Community > Posts By > WhiteSox0507

WhiteSox0507's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:51 PM
Go out with me, you'll have more fun than with anyone else :wink: laugh .

WhiteSox0507's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:42 PM
Funny story if anyone wants to read. The girl I had a thing for likes this other guy. Last time this happened, I was a wreck for like 3 weeks. This time, I'm actually happy about it. Chief, in another thread you told some guy he "made a commitment before a commitment" and that's what I did with this girl. That fact that she's the one that "broke" that commitment I felt, I'm a lot happier. It's strange, but oh well, I'm weird, lol.

Chief, I have a question for you. After you open, how do you keep the conversation going? Do you stack openers or do you just go off into your own little world and talk about anything? laugh

WhiteSox0507's photo
Sun 01/13/08 08:36 PM
I'd guess 26-27.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Sun 01/13/08 07:23 PM
Congrats to bellenuit.

Originally I was fine coming to JSH. I've had some great conversations and met some cool people. I was thinking about my life the last few nights though and when JSH crossed my mind, it just didn't feel right to be on here. I feel like I could be doing better things with my time than sitting on the internet. For example, exercising, going out more, focusing more on work and school. I find it kind of funny though that this wasn't a gradual change of heart. It happened in like 3 seconds, lol.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Sun 01/13/08 07:08 PM
Why you signed up for JSH? I didn't sign up on here to find a girl to date. Just to meet some interesting people and have some good conversations. In the last few days, however, I've started to feel like signing up here was wrong and I don't know why. It's just a gut feeling.

But back to the question, has anyone else had 2nd thoughts about joining this site?

WhiteSox0507's photo
Thu 01/10/08 10:47 PM
Baseball game.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Thu 01/10/08 07:30 AM

Unfortunately nobody has any power you don't give them.
Its really equal between men and women, but too many
wuss guys give all their power away. Women want a man.

You should say: Women are in Control- seriously! because that's my reality.

Exactly. I couldn't have said it any better myself. It's a balance. Men shouldn't control women, but they also shouldn't roll over and let the woman control them. When a guy does that, he looks like a wuss and it kills the attraction. It may sound hard, but hey, nobody ever said life was easy.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Wed 01/09/08 09:55 PM

Would you be disappointed in the person above you if he/she were the person below you -in another TPAY thread- that didnt respond in the way you had hoped?

No. It's a persons opinion which they are entitled to have. Besides, I'll probably never see them in person anyway so why should I be disappointed? laugh

WhiteSox0507's photo
Wed 01/09/08 09:37 PM

My fav saying is,
"you look because I'm diff, I laugh because your all the same"

Isn't it "You laugh because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same"?

As to the actual topic of this thread, I really have to stop coming to JSH. A lot of times I think of very truthful, helpful answers, but they can also be inconsiderate so I don't post them :smile: . I say that because I have a comment for this thread, but I'll keep it to myself.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Wed 01/09/08 07:11 PM
"The Game" and "Rules of the Game" by Neil Strauss

WhiteSox0507's photo
Tue 01/08/08 10:34 PM

All the time. Have you ever taken a nap, woke up a few hours later (at like 6-7 PM) and thought it was 6-7 AM instead? Then start getting all worried like you're going to be late to school/work? lol.

i actually did that when i was in high school but i woke up around 1 am looked at the clock my eyes were still blury and i read it as 7 am i got ready hopped in my car and drove down to the school there was no one there lol

laugh laugh I never did that, but when I was in high school there were a number of times where I'd wake up at 7 PM and think it was 7 AM. I'd get worried because I didn't do my homework, shower, change clothes, etc and I was already late, lol. Then I'd realize it was 7 PM and go back to sleep, lol.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Tue 01/08/08 10:27 PM
Edited by WhiteSox0507 on Tue 01/08/08 10:28 PM
Oops, double post

WhiteSox0507's photo
Tue 01/08/08 10:27 PM
Edited by WhiteSox0507 on Tue 01/08/08 10:28 PM
All the time. Have you ever taken a nap, woke up a few hours later (at like 6-7 PM) and thought it was 6-7 AM instead? Then start getting all worried like you're going to be late to school/work? lol.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Tue 01/08/08 10:18 PM
On here, I don't know. On another forum I made it to 100 in 2 days. I can be very opinionated on certain topics.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Tue 01/08/08 11:03 AM
"It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open."

That's not true. Not only have I done it, they proved you can on MythBusters.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Tue 01/08/08 12:08 AM


single people - both you and her - should have their options open

pledging commitment before a commitment is just... 1. foolish and 2. a logical falacy lol

laugh Tell me about it. Been there, done that....not fun.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Sun 01/06/08 08:37 PM


There's a Red Sox fan for ya, lol.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Sun 01/06/08 08:36 PM
I liked it, but I haven't seen it in awhile.

WhiteSox0507's photo
Sun 01/06/08 08:35 PM
I missed everything after Chief Wiggum and Lou ran off to the library to settle their debate. What happened?

WhiteSox0507's photo
Sun 01/06/08 08:29 PM
Hmm...depends on who the republican candidate is. Bill Clinton really had our economy going when he was in office, then Bush ****** it up. Putting Hilary in office is essentially putting Bill back in so I wouldn't be opposed to it. However, I haven't made a decision yet.

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