Community > Posts By > Spur277

Spur277's photo
Fri 11/02/07 07:31 PM
The SAVE Act would ...

... require during Year 1 that all government agencies, government contractors, plus all businesses with more than 250 employees run all NEW hires through E-Verify.

... require during Year 2 that all businesses with 100 or more employees use E-Verify for new hires.

... require during Year 3 that all businesses with more than 20 employees use E-Verify for new hires.

... during Year 4 add businesses with fewer than 20 employees so that all businesses use E-Verify for new hires.

... also during Year 4 require all businessese to run all their previous hires through E-Verify.

The four-year phase-in is to give the government more room for massive expansion of its current system. It also allows the government to work out kinks before it is required for use by small businesses which often lack the personnel to easily deal with new procedures.

During the first three years, new illegal aliens and currently settled ones who lose their jobs will find fewer and fewer places where they can seek work.

But during those first three years, current illegal aliens who stayed in the same job would not be affected by the expanding use of E-Verify.

In the fourth year, however, all of those illegal workers would be run through E-Verify. If their Social Security number, name and a couple more details didn't match -- and they had no excuse -- they would lose their jobs.

NumbersUSA has always maintained that very few businesses actually want to hire illegal aliens. And we believe that of the minority of businesses that do hire illegal aliens, most do so without knowing it or do so because they feel forced to do it to keep from being run out of business by competitors who ARE hiring illegal aliens.

If we give businesses a tool they can rely on, and assure them that their competitors won't get by with hiring illegals, very few illegal aliens will get hired anywhere.

There aren't enough odd-jobs and off-the-books jobs in the underground economy to soak up the estimated 7 million illegal workers in the country. Most illegal aliens will no longer find enough work to support them and their dependents, and most of them will eventually give up their lives of illegality and go home -- ATTRITION THROUGH ENFORCEMENT & SELF-DEPORTATION.

Spur277's photo
Fri 11/02/07 07:22 PM
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents conducted a series of raids on Swift and Company meat packing plants in six states and arrested almost 1,300 illegal aliens towards the end of 2006, ane more recently in July 2007. We learned three very important things from these raids:

Americans take the jobs illegal aliens leave behind : The day after the raids took place, the media reported that plenty of legal workers lined up to apply for the jobs left vacant by the illegal aliens who fled or were arrested.
Identity fraud and illegal immigration are connected : Hundreds of the illegal aliens who were arrested are suspected of using the name and SSN of an American citizen. You can fight illegal immigration by fighting identity fraud.
Attrition Through enforcement works: Over 400 illegal aliens skipped town after Swift dropped hints about ICE's suspicions. Once the message gets out that there aren’t any jobs for illegal aliens, they leave.
These raids are a good start, but raids alone will not solve the illegal immigration crisis. Constant pressure must be placed on illegal aliens and their employers by ICE and local governments as part of an Attrition Through Enforcement strategy.
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has said his agency is prepared to launch similar raids on other plants – even those owned by companies that, like Swift, have attested to comply with the voluntary Basic Pilot program to screen employees – and to take additional actions to track down illegal aliens who are guilty of identity theft. NumbersUSA encourages you to help make this happen.

Unfortunately, most of the reaction to the raids in the media is still being reported from the standpoints of immigration lawyers, pro-amnesty organizations and religious leaders who say it is inhumane to arrest people just because they have broken immigration laws and stolen identities in order to get a job (click here to see an example). It is extremely important that Congress continue to hear that public sentiment is overwhelmingly on the side of enforcement rather than amnesty and leniency.

Spur277's photo
Fri 11/02/07 06:57 PM
Her is a short list of LaRaza Donators. Muliti-Millions of Dollars.

The Allstate Corporation
Bank of America
The Coca-Cola Company
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Ford Motor Company
General Motors Corporation
MBNA Corporation
PepsiCo Foundation
The PMI Group, Inc.
State Farm Insurance Companies
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

Spur277's photo
Fri 11/02/07 08:31 AM
Without cheap labor and all it costs to maintain them and their families, food costs could go down.

Spur277's photo
Fri 11/02/07 08:00 AM
Unbiased, just facts.

The High Cost of Cheap Labor
Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget

Executive Summary

This study is one of the first to estimate the total impact of illegal immigration on the federal budget. Most previous studies have focused on the state and local level and have examined only costs or tax payments, but not both. Based on Census Bureau data, this study finds that, when all taxes paid (direct and indirect) and all costs are considered, illegal households created a net fiscal deficit at the federal level of more than $10 billion in 2002. We also estimate that, if there was an amnesty for illegal aliens, the net fiscal deficit would grow to nearly $29 billion.

Among the findings:


Households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than $26.3 billion in costs on the federal government in 2002 and paid only $16 billion in taxes, creating a net fiscal deficit of almost $10.4 billion, or $2,700 per illegal household.

</li> <li>

Among the largest costs are Medicaid ($2.5 billion); treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion); food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches ($1.9 billion); the federal prison and court systems ($1.6 billion); and federal aid to schools ($1.4 billion).

</li> <li>

With nearly two-thirds of illegal aliens lacking a high school degree, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments, not their legal status or heavy use of most social services.

</li> <li>

On average, the costs that illegal households impose on federal coffers are less than half that of other households, but their tax payments are only one-fourth that of other households.

</li> <li>

Many of the costs associated with illegals are due to their American-born children, who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth. Thus, greater efforts at barring illegals from federal programs will not reduce costs because their citizen children can continue to access them.

</li> <li>

If illegal aliens were given amnesty and began to pay taxes and use services like households headed by legal immigrants with the same education levels, the estimated annual net fiscal deficit would increase from $2,700 per household to nearly $7,700, for a total net cost of $29 billion.

</li> <li>

Costs increase dramatically because unskilled immigrants with legal status -- what most illegal aliens would become -- can access government programs, but still tend to make very modest tax payments.

</li> <li>

Although legalization would increase average tax payments by 77 percent, average costs would rise by 118 percent.

</li> <li>

The fact that legal immigrants with few years of schooling are a large fiscal drain does not mean that legal immigrants overall are a net drain -- many legal immigrants are highly skilled.

