Community > Posts By > DACRAZEDCAMARO

Tue 06/15/10 09:13 AM
Edited by DACRAZEDCAMARO on Tue 06/15/10 09:19 AM
When all sorts of stuff starts changing in the relationship.. Sex goes down from twice to once a day.. Meals go down from 3 to twice a day.. You find out one of your kids is not yours.. You buy 3 comdoms & one disappears.. The only thing that might go up is the arguments you're having.. It was once a day but now you're having at least 10 arguments a day..

Tue 06/15/10 09:12 AM
I had to go look at your pics & i liked you in the boxing ring.. I like a girl that can try to beat me up & take it from me.. I'm as good as there sweetheart.. :tongue:

Tue 06/15/10 08:54 AM

If deep down inside, you still love her, tell her so, and explain to her you want to fix it, and be a happy family again. I bet she'll go for it, but probably not, if she catches you on a dating site.

Especially if she reads what you originally posted.. :wink:

Tue 06/15/10 08:51 AM
Hmmm.. This is actually a touchy situation.. If it was me i would leave but i will still be there for the kids.. I mean you sound like you really hate her.. I only hate my baby's mama (Second one anyway) about 25%.. But it seems to be the best thing to have breaking up with her.. She just wanted to argue over every lil thing that was past history instead of working for the future.. We still argue but now i really only care about the kid & not what she wants to bring up other than that.. Yeah i wanted to stay in the relationship because of the kid but trust me it will make you more miserable than you are now.. It's like they try to push your buttons but when you ignore them it will make them even madder.. Truthfully i used to like that.. I used to get some great sex when she's angry.. Damn i need to get her mad for old times sake.. rofl Ok what was i talking about again.. Oh yeah, She would get mad & start having a attitude for days.. OK this has turned into a senseless babble session.. rofl

Mon 06/14/10 08:36 AM
If i knew them i would tell them but if i don't then i'm not too sure.. I usually mind my business..

Mon 06/14/10 08:32 AM

unfortunately, this mentality is contagious. too many people are watching stupid reality tv shows that show how these "princesses" live and more and more girls think they should be treated that way. ugh!

Do what i do.. Smack them back into reality.. If you want to live the life that the TV is portraying then i suggest you get the remote that John Ritter had in 'Stay Tuned'..

Mon 06/14/10 08:05 AM
Awww.. That's a kool picture.. Much love, respect & blessings to your family..

Mon 06/14/10 08:02 AM

The backfin, otherwise called jumbo lump of the Blue Crab. Hey, at least, I did not say Crab Balls....which is crab cake mixture rolled into 1 ounce crab balls dipped in a coconut milk egg wash and rolled in crushed almonds and either brioled or fried to a golden brown.......YUMMY!!! Oh yeah don't forget to write this recipe down way awesome!!!

I think i'm gonna invite my next sweetheart to some Crab Balls & see how that works out.. I might get offended if she says 'Sure pull them out'..

Mon 06/14/10 06:55 AM

Mon 06/14/10 06:51 AM
High Maintenance - A chick who will clean anything, Your house, your car, your kids, your bank account.

Mon 06/14/10 06:16 AM

They have to have at least heard of Lloyd Kaufman.

Speaking in a girlie voice 'Who's Lloyd Kaufman'..

Co-founder of Troma Entertainment, director of such classics as The Toxic Avenger, and Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead

Thanks i'm gonna go check these out..

Just be warned- extreme gore, and extremely sick & twisted humor, especially they're newer stuff like Poultrygeist.

Then this is right up my alley.. I'm sure i seen Toxic Avenger before but the other 2 i'm sure i haven't..

Mon 06/14/10 04:40 AM

They have to have at least heard of Lloyd Kaufman.

Speaking in a girlie voice 'Who's Lloyd Kaufman'..

Co-founder of Troma Entertainment, director of such classics as The Toxic Avenger, and Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead

Thanks i'm gonna go check these out..

Mon 06/14/10 04:36 AM

Ever wondered that who might have you on their list as a possible match?

Actually i look at that from time to time & when i click back on them it says that their profile was deactivated.. I'm sorry if i'm scaring them off.. Just don't click yes next time.. rofl

Mon 06/14/10 04:31 AM

bigsmile heard it here first!

That's why i wouldn't give them a second chance..

Mon 06/14/10 04:28 AM

Why must women be so picky when we are all here to gain.They are all not prize winners either but they think they are.WHATS UP WITH THAT.

The same reason why we are so picky although we are here to gain.. We are not prize winners but we think we are.. That's what's up!! laugh

Sun 06/13/10 10:55 PM
I listen to everything.. This way when i get board with one kind i'll jump into another kind..

Sun 06/13/10 10:46 PM

thats they can say they didnt cheat. im sure it wouldnt go well if she asked to screw someone else lol


Sun 06/13/10 10:43 PM

more than they care to admit? do they change their minds as well? is it a macho thing to do to act one way and feel a different way later on and be scared to admit it?

You might be on to something but women are like that too.. They act like they don't love you when it's obvious they do.. They just won't show that feeling because they don't want to get hurt or whatever..

Not every woman does this OK.. laugh

Sun 06/13/10 10:39 PM
Maybe their not being satisfied where they getting it from so they try something else..

I have a question.. Why do women try to break up with you so they can screw somebody else & then try to get back together with you??

Sun 06/13/10 10:31 PM
Edited by DACRAZEDCAMARO on Sun 06/13/10 10:33 PM

well i like the thought of being in a relationship.but i tend to get bored quickly and will self sabotage a relationship close to the 3 week period and i pick guys that i know arent good for me..

At least you are honest!!

1 Adam 12, 1 Adam 12 be on the lookout for this poster..