Community > Posts By > MindfreakMandy
There is no such thing as nothing and there is no such thing as everything.
For example, if I asked you what as on the bare palm of my hand you would say "nothing". That is not the case. There are many particles and atoms on them. We simply cannot see them. If I asked you to imagine what nothingness looks like, you probably just imagine blackness. Or maybe whiteness. That's what I see. That is not nothing. It is also impossible for everything to exist. What does this mean? |
Random things that annoy you
I hate when I'm not the only one in a public bathroom. I can't stand hearing the hand dryer when I'm on the toilet!!! I just want to do my business in peace and quiet!!!
Random things that annoy you
Post all grievances here!
My mom hates when I'm at the mall and I'm carrying multiple bags instead of putting them all in one. It drives me crazy that she wants me to hide them away. I want to carry them individually to know what stores I shopped at, and why not let other people see?! |
Losing weight
Hey, everyone! It's not even about what the scale says. I can see more fat on my body. It's just awful when I put my leg up on my bathroom counter to apply cream. The fat on my sides is just increased... UGH!!! So... I SHOULDN'T eat beans often? And I definitely do not drink two litres of water a day. :P Just regular sized bottles! I actually don't really care for pork. Beef and lamb are my favourite types of meat! I rarely eat lamb, though. I don't go to the gym anymore but I have always done a lot of walking.
Losing weight
Mostly cardio.
Losing weight
I was a member at a gym for one year. As a result of exercising, I automatically drank more water. I cut down on my consumption of sugary beverages. I drink tea often. I eat fruits and/or vegetables daily. I started eating beans. I cut down on my sodium intake by eating rice and other processed foods less often. I did not lost weight. In fact, I gained weight.
A new year is about to start so I'm thinking I'm going to drink at least two bottles of water a day, eat one can of beans per week, and eat at least two fruits or vegetables a day instead of one. I know this won't help but it sucks that I've made the right changes and have not obtained the results I want and deserve. Are there any foods that have helped you lose weight? |
When you buy albums...
Yeah, I usually just buy whichever album is appealing and cheap. :P However, I have made an exception when it comes to RUSH.
When you buy albums...
Do you buy albums from the same band in the order they were released, or do you not care which one you buy?
Liability of staff at bars
That's a good idea.
Liability of staff at bars
A server can personally drive a drunk person home and tuck them into bed but if that drunk person wakes up in the middle of the night and decides to drive and they end up killing somebody, that server is still responsible. Their liability ends only when the drunk person is no longer drunk. It's ridiculous!!!
Liability of staff at bars
Patrons who refuse to follow the rules should be banned from buying alcohol in their Province/State.
Liability of staff at bars
I understand Duty of Care to a certain point. Those fines are ludicrous! I would love it if we were still in an era of prohibition. Alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana (not that I condone smoking it for non-medical purposes), so why is alcohol regulated and sold? The reason alcohol is legal to drink and is socially acceptable is because it is in liquid form and it is normal to drink. We drink water, juice, and other stuff. It is not normal to smoke or snort something up your nose or inject something into your body other than insulin at home or something else at the doctor's office or hospital. Anyways, the world would be a better place without alcohol.
Liability of staff at bars
In my province, workers need a SmartServe certificate in order to serve alcohol. Security guards at licensed venues such a stadiums need to have it, too. Anyway, my friend recently attended the class to get his certificate and he had to watch some videos. He told me that in one of the videos two patrons were being rowdy and weren't complying with the bouncer's order to leave. He grabbed one of their arms pretty gently to get them to leave and it ended to hitting something and because of that he (and the bar) would have been sued and lost his job. WTF?!?!?!
Fifth Estate
Indeed! And special people know they are special. If you need a stranger to tell you you're special and you throw yourself at them, you have issues.
Fifth Estate
I would never do what Markus did, but I don't feel sorry for any of his dumb girlfriends.
The Fifth Estate
I was watching a new episode of the Fifth Estate last night. They talked about 3 stories. One of them was about a guy who some women met on this very website. Did anybody else watch this?
Soap versus body wash
Do you have a preference?
In regards to medication, most people would agree that when somebody acts crazy when they kill, it's not the first time they have been crazy. They have had episodes many times before. So, why didn't they seek help and get medicated earlier? If they did that, innocent people would not be murdered. Once they kill, they don't deserve medication. They chose not to prevent this. They completely disregarded society.
And if I believed my hallucinations, I would want to die. Am I in public and a threat? Go ahead and shoot me, police! I don't want to die that way, but I do not want to live life with a mental illness. |
At least if I suddenly started receiving messages from God/Satan/aliens I would know there was something wrong with me and check myself into CAMH.
I guess that's proof that females aren't the smarter sex. ;)