Community > Posts By > shovelheaddave

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 06/21/18 09:10 AM

i am not trying to claim that all police officers are as bad as this one that the OP made this thread about,but,since everybody has a camera with them at all times nowadays,and now there has been so much photographic evidence of police using unneccessary force,and commiting so many unjustified killings of people,and,even though there is so much evidence to prove that the police officers did these things,but in just about EVERY SINGLE CASE the police officers have been found to be NOT guilty by their own fellow police officers for these crimes,and not had to pay ANY penalty whatsoever for them,except for maybe time off WITH PAY while the investigations are going on,it doesnt really matter how many GOOd cops there are out there,cuz when the GOOD cops keep covering up for,and excusing the BAD ones who ARE bad,then i feel that that makes the GOOD cops just as guilty as the BAD cops who originally commited the crimes that people who were NOT POLICICE OFFICERS would have gone to prison for!

so,until the 'good' cops stop covering up for,and excusing the 'bad' cops,just because they have a badge,and start holding the bad cops accountable for the crimes that they commit,then i have a hard time considering ANY cop to be a truly 'good' one!

with all due respect shovelhead dave

this is ridiculous.

Ever heard of ex-Chicago Police Sergeant Ronald Watts? crooked cop that framed more than 15 innocent people and now he is prison mind you he got a slap on the wrist 22 months in prison or jail actually

what about the widow of Fox Lake Police Lt. Joe Gliniewicz, after police investigated him and led them to her.

many more cases like that, cops are not getting off as easy as they once were, but are you reporting those cases shovelhead?

Why are they getting paid while on leave? because collective bargaining from the police unions made it possible.

Remember unions are good for the average worker right? or at least that is what the left and Democrats keeps saying

Good cops are coming forward because of the whistle blowing laws, before they couldn't because of fears of retaliation, think Serpico from the NYPD an honest cop turning in his corrupt boys in blue,look what he went through.

i am not claiming that NONE of them have been held accountable for what they have done,if you had actualy read my post,instead of just jumping in and wanting to argue that it isnt true,you would have seen that[as i am sure that you DID see it,but it just wsnt convenient for your argument to include that fact!],but THE MAJRITY of them get off scott free,because the 'good' cops who investigate these crimes are biased in favor of their fellow officers,and choose to sweep these incidents under the rug,instead of prosecuting a fellow police officer for a crime.

just about every week,there is a NEW incident on the news where the cops overstep their right to use deadly/excessive force,and nothing is done about it,because the 'good' cops protect the 'bad' cops,making THEM just as guilty as the ones who actually commit the offense,as they are enabling it to continue.

just cuz you were able to name A FEW incidents where the cops were held accountable doesnt make all of THOSE go away.

Catch the news this morning?

Black kid, shot in the back running by a Pittsburgh cop.

Must be a new record though.. He was officially sworn in, and received his badge, only FOUR hours before bagging his first black kid. At this rate, he won't last a month before he begs his limit.

the officer that was involved in the case that you are referring to that was only sworn in only 4 hours before he shot the fleeing teenager in the back,was only new to the PITTSBURG police department...

he had served 8 years with a different department before he was hired by the pittsburg p.d.,so he was actually a veteran officer,with lots of experience,not a rookie,fresh out of school with no experience.

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 06/21/18 09:09 AM

Catch the news this morning?

Black kid, shot in the back running by a Pittsburgh cop.

Must be a new record though.. He was officially sworn in, and received his badge, only FOUR hours before bagging his first black kid. At this rate, he won't last a month before he begs his limit.

you mean this incident? {notice the bold part)

Antwon Rose, 17, was shot three times Tuesday night and killed after he and another passenger fled from a car stopped by police in East Pittsburgh. Police say the car was possibly used in a non-fatal shooting 15 minutes earlier.

Officers found two semi-automatic handguns on the floor of the car. Allegheny County Police Superintendent Coleman McDonough said he was confident the car pulled over by East Pittsburgh police was involved in the incident, noting that a back window had been shot out.

But a cellphone video capturing the incident has contributed to local outrage because it shows an officer firing at Rose as he tried to sprint away from officers.