</li> <li>

The vast majority of illegals hold jobs. Thus the fiscal deficit they create for the federal government is not the result of an unwillingness to work.

</li> <li>

The results of this study are consistent with a 1997 study by the National Research Council, which also found that immigrants' education level is a key determinant of their fiscal impact.

A Complex Fiscal Picture
Welfare use. Our findings show that many of the preconceived notions about the fiscal impact of illegal households turn out to be inaccurate. In terms of welfare use, receipt of cash assistance programs tends to be very low, while Medicaid use, though significant, is still less than for other households. Only use of food assistance programs is significantly higher than that of the rest of the population. Also, contrary to the perceptions that illegal aliens don't pay payroll taxes, we estimate that more than half of illegals work "on the books." On average, illegal households pay more than $4,200 a year in all forms of federal taxes. Unfortunately, they impose costs of $6,950 per household.


Social Security and Medicare. Although we find that the net effect of illegal households is negative at the federal level, the same is not true for Social Security and Medicare. We estimate that illegal households create a combined net benefit for these two programs in excess of $7 billion a year, accounting for about 4 percent of the total annual surplus in these two programs. However, they create a net deficit of $17.4 billion in the rest of the budget, for a total net loss of $10.4 billion. Nonetheless, their impact on Social Security and Medicare is unambiguously positive. Of course, if the Social Security totalization agreement with Mexico signed in June goes into effect, allowing illegals to collect Social Security, these calculations would change.

The Impact of Amnesty. Finally, our estimates show that amnesty would significantly increase tax revenue. Because both their income and tax compliance would rise, we estimate that under the most likely scenario the average illegal alien household would pay 77 percent ($3,200) more a year in federal taxes once legalized. While not enough to offset the 118 percent ($8,200) per household increase in costs that would come with legalization, amnesty would significantly increase both the average income and tax payments of illegal aliens.

What's Different About Today's Immigration. Many native-born Americans observe that their ancestors came to America and did not place great demands on government services. Perhaps this is true, but the size and scope of government were dramatically smaller during the last great wave of immigration. Not just means-tested programs, but expenditures on everything from public schools to roads were only a fraction of what they are today. Thus, the arrival of unskilled immigrants in the past did not have the negative fiscal implications that it does today. Moreover, the American economy has changed profoundly since the last great wave of immigration, with education now the key determinant of economic success. The costs that unskilled immigrants impose simply reflect the nature of the modern American economy and welfare state. It is doubtful that the fiscal costs can be avoided if our immigration policies remain unchanged.

Policy Implications
The negative impact on the federal budget need not be the only or even the primary consideration when deciding what to do about illegal immigration. But assuming that the fiscal status quo is unacceptable, there are three main changes in policy that might reduce or eliminate the fiscal costs of illegal immigration. One set of options is to allow illegal aliens to remain in the country, but attempt to reduce the costs they impose. A second set of options would be to grant them legal status as a way of increasing the taxes they pay. A third option would be to enforce the law and reduce the size of the illegal population and with it the costs of illegal immigration.

Reducing the Cost Side of the Equation. Reducing the costs illegals impose would probably be the most difficult of the three options because illegal households already impose only about 46 percent as much in costs on the federal government as other households. Thus, the amount of money that can be saved by curtailing their use of public services even further is probably quite limited. Moreover, the fact that benefits are often received on behalf of their U.S.-citizen children means that it is very difficult to prevent illegal households from accessing the programs they do. And many of the programs illegals use most extensively are likely to be politically very difficult to cut, such as the Women Infants and Children (WIC) nutrition program. Other costs, such as incarcerating illegals who have been convicted of crimes are unavoidable. It seems almost certain that if illegals are allowed to remain in the country, the fiscal deficit will persist.

Increasing Tax Revenue by Granting Amnesty. As discussed above, our research shows that granting illegal aliens amnesty would dramatically increase tax revenue. Unfortunately, we find that costs would increase even more. Costs would rise dramatically because illegals would be able to access many programs that are currently off limits to them. Moreover, even if legalized illegal aliens continued to be barred from using some means-tested programs, they would still be much more likely to sign their U.S.-citizen children up for them because they would lose whatever fear they had of the government. We know this because immigrants with legal status, who have the same education levels and resulting low incomes as illegal aliens, sign their U.S.-citizen children up for programs like Medicaid at higher rates than illegal aliens with U.S.-citizen children. In addition, direct costs for programs like the Earned Income Tax Credit would also grow dramatically with legalization. Right now, illegals need a Social Security number and have to file a tax return to get the credit. As a result, relatively few actually get it. We estimate that once legalized, payments to illegals under this program would grow more than ten-fold.

From a purely fiscal point of view, the main problem with legalization is that illegals would, for the most part, become unskilled legal immigrants. And unskilled legal immigrants create much larger fiscal costs than unskilled illegal aliens. Legalization will not change the low education levels of illegal aliens or the fact that the American labor market offers very limited opportunities to such workers, whatever their legal status. Nor will it change the basic fact that the United States, like all industrialized democracies, has a well-developed welfare state that provides assistance to low-income workers. Large fiscal costs are simply an unavoidable outcome of unskilled immigration given the economic and fiscal realities of America today.

Enforcing Immigration Laws. If we are serious about avoiding the fiscal costs of illegal immigration, the only real option is to enforce the law and reduce the number of illegal aliens in the country. First, this would entail much greater efforts to police the nation's land and sea borders. At present, less than 2,000 agents are on duty at any one time on the Mexican and Canadian borders. Second, much greater effort must be made to ensure that those allowed into the country on a temporary basis, such as tourists and guest workers, are not likely to stay in the country permanently. Third, the centerpiece of any enforcement effort would be to enforce the ban on hiring illegal aliens. At present, the law is completely unenforced. Enforcement would require using existing databases to ensure that all new hires are authorized to work in the United States and levying heavy fines on businesses that knowingly employ illegal aliens. Finally, a clear message from policymakers, especially senior members of the administration, that enforcement of the law is valued and vitally important to the nation, would dramatically increase the extremely low morale of those who enforce immigration laws.

