Community > Posts By > goth_girl666

goth_girl666's photo
Sun 03/24/13 10:59 PM
the only time i ever had trouble as a kid was when i made a friend who had a mom and a dad and i was confused as to why she didnt have 2 moms or 2 dads i thought she was weird cause she had a mom and a dad. thats when my parents had to explain how they were different from typical families

goth_girl666's photo
Sat 03/23/13 11:52 PM
I hate the idea of abortion but sadly there is a good chance i could end up having one.

Im epileptic and my anti seizure meds are a necessity. but if i were to try and have kids i would have to quit takeing my meds for the full 9 months but if i started haveing seizures i would have to get an abortion

also if i were to find out i was pregnant while taking meds i would likely have to get an abortion because my meds can cause serious problems like Cleft palate
Hypoplastic right heart ( a condition that results in an underdeveloped right side of the heart)
Hand malformations
Dysplastic (abnormally developed) ribs
Hypospadia (a condition in male babies that causes the opening of the urethra to occur in the wrong place)
Spina Bifida (a condition that results in the spinal column failing to completely enclose the spinal cord.
or miscarriage

goth_girl666's photo
Sat 03/23/13 11:52 PM
I hate the idea of abortion but sadly there is a good chance i could end up having one.

Im epileptic and my anti seizure meds are a necessity. but if i were to try and have kids i would have to quit takeing my meds for the full 9 months but if i started haveing seizures i would have to get an abortion

also if i were to find out i was pregnant while taking meds i would likely have to get an abortion because my meds can cause serious problems like Cleft palate
Hypoplastic right heart ( a condition that results in an underdeveloped right side of the heart)
Hand malformations
Dysplastic (abnormally developed) ribs
Hypospadia (a condition in male babies that causes the opening of the urethra to occur in the wrong place)
Spina Bifida (a condition that results in the spinal column failing to completely enclose the spinal cord.
or miscarriage

goth_girl666's photo
Sat 03/23/13 12:40 PM
im the daughter of a lesbian couple and am happier than most kids from a normal family because my parents went to a sperm bank i was planed i wasn't an accident.
i know some people my age that were told by there parents that they were the accident that ruined their lives.

goth_girl666's photo
Sat 03/23/13 12:40 PM
im the daughter of a lesbian couple and am happier than most kids from a normal family because my parents went to a sperm bank i was planed i wasn't an accident.
i know some people my age that were told by there parents that they were the accident that ruined their lives.

goth_girl666's photo
Wed 02/27/13 07:46 PM
um one guy that ive been talking to for about a week keeps asking me to marry him and say he will come to my country to marry me. um yea no.

goth_girl666's photo
Mon 02/18/13 09:45 PM
lol i did the same thing to my mom when i was little. i ended up with a black glittery drumset

goth_girl666's photo
Wed 02/13/13 10:27 PM
my mom knows that i spend more time than i should have to watching my neice and she thanks me every time i watch her cause she knows shes safe when i watch her she has the kid about as much as i do she watches her while im at school thursdays and fridays and then when i get home she goes to work till ten pm then when she gets home and i got to bed so i can get up for school the next day then saturdays and sundays she watches the kid while i do homework then she goes to work. my mom wants to file for custody for the kid but shes afraid the second she trys to my brother and his wife will take my niece to texas. and it was originally only supposed to be on day a week but they would drop her off snd then call and say they wouldnt be able to get her till saturday or sunday

goth_girl666's photo
Wed 02/13/13 05:54 PM
kids really do love music ill spend hours with my 2 year old niece where she just wants to play piano or guitar or she will tell me what she wants to listen to right now she likes metalica lady gaga and otherwise

goth_girl666's photo
Wed 02/13/13 05:47 PM
im afraid if i call child protection ill never see her again though

goth_girl666's photo
Tue 02/12/13 09:07 PM
it has become some what of a burden because im no longer able to spend time with friends or do extra activitys but if i dont take care of her she will get hurt. when shes with her parrents bad things happen she shaved her face frll down stairs got ahold of pills and a knife

goth_girl666's photo
Mon 02/11/13 11:15 PM
he was in iraq the first year of her life and once he came back the mother got to jobs and started goin drinkin every night and he started goin to school full time and they both said they just couldnt handle her .
so they basicly left me to raise her when im not at school im watching her

goth_girl666's photo
Mon 02/11/13 10:59 PM
so im 18 and a senior in highschool ive been takeing care of my niece for almost a year now. my brother drops his daughter off at my house every thursday afternoon at 2 pm and picks her up sunday evening after seven pm. i watch her so she dosent have to be in daycare where she was constantly geting sick and being bitten by other kids he was leaveing her there 10 hours a day
over the weekend i notice that my niece had 12 bite marks on her arms so i called my brother and asked if shed gone back to daycare he told me he took her there to socialize on monday tuesday and wensday all of his days off.

so how do i make him see what a beautiful little girl he has i was the one who was there to see her first steps hear her first words potty train her he wasnt there
ive been giving up all of my senior year of high school to raise a child that isnt mine what can i do to make that beautiful little girls life better

goth_girl666's photo
Mon 02/11/13 10:26 PM
I dont know how the donors feel not knowing but i can tell you what its like from the childs prospective theres always that thought of every adult guy you see you automaticly think is that my dad, could that be him . and you allways worry that you have siblings and that you go out with a guy and he will turn out to be ur half brother.

the fact that any couple would try and sue him for child support if he is a legitimate donor is just wrong. there is a possibility they set it up as a scam from the start