Community > Posts By > tombraider
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Tue 06/18/19 08:01 PM
What's destroyed our immigration situation is whose ever working with the Dems and funding them to come far as Lt Duckworth she would probably still have her legs if it weren't for the Dems and the elitists sending her off to another false narrative far as Trump working with Russia ..where's the proof? A 2 year investigation proves otherwise..remember NO RUSSIAN far as using the email leaks..did Trump have wikileaks steal them..not to mention if she wasn't running her own server she probably wouldn't of had them stolen..and as opposed to Obama and the Hag wire tapping him..and as far as demonizing immigrants it's funny how the dems always forget one word..ILLEGAL as in ILLEGAL immigrants..just like when he says he's a nationalist..they introduce another in white we can see the dems don't seem to recognized this..not surprising when they want to demonize Trump..what lousy wordsmiths they be . .As far as the immigration problem was already broken before he got into we have Whoever it is funding them as they refuse to tell anyone how they got here..of course we could talk about how Obama completely bypassed the border and had millions of UNVETTED muslims flown in and then granted them full amnesty 7 ways Trump is Fixing America's Broken Immigration System Probably wouldn't have so many illegals coming over the border if it wasn't for the democrats..having to buy votes by importing them..simply because their base is walking away.. These look like more of Hillary's whining excuses that don't hold water... SOooo let me get this Russia goes online and were suppose to be opposed to the main stream media basically doing the same thing..and the democrats don't feel like they are being misled..while I do agree that Russia is a foreign entity..but how much worse could their advertisement be then a media who assisted traitors.. ![]() ..WWG1 WGA Besides why would the Russian government want to assist Trump when the Clintons were already bought and paid for..and giving them our uranium..doesn't make sense..not to mention they could throw in Obama and his "flexibility" who is also a traitor..I mean what more could Trump give them..a season pass to Mar A Lago and a new set of golf clubs.. ![]() |
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Tue 06/18/19 06:10 PM
Check out the rally..The MAGA movement will CRUSH the democrats and it's just getting BIGGER every day..waiting in line for hours...NOT A PRAYER..the Dems don't stand a prayer.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 85..LOL # WINNING..again and again ..WWG1 WGA TRUMP..TRUMP..TRUMP...TRUMP..TRUMP...TRUMP.. ![]() |
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Tue 06/18/19 01:55 PM
Illegal Immigration and Trump In my opinion this topic will be an very important issue heading into the 2020 since the Dems have shown their unwillingness to increase border security and change the immigration laws will be like them signing their own death warrant when heading into the 2020 election..PAY ATTENTION to the second video in particular..Has the media told you Ebola isn't airborne..I debunked that in the first few minutes of the second video..Older video but just as relevant today..DO THE RESEARCH.. Trump promising mass deportation of "millions" of Illegal Immigrants The Media lies About Ebola HERE COMES THE PAIN And of course there are many other diseases crossing our border that can do serious damage and kill as well..and here are a list of some of those and the main stream media lies.. So I think the Dems are going to have a hard time winning the 2020 elections considering they have taken a hard line to do NOTHING when it comes to border security..and GOD help us if one of these idiotic democratic candidates miraculously wins.. ![]() TC ev1 ..Tombs out.. |
Space is far too vast for me to say that UFOs or other beings don't exist.. after all we only know so much about the space our galaxy occupies..When we look at the oceans alone that are here we don't know all there is to know about them so how could we conceivably think that we know even more about space and what lies beyond our galaxy.. ![]() |
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Tue 06/18/19 10:19 AM
and I suppose that's why you're here..we were missing that "one"..but not any more.. ![]() ![]() What's this? appears that the MSM has been lying to the Dems again..The MAGA movement is more MASSIVE then the news media will reveal.. ..WWG1 WGA ps..hit and't says I blame ya..I know what you're up against.. ![]() |
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Tue 06/18/19 10:15 AM
