Community > Posts By > tombraider
That's because they don't have JACK..they never have.. ![]() |
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Wed 06/12/19 12:53 AM
Check out the couple who died in Fiji..they passed through LAX on the way..I will go you one even better check out Ebola appears there is an ebola that is undetectable..a person can infect you and they don't even know they have it..also other diseases like Dengue and measles have similar a doctor may misdiagnose you with another illness when in reality you have ebola..and here's another can possibly survive ebola if caught early enough but this one strain of ebola is undetectable with an incubation period of up to a year,,so in essence by the time it may be in the latter stages and the survival rate is almost nil.. I have been telling people about this for months..but anyways here check these two sites out on YOUTUBE Jennifer4truth Florida Maquis These two have been watching this for quite some time..If it isn't the mumps measles Dengue fever and girls and women getting raped it's Ebola..and mark my words ..the PAIN IS COMING..and the MSM is going to do all they can to cover it up until they can't hide it..I give it 6 months..TRUTH is some of us could have it right now..and not even know it.. People need to start waking up to what the Dems are doing to this country..Pelosi signed up for Agenda 21..Agenda 21 has a depopulation plan..we may be witnessing it ..and Obama and Hillary had a 16 year plan to destroy this here comes the UN Migration Pact ..all of this ties in together.. HERE'S the kicker..ALL this Trump hating is meant to get Trump out..because he's the one who is trying to stop it..this is the main reason they want him out..there never was any was just a ploy to get him out so the globalists could continue to destroy the U.S..8 years of Obama and 8 years of Hillary they figured to accomplish the goal..towards a NEW WORLD ORDER ..they never thought she could lose..but she did ..and it messed up their plan..and the DEEP STATE globalist are pissed..Have ya noticed all the suicides of late..suicides?..Note the people with the NYPD that had copies of FRAZZLEDRIP..what's FRAZZLEDRIP...this rabbit hole is not only deep but dark as well..DO THE RESEARCH.. EBOLA IS HERE and they know why aren't they stopping the immigrants from coming telling how many will catch it as they travel with the caravan..and they are distributing illegals all over..which means as far as this Ebola outbreak we are fixing to witness here..there will be many epicenters..MANY Yea that's right..nothing more than fear mongering..Do yourselves a favor and look beyond those 2014/2016 news articles..perhaps something more current would be best.. ![]() |
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Tue 06/11/19 07:56 AM
But as usual here we are the DNC still blathering on incessantly without any PROOF or EVIDENCE..truth is they NEVER had any..they have NOTHING..but by all means watch the masses fall victim to Trump Derangement Syndrome ..over what sitting too close to the telly can do to ya..Sing little mockingbird sing.. WELCOME TO THE MATRIX..follow the rabbit.............Alice LA.. ![]() |
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Mon 06/10/19 05:13 PM
YA GOTTA LOVE IT ..An investigation going on for over 2 years over 40 million dollars pissed away and not only was there NO EVIDENCE..but there's also NO PROOF..But let's remember this isn't about a coup's about Russian Collusion ..And when they find there was NO COLLUSION..well here they are still going after the president..But one must after all keep the country distracted and divided I mean after all how else are we going to slip all these illegals in and not address anything Hillary..SOoo here's what's real folks..Agenda 21 a New World Order and the UN Migration Pact shoved up our arse..whether we opted out or not..But with this grandiose ideological BS comes an added bonus..DISEASE.. Gotta love those open borders eh...I wonder if those who support those open borders and those so called sanctuary cities..realize one thing..that which is coming our way ..will be coming theirs as well..and THE PAIN IS COMING But in some UNimaginable ways ..You all might want to read into that couple from FIJI who died..and while you're at it check this out..and on this I would suggest you DO THE RESEARCH 100's Of ILLEGALS FROM EBOLA RIDDEN CONGO DUMPED IN TEXAS GOTTA LOVE THEM OPEN BORDERS..HERE IT were warned..SERIOUSLY..DO THE RESEARCH GEE I wonder who is going to be supporting all these illegals..I hear Cali is going to give all illegals free health care..I wonder who will be paying for that as well..and to THINK it's TRUMP who is trying to secure the border..not the could merely look at what is happening to Cali and see what they are about SHYT on the streets..economic ruin and diseases infecting our children! ...WWG1 WGA |
And just think how many saw what you posted and didn't respond.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
And what a fine group of democratic hopefuls you all got there.. ![]() |
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Sat 05/04/19 07:48 PM
Here let me crush it all ... ![]() DEAD MEAT ALL!! AG Barr has HAD ENOUGH OF THE CROOKS FINALLY RELEASED THIS TO END EVERYTHING!! OH WOW!! Not to mention that not finding an obstruction charge had NOTHING to do with indicting a sitting president..MUELLER said this 3 times (((BOOOM)))..THE END.. ![]() ODD How the Dems won't go and read the whole UNREDACTED REPORT it's out for them to do so, the only people who have were REPUBLICANS.. ![]() And as far as Trump meeting with Putin ..yea well that's what world leaders do..been doing it for decades..they meet with each other and discuss world issues..of course it depends on what spin the main stream media wishes to brain wash the masses with in order to get them to believe there is something wrong with it... ![]() HERE COMES THE PAIN.. |
