Community > Posts By > cbaldwinjr

cbaldwinjr's photo
Wed 07/30/08 11:09 PM
A monopoly

cbaldwinjr's photo
Sat 01/05/08 03:59 PM

I know God to intervene in the lives of those that request personal and direct guidance.

The testimonies of the intervention become mired all too often in dogma and pride that covets innappropriate attention leading to debate and strife.

Were it all so simple...........

Debate comes when people say they "know" God does these things without anything type of proof that we as humans tend to look for as evidence in everything else we do in our lives. I find it a big ungodly for someone who "knows" God to then judge someone else's viewpoint as being dogmatic and prideful. The debate and strife comes more from someone who is JUST as fallible in their own life as myself trying to interpret the Bible to suit their own human needs.

This country used the Bible as a way to justify the slaughter of one group and the enslavement of another. We have a federal government headed by a simpleton who justifies killing on one hand (Iraqi War) and then condemns it (stem cell research, abortion) on the other. Religion is the human way of trying to take God's will and use it to empower themselves. It's a way to scare people into line, nothing more, nothing less. You can believe in God without being religious (like myself).

cbaldwinjr's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:50 AM

There are nice guys....woo hoo
Then there are NEEDY guys.....needy and insecure are the things women usually run from.... just my opinion!

Well put. Just very hard to be very secure without being cocky when you are the person doing ALL the pursuing. As Chris Rock says, "It's easy for women to say no, you've been gettin' offered sex since you were 13 years old" LMAO. To the original poster, nice doesn't equal simple. Be a challenge man. I'm no Dr. Phil...but I'll state the obvious like he does anyway: step away and figure out WHAT you are first. Once you do that, it's a matter of mastering it. That way, you don't have to be a scuzzy lying sack of **** like most of these guys that women TALK about are. You can still be just have to make your version of nice interesting. I should've majored in something else...

cbaldwinjr's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:39 PM
Hey... Didn't I see your name in the dictionary under "Kablaam"?

or my personal fave..."Damn girl, you look so good, you make me wanna get ANOTHER JOB! WITH BENEFITS!!!"

cbaldwinjr's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:09 PM

I already have a boy BFF (best friend) who meets all my men needs.. except one.

So I guess I'm looking for sex and cuddling. Physical stuff.

Other than that I was just looking for a boy to go out on dates with and cook for.

I always need my space and freedom so I don't do well in romantic relationships. I'm working on it but I'm only 23 so I figure I have time.

Love the integrity. Don't get that enough. To answer the's like Louis Armstrong said about New Orleans. He said it was a city 'that's got that thing'. When they asked Louis what that thing was, he said "If you have to ask, you'll never know". In a NUTSHELL...that's your answer to the question posed.

cbaldwinjr's photo
Mon 12/31/07 12:17 PM
I always say check the sources before you worry about the response. Personally, I think it's just an indicator of the PERSON'S (because there are women who won't date a single father like myself) preference. Most guys think that the child or children will get in the way of having quality time with a woman. So if they don't have to, the feeling is 'Why should I?'. Personally, I think it's the WOMAN for me that dictates anything. A good woman will have her stuff in order, so kids won't be an issue.