The video, watched by USA TODAY, shows a person fleeing from a vehicle stopped by a group of police. Three shots ring out as another figure also runs away from cops.

yes these innocent teens Viper, innocent teens minding their own business coming back from church as they were discussing fundraising for the poor and elderly in the their neighbourhood

These poor law abiding teens

booo hooo hoooooo.

and,you think that this justifies shooting somebody in the back while they are running away from you??

well,i think that this plainly shows that you OBVIOUSLY dont know ANYTHING about the law,and what justifies the use of deadly force!!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 06/21/18 08:55 AM

the rest of what you wrote was just white noise to try to distract from the fact that what i originally wrote is true...

that trump HAS commited enough crimes to qualify him to be prosected under the RICO act if the D.O.J. wanted to pursue it that way,and i dont really see ANYWHERE where you countered my points with anything except MEANINGLESS denials,and opinion,without any FACTS to back them up.

sorry, Ive presented facts and countered your bias argument Dave, sorry to inform you but facts are facts and opinions are like azzholes, everyone has one.

You have to prove Trump committed crimes during his campaign and as current commander in chief, what he did during is private sector life is irrelevant.

The Russian collusion accusation and obstructing of justice is what is on the table, his affairs with Stormy Daniels is just a witch hunt

and,the FACT that THAT is all the rebuttal that you have to offer just thoroughly validates MY argument that much more!!!

no Dave, you've offered nothing but straw man arguments, you haven't offered any actual facts just more of sophistry.

so,keep on desperately denying my points without any verifiable facts to refute them,because i find that absolutely

Im glad I can make you laugh Dave, I guess when you are trying to deflect because you cannot make a point

I can deflect too, I sometimes scratch my balls when Im playing baseball, does that mean Im uncouth or my balls are itchy ?

what 'facts' are you talking about??

all you have offered is opinion,and desperate attempts to dodge answering my facts that i have plainly presented.

nothing that you say has anything to do with RICO,or offers anything except a glimpse of somebody that is desperately trying to use meaningless personal opinions,and political bias as facts to dodge the REAl facts of what RICO is,and what the requirements are to qualify for a RICO case in the eyes of the law.

the information to the REAl facts is out there for anybody with the correct number of chromosomes to view,so your feeble attempts to ignore them is absolutely HILARIOUS,and your lack of a proper rebuttal validates the facts that i have presented!

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 06/21/18 06:47 AM

"My conclusion is Can Trump be indicted? yes he can, there is precedent,"

there you go!!!
you just admitted that you agree with the point that i made,so TECHNICALLY,i am right!

no matter how much you wish that it WOULDNT happen,if the D.O.J. decided to pursue it under RICO,it COULD happen!!!

all the rest of your desperate denials are nothing more than YOUR OWN political bias showing itself!!


Was I speaking in tongues or Swahili? I know I wasn't speaking in French .

Dude , anyone can be indicted, heck a Roast beef sandwich made with Swiss cheese on rye imported from Denmark can be indicted.

Convicting is another matter.

And if you read what I wrote slowly, you would have seen that I said I seriously doubt Congress would Impeach the president

Did you miss that part? why you think I agreed with you is nuttier than my Neighbour Aunt's can of Nutbutter she makes for Christmas.

Just because someone can be indicted doesn't mean they will be indicted


the rest of what you wrote was just white noise to try to distract from the fact that what i originally wrote is true...

that trump HAS commited enough crimes to qualify him to be prosected under the RICO act if the D.O.J. wanted to pursue it that way,and i dont really see ANYWHERE where you countered my points with anything except MEANINGLESS denials,and opinion,without any FACTS to back them up.

and,the FACT that THAT is all the rebuttal that you have to offer just thoroughly validates MY argument that much more!!!

so,keep on desperately denying my points without any verifiable facts to refute them,because i find that absolutely

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 06/21/18 06:33 AM

i am not trying to claim that all police officers are as bad as this one that the OP made this thread about,but,since everybody has a camera with them at all times nowadays,and now there has been so much photographic evidence of police using unneccessary force,and commiting so many unjustified killings of people,and,even though there is so much evidence to prove that the police officers did these things,but in just about EVERY SINGLE CASE the police officers have been found to be NOT guilty by their own fellow police officers for these crimes,and not had to pay ANY penalty whatsoever for them,except for maybe time off WITH PAY while the investigations are going on,it doesnt really matter how many GOOd cops there are out there,cuz when the GOOD cops keep covering up for,and excusing the BAD ones who ARE bad,then i feel that that makes the GOOD cops just as guilty as the BAD cops who originally commited the crimes that people who were NOT POLICICE OFFICERS would have gone to prison for!

so,until the 'good' cops stop covering up for,and excusing the 'bad' cops,just because they have a badge,and start holding the bad cops accountable for the crimes that they commit,then i have a hard time considering ANY cop to be a truly 'good' one!

with all due respect shovelhead dave

this is ridiculous.