I tell half truths and whole is that RUSSIAN COLLUSION"'ve been ranting about for't you also say and you did that Bill Clinton was a real president ..a pedophile and a rapist you consider a real far as Agenda 21 oh yea I know the New Green Deal ..right..I posed a question "who would leave a border open when there is disease and terrorists coming into the country?"..why would they do that ..especially when they know there is ebola mixed up in those caravans..yea that's going to be great for the Are you aware they had the border guards sign NDAs NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTS..Do you think that smuggling UNVETTED muslims into the country after we have been in several wars in the middle east is also a great idea which is what Obama did..When is it a wise decision to turn California into a shitt hole..Doesn't sending pestilence and terrorists over the border especially diseases like ebola! and even send those from the epicenter of the ebola outbreak into other countries..yea that sounds like a wonderful idea ..Why of course these all sound like great ideas when you are suppose to be protecting your citizens..actually quite the contrary SOooo..since you want to believe the MSM.. what were they saying about Russian Collusion.. a 2 year investigation turned into one big fat juicy nothing burger.. but you were they saying when Trump said there were terrorists coming through the border..what did they say about diseases coming over the border..they said it wasn't happening.. ..guess what..THEY would you believe them about Agenda 21?..I suppose that if I told you about the pedophiles and child traffickers we have in our government wouldn't believe that either..oh well..tic toc Given any thought to who is funding this.. ![]() And there are many more coming ..Nothing to see here.. HERE COMES THE PAIN ..WWG1 WGA ps tell people what Agenda 21 if you did..Here's what I will tell people..DO THE RESEARCH..and then discern and validate for themselves.. after all we are only expressing opinions..we merely pluck from the internet articles which support our views.. having fun yet.. ![]() |
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Mon 06/17/19 07:30 PM
And give this a listen as well..A present for all those who want to praise Obama and especially for those who want an open border..remember all those who want an open border..NOT ONLY are you putting the people's lives in danger that don't want open borders ..but as well your own family..and here's the PROOF and another reason why I call Obama a TRAITOR..and there are many reasons why I call him that..SERIOUSLY folks..Give this a listen.. Media blackout of ISIS at the southern border Uh..I remember Trump saying that there were terrorists coming in through the southern border..remember the reaction he got ....are we starting to understand the real reason why they want Trump out..Obama knew about these terrorists coming in..of course he was funding them when they were in the middle east..also he granted FULL amnesty to millions of UNVETTED muslims he helped smuggle into this country as well Still think AGENDA 21 isn't real ..still think the Deep State Globalists aren't trying to destroy this country..Well then here's a simple question WHY LEAVE YOUR BORDERS OPEN WHEN YOU KNOW THERE ARE TERRORISTS AND PESTILENCE COMING INTO YOUR COUNTRY?....starting to get the BIG PICTURE yet?... ![]() ..DO THE RESEARCH ...WWG1 WGA PS..Ebola is real folks I can't stress this enough..for the sake of yourselves and your families..yes even you THE RESEARCH..Tombs ev1 |
Give this a listen..this guy knows what he's talking about.. ![]() |
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Mon 06/17/19 03:30 PM
It's not going to matter how they vote Trump will win.. ![]() After all that has yet to be disclosed comes out before the election let me reiterate this ..they don't stand a prayer.. ![]() ![]() Also what some don't seem to get is I am on's all part of the BIG PICTURE..Trump trying to secure the border..Dems wanting open borders..people coming from ebola riddled countries...Trump trying to secure our nation..all part of the BIG PICTURE.. ..some may find it abstract..but none the less it's relevant and ON TOPIC... ![]() SOoo let me get this after putting TRAITOR OBAMA in office and then not being able to get TRAITOR HILLARY elected..their next hope is another TRAITOR CHINA JOE BIDEN...again consistent. ![]() More links emerge between China and Joe Biden's family WWG1 WGA |
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Mon 06/17/19 02:03 PM