Policing the border, enforcing the ban on hiring illegal aliens, denying temporary visas to those likely to remain permanently, and all the other things necessary to reduce illegal immigration will take time and cost money. However, since the cost of illegal immigration to the federal government alone is estimated at over $10 billion a year, significant resources could be devoted to enforcement efforts and still leave taxpayers with significant net savings. Enforcement not only has the advantage of reducing the costs of illegal immigration, it also is very popular with the general public. Nonetheless, policymakers can expect strong opposition from special interest groups, especially ethnic advocacy groups and those elements of the business community that do not want to invest in labor-saving devices and techniques or pay better salaries, but instead want access to large numbers of cheap, unskilled workers. If we choose to continue to not enforce the law or to grant illegals amnesty, both the public and policymakers have to understand that there will be significant long-term costs for taxpayers.

Spur277's photo
Thu 11/01/07 07:35 PM
I have a small business also. I do lawn care, handyman and general contracting.
I have had to struggle and compete against Illegals way underbidding.
Since last week, I can now, finally, compete with fair bidding. Now, maybe, I can afford to get out of my 1978 truck and afford something better and a better life for the soon-to-be ex. Even though we are getting divorced, I still help her when i can.
I have tried to hire Resident Immigrants. Their attitude here is, if the oil company won't hire them for $20.00 an hour, they always have the welfare.

About the Canadian? What I said was true. Their empire has known for years that poor Indian families sell their kids to slave labor. Most of them die before the debt is paid off.

Spur277's photo
Thu 11/01/07 07:05 PM
Lookie heeer!
Another self righteous canadian meddling in US affairs.
You are a prt of Great Britain. Great Britain owns India. India uses child slave labor. Your Welfare Wednesday comes off the sweat of their backs.
Go back to your La Batts, watch some hockey and enjoy your welfare check.

Spur277's photo
Thu 11/01/07 06:26 PM
One more thing.
I bet it's not long and those empty apartments will be filled again

Spur277's photo
Thu 11/01/07 06:25 PM
Apparently, you've either never been there or only been to the border towns.
They have, even in the border towns, excellent schools. The even have many universities. Saltillo reminded me of San Antolio. They have all the eminities for good living. I couldn't afford to live there. There's Sams Club, McDonalds, elegant Mexican Dineries and they all are patroned by Mexican Citizens
I know many Mexicans in Mexico. From the dirt poor to filthy rich. I even have 2 brother-in-laws who live there. My wife is a Legal Resident, has been for 25 years.
There are many opportunities in Mexico.
Granted, some either chose not to get educated or couldn't afford to.

Spur277's photo
Thu 11/01/07 06:07 PM
Now, they can make the choice to change their own country.
The children are also considered Mexicans. They can choose to return to their country and should so, they don't have to be separated.

Spur277's photo
Thu 11/01/07 05:55 PM
You know, you break laws. Many times, daily. Whether it be seatbelts, speeding, crossing against the light, littering,taxes, keeping the change that was wrong.

You are absolutely Right! We make those choices daily and if we get caught, we are held accountable for our decisions.

You pro-illegalists are all guilty of Exploitation for Profit. If you are breaking the law and choose to continue, you will eventually, suffer your choice.

Spur277's photo
Thu 11/01/07 05:47 PM
If they go back without being caught, they can apply for Legal status. The Illegal and we also, should have known that someday it would come to this. They took their chances and were well aware of the risk and consequences. The Illegal is the one who decide to put their kids in this situation.
The child or children can choose to go with them. that is not unreasonable. An educated person in Mexico can make a lot of changes and a perfectly decent living there.
You are only thinking of how it will affect you. You want them here for your convienience and how they might save you money. So, you might have to pay a little more for groceries.
There are many homeless,Americans without jobs, who'd be more than willing to work minimum labor to support their families.
You Maam, are guilty of promoting exploitation.

Spur277's photo
Thu 11/01/07 05:25 AM
I just read your profile.
If you really are in the Army then I wish you all the best and if you have to go into a war zone, that you stay safe.
Don't sweat things here. By the time you get back, it'll all be ancient history.

Spur277's photo
Thu 11/01/07 05:05 AM
Then you might consider doing just the reverse. Call and tell the Law Enforcement Agencies that you oppose what they are doing and you will hire, hide out, and transport as many Illegals as you can and there is nothing they can do about it.

Spur277's photo
Thu 11/01/07 04:59 AM
The type of crime is irrelevant. I don't enforce any. I advocate strongly on this one. One, the law was broken when they entered illegally. Two, it's not only unfair to the American People, it's unfair to those who could be Legal Temporary Migrant Workers who are denied access because their jobs had been filled by the Illegal. There are many more valid reasons. Not to mention exploitation of the Illegal.

Why, by hiring them at a lower scale, you advocate exploitation. That's abusive.

I know, Miguel is young, handsome and comes across as a kind, gentle man. I respect his opinions. I asked him the question. FYI, he has stated he only has 2 more years to becoming a citizen. If he were here only on a student VISA, why would he apply for citizenship? To me applying for citizenship would mean his only reason to go back to South America is to visit.

Spur277's photo
Thu 11/01/07 04:40 AM
The new Immigration Law that is in effect today. Rounding up and deporting Illegal Immigrants.

Spur277's photo
Thu 11/01/07 03:23 AM
24 and 36.
That's great!
You're young enough that when she needs you to you can change her Depends.
Some of them older gals are hot until you get to my age. 12 ta' 15 years older than me would be almost Grave Robbing!

Spur277's photo
Thu 11/01/07 03:11 AM
My last thread was a bit long. My apologies.
Your Law Enforcement Agencies may be a bit concerned about the amount of flack or resistance they will get upholding your new Law. Don't tie up 911 but call, email and fax them. Let them know you will support their efforts and applaud their bravery. Let them know, you, as a Citizen will assist if called upon.
Sure wish Texas would belly up and get some balls!