Ever heard of ex-Chicago Police Sergeant Ronald Watts? crooked cop that framed more than 15 innocent people and now he is prison mind you he got a slap on the wrist 22 months in prison or jail actually

what about the widow of Fox Lake Police Lt. Joe Gliniewicz, after police investigated him and led them to her.

many more cases like that, cops are not getting off as easy as they once were, but are you reporting those cases shovelhead?

Why are they getting paid while on leave? because collective bargaining from the police unions made it possible.

Remember unions are good for the average worker right? or at least that is what the left and Democrats keeps saying

Good cops are coming forward because of the whistle blowing laws, before they couldn't because of fears of retaliation, think Serpico from the NYPD an honest cop turning in his corrupt boys in blue,look what he went through.

i am not claiming that NONE of them have been held accountable for what they have done,if you had actualy read my post,instead of just jumping in and wanting to argue that it isnt true,you would have seen that[as i am sure that you DID see it,but it just wsnt convenient for your argument to include that fact!],but THE MAJRITY of them get off scott free,because the 'good' cops who investigate these crimes are biased in favor of their fellow officers,and choose to sweep these incidents under the rug,instead of prosecuting a fellow police officer for a crime.

just about every week,there is a NEW incident on the news where the cops overstep their right to use deadly/excessive force,and nothing is done about it,because the 'good' cops protect the 'bad' cops,making THEM just as guilty as the ones who actually commit the offense,as they are enabling it to continue.

just cuz you were able to name A FEW incidents where the cops were held accountable doesnt make all of THOSE go away.

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 06/21/18 06:22 AM

sure seems funny that the whole time you are DESPERATELY denying that trump did anything that they can use to enact RICO with,you are blatantly overlooking...

the MULTIPLE fraud charges that the state of new york is now bringing against trump for his fraudulent charity that he has been using to pay his own personal debts out of,which is as open and shut of a case as you could posssibly get,[and EVERY check that was written to pay his own personal debts with is a SERARATE/DIFFERENT charge!!!](and THOSE are STATE charges,that mike pence cant pardon him for!!! lol )
[those charges by themselves count for more than 2 charges!]

this has nothing to do with his campaign, when he was president elect or president
nice try.

the judgement of the courts against his 'trump university',where the judge ruled that trump was guilty of fraud,and ordered him to pay 25 MILLION dollars in restitution to the people he defrauded.
[again...i am sure that every one of the people he defrauded would count as separate charges to be used against him!]

this has nothing to with his campaign or presidency

the admission on national television where he publically admits that he dictated don jrs misleading letter of denial in the russian collusion case,[which proves that he DID know about it!!!!]

Provide proof of this claim, because as I understand it , It was Trump's legal team letter to the Mueller that address it.

all of the OTHER stuff that his feebleminded lawyer,rudy guiliani has admitted on national television that trump knew about/did,and lied about

Your opinion, that doesnt make it fact.

the obstruction of justice charge for firing james comey to try to stop the russina investigation.

not to mention,all of the OTHER obstruction of justice charges that robert mueller is about to prosecute him for when he wraps up his investigation.]
if there was an obstruction of justice he would have been impeached by now.

06/20/2018) [....."Trump's personal attorney is 'willing to give info' about the President".... that news headline just came out TODAY!!!] lol

and Im sure he will get a 7 figure advanced from Random House too, and your point is ?

so, who knows WHAT ELSE they will find after his crooked lawyer/fixer rolls on him to save his own skin from spending the rest of his life in jail.
[and he sure has A LOT of dirt to spread!!!] lol

Again that is your opinion, these are not facts.

ANY of those things qualify to charge him under RICO,as they establish an obvious pattern to his lack of respect for the law,and a willingness to use his organization to break the law...

sure seems funny that you ignored/neglected to mention any of THOSE things!!!