Also give this a listen: On YOUTUBE Record Wave Of African Migrants Reach U.S Mexican Border,Complain Of Bad Conditions Straight to us from the epicenter of EBOLA..where are they getting the money from to travel here...not to mention given money after they get here..who is funding this ..and when will it end..truth is it's not meant to end its all part of AGENDA 21 WWG1 WGA When tested if the symptoms haven't presented themselves then they are set free to eventually infect..Ask yourself why would our government take the chance ..DEPOPULATION? |
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Mon 06/17/19 01:17 PM
You do realize the Democrats don't have a prayer in 2020 ..perhaps you don't which is actually obvious and at times somewhat amusing to those who know this..Do you think that it was an election you witnessed in 2016..I expect like most you do..would it surprise you to know is what you were actually witnessing was a military backed take over of our corrupt government with Trump as the front man.. ![]() Wonder why they are slowly destroying California into somewhat of a third world nation or that the border is being overrun as they keep trying to promote this Green Deal. Most leading members of the DNC GLOBALISTS have a role a designated agenda they will push each one designed to culminate into the destruction of our nation..Obama and Hillary did indeed have a 16 year plan thwarted by Trump and as you have seen me write about this ..try to pry yourself away from the leftists leaning Marxist mockingbird new sources long enough to give this a listen..On YOUTUBE AGENDA 21 by: Loving Life I think as you listen to this you will notice some similarities as to what we are witnessing in out great nation these days..and other countries as well.. ![]() .. WWG1 WGA |
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Sun 06/16/19 05:00 PM
I think I remember the polls of 2016 lol..But of course Trump would want to fire pollsters and Mueller because they are all BS and yea get rid of the liars and leakers .. it's not like he doesn't have legitimate reasons for doing so..unless of course one believes the spin the MSM always seems to use to attack anything he does.. Polls are a can only go by those surveyed..and let's face it they don't survey you can make the numbers say whatever you want them to..and make them reflect the results you want..of course the democratic masses want to believe them because they read unfavorable..but let's face it the DNC is ALL FAKE just like the Steele Dossier.. They can threaten to impeach Trump all they want but I bet they won't because it will never happen.but at least it keeps their TDS base in a fervor but what will they do when they fail at that as well..they won't have anything left to whine and bytch about..perhaps they would merely fade into can only by all means GO FOR IT..because just like the election they will they should either do it..or shut the hell up about it..and quit whining.. ![]() ... WWG1 WGA |
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Sun 06/16/19 03:54 PM
What are they going to impeach Trump on..the only cult is on the democratic side..ripping off hats ,throwing drinks on people..bringing out Antifa who are the fascist telling people where they can walk where they can drive..Mad Maine telling people to push back on people in a store or a gas station for having a difference of opinion..How many people who vote for Obama had that done to them...and he's a TRAITOR..or how about those who just love Hillary who is also a TRAITOR..SOooo where is all that Russian Collusion..on the democratic side..where is the obstruction of justice..again on the democratic side..Who destroyed all those emails democrats who sold uranium to Russia democrats..who is allowing all those unvetted illegals into our country democrats..what kind of crimes and sicknesses have been brought to our country and have gotten our people sick or dead or injured ..who is keeping those borders open and allowing our people to be hurt ...DEMOCRATS..and it's going to get ALOT worse SOooo where do the democrats even begin to think they have a leg to stand on ..truth is they don't..As far as Trump saying that he would take info from a foreign country ..who did that DEMOCRATS and they even paid for it..that's all the Steele Dossier why aren't the demorats up in arms over's because they are hypocrits ..But you see they can't talk about Trump saying he would do that without it being shoved in their face that..that is exactly what Hillary did.. ![]() The only reason they want Trump out is so they can continue stealing from us and destroying this country..Every crime committed by every ILLEGAL the DEMOCRATS allowed in they are responsible for..and the sad part about it is they won't do anything about it until it's one of their daughters that gets raped by an illegal or it's their son or daughter who get' murdered by an illegal..But mark my words "What