Spur277's photo
Wed 10/31/07 10:44 PM
The story is relatively short. There are a lot of Pro-Legal comments, if you care to read them.
The People have spoken!

Federal judge dismisses challenge to HB 1804

By Staff reports
10/22/2007 5:36 PM
Last Modified: 10/23/2007 12:02 AM

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by Hispanic groups seeking to block implementation of House Bill 1804, a state law aimed at illegal immigrants.

U.S. District Judge James Payne ordered the case dismissed because he found that none of the plaintiffs in the case had been injured by the law, so they do not have standing to file the suit.

Comparable cases before the U.S. Supreme Court have determined that ''a proper constitutional vetting of any law cannot be achieved without the existence of a plaintiff that has actually been injured by the challenged law,'' Payne says in his order.

''While a constitutional vetting of HB 1804 would serve the interest of all parties to this litigation, the interest of the public would be be served by a sharpening of the issues presented prior to such a vetting,'' he says. ''Such a sharpening can only be achieved through a suit brought by plaintiffs with well-defined injuries causally connected to HB 1804.''

Payne's order does not determine the constitutionality of the law.

''The court has no doubt that Plaintiffs fervently believe in the unconstitutionality of HB 1804,'' he says. ''The court's holding today does not close the courthouse door to those wishing
to challenge the constitutional soundness of HB 1804.''

Due to go into effect on Nov. 1 HB 1804 would make it illegal to knowingly transport illegal aliens and throws up state barriers to hiring illegal aliens.

Add your comment

(96) readers have commented on this story so far. Tell us what you think below!

1. 10/22/2007 5:57:53 PM, LM, Cleveland
RIDICULOUSLY FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT... The Atorney's will have fun with this... Hope they get their money up front... It is hard to collect from Illegals.

2. 10/22/2007 6:01:18 PM, kevin, tulsa
Of course none of the plantiffs were harmed by this. Victor Orta would have to give back his white cadillac because if he were illegal he wouldn't have a drivers license! Good Job you honor!

3. 10/22/2007 6:03:25 PM, Greg, Tulsa
For once, a judge with some common sense!

4. 10/22/2007 6:09:10 PM, William, Tulsa
I am not racist by no means...But good for them, you would think the first most defined word, in this whole debate would be "illegal". If you want to work here and get the same opportunities as the rest of the citizens of the Untied States, then go through the proper channels. I have lived here all of my 36 years, and have worked full time in the past 20 years. Why should I have to supplement anything medical, unemployment, etc., to an illegal alien. There are plenty of people here in our own backyards to aide. And I also think that if a child is born here, from an illegal parent, there should be two choices. Have that child go back to the South American country with the status of being an illegal also, or be put up for adoption to a legal American citizen. I am not trying to be cold hearted about any of this, I understand they want to better themselves, but do not come into our country demanding rights that are not legally yours. Go through the proper channels and become an American citizen, and I will gladly welcome to our wonderful nation, but with the same respect, learn out language and don't demand help without trying to help yourself first...There is no "constitutional" help for anyone that doesn't want to do the right thing and live by our constitutional laws. That's just my two cents.

5. 10/22/2007 6:15:44 PM, Douglas, Santa Rosa,Ca
This is a victory for the people of Oklahoma and similar measures such as Arizona's prop. 200 are examples of how "attrition through enforcement"works!It's time for activist judges and the ACLU to understand that no matter how hard they try to usurp the will of the people we the American people have been awakened to this illegal alien invasion.Deport all illegal aliens .No Atzlan!

6. 10/22/2007 6:29:01 PM, Drew, Tulsa
I don't get it. What part of "ILLEGAL alien" do these people not understand? Yes, even illegal aliens have rights, as would any outsider who was visiting our country. But they have no "right" to stay here indefinitely, or to suck off the GUVMINT while they're here. This lawsuit was stupid. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

7. 10/22/2007 6:29:49 PM, Chris, Tulsa
Let's quit throwing away our tax dollars to people who don't pay taxes. This lawsuit is frivilous. Come to America legally. Pay the fees.

8. 10/22/2007 6:31:34 PM, gv, OKC
Well I am glad that ya'll have that opinion. Becuase we are entitled to that as Americans. Sit back and think who is going to cut your yard, because you people are to busy having affairs on your wives and watching football. Don't worry. Our people will come out ahead like they always do!!!!

About the sick and tired of forking over tax dollars. Where are the tax dollars that are deducted from "illegal's" paychecks?

9. 10/22/2007 6:36:28 PM, Bruce,
Miguel Rivera said on TV that our Sheriff Stanley Glanz is: "guilty of ethnic cleansing, and atrocities". Here's the real reason why Rivera hates 1804 and the fact that it's causing Mexican illegals to 'migrate' elsewhere... Straight from his bio page on his own website: "In 1993 the Rev. Rivera started Church Administration Services Inc, a management, accounting and ecclesiastical affairs firm that serves Latino Christian churches throughout the United States. As a professional management accountant, he has developed a clientele of more than 5,000 Latino Christian churches and Hispanic serving non-profit organizations."


10. 10/22/2007 6:42:21 PM, Native American,
Sen. Inhofe voted for NAFTA & CAFTA which open the flood gates to illegal immigrants by eliminating our borders.

11. 10/22/2007 6:47:57 PM, Bruce,
#9... You are welcome to move to Kansas with the rest, or even to Mexico - since you have such a low opinion of yourself and others. btw - I cut my own grass, thank you. No need to give somebody money for that. MOST of us in Oklahoma don't need/want cheap labor. We know how to work. And we know how to take care of 'business', too... So go pull your La Raza mess in some other state.

12. 10/22/2007 7:06:05 PM, gv,
I don't need to move to Kansas or Mexico for that matter. I am an American, born in the U.S. to a Vietman Veteran and to a U.S. Mother. We are voicing our opinion on this website. I am glad that you mow your own grass. So basically you don't like that I am for the illegals. They should of wrote on the "add your comment" that only kudos could be posted and not real opinions.

