Community > Posts By > Eoywen

Eoywen's photo
Mon 08/30/10 11:26 PM
Hi my daughter is only 8 months old but she is a determind do it yourself kind of baby, like me I guess, and I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that one day she will leave me and I just want to die. I have opened up several accounts for her to go to school, travel and savings and keep diaries, photos and video logs of her life, I know she will think I am insame so I don't really show them to people, I allow her to visit family and friends without me so i can let her explore the world without me tagging along and when she is gone I miss her so much already. I worked so hard to have this baby and give her the life she has now. She is only 8 Months old and I am worried about it, I don't want to become dominaring. Maybe it will pass...maybe...

Eoywen's photo
Mon 08/30/10 11:19 PM
Hi, in all the parenting training I have been in they say to serve your picky eater whatever new food you wish them to try at least 10 times before giving up. Even if they are just taste testing, keep it up. You migh have a gifted taster on your hands, the next great chef.

Eoywen's photo
Mon 08/30/10 11:14 PM
Obviously you are a very strong woman. Hang in there. I lost my first three and the last one was a D/C at 18 weeks and I had to wait 2 weeks before it could be removed. The pain of carrying around a dead fetus was traumatizing for me to the point that I don't want to get pregnant again. However...I did get pregnant three months after my last loss and now I have an 8 month old baby girl who is my world! But some times when I look at her and my heart fills with adoration, I wonder what love I am missing if my other children had survived. I miss them. Is that odd. I don't know if I want to risk another pregnancy, the pain is still too near. Thank you for posting, I have not spoken of it to any one close to me.

Eoywen's photo
Mon 08/30/10 10:52 PM
Well, I have a custody clause that my ex can only visit my daughter in the home because he is pretty helpless out doors with her can't buckle her in, can't read cues and so forth, it's a safety issue for me. As far as wanting the ex-back...hmmm, if he is serious about the girl then she should meet the mom of the kid and show that if he is not capable of caring for the child out of the home that she can help. But then others issues will arise if the mom in question is still possesive, then she will know her answer.