Community > Posts By > WhiteSox0507
dare u to show it to her and be honest.... tell what her opinion is...ok Just curious... ![]() ![]() ![]() To thine own self be true. You have. End of story. ps ... Nice leather jacket ![]() Thank You ![]() |
I know now who u r talking about....heard about him briefly... not interested in him..thats why I forgot who he is.. well what least u r coming up with some decent explainations for ur profile... I quess what we wrote in the 60' 70' etc...some would have the same opinions... Still say it sucks.... ![]() ![]() Now answer me this..if ur mom read ur profile...would she hit u upside ur head and call u an ass???? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
what ever floats ur boat... ![]() ![]() ![]() Ok I am old...who is Neil Strauss... I'll remember to never listen or do what he says...and I will never referr him to any one under 21.... ![]() Neil Strauss is an author. He wrote The Game and The Rules of the Game. He wrote a part of Mystery's Mystery Method book. He traveled with Motley Crue to write The Dirt. And he helped Jenna Jameson write her book "How To Make Love Like A Porn Star". He was also the World's Greatest Pick-up Artist for 2 years. He stopped that life when he was with his girlfiend Lisa, but she dumped him so recently he started getting back in to the PUA community. 'nuff said. How's that working out for ya? I haven't been into it for that long so I still have some stuff to work on. Thanks for asking though ![]() |
Okay....good looking show a good sense of humor. The about me section pretty much sums up your personality with the first sentence. I would actually stop typing after the selfish prick comment because very few women will read any further than that anyway. ![]() Thank you though. I appreciate your honesty. |
What are you up to?
Thread actually starts to taste good after awhile
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It sucks..... I'd hit my son up side the head and tell him he is an ass..if he wrote that... And trust me no 18 yr old ever has called me an old hag...for my opinions... U can do better than that... ![]() ![]() MAN,WHEVER ITS FROM....ITS DUMM. LADIES LIKE MEN TO BE REAL ABOUT THEMSELVES. YOU MIGHT JUST GET NEGATIVE REPLIES. ![]() Actually, I don't. It works just as well as my old ones did. A few less mutual matches, but that's to be expected, lol. Otherwise, women respond pretty well despite the profile. And, until I posted this thread, nobody's complained about it. |
what ever floats ur boat... ![]() ![]() ![]() Ok I am old...who is Neil Strauss... I'll remember to never listen or do what he says...and I will never referr him to any one under 21.... ![]() Neil Strauss is an author. He wrote The Game and The Rules of the Game. He wrote a part of Mystery's Mystery Method book. He traveled with Motley Crue to write The Dirt. And he helped Jenna Jameson write her book "How To Make Love Like A Porn Star". He was also the World's Greatest Pick-up Artist for 2 years. He stopped that life when he was with his girlfiend Lisa, but she dumped him so recently he started getting back in to the PUA community. |
WELL GUYS...FROM A LADY RESPONSE...I HATE HIS VIEW ON FEMALES. ![]() MAN,YOU MUSTA` BEEN THRU ALOTTA DRAMATIC B.S. WITH THE CHICS TO ASSUME THEY'RE JUST B***** ![]() I USE TO THINK ALL MEN WERE D*** HEADS AND LOSERS! BUT,AFTER AWHILE,I LEARNED THAT MOST OF THEM HAVE FEELINGS AND ARE SWEET. {AND NO,THEY ARE'NT GEEKS} The headline I got from someone in the Relationship Advice part of JSH, lol. Some guy was complaining about how women always put "Looking for a nice guy". Someone else (sorry that I forgot who) said he wondered what women would think if a guy wrote "Tied of all the b****** looking for a keeper" and so, there's how it ended up in mine, lol. |
It sucks..... I'd hit my son up side the head and tell him he is an ass..if he wrote that... And trust me no 18 yr old ever has called me an old hag...for my opinions... U can do better than that... ![]() ![]() |
What are you up to?
I'm sitting here going through different threads on JSH and, ironically, chewing on a piece of thread that I cut from a spool out of a sewing kit because I was bored, lol. How about you?
I'm asking what are your thoughts on my profile. I want your honest thoughts and first impression after reading it.
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Hardy or Orton?
Hopefully Hardy. He should've been the champion before he got fired the first time. He's got so much potential to only be limited to the IC champ and a tag champ. Although I do prefer watching the Hardyz wrestle as a team.
