Community > Posts By > spiceduplifestyle
it reminds me of a phrase in a movie . you can't handle the truth lol. in reality even if someone came on here and told the truth a lot of people would still not believe it . like everything else in the world . aliens are real -- no they're not . J.F.K. was killed by the c.i.a. no it was the mafia , no it was Oswald . The twin towers was taken down by terrorists , no it was the govt. itself . no matter what we are told there is ALWAYS someone who believes something different . talk about 50 shades of grey more like 10,000 nothing is black and white . even the things we eat , one day it's good for us then they say research shows it's bad for us . maybe the homeward bound story is a fake story . how do you know . you could even go down there to find out for yourself , then come back and tell us but in this world of lies and deception some of us would wonder if your telling us the truth . to us it would be just another story to wonder about . 23 yrs ago i got involved with something totally amazing and i haven't talked about it with anyone , for a few different reasons , one being most wouldn't believe it unless they could see it with their own eyes . which i understand .
coast to coast
it's not the same anymore like it was when art bell ran it . not very often do they talk about strange and unusual things . more health related and political issues now
christmas quiz
wasn't leroy the brown noses'd reindeer . he was as fast as rudolf but couldn't stop as quick
the problem is that if we had one location in the city , some people would have to travel further than others . i was thinking the polo park mall food court , then i was thinking maybe we could include kildonan place , and st.vital , garden city food courts . how about the forks , that be a nice spot to designate as a singles meeting place it is kind of in the middle of the city . now parking you pay for where as a mall like polo park you park for free .
your favorite dog breed
as for wild animals my favorite one is the wolf . i've had an interaction with a coyote at work a couple of cool ones with skunks , i actually helped a skunk get a wiener bag off his head . no he didn't spray me . saved a barn owl that flew into my windshield , thank god he was only stunned .
your favorite dog breed
you should check out the story of jeff who finds a little baby animal and takes care of it to find out as it gets stronger that it's a little flying squirrel he ends up calling it biscuits , the pics are so cute .
Ummm.. by any chance did your psychic friend happened to see a large. Meateater Pizza in my future or.. a case of .. steam whistle seriously could you ask her... sooo...need a pizza and a beer right |
Wow! Kind of makes one feel a little obsolete. Well, From what I read and have experienced first hand, many men have been feeling obsolete for many, many years. Many women say straight out, "They don't need a man". They just "want" one. The way it makes me think, it comes off like a person looking at a dog in a pet shop window. You don't need the dog. You just want it. So, in some men's eyes, it comes off that they are no better than a dog. Not that I would want one of these "things". I prefer the human touch. But at the same time, I can understand how some men feel. When you are relegated to the dogs, I guess to some, AI is better than nothing. To me, the whole thing is sad. To my way of thinking, men & women are supposed to need each other. We don't anymore. If a woman wants a child, sperm bank or adopts alone. If she wants the pleasure of sex but doesn't want what comes attached to it, B.O.B. Almost the same for a man. Men can get sex dolls with no head, arms or legs. They can get the handheld type. And now AI is at our doorstep. To me, it's scary. It's scary what we are coming too. I hear what you're saying Charles and I agree, it is scary what we're coming to. I also agree that we "need" each other. I believe over time the word "need" has some how become a dirty word. Like there's something wrong with needing each other. A child needs it mother and father, a pet needs it's pet owner, an elderly person in a care facility needs care provided for them. These are all things we consider acceptable, yet for some reason we don't want to accept that we need someone in our life to love and be loved by. Perhaps we think by saying so, that it means we will wither up and die without it. I don't know, and I don't know why it's so taboo. I have heard people say that it sounds like you're desperate if you "need" a man or a woman. Well I'm not desperate, but yes, I do need a man. I need the kind of love and nurturing that only a man can provide. Will I wither up and die if I remain! Will I go out and search one! But I sure as hell will show the right one exactly how much I need him, if that right one ever shows up in my life. |
Wow! Kind of makes one feel a little obsolete. Well, From what I read and have experienced first hand, many men have been feeling obsolete for many, many years. Many women say straight out, "They don't need a man". They just "want" one. The way it makes me think, it comes off like a person looking at a dog in a pet shop window. You don't need the dog. You just want it. So, in some men's eyes, it comes off that they are no better than a dog. Not that I would want one of these "things". I prefer the human touch. But at the same time, I can understand how some men feel. When you are relegated to the dogs, I guess to some, AI is better than nothing. To me, the whole thing is sad. To my way of thinking, men & women are supposed to need each other. We don't anymore. If a woman wants a child, sperm bank or adopts alone. If she wants the pleasure of sex but doesn't want what comes attached to it, B.O.B. Almost the same for a man. Men can get sex dolls with no head, arms or legs. They can get the handheld type. And now AI is at our doorstep. To me, it's scary. It's scary what we are coming too. |
Why Have Women Gone Feral?