Now that Ive seen your evidence, I will say based on what you've posted, the Chances of Trump being indicted as as likely as Hillary Clinton being the next attorney general for Trump.

why is that??

is it just sloppy research??

political bias?

or is your ommission of them because that you cant rationalize them in a way that doesnt REALLY make you look like you are DESPERATELY grasping at straws??
remember...i TOLD YOU to show your work!!!
cuz,i have absolutely no problem showing MINE!! lol

BUT,now that I have brought them up...why dont you try to explain how ALL THOSE things dont incriminate him enough for the D.O.J. to enact the RICO act?
and,remember...please show your work!

you've just posted your bias Dave, nothing here is new, you obviously got this from some whacked out left wing Anti Trump site.

My conclusion is Can Trump be indicted? yes he can, there is precedent, Nixon was about to be impeached and removed and Clinton was about to be impeached and he signed an "information" avoiding the grand jury.

Will Trump be impeached? the more Ive read the answer is NO.
Most of us figured out Mueller strategy they want to indict him, embarrass him , try and find him guilty so they can remove him but instead force him to resign.

a pretty sh_tty strategy which will back fire.

mark my words

"My conclusion is Can Trump be indicted? yes he can, there is precedent,"

there you go!!!
you just admitted that you agree with the point that i made,so TECHNICALLY,i am right!

no matter how much you wish that it WOULDNT happen,if the D.O.J. decided to pursue it under RICO,it COULD happen!!!

all the rest of your desperate denials are nothing more than YOUR OWN political bias showing itself!!


shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 06/20/18 07:47 PM
i am rewatching [BINGE WATCHING!!!!!!] Sons of Anarchy again on DVD...

i am so deep into them right now that i am having a VERY hard time trying to get anything else accomplished!!! lol

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 06/20/18 04:23 PM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Wed 06/20/18 05:02 PM
sure seems funny that the whole time you are DESPERATELY denying that trump did anything that they can use to enact RICO with,you are blatantly overlooking...

the MULTIPLE fraud charges that the state of new york is now bringing against trump for his fraudulent charity that he has been using to pay his own personal debts out of,which is as open and shut of a case as you could posssibly get,[and EVERY check that was written to pay his own personal debts with is a SERARATE/DIFFERENT charge!!!](and THOSE are STATE charges,that mike pence cant pardon him for!!! lol )
[those charges by themselves count for more than 2 charges!]

the judgement of the courts against his 'trump university',where the judge ruled that trump was guilty of fraud,and ordered him to pay 25 MILLION dollars in restitution to the people he defrauded.
[again...i am sure that every one of the people he defrauded would count as separate charges to be used against him!]

the admission on national television where he publically admits that he dictated don jrs misleading letter of denial in the russian collusion case,[which proves that he DID know about it!!!!]

all of the OTHER stuff that his feebleminded lawyer,rudy guiliani has admitted on national television that trump knew about/did,and lied about

the obstruction of justice charge for firing james comey to try to stop the russina investigation.

[not to mention,all of the OTHER obstruction of justice charges that robert mueller is about to prosecute him for when he wraps up his investigation.]

[06/20/2018) [....."Trump's personal attorney is 'willing to give info' about the President".... that news headline just came out TODAY!!!] lol

so, who knows WHAT ELSE they will find after his crooked lawyer/fixer rolls on him to save his own skin from spending the rest of his life in jail.
[and he sure has A LOT of dirt to spread!!!] lol

ANY of those things qualify to charge him under RICO,as they establish an obvious pattern to his lack of respect for the law,and a willingness to use his organization to break the law...

sure seems funny that you ignored/neglected to mention any of THOSE things!!!

why is that??

is it just sloppy research??

political bias?

or is your ommission of them because that you cant rationalize them in a way that doesnt REALLY make you look like you are DESPERATELY grasping at straws??
[remember...i TOLD YOU to show your work!!!]
[cuz,i have absolutely no problem showing MINE!!] lol

BUT,now that I have brought them up...why dont you try to explain how ALL THOSE things dont incriminate him enough for the D.O.J. to enact the RICO act?
[and,remember...please show your work!]