is coming to us is far worse than what we have already seen" ..tic toc..and I DO THE RESEARCH.. Think about this as a side note..when those people from Africa come from their ebola riddled country they are in a caravan with many others before they get many illegals came into this country last month..over 100,000..tic toc.. HERE GIVE THIS A READ..This is what Trump is trying to stop..why not the DEMOCRATS? ![]() Breaking:EBOLA CONCERNS in Texas after Illegals from Congo Cross Borders I wonder how many they infected along the way as they traveled with the caravan and this disease is VERY CONTAGIOUS..there's your PROOF straight from DHS..and there is a strain of ebola that is UNDETECTABLE..thank you DEMOCRATS.. ![]() WWG1 WGA |
Do you folks honestly think that Trump is president because he won an election?.. ![]() WWG1 WGA.. ps.How do you win a rigged election?.. ![]() |
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Sat 06/15/19 05:48 PM
Don the con as you call him was trying to tell us that terrorists were slipping through our southern border..I remember the media scoffing at this "they're all good people"..well it appears our duly elected president was right..Give this a listen folks..and this is a news source you can particular attention to the 2:12 mark and on ......So remember this folks especially all those who scream "Let'em In..Be sure to thank the DNC..THEY'RE HERE..and here's the proof..This is what Trump is trying to stop..and if we get rid of Trump the flood gates under democratic rule will swing wide open. .Remember This..ISIS IS HERE..and more to come.. ![]() GEE I wonder how many of these terrorists are also living off the tax payers dime..I suppose they have to do something now that they don't have TRAITOR OBAMA supporting them.. and he was..think not..also probably the reason he bypassed congress and granted amnesty to millions of probably an attempt by Obama who is muslim to try to form a caliphate here in the U.S seeing that he is a member of the Muslim will be a numbers game is what they're waiting they place members in key roles in our government Ilhan Omar and attention..the threat is real..DO THE RESEARCH The U.S is being attacked not only from our own government but on other fronts as well..time to wake up and take the RED PILL ... DO THE RESEARCH One American News Network (OAN) Here's What The Media Refused To Report To You This Week WWG1 WGA |
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Sat 06/15/19 01:38 PM
Here we go again..Do the Dems really think that people are this stupid..I mean I know their constituents are Here we go again RUSSIAN Collusion with no real proof..attempt at.. not a do over..but another "loaded" special counsel full of subversives and Trump haters..I'm sure their base will be overjoyed another bunch of nothing to run amok on TDS 2.0.. I wonder when the Dems are gonna red pill themselves and realize they are simply being duped and used..especially when it comes to the many cover ups by the Dems and their blatant hypocrisy ..everything they have accused Trump of..they have done themselves and are merely projecting.. They think they suckered Trump about taking info from foreign nations..or sharing info with other what is this information..where's the proof other than their so called sources..what's the info..Let me's classified..well that's rather convenient don't ya think..not really ..because we have just been through this dog and pony show of NO EVIDENCE before..Such LOW I.Qs..GAME OVER..they can't get a do over so here's a lame attempt at another one..time to lock up these traitors When are people going to get a clue and realize that the Dems want Trump out not because he's a bad's because he's about to expose all their nefarious deeds..and their "love" for children and there are MANY rabbit holes ..these people are sick Ebola is real people..and it's here and like everything else it too will be suppressed in the main stream media..and the excuse will be we don't want to create a panic which probably equates to we don't want you to know that with some of these illegals sickness and death travels with them..and altho they say that the sickness and uptick in measles and mumps are not from ILLEGALS explain why there are hundreds if not thousands of ILLEGALS being quarantined because they are carrying diseases.. But you see it's not so much about everything else as it is for the Dems NOT protecting the citizens and the dual justice system in this country , let's face it the Dems are all for everything opposing Trump's time to charge these traitors hang'em or shoot'em for their coup attempt ..and start putting our country back together right after we throw ALL THE ILLEGALS out...Harsh some may think..but job one is the protection of the LEGAL citizens FIRST..Because without our country protected,where's OUR SANCTUARY..where are the people of our country to go and feel safe..I wonder how many of us are to be considered collateral damage as we make our transition towards this BS ideological utopia of a New World Order.. ...HERE COMES THE PAIN 1. Trump NO collusion no obstruction there never was.. there never will be 2. Record Number of Illegals Try to Buy Guns in the U.S in 2018 3. Report Over 2k migrants quarantined for contagious diseases .. WWG1 WGA |