13. 10/22/2007 7:34:21 PM, Randy,
I am a carpenter, I live in Florida but I am working in Mississippi, Because all the Illegal aliens working for rock bottom wages. I am ready to move to Oklahoma because Fla will not stand up for its Citizens. Good for the Judge and good and good for the rest of America. They can pass the same laws in there States now.. ( I hope ). I am tired of being away from home.

14. 10/22/2007 7:38:33 PM, roger,
Good for the judge and the fine patriots of this country!!

This is just the best news I've had for such a long time concerning the invasion of our country by the illegals and their spawn!!

15. 10/22/2007 7:41:43 PM, Darlene,
To #9 post.

If thats the worst that can happen is that people will have to mow their own lawns or get some teenager thats a citizen to do it,I can live with that,lol!

16. 10/22/2007 7:44:53 PM, Cherry, Tulsa
I agree with #4. I couldn't have said it any better. And #9, please take a spelling class. Just to let you know, my man doesn't mess around on me. And he does cut the grass. As for most of the male hispanics I have encountered, I don't feel comfortable when you stare at my daughter and myself while we are shopping. Try being a little more repectful in the future.

17. 10/22/2007 7:59:31 PM, Sue, Tulsa

18. 10/22/2007 8:08:52 PM, G.O. , Tulsa
#9 The tax dollars that are deducted from the illegals paychecks are going to the $19,000 in social services that on average every illegal recieves but americans do not qualify for. #13 You can "be" for illegals if you want, but while you're at it, why don't you pay for their social services also? Also, are you trying to say that hispanics don't cheat on each other while watching soccer?-get real. That's my opinion!

19. 10/22/2007 8:16:41 PM, Sandra, Los Angeles

I'm sure you are not a racists. But today if you are against a certain ethnic group you will automatically be labeled a RACIST.

Lou Dobbs is one prime example

20. 10/22/2007 8:16:54 PM, Donald Cho, Tulsa
Indeed this is great news but i would be even more happier if we could get the left-wing judges in San Francisco who sits on the 9th Circuit Court of appeals to allow the NO MATCH SSN#s to go out immediately. That would really be the end of illegal immigration into this country by cutting off the magnet of jobs. Not that all employers would comply but if we kick them in the butt with 10K fines daily per illegal they'll certainly think twice about keeping and hiring illegal aliens.

21. 10/22/2007 8:25:02 PM, scorpion king,
Hey Sandra back off William in this country we are entitled to our opionions, that is if you are a citizen of this country. I think right now in L.A. you guys have alot more things to worry about than our cases i.e. the fires all around u. Who knows if those fires are so bad maybe it will wipe out some of the illegals as well so maybe you dont need a bill out there!! Hopefully the wind and fire will drive them back where they belong!!!

22. 10/22/2007 9:03:33 PM, Elizabeth, Orlando
Illegal has no color so how can we be against a certain ethnic group...Lou Dobbs states the facts! Check out Rick Sanchez/Outintheopen on CNN and you'll see that he is a racist against those who are white.....We must stand for the Rule of Law and they will go home. Can anyone explain how you would explain 12 million or so illegal alien invasion? Give one good reason why so many? Then tell me why we should give a heart to lawbreakers....

23. 10/22/2007 9:03:46 PM, bob,
Its about damn time!!! The hispanics are worried that this law is aimed more at them. Well, good, because it is! Illegal aliens are fleeing the state in fear of this law. Then that sounds like a law that just might work, I say, it's about damn time!

24. 10/22/2007 9:13:13 PM, hmphhh,
#13, congratulations on being an american citizen. You should be more concerned than anyone else about this illegal alien problem. They are leaching off of the system, forget about wages, and language barriers, consider the implications to the health care system, the penal system, how about the safety of your own neighborhoods, with more and more illegal aliens turning to organized crime fanctions to stay "legal". Is it too much to ask someone to sign their name on the list when they come across the border. THese people don't want to be legal, because they know how much more they get for free, by mooching, then by going through the process of legalization. Open up another Ellis Island on the southern border, and perhaps we can make these illegals, legal.

25. 10/22/2007 9:35:19 PM, David, Tulsa
Most comments I agree with. But comments like # 25 are racists. He is grouping all Hispanics as illegals. I am Hispanic and would love it if all illegals were gone to. But like I have said before, if I get pulled over for speeding and cop tell me to verify my citizenship, there will be hell to pay. I like most all other naturally born citizens with long lines of families and others who have come to this country legally (like most of your ancestry) are proud to be a US citizen. So why should I have to prove it just because I am brown and speeding? White, black, green, red people don't speed??? They better be prepared to prove their citizenship too! ALL of you.

So Mr # 25, can you prove your citizenship? Would you be offended if you get pulled over and told to verify it?

26. 10/22/2007 9:40:26 PM, Patrick Piklapp, Tulsa
The time has come for all good Americans to stand up to the rising invasion. This ruling is just a drop in the bucket.

27. 10/22/2007 9:47:44 PM, HALO, TULSA
As long as immigrants were helping build the infrastructure of America, that is, roads, bridges, houses, commercial construction and so forth, the general public, contractors, american companies, small businesses, and larger coporations utlized their work services. Now that residential and commercial construction have slowed down,and there exist an economic downturn, we are asking hispanics to leave. For the past ten years in Oklahoma, specifically the local Tulsa market, the hispanic population grew to an enormous number. Even Walmart has been cited for hiring "illegal immigrants." Why wait ten years to "extradite" the fastest growing minority in the country? Tulsa's economy, the local and state economy, small business, and larger corporation have been benefactors from the Hispanic laborers. There will exist an economic impact caused by the dwindling of Hispancis in our community. One must ask, "Why has the political environment waited for such a long time to enact laws to curtail illegal immigration?"

28. 10/22/2007 10:10:42 PM, Elizabeth, Orlando
#29 "You say as long as immigrants", do you mean legal? Illegal immigrants have no rights! The political environment did not wait a long time to enact the laws. The US has been invaded by millions of people that covers themselves to us as being legal. The only thing that made the illegals stand out is their spanish language being forced upon the English language. You see the illegals do not live in the shadows....Also, the Mexican people do not consider themselves being Hispanic....Ask them and you will learn why the American people must stop illegal immigration.