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 06/20/18 11:44 AM

i absolutely LOVE the utter desperation that you are showing with your chain of denials that you just posted!!!

especially about the stuff that you have absolutely no idea exactly WHAT evidence against trump robert mueller has gotten from his investigation,and the witnesses that have already pleaded guilty,and the evidence that his crooked lawyer might give him to keep from spending most of the rest of his life in prison.

but,keep telling yourself what ever you need to to make it through the day,cuz RICO is absolutely a possibility if the D.O.J. decides to pursue it,cuz just the evidence against trump's organization that they have talked about on the news would be enough to justify a RICO case!!

why dont you tell us what we dont know then? what exactly do you know that we dont know?

Ive said this earlier Anyone can be charged under RICO statue today, getting a conviction is another matter.

i already HAVE told you what they have done that would make the trump organization eligible to be prosecuted under RICO...
[like fraud,obstruction of justice,collusion,fraud,and even more fraud!]

its not my fault that you are desperately biased,and not objective enough to read it,or accept it.

but,why dont YOU do an intense study of the FACTS,and everything that the trump organization has ever been accused of,list ALL of the things that make a organization eligible to be prosecuted under the RICO act,and then explain to everybody WHY you think that these things DONT make the trump organization eligible to be prosecuted under the RICO act,and i will tell you if you are right,or just desperately grasping at straws because you are biased.

show your work!!
cuz,opinions dont count in a court of law,unless you are a judge,or on the jury!!]

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 06/20/18 11:33 AM

I'm all for the Officer getting the full force of the law on him and taken down... As far as I'm concerned any one that would Abuse a child specially rape should have their dingle berries cut off..

But what I have a problem with is you putting all Police Officers in this group.. This is about this one officer not the whole department... and what he did...

Myself I do not know one person that a cop stopped them for nothing and Abused their Powers.. Nor do I know anyone that has had a Officer Abuse the Power they have.

The way I understand they do go through extensive training and mental evaluation...

Not saying it does not happen for it ever walk of life... We need stiffer laws on Child Abuse/Rape Period..

i am not trying to claim that all police officers are as bad as this one that the OP made this thread about,but,since everybody has a camera with them at all times nowadays,and now there has been so much photographic evidence of police using unneccessary force,and commiting so many unjustified killings of people,and,even though there is so much evidence to prove that the police officers did these things,but in just about EVERY SINGLE CASE the police officers have been found to be NOT guilty by their own fellow police officers for these crimes,and not had to pay ANY penalty whatsoever for them,except for maybe time off WITH PAY while the investigations are going on,it doesnt really matter how many GOOd cops there are out there,cuz when the GOOD cops keep covering up for,and excusing the BAD ones who ARE bad,then i feel that that makes the GOOD cops just as guilty as the BAD cops who originally commited the crimes that people who were NOT POLICICE OFFICERS would have gone to prison for!

so,until the 'good' cops stop covering up for,and excusing the 'bad' cops,just because they have a badge,and start holding the bad cops accountable for the crimes that they commit,then i have a hard time considering ANY cop to be a truly 'good' one!

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 06/20/18 11:20 AM

I'm not seeing this happening.

The thing is, you can't use RICO to go after organizations just because members commit crimes. You have to show that the PURPOSE of the organization is criminal, or that it is inherent to the what the organization does, that crimes be committed. Now I know it's fun to pretend that the particular political group you dislike the most is inherently dedicated to destroying the country, but we all know that that's balderdash.

Otherwise, any time someone in a large company did something illegal, the entire company could be taken down and jailed.

The mess with Trump and his people, so far as I can see with what's been revealed, is that they collectively or individually are trying to do various LEGAL things, but are entirely callous about whether or not they obey the laws of the land while they are doing it. That wont qualify for RICO prosecution.

it will if they can prove that trump ordered to be done,,or knew about some of these things that were done by his organization for his own personal benefit,and it seems like at least SOME of the things that his organization [such as his his 'charitable organization' which has now officially been charged by the state of new york for multiple cases of fraud,or his fraudulent 'trump university',which the courts have already ruled was fraudulent ] have being accused of doing WOULD fall into that category,not to mention the things that his campaign has been accused of doing,such as collusion,and obstruction of justice.

cuz THOSE things WOULD qualify as an organized system to commit offenses that fall under some of the 35 requirement that they only need to prove 2 of to enact RICO.

not to mention whatever his associates who have already pleaded guilty to crimes,and crooked lawyer gives the prosecution to save their own skin.