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Fri 06/14/19 09:46 AM
SOooo You don't think Trump is smart enough to get it..Funny ..Are the Dems and the main stream media smart enough to get the fact that he just SET THEM UP..HOOK LINE AND SUCKER..showed their hypocrisy ..because that oppo research is exactly what the Hag Hillary did..and what did they do about that.....NOTHING..not to mention their oppo research was nothing more than manufactured lies..Slowly the onion peels as the chess board is being prepared by the maestro for the destruction of the house.. Funny how the media and the DNC think they are pointing out Trump's ignorance when in fact they just exposed their own..not to mention their hypocrisy.. ![]() ![]() ![]() WWG1 WGA |
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Thu 06/13/19 09:45 AM
Trump hates the job? If he does.. no wonder..all day surrounded by a bunch of "BUTT HURT" LOSERS who can't get over the fact that they couldn't win an election if they rigged it..and they did.. and managed to waste the tax payers 40 million dollars on top of it with their BOGUS back up plan of Russian Collusion..real geniuses.. ![]() I say we start by taking their money and paying the tax payers back and end it by perp walking all their azzes in to GITMO..and that's being nice compared to what I really want seen done to them..perhaps to be revealed in a later post..or not.. ![]() But hang on to those bags of pop corn girls and boys..because if they DECLAS all that I hope..this show will take an even more macabre turn..I hope you all like horror shows unfortunately this one is real.. WWG1 WGA ps..they like children....follow the rabbit.. |
Give this a listen Give me your ebola your tuberculosis your mumps ridden masses wait til you hear just how they are giving your tax dollars to people who don't deserve some cases these people are getting as much as 20,000 dollars without paying in anything..So by all means keep those borders open..its all just a matter of time.. If it isn't bad enough they are making you sick and giving away your money..they are trying to destroy our nation from within..We have more important things to worry about than fake news polls..The DEMS haven't proven anything other than just how gullible their base is to believe all the BS backed by NO PROOF..The DEMS haven't proven a thing far as theatrics about that chicken ... |
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Wed 06/12/19 10:23 AM
One day people will finally come to the truth..and that truth is that the Russian Collusion story was nothing more than a BIG LIE..Perpetrated by the Deep State and assisted by the main stream media and other so called allied nations to cover up the nefarious deeds of our government and others as well..and there are many "misdeeds"..and it's GLOBAL.. For two years we have been dragged through the mire of the swamp with all the words and double speak of Russian Collusion blatantly committed by the Trump campaign..yet nothing was found..simply because there never was any..again it was all a BIG LIE..they KNEW from the beginning there wasn't any..yet plenty of Russian Collusion and other "misdeeds" on the part of the DEMOCRATS blatant..went unnoticed or feebly excused.. While borders remain opened and that which is denied to their own kind they freely give away the tax payers money to those WHO DON'T BELONG HERE...while backs turned away from skid row while the signs and placards wave in the breeze at the border "let them in"..what exactly are they inviting? the heart bleeds as empathy and sympathy take place of logic and reasoning..while cameras zoom in on mother and child forgoing the military aged men for the camera..the manipulation... (((click))) The words repeat on the nightly news ..all channels bleeding into one another 24/7 same time same script..I now believe..I have become one with the collective..the BORG..I see it the red hat is now the new white man is bad..there was no Russian Collusion..that doesn't matter.. orange man is bad..there was no obstruction..that doesn't matter..ORANGE man IS BAD..must assimilate...ORANGE MAN IS BAD... . HERE COMES THE PAIN Q .... WWG1 WGA |