29. 10/22/2007 10:14:08 PM, Chad, Broken Arrow
Hey #29....its because the influx of illegals reached critical mass and LEGAL residents decided enough was enough. I don't know anyone who thought unfettered illegal immigration was a good idea, but it was tolerated. I look forward to the day when I no longer have to "press 1 to proceed in English" just happens!

30. 10/22/2007 10:19:09 PM, Chad, Broken Arrow
#27 - I would GLADLY prove my citizenship. I'm legal and have absolutely NOTHING to hide.

By they way...there will be no "hell to pay" if an officer asks you to prove your citizenship. It is within their right to uphold the law.

31. 10/22/2007 10:22:56 PM, Chad, Broken Arrow

HB1804 applies to ALL illegal immigrants, not just illegal hispanic immigrants.

I don't care if you're red, yellow, black, white, or magenta with green stripe.....if you're in this country illegally, get the hell out! That's what 1804 is designed to do.....get ALL illegals, regardless of race or nationality, headed out of the state.

32. 10/22/2007 10:36:11 PM, Easy Going, Glenpool

Regardless of what it is said, at the end justice will prevail and 1804 will be found unconstitutional.

33. 10/22/2007 10:40:14 PM, Lilathe,
Finally a judge with some common sense.

For those of you slapping down your "racist" card on the table, that card got old years ago. Mexico is a thousand times more racist than the USA. Mexico is ran and controlled by white Spanish people and they are exporting their "dark skinned" Indians and mestizos to the USA because they do not want to educate or care for them. The color of your skin is everything in Mexico.

34. 10/22/2007 10:42:25 PM, Elizabeth, Orlando
#32 You must be an illegal! Do you understand the difference between right and wrong? We are not talking about the world we are talking about those who have chosen to break the law....What part of illegal do you not understand? God said obey the law of the land, he wrote his Ten Commandments, and only he can judge and forgive! You are judging those who believe in the Rule of Law....God bless the United States of America and those who will stand for the truth and justice to us all!

35. 10/22/2007 10:43:35 PM, David, Tulsa
Chad, Go back and read # 25 comments. My comment was directed at his ignorance. He was making reference to all Hispanics. Its not about having anything to hide. Its about pride. I am sick and tired of having to prove my citizenship to those white, black or magenta with the green stripes people. You have no idea how disrespectful it is to make me prove my citizenship because I am brown. My family has a long history in this country. My grandfather and father fought for this country. Along side many of your families. Yet I am being treated like a illegal just because our nation has some very outdated and failed immigration system? Those problems will still be there. This country will still have an immigration problem. Don't forget where we live. With a past of the largest race riot in US history and comments like # 25 aimed at ALL Hispanics. Legal and illegal. And you wonder why Tulsa has such a bad image.

36. 10/22/2007 10:47:00 PM, nope, T
Save the Christian crap. You want to say GOD is saying to get illegals out of the US? Give me a break!! lol! Don't hide behind your religion and your interpretation of the bible.

37. 10/22/2007 10:52:01 PM, Chad, Broken Arrow

I missed it..sorry. They author of #25 singled out hispanics which is wrong.

Tulsa does not have a bad image. If you go back and read the posts from out-of-towners on this article, or other articles about HB1804, they are overwhelmingly POSITIVE and complimentary of Tulsa, and Oklahoma in general for taking a tough stand on illegal immigration.

38. 10/22/2007 10:52:15 PM, James, Tulsa
Here is how I feel about the whole thing, How would you like it if you woke up one day and went into your living room and there was a family sitting there and when you asked them who they were, they said "Oh, we live here now". We are going to use and enjoy everything in your home and even call it ours. Then we will do just enough to say that for us staying here that we are helping out. But, If you get angry or try to kick us out, we will call you racists. Now, I ask you does that not sound allot like what these people are doing to the U.S.? Illegal is Illegal. I'm sorry. But, America cannot be responsible for everyone with a sob story. Stop making excuses and take reponsibility for yourselves. Thats all I hear from theses people. I know they are here to better their lives. I get that. But, you invited yourself here. I find it amazing that it is ok for everyother country can have immagration laws, but for some reason it is not ok for america to. Illegals want rights. No way. Rights are only extended to a countries citizens. Yes, the U.N and the world set standards as far as human rights. But, there is no other country that puts up with what has been happening here. So, Yes you do have human rights. But, you do not have the right to just do whatever you want, even if you work and are not getting public benefits. Thats how it works, I am a citizen and how I got my rights is because of the men and women who laid down their lives in defending those rights. They are the ones who gave those rights to me. Sorry about your luck. But, I cannot help what country you were born in and the situation there. I'm sorry, but the mass killing in Aferica is much worse than anything that is wrong with mexico or any other central american country. I'm sure those people would love to come here too. I just don't have much respect for people who impose themselves on others. Because, the truth is NO country puts up with illegal immagration. What would you think would happen if I went to canada illegaly? I bet I would be sent back to the U.S. Why? They have laws and so do we and it's about time we stick by them. They are there to protect us. And by us, I mean the citizens of this country. Sorry, but you are more than welcome to come here and pursue a good life as long as you do it legaly. But if you try to be here illegaly, then you have to expect that you will always live in the shadows of this great nation just like other criminals do. SORRY. Get the hint. Your in our home and we don't have to put up with it. This is OUR home. Until you are invited, do not expect to be welcome.

39. 10/22/2007 10:55:44 PM, Judith, Ponca City OK
#22 & #23 I think that a person with that kind of mind is more idiot than a person that his/her only crime is wanting a better life, I think that Americans should be ashamed of low minded people like you, how could you wish that people die just because they don't have a "legal status", not just citizens have the right to opinion, if you really now your constitution you should know that we all have freedom of speech and that includes give our opinion, the way you talk about people that are not of your same race tells me that you are a racist, instead of anger I fell sorry for you, you must be so miserable, that could have so much hate for other human been. We are all the same under god eyes. Save your money it would help you pay more for the services that illegal did for you.