WHO KNOWS what dirt THOSE PEOPLE are going to/have already given to mueller?!?!?!
but,you can be guaranteed that they DID/WILL give them something,or they wouldnt have gotten such light sentences when they pleaded guilty!!
[cuz THAT is how the game is played!!!]

They weren't exactly given light sentences and if they seem light it's because the charge is weak.

i absolutely LOVE the utter desperation that you are showing with your chain of denials that you just posted!!!

especially about the stuff that you have absolutely no idea exactly WHAT evidence against trump robert mueller has gotten from his investigation,and the witnesses that have already pleaded guilty,and the evidence that his crooked lawyer might give him to keep from spending most of the rest of his life in prison.

but,keep telling yourself what ever you need to to make it through the day,cuz RICO is absolutely a possibility if the D.O.J. decides to pursue it,cuz just the evidence against trump's organization that they have talked about on the news would be enough to justify a RICO case!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 06/19/18 08:43 PM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Tue 06/19/18 08:56 PM

I'm not seeing this happening.

The thing is, you can't use RICO to go after organizations just because members commit crimes. You have to show that the PURPOSE of the organization is criminal, or that it is inherent to the what the organization does, that crimes be committed. Now I know it's fun to pretend that the particular political group you dislike the most is inherently dedicated to destroying the country, but we all know that that's balderdash.

Otherwise, any time someone in a large company did something illegal, the entire company could be taken down and jailed.

The mess with Trump and his people, so far as I can see with what's been revealed, is that they collectively or individually are trying to do various LEGAL things, but are entirely callous about whether or not they obey the laws of the land while they are doing it. That wont qualify for RICO prosecution.

it will if they can prove that trump ordered to be done,,or knew about some of these things that were done by his organization for his own personal benefit,and it seems like at least SOME of the things that his organization [such as his his 'charitable organization' which has now officially been charged by the state of new york for multiple cases of fraud,or his fraudulent 'trump university',which the courts have already ruled was fraudulent ] have being accused of doing WOULD fall into that category,not to mention the things that his campaign has been accused of doing,such as collusion,and obstruction of justice.

cuz THOSE things WOULD qualify as an organized system to commit offenses that fall under some of the 35 requirement that they only need to prove 2 of to enact RICO.

not to mention whatever his associates who have already pleaded guilty to crimes,and crooked lawyer gives the prosecution to save their own skin.

WHO KNOWS what dirt THOSE PEOPLE are going to/have already given to mueller?!?!?!
but,you can be guaranteed that they DID/WILL give them something,or they wouldnt have gotten such light sentences when they pleaded guilty!!
[cuz THAT is how the game is played!!!]

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 06/19/18 03:30 PM
I know that you believe that you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.


shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 06/19/18 03:29 PM
i wear mine to cover up scars.

[plus,it helps catch bugs for dinner when i ride!!]


shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 06/19/18 03:25 PM
i am still doing research into this....

i will check back and let y'all know if i ever find out!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 06/19/18 02:46 PM
the bottom line is that key members of the trump organization have been either indicted,and/or pleaded guilty to more than 2 of the crimes that need to be proven in order for the RICO act to be enforced,such as fraud,obstruction of justice,witness tampering,and money laundering,so it is definitely an option for the prosecution,which could GREATLY expand the scope of their investigation,as well as the punishments that they would then be allowed to sentence the defendants to,if they were found guilty.

and,trump COULD be criminally charged in this case,after he was impeached,and SOME of these crimes,like the ones that his 'charitable foundation' is now being charged with by the state of new york are state level crimes,not federal,so it would also take the option of a pardon by mike pence off of the table,too,since he could only pardon trump for the federal crimes that he has commited.

food for thought,isnt it?

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 06/19/18 11:55 AM
she came to me one night...

explored my body...

she licked,sucked,and swallowed...

when she was satisfied,she left...

i was hurt!!!

damn mosquito!!! mad

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 06/19/18 11:52 AM
being successful as a good person is only 10% what happens to you,and 90% how you handle it.

