Jazz, blues, classical music
Frank Sinatra is the best. At my age not very many people will agree with me
He possibly does. But people have more fear to vote for a republican. The last president we had was a horrible one and people don't want another one. People vote for republicans for lower taxes. Gay marriage, abortion, marijuana are all the small issues I was previously talking about, those are the issues that will make them less popular. The change thing is corny but in a sense it's right. We are changing and republicans are not.
Push ups and pull ups
Yeah and I'm going to bud/s pretty soon. Lol. I definitely have to be prepared but I'll do more of them or something.
Obama will win the the next election. He did fail to do anything about illegal immigration but that doesn't mean anything. The last election we had was the largest voter turnout in history. People are going to vote for small issues rather than bigger ones. Republicans are not modern enough and do not have the media support to win an election.
Push ups and pull ups
Pull ups are just hard to do. I used to could do over 100 push ups and when i started trying pull ups i could hardly do 5.
Navy seals
Thanks for the advice guys...I'll take that and see what I can do.
Family Guy or American Dad
Least to say, Seth Macfarlane is a great comedian.
Hey peeps, I have a horrible problem deciding which of these movies is the best. Is it Kill Bill or Inglorious Bastards?
Sarah Palin or Joe Biden
Lol...I've never laughed harder in my life. Totally correct.
Sarah Palin or Joe Biden
Who ya like better for president, Biden or Palin? Hint: This is an easy one.
swimming at 7 in the morning
Am I a total psycho for swimming at 7 in the morning? Anybody swim in general? Does anybody think that they can beat Michael Phelps in a race?
Push ups and pull ups
I can do 80 push ups and 10 pull ups. How many can you do?
Navy seals
I'm going to bud/s. Any advice for me?
I'm 19 and I have never been in a relationship. I was wondering from people with experience, where do you start?
Is my profile horrible or do you like it or do you nott care to reply?
Just wondering if there are any attractive girls in this state. Hot or not?
Lazer warfare
Einstein was a genius and invented the nuclear bomb. But now we are in a new day and age. The Pentagon will relese a new lazor rocket technology that has great acuracy and it can destroy a jet into millions of pieces. By 2025, they predict lazors to be included in jets and fighter planes. Is this the new start and change of warfare?
Family Guy or American Dad
Family Guy and American Dad are my favorite shows. Which one would you rather watch?
Jazz, blues, classical music
Anybody like jazz, blues, or classical music out there? I'm 19 and nobody of my age really likes that style.