamism had warned that the M103 initiative was much more than the victimhood culture of guilt being forced onto ordinary Canadians.Khalid, in explaining during a press conference to announce the funding, suggested the $23 million is intended to “build bridges” between Canadians and to give new Canadians a “foundation” in this country by supporting community groups. “NCCM that does a lot of data collecting on hate crimes and really pushing that advocacy needle forward within our country,” Khalid said. “Or like Islamic Relief, that does work not only within Canada, across Canada, across the world in really removing those stereotypes.” So on Wednesday, we saw our fears come true. While Islamists are eligible to receive funds to conduct their Sharia agenda in Canada, Muslim critics of jihad, polygamy, FGM and Sharia have been left on their own to fight global Islamofascism. In a message to MP Khalid, I asked her to clarify if any part of the $23M will be used to counter the daily denigration of Christians and Jews that takes place in mosques across Canada, from dawn to dusk. I reminded her that “most Friday sermons at mosque congregations end with a call to Allah to grant Muslims victory over non-Muslims, referred to as ‘Qawm al Kafiroon’.” “Will the $23M be used to de-radicalize mosque clerics and educate them to end hateful sermons from the pulpits,” I asked. Despite reaching out to her office twice, I did not get a response, nor any press release or statement issued by any ministry of the Trudeau cabinet. In making the announcement, the Pakistan-born Liberal MP told her scant audience, her M103 initiative was about “systemic racism and religious discrimination” and that “my goal was to study it and understand why does it happen and to find solutions.” Most Canadians would have told her, ‘physician, heal thyself,’ but of course, ordinary Canadians are too scared to be labelled as ‘racist’ by privileged Islamists riding the waves of victimhood. In recommending Islamic Relief as one of the recipients of the $23 million fund, Khalid covered up the fact that even Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority country has banned Islamic Relief from providing either relief or aid to some 500,000 Rohingya refugees who have taken refuge in the country. Khalid also shrugged off allegations that Islamic Relief has long been accused of funding terror. The United Arab Emirates has designated Islamic Relief as a terror-financing organization while in Russian authorities have accused Islamic Relief of supporting terrorism in Chechnya. My question to ordinary Canadians is this: Who will stand up to the Islamist agenda in our country if it’s the government itself that funds their agenda? |
I think the price of more freedom is more risks and more violence, and the price for more safety is less freedoms. that being said, it is tragic anyone should lose their life. I am pro life all the way around and pro youth. There definitely needs to be focus on preventative measures so that there is not such urgency in creating punitive measures. And Chicago isn't even the most violent city in America or even as violent as it was in previous decades. But there is a correlation between levels of concentrated poverty and levels of concentrated crime. there is also a correlation between community relationship between police and citizens and the violence rates. Uplifting the communities will take cooperation from citizens and police and city and state governments. There need to be options presented from an early age to reinforce self respect and self value from a young age, there also needs to be resources and community/parental cooperation that help these young people get exposure to different interests and possibilities than the concentrated poverty they are immersed in every day. The immediate band aid will be to focus on gangs, but without uplifting the community, it will only be a band aid on a broken bone. there needs to be real attention to improvement that is long term. good observation!! ![]() cuz,whenever you need to SOLVE a problem,instead of MAKE IT WORSE,it sure is funny that it takes a DEMOCRAT to do it,isnt it? AND,that IS A LOT more likely than CURRENT PRESIDENT Donald Trump ever doing anything to help them,considering that he bought&paid for,and is in the hip pocket of the NRA,isnt it? |
I think the price of more freedom is more risks and more violence, and the price for more safety is less freedoms. that being said, it is tragic anyone should lose their life. I am pro life all the way around and pro youth. There definitely needs to be focus on preventative measures so that there is not such urgency in creating punitive measures. And Chicago isn't even the most violent city in America or even as violent as it was in previous decades. But there is a correlation between levels of concentrated poverty and levels of concentrated crime. there is also a correlation between community relationship between police and citizens and the violence rates. Uplifting the communities will take cooperation from citizens and police and city and state governments. There need to be options presented from an early age to reinforce self respect and self value from a young age, there also needs to be resources and community/parental cooperation that help these young people get exposure to different interests and possibilities than the concentrated poverty they are immersed in every day. The immediate band aid will be to focus on gangs, but without uplifting the community, it will only be a band aid on a broken bone. there needs to be real attention to improvement that is long term. good observation!! ![]() cuz,whenever you need to SOLVE a problem,instead of MAKE IT WORSE,it sure is funny that it takes a DEMOCRAT to do it,isnt it? AND,that IS A LOT more likely than CURRENT PRESIDENT Donald Trump ever doing anything to help them,considering that he bought&paid for,and is in the hip pocket of the NRA,isnt it? LMAO!! was there any point whatsoever to YOUR post,besides **** talking about Obama? ![]() |