Topic: UFO, Aliens, 76 Women Going To Antarctica | |
"UFO, Aliens, 76 Women going to Antarctica Fairbanks researcher heads for South Pole" 5:34 December 5, 2016 – Okay, call me crazy but what is going on that we are not being told at the South Pole? A group called “Homeward Bound” That has the title on one of it’s web page “Mother Nature Need’s Her Daughter’s” has chosen 76 prime age and in good health out of 1,000 applicants women from around the world to the South Pole. OMG. This would make the making’s of a good Sci-Fi horror movie. I think of the seed banks in Norway. You know the seed’s tucked away in a frozen vault waiting for Dooms Day. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Full article Video About "Homeward Bound" ScienceA Fairbanks researcher heads for the other pole |
Even though the author is trying to make light of it, she has a point... this is REALLY weird
![]() Watch it, Read it, Or not. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Look up project High Jump
Edited by
Mon 12/05/16 03:48 PM
Okay, call me crazy ...
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Look up project High Jump ![]() Thanks... that explains why the author was joking around with the title. |
Okay, call me crazy ...
![]() You are going to need a lot more memes for The United States, Russian and German governments and the Vatican. ![]() |
Gallopping Insanity is rampant in the World these days!
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Something crazy is going on. In Australia on occasions there are strange objects in the skies mimicking to be stars, and after a while they just start moving in strange directions. I have also had a triangular shape craft fly over my car one evening at very low latitude, and absolutely no sound. It had strange lights coming out of it. I ended up having 5 days worth of a shocking headache. Antarctica is definitely a misery continent, and down here people are weary of things happening.
I meant mistery continent, sorry for the spelling.
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"UFO, Aliens, 76 Women going to Antarctica Fairbanks researcher heads for South Pole" 5:34 December 5, 2016 – Okay, call me crazy but what is going on that we are not being told at the South Pole? A group called “Homeward Bound” That has the title on one of it’s web page “Mother Nature Need’s Her Daughter’s” has chosen 76 prime age and in good health out of 1,000 applicants women from around the world to the South Pole. OMG. This would make the making’s of a good Sci-Fi horror movie. I think of the seed banks in Norway. You know the seed’s tucked away in a frozen vault waiting for Dooms Day. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Full article Video About "Homeward Bound" ScienceA Fairbanks researcher heads for the other pole 76 Women going to Antarctica ___________________________________________________________________ And 76 divorced men are jumping for joy about it. |
The odds of me finding a date at the South Pole aren't that slim anymore.
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"UFO, Aliens, 76 Women going to Antarctica Fairbanks researcher heads for South Pole" 5:34 December 5, 2016 – Okay, call me crazy but what is going on that we are not being told at the South Pole? A group called “Homeward Bound” That has the title on one of it’s web page “Mother Nature Need’s Her Daughter’s” has chosen 76 prime age and in good health out of 1,000 applicants women from around the world to the South Pole. OMG. This would make the making’s of a good Sci-Fi horror movie. I think of the seed banks in Norway. You know the seed’s tucked away in a frozen vault waiting for Dooms Day. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Full article Video About "Homeward Bound" ScienceA Fairbanks researcher heads for the other pole the only thing i don't really get about the seed vault is that if everyone's dead, who plants the seeds? |
Probably the elite plant the seeds, or better illuminati reptilians. The Pindar who controls the thirteen families, who control the whole world. But then again if they plan to kill of the human population, why would they need the seeds if robots will run the planet. I know that the catholic pope and orthodox high priest, including some other influential figures also want to Antarctica to meet. Is it about other continents that we are not to know about, if the earth was to be flat. Or the conspiracy about hollow earth with a superior race living under ground, that Hitler was exploring. There is so much out there, also so much information is controlled, with governments within governments within governments that put out info and deliberately mislead you. At the end of the day we are sheep, all controlled to be in the system of human slavery on earth. I just don't understand why actors for a stupid role in a movie get paid millions, and they ask us to donate for the poor, etc......They are all connected to most misteries, and the truth looks so twisted that it's hard to believe. Antarctica doesn't belong to anyone, and yet it is so shielded and protected. Even to book a flight to go as a tourist, you get limited access, and the ticket prices are very high. In the 80's and 90's it didn't matter how big or what shape was a cucumber or tomatoe, you'd buy and eat it, now everything is measured and genetically modified. We might be eating foetuses thinking they are apples. ....yes those seeds won't be important to us, we are being slowly poisoned.
Now that I got that of my chest, good night. Chat later on the topic.
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There only taking those women there for 1 reason get banged. Period.
Probably the elite plant the seeds, or better illuminati reptilians. The Pindar who controls the thirteen families, who control the whole world. But then again if they plan to kill of the human population, why would they need the seeds if robots will run the planet. I know that the catholic pope and orthodox high priest, including some other influential figures also want to Antarctica to meet. Is it about other continents that we are not to know about, if the earth was to be flat. Or the conspiracy about hollow earth with a superior race living under ground, that Hitler was exploring. There is so much out there, also so much information is controlled, with governments within governments within governments that put out info and deliberately mislead you. At the end of the day we are sheep, all controlled to be in the system of human slavery on earth. I just don't understand why actors for a stupid role in a movie get paid millions, and they ask us to donate for the poor, etc......They are all connected to most misteries, and the truth looks so twisted that it's hard to believe. Antarctica doesn't belong to anyone, and yet it is so shielded and protected. Even to book a flight to go as a tourist, you get limited access, and the ticket prices are very high. In the 80's and 90's it didn't matter how big or what shape was a cucumber or tomatoe, you'd buy and eat it, now everything is measured and genetically modified. We might be eating foetuses thinking they are apples. ....yes those seeds won't be important to us, we are being slowly poisoned. Gee, and I thought that we Melmacians were from out of this world. |
When we were kids we saw and understood much more, adults taught us how to be controlled, and to forget what we believed in. We are all from out of this world, and yet most born into this world. One big experiment. Antarctica holds many secrets. We know more about the moon and Mars, for example. Yet, we know so little about what's beneath our oceans, or what's on most of our continents. My college at work tells me recently, that a friend he knows has been chosen to go to Antarctica, of course she is a woman.
Dodo_David, where are you from? Melmacian? Please explain, cheers Rob
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been on one down in Antarctica, they seem to have something thats gotten the attention of every important country and our uppity ups, to one by one gettin to visit. wonder what could be so interesting, ......guess they really like the snow!haha if we withheldinformation from the folks in power dont they call it a crime and lock us up..say we a terrorist and they could do what they please now a days. almost like it was set up to end up thus way, if someone wanted to have the power to be able to do , say, or live with unlimited capabilities. seems to me like total greed, and selfishness, of a distorted view of the important , real reasons to life. but thats just my opinion, hell be a cold muthafuker but i want to see whats in south pole now too!! haha
Think about it. It is dam cold there and very few women. If I was posted there, I would dream up some expedition for women to come also. lol