its hard...but sometimes the only way to see the reality of a situation, is by removing yourself from it. if its genuine, he'll do the right thing and build with you- otherwise its a safe bet that he just doesn't want to NOT have anyone. its frightening what we will put up with just to save ourselves from being alone. Being alone is against our natural insticts of survival and replication. Our emotions try to guide us towards those 2 primary goals. Humans are interesting and it's surprising how little we actually know about ourselves. |
sadly this is true, not the making up of the mind part, but the whole emotions part... and i think that being treated the way he treats me, him making me smile whenever we talk, i dont know... something about this just feels right... thats why i was asking everyones opinion, like... is it possible that he wants to move on? and just waited to ask me out till she left in fear of hurting me? thinking of me before himself? or is that just not possible... i mean i understand that some of you have been here before, but is there maybe some way something good could come out of this? the way we used to joke about how if we were dating? talking about a life, a house, or CHILDREN when we werent even a couple? i dont know... some things seem %100, like we were meant to be together... and he agrees... ![]() but okay in this Q im asking, is it possible that he really does wanna move on? I see my best friend as potentially being more than a friend too. And we joke about stuff like that all the time. Twice though, after claiming she had feelings for me, she's ended up falling for a different guy. It sucks being pushed to the side for someone else. Having it happen repeatedly makes you feel like a plan B, but it still doesn't change your feelings towards that person. Like David DeAngelo says "Attraction isn't a choice." You're going to react to this situation the same way until your emotions tell you otherwise. Nobody can give you the answer you're looking for. As hard as it is, you'll have to wait to see how this whole situation plays out. You have to do what you believe is best for yourself. If you want to start a relationship with him and you end up hurt, that's just a part of life. You live, learn, and move on. |
theres another thing... she hadent talked to him seince august untill like two weeks ago, and he told me he loved me long before he talked to her again. and yes, guys are ****heads most of the time... but i know for a fact that he's sick of being ****ed over, and that he knows that i wont do what the others have done to him. as a matter of fact... he's had a worse time with relationships than most chicks i know have, lmao. It sounds like you've already made up your mind. Logically, it doesn't make sense to you, but emotions are more powerful than logic and are often the cause of our actions. |
I tried it for myself, as did one of my friends, and neither of us could do it. I was only able to get down half of it before it coated my throat and I couldn't breathe. Same thing happened to my friend. It's not a pleasant experience, but rather comical if you can convince someone else to do it while you watch, lol.
Here's to Katrina for being the only person I've seen accomplish this feat ![]() |
hmm..ok well if the girl does call first...I think a lot of men get pumped b/c the girl called them first lol like they won a victory. Prob true with women too lol to a point We, as humans, seek validation from everyone. Women get hit on all the time. Rarely do women approach men. Society dictates men are supposed to be the initiator. I don't think guys see it as a victory. It's more of a confidence boost that they did something right after they probably spent the whole time worrying about not doing anything "wrong". |
The woman would have to come to me. Between school, trying to start my own business, etc., I'd have to throw all of my plans out of the window. I'm not going to completely rebuild my life for something that isn't 100% guaranteed going to work.
Allow me to play the devil's advocate. If this was your tactic, how did you know whether or not these girls were interesting? You gained and kept their attention, but what motivated you to do so? In reality, when I'm on, I really enjoy being the center of attention, so I can understand that as a motivation in and of itself. If you're just entertaining, though, and not engaging, how does this technique tie back into making a more intimate contact with somebody? A2 is Female to Male interest. He had their attention and they were interested. A3 is Male to Female interest. If he wants to go further, he has to show her that she's qualified herself enough to get more of his time. It doesn't have to be anything big. A simple "I like you because blah blah blah". Don't say you like her because of her looks though. Compliment her on her personality. |
Chief, I have a question for you. After you open, how do you keep the conversation going? Do you stack openers or do you just go off into your own little world and talk about anything? ![]() You just gave yourself two examples of what normally happens after the opener. 1. stack openers and transition smoothly, or 2. follow the rule of "the best transition is no transition." what do I usually do? I do something different in every set so it's hard to remember my usual pattern if I have one...let's see...looking back to a few nights ago, i was at this party. After opening sets, I started telling stories that were relevant to whatever came up in the situation. The usual question that came up was "how was your break" (it was a frat party at a bar so we were all students from the same school) so I just started telling DHV stories about what I did during winter break, passionately expressing the fun vibe plus how glad i am to be back in this fun city of new orleans (emotions are very contagious so express the positive ones with passion). I had a huge advantage in this field because I knew a lot of people there. In the main 3-set I was in, I would be CONSTANTLY getting social proof from a bunch of girls givin me hugs and kisses and all these chill guys, and I would introduce them. I worked the whole room there. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is to get used to telling fun stories. If you don't already have that down, don't worry about sticking in the DHV spikes yet - just get used to talking about your life (hopefully you have some fun and interesting things about your life haha). Also, take advtantage of backwards and forwards set merging because that gives you the preselection attraction switch. If you go to, I posted an article there called "How to Talk to Women" where I elaborate on the tactic of "multiple threading" and other conversational skills. Check it out if you think you need further help with keeping up conversation. Also, one of the guys who lives on my floor showed up at the party and saw me. He was all like "Hey Chief! Give me a quick pointer from your PUA stuff." And I told him something I learned from Jlaix: guys who talk LOUDER and in greater amount are more successful in-field. When I was in that 3-set, I WOULD NOT SHUT THE F*CK UP but those girls were eating it up, listening intently to every word that came out of my mouth. And it feels damn good when three girls are leaning in toward you, all giving you attention as if you are telling them some kind of underground celebrity gossip. Hell, I was only talking about something my roommate did ![]() Thanks buddy. Reading the books is easy, but it doesn't always give you a full grasp of everything. |