Community > Posts By > VonSchulten

VonSchulten's photo
Fri 10/12/18 06:12 PM

I love people that are respectful and kind to one another..color doesn’t affect my choice of wether I like a person..flowerforyou

Lovely post.. thank you..biggrin

VonSchulten's photo
Fri 10/12/18 06:07 PM

And you clearly remember the hate you were taught at home by your parents and grandparents. Blacks have the same rights as whites. They continue to fail as members of society. They commit the most crimes, have the most illegitimate kids, and have the highest poverty rate. We've had a black president which shows they have the same opportunities as whites. It's time to stop playing the black card they've been taught by generations who lived on welfare and blamed society for their failures.

where have I espoused hate? what makes you assume I was taught to hate anyone or anything? IN fact, the word hate was not allowed in our home, so you may not want to make assumptions that are uninformed. This is not a thread about civil rights or black people. Me thinks it stays on your mind far too much.

This thread, just as a reminder, is about assassination.

This thread isn't about Obama either. The violence under him wss against police and business owners. You brought up lynchings that have nothing to do with what's happening today except for the hate people were taught at home.

Trump is restoring the ability to work hard and be rewarded for it. Tax cuts are clearly creating a better economy. JOBS are plentiful, even for inexperienced people. Democrats are still stuck on welfare for all Champaigns and people who refuse to work are saying corporations are stealing their money. Democrats lively hood is being threatened and they are turning violent. It's dangerous for the ones trying to move them off a check and into a job but it must be done.

you are correct. It is relevant as a response to someone espousing the 'looney left' with assassination attempts, in the fact that there were assassination threats against a democratic POTUS. My family and blacks still had no RELEVANCE to the discussion.

lynchings were relevant as well to point out the silliness of trying to assign 'violence' to a particular party or philosophy.

Nothing is much different under Trump than any other, but the spin always goes to the person being supported by their supporter., words like 'restoring' 'better' , 'refuse', are all emotionally biased descriptions that are entirely subjective and not easy to back up with fact.

Democrats are not 'turning' violent anymore than republicans are. they have both ALWAYS had violent among them. That is the fact of the matter. The world is not revolving around either people who are stuck on welfare, or people who are obsessed over the idea of welfare for others. There are MANY other things that motivate people during these or any other times, contrary to popular belief.

How many Republican supporters were arrested the past couple of weeks? Welfare and open borders is the campaign of democrats. I agree they need to come up with something new. Even members of their own party say it's not going to get the elected. I don't think they are obsessed. I just think they have nothing else since Trump is making so much progress in all areas.

I dont know. How about some who are threatening Professor Ford? lol. It will never be as one sided as the finger pointers love to portray it.

Welfare is only an issue to those who are obsessed with it, Democrats run on MANY things, but those who are so panties in a bunch over welfare seem to obsess on just that ONE issue. I think THEY are the ones who need something new.

Other than abolish ice, what issues are democrats campaigning on besides welfare? I've heard members of their own party say it. I'll wait. :sleeping:

party's dont 'say', people do.

But people from both parties run on many different issues, like healthcare, education, economy, security, global relations, domestic relations, et cetera.

Are they going to give another county nuclear technology? Several million $$? What is their plan on better education? I'm sick of filling out forms every year asking me if my child can speak English. They want to abolish ice and give welfare to illegals. This has been dumbing down our future generations for years. The focus is on getting the bottom feeders to speak English instead of helping American kids thrive in technology and business. What are they doing to improve domestic relations? Another smear campaign on the horizon? Healthcare? Oh yeah, welfare for all. Security? Abolish ICE. Economy? Do nothing to end the trade deficits. Just more welfare for all.


just as Members of the republican party 'admit' they better get focused on issues instead of inciting division and bigotry.

It falls under everyone having an opinion, never has changed, and its not divided by a party line or a political philosophy. Everyone can look in the mirror and make some improvements.

What issues is the Republican party not taking on? Trump isn't afraid of taking crap for doing what he knows is right. He said pretend he is on the ballot in the midterm to keep Democrats from block him every chance they get. After the smear campaign that we just saw, republicans are fired up. I checked my voter statue before it was too late to register. Did democrats? Because if they were focused on issues, they would have done the same. Are democrats really in favor of abolishing ICE? It doesn't seem like it. Do they really want illegals getting welfare from a system they haven't paid into? We will see in November.

Purging voter registry was on the news in plenty of time for anyone who wanted to vote to reregister. Democrats are already gathering their excuse for losing. Anybody that doesn't have an id needs get one today.

Been reading your posts all through this topic... Ahem...?
Are you for real?

VonSchulten's photo
Fri 10/12/18 05:45 PM

I have nothing really against black people as long as they behave normal, as in not as if they are superior or demand by their behaviour they be treated as superior. I hate that friggin' chit.