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Thu 05/02/19 07:27 PM
Maxine Waters Calls For Bill Barr"s Resignation, Get Embarrassed By Bob Mueller ROD ROSENSTEIN OFFERS GLOWING PRAISE OF BARR AHEAD OF MUELLER REPORT DEMOCRATS PRAISED WILLIAM BARR BEFORE TRUMP NOMINATED HIM DEMS PRAISE MUELLER AS INDEPENDENT COUNSEL what a difference a day soon as the Dems don't get the conclusion they want..they turn ..we should investigate all of them next..starting with Hillary and Obama and work our way down..I think we are.. ![]() As far as what I have said about the border and what's coming over and this what happens in the next six months..time will be my vindicator..GOOD LUCK everyone..Tombs out |
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Thu 05/02/19 06:35 PM
You produce what.. ONE case.. as if it encompasses all and that's just do realize that other diseases crossing the border can kill as well..right?.. ![]() BULLSHYT was all that RUSSIAN COLLUSION and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE ..that people screamed about for months..only to be WRONG.. ![]() ![]() I wonder what UNBIASED sources they used for that... ![]() ..and let me reply with a gentle reminder .. and that your sources the mockingbird media can misinform or keep you uninformed as well..after all they have been doing it for decades while we can toss back and forth biased sources's all just part of the MATRIX charade made to distract and divided while they destroy our country..ENJOY THE SHOW HERE COMES THE PAIN |
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Thu 05/02/19 11:28 AM
| A 675 day investigation nearly 500 witnesses interviewed 19 lawyers employed by the special counsel 40 FBI intelligence analysts 2800 subpoenas 500 search warrants 230 orders for communication records 50 authorized orders for pen registers a tool that let's the FBI know who someone is communicating with 13 evidence requests to foreign governments 50 wiretaps And in the end..NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION NO OBSTRUCTION..SOooo.. WHAT DO YOU GOT!.. DNC members and their BS rhetoric... SERIOUSLY. ![]() There's some fact checkin' for ya.. ..DO THE RESEARCH.. ![]() HERE COMES THE PAIN |
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Thu 05/02/19 09:20 AM
I have plenty of tangible proof and more coming over the border every day..For every crime that is committed by these illegal immigrants our corrupt politicians are responsible..this is no pissing match people this is SERIOUS..Way pass the time to build the WALL,LOCK UP HILLARY AND OBAMA and turn these caravans around before it's too's just a sample: * African Migrants at Texas Border Monitored for EBOLA * HOW DID THEY GET THERE ...AFRICAN MIGRANTS AT THE TEXAS BORDER BEING MONITOTED FOR EBOLA Let me guess ..when people start getting ebola..the news media will say it's NOT the all the rest of the diseases that have been effecting our children..and if that isn't enough OUR tax dollars are sponsoring it.. But ..Barr is working with the new false keep us distracted,diverted,divided and DUPED.. HERE COMES THE PAIN |
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Thu 05/02/19 12:53 AM
And still they continue to divert and distract while dividing the nation with no tangible proof.After all united we stand ..divided we fall as hordes of illegals continue to invade our country unvetted and unchecked by health our children become sickened by the resurgence of diseases..This is not a Democrat vs.Republican issue altho we are all being played as is the so called "elites" against "we the people"... and the sooner we realize this the sooner we can unite against the evil that is dividing the country while attempting to destroy it But as they continue to pull the strings on this puppet show with no tangible proof fed by the propaganda of the main stream media constantly playing the song of the mockingbird as they watch the puppet public choose sides.Just the same old song and dance that has allowed them over the years to oppress and keep us enslaved in this matrix created which only serves the we watch our tax dollars being spent in frivolous investigations and on people who don't belong in our country including those who believe they can rape our women pedophile up on our children or kill us because we have a different belief than they do while choosing not to assimilate with the people of our country.. Maybe some are too concerned with being "politically correct" but in essence we are paying for others coming into our country who will harm not only us but our children as well..while they keep us diverted and divided with petty differences backed by no tangible proof.. Now I'm not saying all who come over the border are bad but there are those that we are not vetting or giving health checks to not to mention others who are sneaking in undetected..but we are or will be paying for it one way or another..and so will our children as many have already ..and if you think for one second that the main stream media will report it..GUESS AGAIN..after all they are too busy spewing propaganda to keep us divided..with no tangible proof..And just a heads up..while some may call it a conspiracy theory..There are sleeper cells in our country waiting to be activated as well..and we are basically leaving the door open for more to enter.. ![]() type in on YOUTUBE Anonymous-How the globalist divide and distract us copy and paste: ..DO THE RESEARCH |
And since I don't trust the main stream media and have to find other sources for the truth and not the leftist fact finders..check this out: THE VIRAL AND DEADLY DISEASES OF LEGAL AND ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ..DO THE RESEARCH.. |
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Wed 05/01/19 05:37 PM