40. 10/22/2007 10:55:47 PM, very interesting, Tulsa
Thank you, U.S. District Judge James Payne! I'm starting to believe that American citizens have rights once again!!!!!

41. 10/22/2007 10:57:43 PM, Linda Hodges,
I don't believe that you have to prove your citizenship if you are stopped by a police officer, but you better have a driver's license and proof of insurance. Illegals (of ANY race) will likely not have either one. Depending on what your violation is, you MAY be arrested, THEN you have to prove your citizenship, if ICE is called in.

42. 10/22/2007 10:59:11 PM, Lizard King, BA
Hey 37/Elizabeth,

I love going to Disneyworld!

43. 10/22/2007 11:09:09 PM, Paul, Bixby
I agree, that is all I hear out of illegals mouths are excuses. There are lots of other countries that are poor and have problems. But, they are trying to fix their problems not trying to pass it on to others.

44. 10/22/2007 11:11:26 PM, Elizabeth, Orlando
#39 The Truth Hurts!!!!

45. 10/22/2007 11:14:33 PM, JD, Tulsa
I'm not racist. But I'm beginning to hate the fact that the illegals are taking over. So you want the United States to change our official language for your illegal little self? Well kiss my english dictionary because I'm not catering to you! And take your flag and stick it too because the US Flag is the official flag of this country! And if you worked here illegally and were hired by a greedy employer, then that's your fault! You should have come into this country legally!

46. 10/22/2007 11:16:43 PM, Jose ,
It is amazing how ignorant people can be.

Before nationalism, there is sympathy for humanity.

47. 10/22/2007 11:17:52 PM, Jeremy Good, Tulsa
The wine is cooling for my official celebration on November 1st! Finally a judge with some common sense who understands he cannot legislate from the bench. Thank God this wasn't San Fran sicko! After this Constitutional and common sense law is in force we can begin figuring out how to fence off southern California from the rest of the US...

48. 10/22/2007 11:19:00 PM, big papa, Claremore
The person that made those laws are dumb. I think Sheriff Stanley Glantz is our version of Lou Dobbs. Not all illegals avoid paying taxes, most of them do. Most people don't see all of this. No matter what is said i still love this country.

49. 10/22/2007 11:19:42 PM, Mary, Tulsa
I ask you this, if you immagrate here for a better life and say that you are not criminals, then how come you live in the worst crime infested apartment complexes? I highly doubt others are just stopping by and commiting those crimes and junking up the place. Look at any neighborhood that immagrants move into and tell me that it doesn't go down hill. Why? Because most of them have no respect and no sense of responsibility.

50. 10/22/2007 11:28:40 PM, Matt , Tulsa
Sounds like big papa is a illegal himself. I'm sorry but lou dobbs is one of the few people in the media that stands up for middle class americans. The real backbone of this country. How can illegals say they are the backbone of this country when it is hard working middle class blue collar americans who work the skilled labor positions that drive 90% of this countries economy. There is a difference between skilled labor and unskilled labor. Unskilled labor means anyone can do it, with little or no skills all you have to have is a brain and a able body. So, I don't want to hear it. Just stop with the excuses. Just stop.

51. 10/22/2007 11:50:15 PM, G.O., Tulsa
#48 I agree; but tell that to the Mexican Government who is unwilling to provide for it's own.

52. 10/22/2007 11:58:59 PM, Sam, BA
Where do illegals get the idea that it is ok to just show up and start demanding things in a country that they don't belong to and in a country that has no responsibility to them. Try going to anyother country and start demanding things and see what happens. Get the hint, look at most polls, your not wanted here. The reason why you were not given visias to come here is becauce you posesss no skills that are a value to this country. We are trying to get the american citizens that are low skilled and not really contributing to do something, but we cannot afford millions more adding to the mess. I just want to hear ONE illegal to stand up and say I'm illegal and I have no leagl right to be in this country, but thank you to all the american people that pay taxes and work hard for allowing me to be here.You can't even get a thank you out of these people. Thats where it shows that they just expect and show no respect. So, I extend you no respect. Respect is earned and not given. Just like no one has respect for the dead beats that are citizens that just take what they can and don't think that they have do do anything. But, atleast they have a legal right to be here, even though I wish we could send them packing too.

53. 10/23/2007 12:08:48 AM, Greg, BA
I love illegals, they do a half way decent job and I don't have to pay them half of what I pay a american worker. It's funny that they don't realized We work them more, pay them less, and get a good laugh in the end. It's ok it's not a race thing. I do the same thing to dumb oklahomans too. UnderEducated knows no race or nationality.

54. 10/23/2007 12:12:00 AM, kicemout, Tucson
Good for Judge James Payne. Finally, someone putting Americans first.

55. 10/23/2007 12:23:54 AM, Emily, Altus
Thank you, Judge Payne. HB1804 is a small step forward, but at least its a beginning. Nov. 1st can't get here soon enough.

56. 10/23/2007 2:45:48 AM, Last American in CA, El Cajon
#9, If you think that 'your people' are so great, why is it they have the highest rates of: welfare use, illegitimate baby births, teen pregnancy, fertility, uninsured children, domestic violence, alcoholism and drug use, unpaid ER use, identity fraud, DUI and Hit & Run accidents, uninsured drivers, fatal motor vehicle accidents, child and gang rapes, gang membership, incarceration for car theft & drug offenses & violent crimes, juvenile incarceration, truancy, high school drop outs, illiteracy, income tax evasion, HIV, TB, STD's, diabetes, hepatitis, cirrhosis and obesity? Don't belive it? Just type in "Hispanics highest rates of" in Google and see the 2,000,000 results of things Hispanics have the highest rates in.

57. 10/23/2007 7:01:02 AM, Dover,
This is going to be a great week..... Way to go judge. I never thought I would ever say anything nice about a judge. But he is the man of the year as far as I am concerned. Put him in his place judgee ol boy. YIPPEEE!!! Oh and the one or two people crying and whining in this comment section. This is just the beginning. Racist, bigot whatever. You will loose, we have laws and apparently a good judge from time to time. Give him a raise.