I also don't see why this should be on black people. It's always as if they're special. They're not.
Apart from Caucasians there's a whole lot of different races. Why do you have to highlight black people?
That's what I don't like, they're always made out to be special while they're not. There's also Native Americans in the US you know, and no, Native Americans are not white people.
Yet, no one ever comes up with a similar topic on Native Americans, or Mongols or Maori.
Maybe we'd get somewhere if this BS of highlighting white vs. black stops, and you are doing the exact same thing. You just turn it around. Mankind is not black & white people.
There's Arab, Asian, Maori, Aboriginal, Native American, Innuit and so on.
Black people aren't the only ones who suffered hundreds of years ago. Get over it.

I'm glad you brought it up... Because you're absolutely right.
Every single race on this earth has suffered under the rule of some nutcases.
White man was a slave for thousand of years... Nobody mentions it.
White men was actually stolen from the shores of western Europe by north Africans... And so we can keep on.
The Mongols slaughtered half of Europe. China did the same. Japan slaughtered China...No man in history are to go free of bad behaviour.
But does 2 or 20 wrongsmake a right?...Shouldn't we by now have learned? Yup, but we still haven't... So what's the point of pointing fingers?

oh for ****'s sake , surprise surprise, the guy who starts this thread agrees with this ******** take

Do you have a problem with history... No matter which way it goes?
If you don't know it, don't comment it. I was merely speaking of todays world to begin with.
But if you wanna make a problem out of a non existing one concerning my opinion. Go ahead.
(Guess you already did, eh...Lol.)

VonSchulten's photo
Fri 10/12/18 05:33 PM

Nooo, the thread wasnt, but about 8 seconds into, thats what it boiled down to, verrrrry surprising, and msharmony, i wasnt directing this at you, except fir your defense if it. My response is directed at the 7 PAGES of crap that followed and ESPECIALLY Vons retort of " im so glad you brought that up" racist BS, k


VonSchulten's photo
Fri 10/12/18 05:24 PM

Like "hey , i cant possibly be racist cuz i think Rhianna is hot, buuuuut black people should just get over it cuz they arent the only ones to be persecuted for no legit reason" WTF?! Do you really not know youre racist dude??! GTFO of here with that ignorant SH-T!!

Wow, you seem to be in a splendid mood, eh.... Lol.
Me, a racist?...Haha.
I hope, while writing this you just had a bad day, or an "off-day,"
otherwise I might consider you as being very bad at judging people and their original meaning and opinion..... At least when it comes to me.... Lol.
Read your last few posts, and I have to admit that you're way off target... But please go ahead...biggrin smile2
(Calling me a racist...Hahaha.)

VonSchulten's photo
Sun 09/09/18 03:30 AM
Yep, the man can obviously do no wrong no matter what he does.
Pretty weird.

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 09/08/18 01:55 PM
And that goes for most statistics based, ordered and constructed by the parties trying to spread faulty facts to create hatred.
Especially hatred.
The easiest feeling to whine up people with and put fear in them.
Goes back to our basic stoneage way of thinking.

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 09/08/18 01:36 PM

don't know about that since I don't have weekend off
but I'm happy everyday

Not even a single day off... maybe that's why you're happy every day..:)

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 09/08/18 01:32 PM
Why are we most likely to be happy on fridays?
Is the simple answer because, those of us that have the next two days off is indeed the next two days off?

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 09/08/18 01:11 PM
The trend started by Obama, and the numbers as a trend was the same in 2015-2016.
Nothing to do with Trump himself.
Just a development continuing after a man that took over a totally destroyed world but was able to correct it, and get it back on track.

Taking the credit for the upswing made by another genious is just saad.
But isn't that a typical.... Lol.

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 09/08/18 01:01 PM
Statistics benifit only the ones that ordered them to their own case and benifit. So many things are not being taken into concideration.
They leave out half of the truth and post it out as being the truth.

One suvey was conducted in Denmark about criminal muslims.
When diving deeper into it, it turned out to be based on only people between 16-17 years old in the year of 20015. These numbers was used in 2018 as a fact but had in fact changed a great deal since then.
Not only that... It only dealt with orphan immigrants... in other words, those that entered the country without their parents with a hell of a lot of traumas.
What are those statistics worth in real life other than spread fear among people?

VonSchulten's photo
Sat 09/08/18 12:38 PM

But I really am interested in Denmark. Is the black community committing 75% of the violent crimes in Copenhagen?..the murders. The shootings. Or any other city in Denmark?. For such a small % of the population what is their average on welfare ? How many blacks do you now have in prison for violent crimes against folks from Denmark? What is the % compared to the population
Let's compare " apples to apples"...before we tell America to " just get along already"

Point being. It is easy to do..when you Don't actually walk our streets

Well, a bit late with my answer, here is how it goes.
The only 24/7 news on TV is very narrowminded.
We have been bombarded by politicians the last 15 years of how BAAAD foreigners are on that news station.
In my world it's pretty obvious brainwashing as I aquire my info from reality by KNOWING and interacting with foreigners than the facts provided by the national TV, being the government in power, finding themselves to get more votes being racists, so that's exactly what they spread out.
Funny enough it's them that started to spread it in the first place.
They don't interact with migrants, so they never know how fantastic and intelligent people they actually are.

