spiceduplifestyle's photo
Sat 11/11/17 09:24 AM
i believe it's like going to school here on earth . we can't learn all we need to learn in just grade 1 . we have to go from 1 to 12 then college or university . i think it's the same for the spirit , we keep coming back to learn more lessons that we didn't or couldn't in this life . right now i'm a middle class man but in my next life i might be a women , or grow up in a rich family and get the test to see if i would grow up greedy or giving . coming back as a women would surely give me tests and lessons i can't possibly learn in this life as a man . here's an example -- in one life i man grows up to be a womanizer , he goes through life treating women as objects and play things but in his next life he comes back as a women and he get to be on the other side of the fence and gets treated the way he treated women in his past life . so he can have the chance to learn the lesson he didn't learn in his past life , and maybe if doesn't learn it he repeats it again until he does learn it . a greedy rich person might have to come back as a poor person to learn the lesson of giving . i don't know for sure it just a thought . like school for the soul .

spiceduplifestyle's photo
Mon 11/06/17 04:34 PM
some people have a requirement list so long even jesus would have a hard time getting a date .

spiceduplifestyle's photo
Mon 11/06/17 04:16 PM
Edited by spiceduplifestyle on Mon 11/06/17 04:17 PM
yes good luck with that one . o.k. bite the tongue .:tongue:

spiceduplifestyle's photo
Sun 11/05/17 08:31 AM
you only have 2 choices if you feel your in a broken relationship . first figure out if it's fixable and if it's not , then get out . i was in a 9 yr relationship and i knew something was wrong after about the 3rd year but i hung in for 6 more and tried to fix it , in some pretty outrageous ways i might add , but in the end it didn't matter , so i had no choice but to end it and move on . no anger or scars or fears when moving on . i didn't carry it with me . just a learning lesson in life . now i know what i need to see better when i start a new relationship . don't let the past haunt you . just learn from it and move on .

spiceduplifestyle's photo
Fri 11/03/17 06:12 PM
Edited by spiceduplifestyle on Fri 11/03/17 06:15 PM
I'm not sure . the roman catholic church apparently came out with an updated list of new sins that fits our new millennium . i always thought it was up to god to decide what was a sin or not . now i wonder if it wasn't the same church who decided 2,000 years ago the so called original sins to . I guess we'll never know . go with your heart i guess . as long as your clean respectful and not getting accidentally pregnant , I don't see the harm . just my opinion .

spiceduplifestyle's photo
Fri 11/03/17 06:00 PM
I read a lot of profiles that emphasize how important the personality is , but it seems like , looks will always be most important . you can be honest , respectable , an all around decent guy but I think that takes a back seat if the look isn't there . it seems shorter men are in the same boat as BBW women. the one difference is a BBW person can do something about their disadvantage .They can lose the weight . medically they can even change my gender but they can't make me taller lol. i'm stuck with the height i'm at . in the past year out of all the profiles i've responded to , most never even replied , out of the ones that did 8 were truthful enough to let me know that they perfer men tall . 3 of those were in the height range of 5' to 5'2' . don't get me wrong i'm in no way bitter . i just never realized in my younger years how wide spread this issue was percentage wise . it explains a lot . like i said i'm not bitter or upset about the whole thing . i could blame hollywood , right from the time were young they portray girls worth having as having the hourglass figure and guys are tall well sculptured hunks . i'm sure it goes deeper than that . so go after that tall guy , but remember a lot of other women are giving him the eye to . good luck to all .

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