hmmmm smells like the ole double standard to me a man is expected to have sexual prowess and experience to make him a better lover a woman with the same experience is considered a whore or a slut |
Have you ever - part 22
No Have you ever been shipwrecked |
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Mon 11/13/17 04:23 PM
i didn't even get past page 2 and this like almost everything that is told to us has been twisted or changed to the point no one knows anymore what is true and what is not . almost everything in this world is open for debate . big foot is real no he isn't , aliens are real no they're not , man went to the moon no we didn't it was done in an airplane hangar . Oswold killed JFK no he didn't it was the CIA it was the MAFIA . Terrorists took down the twin towers no it was the govt. itself . there's a million and one conspiracys . the church had the power to change the sabbath from saturday to sunday wow . the catholic church has come up with a new list of sins for our new millennium even . really i thought that was GOD'S job to decide what is a sin . i give up . i wasn't there so i guess i'll never really know . human's have lied 2000 years ago , for their own agenda and humans still lie to this day for the same reasons . power and control . but it's o.k. it's for your own good lol. how about food one day something is bad for us then they say it's good for us . oh i forget -- power , control and money . live and let live . you want to pray on saturday go ahead , you want to pray on sunday go ahead . judge not or be judged yourself . but then again maybe that was even put in or twisted by men of 2000 years ago . i guess we'll have to find someone that's over 2000 years old to tell us . there's a prayer to god why would he allow the false prophets to be able to mix everything up like this . one word but 20 or more different religions . he does work in mysterious ways for sure . i guess he has his reasons . then again when a man has an army behind him and he tells you all you will follow this word most out of fear for their lives will obey . and if you try to convince people not to listen they have you killed . i don't know . even video's can be faked . i can't even trust my eyes . a magician can cut a woman in half and one half literally crawls away lol. my eyes see it but it didn't really happen . lol.
thanks again by ricky skaggs -- in memory of my mom and dad both past away now .
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Sun 11/12/17 10:30 AM
hello mature singles of winnipeg , for the longest time i've wondered if there was a place in our city where all of us mature singles could go for coffee and be among other singles in our city . for a lot of people we don't like the bar scene , so it would be nice if there was a place , like a mall food court or a tim hortons , or sals coffee shop that we all knew as the one place that we all generally go to , to be around other single people . maybe we can work it out in here as a start and through word of mouth advertising we can have a place to go that's ours lol. i understand some people don't drive , so it might be hard to get the designated spot that gets picked but i for one would have no problem picking up someone in that predicament and taking them to the singles watering hole lol. just a thought , for all i know maybe nobody wants a place like this . let's talk about it . if your just going to come in here and run this down with your negativity , please don't bother . i know everyone lives in different areas of the city , and maybe people are not interested in driving out of their own district , i'm not sure but that's why we are here to work out a system that will work . not just to come in and say it won't work and leave . through this forum we can pick a place in every district of the city . every problem can be talked out and a solution figured out . of course you ladies would have to let the men on here know about this page . their opinion is wanted as well . i know of a wonderful place if you'd like to meet between 10am. and 2p.m. very nice atmosphere .
not easy for short guys
i'm not bitter or angry or upset by it at all . everyone has the right to choose who they want . it's one of the freedoms that our soldiers fought and died for . freedom of choice . thanks to all our veterans and those who gave their lives and the ones still fighting today .
What's your age?
my age , i'll have to ask my hairdresser she's the only one i tell that to . and depending on her mood i sometimes end up younger than i am . unless she's really upset then i'm at deaths door .
is there love without sex
no sex easy , i'm 57 and have never had sex , now that we got that out of the way , i've got this lovely bridge to sell you . or maybe you'd like some ocean front property in kansas .
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Sun 11/12/17 05:08 AM
first of all i wouldn't be in a club without my partner .so in my case it would have to be a situation in a grocery store where i was picking up something before i came home from work . in that case i would politely tell them that they know i'm with you and how inappropriate it is to make advances to me and if it ever happened again i would be telling you about it . i believe every one deserves a second chance . that friend of yours might get mad because i turned her down and move on to the game plan of trying to split us up out of revenge . she might even tell you i was the one who hit on her , so it gets a little complicated for you to tell who's telling the truth . for everyone out there if this happens to you i suggest you turn on the video on your phones and record the conversation secretly so you have the prove as to what was said .
Please, I need help
not sure if it will help but add more about yourself in your profile . what are you interested in doing when your with someone . all you say is your looking for someone to light up your life . well that kind of a given . most of us on here want that . talk about what makes you unique , and what kind of person you don't want , is height an issue or weight or whether they have kids etc. just add more to your profile . in fact put it in there that you know about these scammers and tell them not to bother because they're wasting their time and your on to them . i hope this was helpful
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Sat 11/11/17 09:35 AM
just like your other post ( mysticalview) on coming back after you die . we have lessons to learn in this life to , and some pass and some fail . even i have lessons in this life i'm still trying to learn . maybe i'll pass maybe i'll fail , just don't give up trying