Community > Posts By > Jimi366

Jimi366's photo
Mon 11/06/06 12:35 PM
I sit here and think of you.
I still go back to days of youth,
a time when our love was new
and all that mattered in the
whole wide world was me and you.
The feeling's still there
after all these years. I
still love you.

I still get lost in your eyes.
I love to run my hands thru
your hair. Your smile reminds
me that time has not erased
a thing. Love is still there.
Love is still there.

I watch you dream and I
know the truth, that nothing
could ever get me to
stop loving you. I look
at you now and I can't wait
to see you awake so I
can kiss you.

I still get lost in your eyes.
I love to run my hands thru
your silky hair. Your smile
reminds me that time has
not erased a thing. Love
is still there. Love is
still there.

Sometimes love comes and
goes, that never happened
to us. This love we have
is a love that lasts. I
still feel the same way
about you as the first
time we met. Love
is there. Love is
still there.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 11/06/06 12:23 PM
I like what you wrote. You are so true.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 11/06/06 12:22 PM
I am glad to say my nightmare is over.
I gave up on the phone company and got cable DSL.
The phone company put me off til' December, the
cable company came the next working day.
I will now be able to be back here on a
regular basis again.

Jimi366's photo
Sat 11/04/06 03:38 PM
I like it too!

Jimi366's photo
Sat 11/04/06 03:14 PM
The internet is alot like real life in that you will
run across good people and you will run across assholes.
The difference here tho is that I think you get to know
people better, you get more of a glimpse into a person's
soul. I think that a person's words either betray them
as a phony or shows you how real they are. I am a
"what you see is what you get" kind of guy but there
are people who try to be someone they're not. It all
comes down to trust and taking a chance. Your gut will
tell you whether to trust or not. Love tho is taking
a chance. To love is to risk getting hurt.

Jimi366's photo
Sat 11/04/06 03:01 PM
"Love in vain makes me insane" is just an awesome
line! It deserves it's own quote of the day.

Jimi366's photo
Sat 11/04/06 03:00 PM

Jimi366's photo
Sat 11/04/06 02:59 PM

Jimi366's photo
Sat 11/04/06 02:51 PM
Baby I'm drowning
in the blue of your eyes.
It feels so good.
I am lost in you.
I wouldn't have it
any other way. It
couldn't happen at
a better time. I
am so blessed to
be able to call you mine.

You are the one I searched
my whole life for.
It is you lover that I adore.

Maybe I'm losing it
but I can't take my
eyes off of you.
I don't think I could
ever look away.
I'm feeling things
I never felt before
and it's all because
of you baby.

You are the one I searched
my whole life for.
It is you lover that I adore.

Please baby take my hand.
Let's start this lover's dance.
I would love to dance with
you the whole night long.
To feel you against me
would fulfill my dreams
and fantasies. You are
everything to me!

You are the one I searched
my whole life for.
It is you lover, it is you
that I adore.

Jimi366's photo
Sat 11/04/06 02:38 PM
Baby can't you see
it's your beauty that
sets me free from this
lifeless life that I've been living.
You are all that's real to me.
You're all I need to know.
You're the one that makes my heart beat!

You cast a spell on me
from the first time I looked
in your eyes. You came along
and stripped away my disguise.
You saw me for me and accepted
me as I am. It is because
of you that I now feel like a man.

Honey dripping from your lips
is a sweet sight to see.
When we are one love is
all we really need. Baby
make love with me!

Your caress is what I long
to feel. A touch is all
it takes to reveal that
our hearts are beating as one.

One love!
One love baby!
One love is what we have,
and all we'll ever need.

Jimi366's photo
Sat 11/04/06 02:28 PM
After many broken promises and lies from the phone company
I gave in and am having cable DSL installed Monday.
So next week I will be back up and running.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 11/03/06 03:18 PM
I second JT's emotion.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 11/03/06 01:19 PM
If I were to die
tonight I would
die a happy man
in your arms, swept
up in the knowledge
that we love each other.
Lover, I would declare
before the heavens that
you are my angel. God
himself knows you
hold my heart.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 11/03/06 01:16 PM
I like it! Is that an original quote from you?

Jimi366's photo
Thu 11/02/06 04:16 PM
An ending to fit
the beginning.
All is in confusion
as we search our
souls for meaning
in this world that
at times doesn't
seem to care.

Jimi366's photo
Thu 11/02/06 02:50 PM
There is a Midnight Star out there,
an angel of the night
who poses a challenge.
Take her up on it.
Let the words flow from your soul.
Let your heart be on display for the world to see.
Let that poet in you out of the cage.
In words you can free yourself.

Jimi366's photo
Thu 11/02/06 02:41 PM
My soul is awakened
by you. My hands are
outstretched and ready
to be taken by yours.
Oh soft skin you have,
you feel so silky.
Nothing before the
moment I looked into
your eyes matters anymore.
There is only you and I
in a dance of sweet surrender.
Our lips touch, yours drip with honey.
My heart beats faster and faster
with each second of our kiss.
I feel yours beating too.
I finally know what it
feels like for two hearts
to beat as one.

Jimi366's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:45 AM
I think the mark of the beast is
your credit score.

Is there such a credit score as 666?

Jimi366's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:41 AM
I second the opinion. I hope a way is made
for Arnold to run for President.

Jimi366's photo
Thu 11/02/06 10:52 AM
I looked all over
the whole wide world
for something I needed
so bad, you see.
I wished, I hoped,
I prayed for someone
that I could find
to love and who would
love me. I spent so
many days, I cried so
many tears. I thought
this search would never
end, seemed like it lasted
for years.
Then I opened my eyes....
You were right there in front of me!
All this wasted time
I spent looking and
you were right there in front of me.
Many ships I sailed,
many miles I walked
in foreign lands and
all I needed to do was
look into your loving
eyes and feel the soft skin
of your outreached hands.
Call me a fool if you
will but I now a fool
in love with you.
I wouldn't have it
any other way!
Baby dance with me,
let's make love
under a waterfall.
I want to make up
for each second I missed
you. I want to experience
it all. I want to lose
myself in you.

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