Community > Posts By > redwulfe

redwulfe's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:03 PM
cool, they wont know what hit em. Well maybe they would theirs only 6 of us. :smile:

So are you originally for Michigan?

redwulfe's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:53 PM
Thanks you seem very nice also. Well if your ever in the champaign area I will have to invite you to my weekly game so you can show the others what's up. Yep bringing in the outside muscle. :smile:

redwulfe's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:48 PM
Sounds like I would be taken for everything I was worth, but black jack on the other hand is my game. I only lose half my money in that one. :smile:

redwulfe's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:36 PM
I usually have a strong will the only reason Warcrack got to me is because I had allot of friends online that I spoke to often. I left the game because it became most of my life and I wanted more. Poker seems to be less than that though since there is less of a social interaction between competitive players, or at least that is my perception. I do like the strategy aspects of the game though I don't understand the math very well. If your breaking even most of the time you probably have a better grasp on the game. I tend to walk out of each of our local games broke. luckily I only play in one 10 dollar game each month and their are no re-buys. :smile:

redwulfe's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:26 PM
Right, makes sure he still has a wallet. :wink: I guess I can't say nothing I fell for that once, once! :smile: I just play in local games right now but my friends want me to start paling online. Not sure I want to though, since my World of War-crack addiction was tough to break, I think online poker will be far worse for me.

redwulfe's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:20 PM
Yea, that's why I keep on trying sooner or later it will happen. Until then I'm having as much fun as I legally can.

Texas Hold'em? Which site do you use?


redwulfe's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:08 PM
Long time no talk, I just got back on the boards. I spent a small time period try to make a relationship work. Unfortunately I am a Sad Panda.:cry: But that's life. I am not trying to let it get me down. So, what's up with everyone else now-a-days?


redwulfe's photo
Sun 10/07/07 06:08 PM
Reading is highly overrated. noway

redwulfe's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:17 PM
Things are going well. I don't have a SO, date didn't go well and my ex has started trying to actively f*(& with my life, but I can't complain. I am actually content and things are going well. drinker

It is funny as I read your post someone walked up to me and asked "Hey Tim, how are ya anyway?" I thought for a second my inner monologue came to life. :smile:

How are things going with you?

redwulfe's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:12 PM
Corpses? :(

<with a British accent>Not quite dead yet. :)

redwulfe's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:07 PM
I'm looking for my best friend first, my significant other second, and then my partner for life. I want marriage but the person has to fulfill all of the stages above first. It is important to not rush it this time I did that once, and it ended horribly.

redwulfe's photo
Thu 10/04/07 05:25 PM
Because most people don't think of guys like me singing love songs. I guess it is just my self conscious speaking up again. I prefer to sing slow songs and songs that have meaning. But I also like things that have a good beat. :)

redwulfe's photo
Thu 10/04/07 12:07 PM
This is interesting because there is a group of Satanists that believe this very thing. They say that since Armageddon should have happened by now and hasn't then something unexpected must have happened. Since God is absolute good, and Satan was good and the fell from God's graces he is not absolute evil. Absolute good must sooner or later win over non-absolute evil. So if Armageddon has not happened then Satan must have repented, God must have won out and forgiven him and therefore since Satan truly fell from the graces of God only he can save you from your sins. There is supposedly a large amount of these Judeo Satanists in California.

Just something to think about.


redwulfe's photo
Thu 10/04/07 11:57 AM
It may sound silly, but I love to sing "Beth" by Kiss.

redwulfe's photo
Wed 10/03/07 11:30 PM
singing wrote: "I watched the Cubs game...they lost!"

Sorry can't hear that kind of talk, I'm outy. night all. :)

redwulfe's photo
Tue 10/02/07 10:21 PM
Good night.

redwulfe's photo
Tue 10/02/07 10:18 PM
I remember a quote that is often attributed to many but I doubt anyone really knows its true origin. "May you live in interesting times." Some say it is a curse others a blessing. I would rather just sit back and watch it all. But if chaos is what you crave I'm sure you will have it. It's a self full filing prophesy. but I also know what you mean I often feel it gets a little too quite as well.

redwulfe's photo
Tue 10/02/07 10:08 PM
@ Bay: laugh laugh

@ everyone: I would go to any length it takes to feel the love of the person I'm with. That's Why I've been taken advantage off so many times. but you know what I will still go to any length for love, it's what makes me me.

redwulfe's photo
Tue 10/02/07 10:03 PM
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you will get to go again soon.

redwulfe's photo
Tue 10/02/07 10:01 PM
I was a practicing Wiccan for 13 Years. I am Buddhist now and finally feel more at home than I ever have in a long time. This is my path. I wish you all blessings in your journeys. Hopefully it will be a calm ride.