Well, you asked about Denmark. Here we are not really racists against so called "blacks."
It's more muslims they have a problem with. Even though they contribute as much to society as anybody else. The seed of hatred has been put in the ground, and it grows.
Sweden are in the midle of an election, and the only thing they talk about is throw them out..The arabs that is.
Several hundred of artists in sweden have spoken out against voting for a racist party that might become the biggest in Sweden.
Concerning the percentage of people going to jail.. yes, the foreigners are far more represented than the original population.
Concidering how the western worlds justice system works, is that a fair reflection of reality, as foreigners of colour is far more sought out to be suspects that in many cases didn't even do anything.
Statistics are the most true lie as well.
Being arrested is a statistic in itself... It doesn't say anything about whether they actually commited the crime they were arrested for.

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 09/04/18 11:58 PM
Damn...Am I stalking you now??
It seems that I'm the only one that answered on two occations...Lol.
Ok... I seem like a stalker... I'll stop that, sorry...Hahaha.

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 09/04/18 11:56 PM
an interesting question.
I've been bombarded with the same and the same news, living in Denmark, but never fell for it as all other Danes did...Why? I don't know.
I'm not easily brainwashed, as I have my own, already set opinions which definitely not follow the populism or hatred that people are so easy to catch on to.
Hatred are the easiest emotion to tricker in humans, obviously.
I'm going the opposite way. as soon as something become a mass psychosis,
I per instinct know something is wrong. How and why, I have NO idea, but the I go against it... I can't stand Mass psychosis. Or gang mentality.
I'll rather live in the forest alone than follow a bunch of retards. as well as I can't take people preaching for me, telling what to do, what to see. Telling me what is popular, who is popular.. I will automatically turn away.

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 09/04/18 11:44 PM
Ok, the christian reference are quickly over and done with.
Of course depending at which level the fundamentalism is pursued.

And yes, people do probably fall in love for the sake of love.
That depends of the person.
Is the person able to function alone. Are they used to be alone, if not, I would say that they just need a partner to be around.
In other words, they just want the teddy bear they had when they were babies, so to speak.
They simply can't live alone, be alone.

The patriotism I have no idea about, as I never felt that i belonged to either country or race. I'm a world citizen and will always be so.
I'm not white, coloured, it's not an issue for me. I can't see the importance for thinking like that. It's a waste of time as I know that we are all floating around on this small, small planet in the middle of a vaaast universe. In other words, we are all on the same tiny boat and
when it tips, we all are going to fall off. It actually pretty simple
and logical.
All one have to do is look at world history, and the answer is there.
Simple mathematics, that, obviously most people doesn't understand because they never took the time to read or involve themselves in our world history.

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 09/04/18 11:17 PM

I appreciate it. Im much more pacifist than militant, but Im not embarassed to be associated with the courage the panthers showed.

It was more in the likes of the movie. Not so much the 60's and Malcolm.
But the intelligence and eloquence of your speech and knowledge are

well, we can all continue to learn ... but thank you anyway.drinker

I hope you understood what I meant...It wasn't an attack on you personally. It was merely an observation of both Einstein, rainman, and other geniouses known to man.
Einstein was a genious in physics but not so much in family or in social matters.
Rainman can't put on his own clothes, he needs his father, but can read a book in about 9 secs per page and remember 90%.
He can tell you what day it was in 1236 the fifth of July. He will
tell you it's was a tuesday.
Still he can't make his own breakfast or, as said, put on his own clothes.
We only have the ultimate brain capacity of approx 10-12%.
Just a fact. Within that capacity we can have it either spread out on all intelligences, or have it concentrated on one or two, three, four maybe five, but there will always be something that will lack.
Same thing with all of us... nothing to be embarrassed about.
I'm not.

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 09/04/18 11:00 PM
Yea, there's a huge difference from picture, live chat to real life...huge.

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 09/04/18 10:49 PM

I appreciate it. Im much more pacifist than militant, but Im not embarassed to be associated with the courage the panthers showed.

It was more in the likes of the movie. Not so much the 60's and Malcolm.
But the intelligence and eloquence of your speech and knowledge are

well, we can all continue to learn ... but thank you anyway.drinker

Sure, knowledge are never ending... the only problem is when our 10% that we have available are used to the extend that we can't tie our own shoes or make our own breakfast as any genious have to struggle with as we can't be perfect in all matters...:)

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 09/04/18 10:30 PM

I appreciate it. Im much more pacifist than militant, but Im not embarassed to be associated with the courage the panthers showed.

It was more in the likes of the movie. Not so much the 60's and Malcolm.
But the intelligence and eloquence of your speech and knowledge are

VonSchulten's photo
Tue 09/04/18 10:21 PM
Edited by VonSchulten on Tue 09/04/18 10:22 PM
She's from Cleveland, Ohio.
Flight attendand for United Airlines. Hard working Woman.

You two women...My, my, my....Lol.

Woman have some serious brain.

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