Because it only takes one infectious person to contaminate many others, create an epidemic,so it really doesn't matter if the numbers of illegals have been falling..and let us remember the numbers given are only those we know about or they tell us about..there are many that sneak in undetected..and what they are carrying whether it be drugs,guns or infectious diseases is anyone's guess.. ![]() Immigration,Ethicity and the Pandemic While some back then may have tried to dispel the fears that the resurgence of diseases occurred during times of mass migration one can hardly write them off as coincidence when we are seeing the same happening today.. ![]() |
Wikipedia..what's next Snopes.. ![]() EUROPE'S HIV EPIDEMIC GROWING AT AN ALARMING RATE WHO SAYS And there are lots more to come for all countries allowing illegal unvetted immigrants coming into their countries..BUT by all means continue to listen to the mockingbird leftist media and their fact finders..after all that's exactly what they want you to do..and by the way WHO is the World Health Organization not Wikipedia.. ![]() |
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Wed 05/01/19 05:29 AM
If you can't see the pain than obviously you have closed your eyes to what some of your own countrymen and especially the women are going through.. ![]() Immigrants bringing AIDS epidemic to the UK ..And as for the U.S it appears like so many others who will never get it until these diseases become an epidemic or a pandemic and effect their family by that time it will be too late Six Diseases Return To The U.S As Migration Advocates Celebrate And you see no pain..LOL ...Don't worry will..because it's all of us..remember I tried to warn you.. and if you can't see the pain in just these articles..there are plenty more articles ..and many more to come.. THE UN MIGRATION PACT AGENDA 21 AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER..IT'S HAPPENING FOLKS..and HERE COMES THE PAIN But by all means write it off as conspiracy theories because if nothing else it makes DENIAL that much easier.. ![]() |
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Wed 05/01/19 02:32 AM
| Illegal aliens spreading infectious diseases in the U.S One American News Network April 30.2019 Congress the only hope? The age of disease is upon us and we have but our own countrymen to thank for it..And a lot worse is coming over the border thanks to Obama as well..It's all just a matter of time..the situation is going to get far worse.And the mockingbird media will still continue to spew it's propaganda for the brainwashed masses to bathe in as the bleeding hearts stand at the border holding up signs screaming let them in.. Agenda 21 is upon us the culling of the population has begun as at every turn and every false flag they attempt to take away our guns to make it easier to take away our sovereignty..our country..while they leave the door open to those who will rape and pedophile up on our children in the name of religious freedom..and others who will sicken them and us with the diseases they the main stream media suppresses the truth.. It is time to WAKE UP AMERICA before it is too late. the clock is ticking.. last warning of things to come .. HERE COMES THE PAIN |
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Sun 04/28/19 04:26 PM
The "SICK" I was describing was not that which is of a physical nature but more of a mental state of being..mark my words MK THE PAIN IS far as we are concerned whether it is coming from the ISIS training camps in Central America in Red Dawn fashion or from that which already exist within and just waiting for the increase in numbers is coming.. One only has to see if Hillary had been elected it would have been ALOT worse..they are indeed attempting to destroy the sovereignty of all nations and bring us under a New World Order..a one world government..and unfortunately it will come with a lot of pain ..and pain comes in many forms..whether it's people getting beat up,shot,killed or raped..or whether it's people who loved their country and feel that they have to move now that their neighborhoods are no longer safe..or having their culture destroyed..or whether it's because they lose their jobs due to cheaper labor employed..or the constant struggle to keep up with the higher taxes,gas prices or food prices to support illegal immigration..pain can come in many for the real pain which I am thinking of as far as we are concerned..give it six months to a will expose itself.. When one can see all the extra stress that illegal immigration has brought to these countries and their has to ask themselves ..what exactly is the agenda..and who is behind it..Because if you ask me they should be exposed so that we can bring them the same...ten fold.. ![]() When one can see that the EVIL QUEEN Hillary or her sick pedo husband Billy are not in Gitmo or haven't been executed one can indeed see there is a force that goes beyond governments that allow these evil people to get away with what they do..The PAIN I wish was coming is that which should be dealt to all these traitors in our governments ..but it is highly doubtful we will ever see these evil people brought to justice..such a ![]() |
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Sun 04/28/19 07:39 AM
I agree in a legal immigrant who enters through the port of entry the proper way and vetted and then allowed to stay in the U.S as opposed to an illegal immigrant entering by sneaking in or climbing over or under the wall not being vetted and allowed to stay in as well ..the one following the laws should be allowed to stay and the other should be thrown out ..details do indeed matter..Not to mention those who are seeking asylum because they are being persecuted or escaping violence in "their country"..once they leave "their country" they are no longer under those threats in "their country" and there goes their reason for seeking asylum..once again details do matter.. |