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 06/19/18 09:42 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Tue 06/19/18 09:45 AM

Only a quarter of U.S. adults in a recent survey could fully identify factual statements - as opposed to opinion - in news stories, the Pew Research Center found in a study released on Monday.

The survey comes amid growing concerns about so-called fake news spread on the internet and social media. The term generally refers to fabricated news that has no basis in fact but is presented as being factually accurate.

Facebook Inc , Alphabet Inc's Google and other tech companies have recently come under scrutiny for failing to promptly tackle the problem of fake news as more Americans consume news on social media platforms.

The main portion of Pew's survey polled 5,035 adult Americans aged 18 and above in February and March. The study was intended to determine if respondents could differentiate between factual information and opinion statements in news stories.

Participants were given five factual statements such as "spending on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid make up the largest portion of the U.S. federal budget," and five opinion statements such as "democracy is the greatest form of government." They were asked to identify which ones were factual and which were opinions.

Only 26 percent were able to correctly identify all five factual statements. On opinions, about 35 percent were able to correctly identify all five statements. Roughly a quarter got most or all wrong in identifying facts and opinions, the research showed.

The study found that participants' ability to classify statements as factual or opinion varied widely based on their political awareness, trust in the news media, and "digital savviness" or degree to which they are confident in using digital devices and the internet.

"There is a striking difference in certain Americans in distinguishing what are factual statements and what are not and that depends on one's level of digital savviness, political savviness," Amy Mitchell, director of journalism research at Pew Research Center, said in an interview.

The study also found that when Americans call a statement "factual" they overwhelmingly also think it is accurate. They tend to disagree with factual statements they incorrectly label as opinions, Pew said.

The research showed Republicans and Democrats were also more likely to think news statements are factual when the statements appeal to their side, even if the statements were opinions.

Whats the difference?
A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false. An opinion is an expression of a person's feelings that cannot be proven.

this is how the partisian entities that pass themselves off as 'news' organizations,such as fox news,rush limbaugh,and alex jones/infowars get away with spreading their lies,without being held accountable for commiting libel...

by cleverly misrepresenting their opinions as facts through careful wording,and letting people who dont know any better just assume that these stories,and opinions are actually facts to further their own political agendas.
[things like THIS are why you had the guy with the assault rifle shooting up the pizza joint in washington d.c.,because of the fake story that they passed off a a 'fact, that hillary clinton was running a child sex trafficing ring out of it!]

the people who fall for this sort of thing simply WISH that it was true,so they dont bother to try to fact check anything,and then spread these partisian lies as facts,which is what the people who started these stories WANT them to do,because it gives them more credibility,and furthers their own political agandas.

this is sort of like something called 'the liberty valence effect'...
which goes something like..."when the LIE seems like a better story then the FACTS,print the lie!"

and,the people who these organizations are taking advantage of,dont even realize how badly they are being played for fools,and will defend the story,and the people who are lying to them for everything they are worth,even after they realize that it isnt true,because they have already become so invested in the lie.

eventually,there will have to be some sort of legislation passed to stop this sort of behavior,because of the great risk it poses to our country,and our government.
it now currently falls under the first ammendment protection of free speech,which is how they are getting away with it,but just like the case where people yelling 'FIRE' in a crowded theater was made to be illegal because of the great risk it poses to people, this practice will also have to be made illegal,due to the great harm that THIS sort of 'free speech' is causing to our country,and our government.

there USED TO BE something called 'THE FAIRNESS DOCTRINE',that made it so that all media sources had to give equal time to the ohter side of any argument that the media source was making,but ronald reagan/the republicans had that law repealed,which gave birth to these partisian 'news' sources like FOXnews that only unfairly reported,and spread ONE side of the facts.

and,NOW,we have come to THIS point in our history!

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 06/19/18 09:17 AM


what are you basing your answer on....

is it actually because of the facts?

or is it simply an emotional response,just because you are a trump supporter,and dont want him to be prosecuted for what he has done under the RICO act because you feel it diminshes your opinions?

cuz,according to the facts,technically this DOES meet the requirements.

or,are you trying to claim that the 17 people in the trump organization who have already been indicted,AND the 5 who have already pleaded guilty to the charges that qualifies this as a racketeering case are innocent?

please share your thoughts with us,and how you arrived at your opinion.

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