58. 10/23/2007 8:10:38 AM, Lilly, Ft. Carson, Co.
Keep in mind that when illegal aliens claim that they pay taxes, in order to do so, they must have a social security card/number. The ONLY way for an illegal alien to have a social security card/number is through fraudulent/felonious means.

59. 10/23/2007 8:16:55 AM, If Your Happy and You Know It...,

60. 10/23/2007 8:27:33 AM, Lavonda, Arlington, Texas
God Bless Oklahoma - I wish Texas was agressive against law breakers as Oklahoma!

61. 10/23/2007 8:30:30 AM, Mike, Miami
These illegals have abandoned their own countries for personal self-serving reasons. Money! If they had a fraction of the courage American have, they would fight for change in their own countries. They would rather feed on what we have fought,worked and bled for.

62. 10/23/2007 8:55:08 AM, Russ G, Weymouth, MA
A federal judge who actually understands judicial process? Utterly amazing, eh? El Presidente Jorge Boosh should put this guy on the Ninth Circuit. Of course, he'd be outnumbered 8-1 by the rest of those Bozo's! You might recall that they ruled that the SSA couldn't send out the "no-match" letters because workers would be "irreparably" harmed. Seems the facts are exactly the same - no one actually "injured" in the legal sense but that didn't make any difference to the Notorious Ninth!

63. 10/23/2007 9:08:25 AM, Russ G, Weymouth, MA
I have to say "kudos" to the poster who pointed out that merely having a sob story doesn't entitle you to jump the US border. If simple lack of creature comforts were the sole criterion for admission, well, then you'd better open the floodgates to literally BILLIONS of people who are far poorer than the average Mexican. America is the only industrialized nation that has a Third World Hell-hole on its immediate border. Europe has a problem with illegals, too, but those folks have a tougher trip to get to England, France, or Spain, just like the Guatamalans, Salvadorans, Hondurans, and Brazilians have to travel through Mexico to get here so there are fewer of them but their numbers are rapidly growing. Of course, once a "beachhead" is established illegals send MONEY [remittances] back home so extended family members can simply fly in and enter via a fraudulent I-94 customs declaration [which says they're LEAVING when their visa expires - yeah, right!]

We cannot be the walk-in health clinic and JOB BANK to the entire world, friends. I'm trying my level best to make the USA a better place - I suggest you do the same in your own country.

64. 10/23/2007 9:25:48 AM, Dover,
Jose there is sympathy for humanity. We have sympathy and humanity. We also have laws that dictate when I crime is committed we feel sorry for them and we dont want to torcher them but we do want them properly punished. Because deportation is the punishment for this crime. We ARE sorry but you illegals need to be punished by deportation. Get em ICE

65. 10/23/2007 9:48:24 AM, Jeff,
My friend and I are dressing up as ICE patrol for halloween and going to a Mexican restaurant. Wonder how long it would take for the workers to clear out?

66. 10/23/2007 9:50:03 AM, mdc, Broken Arrow
Democracy is a great thing... no matter what the reason is for somebody disagreeing with HB 1804, it won't be defeated until it is VOTED down. That is how democracy works. And, the people of Oklahoma have spoken... the legal VOTING majority is tired of supporting illegal immigrants.


The voters have spoken... and the only "unconstitutional" thing that could happen here would be for illegal immigrants to try and over turn the decision of the voters. That would go against democracy and the principles that built this country.

67. 10/23/2007 9:50:32 AM, Lonny, Tulsa
My what a hornet's nest this story stirs up. Everyone has passionate, or I should say, heated opinions on this matter. The problem isn't the illegal immigrants. The problem is the employers who hire them. If there were no jobs, they wouldn't come. The rich in the US and the rich in Mexico want the status quo. They'll get laws passed that'll make them look like they are doing something but effectively won't change a thing. By keeping their status as illegals they are willing to work for lower wages and are always in fear of being deported. The system keeps them desperate and poor. Instead of destroying the middle class in America lets figure out a way to build a middle class in Mexico. Then and only then will they stop coming because most people would prefer to be where they grew up.

68. 10/23/2007 10:29:20 AM, ChicagoAmerican,
How long are we going to let the illegal immigrants (mexicans) and their supporters (laraza, bush, reid, durbin, kennedy, clinton, obama) throw roadblocks in front of AMERICAN law enforcement?

Americans have a right to have their laws enforced upon ALL criminals, especially criminal foreign nationals who don't belong here!

Way to go Oklahoma! If there wasn't twister every 24 hours I might just move back. In the meantime though, just keep up the fight. Americans are on your side as are the Laws of our land.

Do yourselves a favor folks. Look at how the democrats are voting on amnesty for millions of illegal mexicans today or tomorrow (dream act) and see who your traitors are. Enlighten yourselves and call your traitor senator today before our constitution becomes the mexican constitution. BTW: Hillary and Obama and every democrat is on board with every illegal alien support group (la raza).

69. 10/23/2007 11:07:19 AM, Niles Standush, Tulsa
Since none of the plaintiffs will ever be affected by HB 1804, these scumbags will now find the first illegal alien who gets "injured" by the new law and file a lawsuit for him/her. The only problem is that illegal immigrants have NO constitutional rights, but that won't stop them from trying. I think HB 1804 will end up going to the Supreme Court and it will be upheld. This is a good week for the USA and a bad week for the illegal invaders!!!

70. 10/23/2007 11:07:52 AM, June, Georgetown
I always laugh when I see the foolish statements about illegals being "In the shadows." There are very much in the light - marching, demanding, threatning and concocting lawsuits to sue the very country that has let them break in, get jobs, schooling for their anchor babies, home mortgages, medical care and all sorts of benefits. Now, when this nation is belatedly trying to enforce its laws, the parasites want to sue. Illegal aliens have the same rights here as Americans do in Mexico!

71. 10/23/2007 12:29:43 PM, Honky Donkey,
How in the world was taxpayer money wasted on such a frivolous lawsuit? If they are illegal then why are they plugging up the courts that we pay for?

72. 10/23/2007 1:39:17 PM, hmphhh,
I have called a racist, and that is true. There arent too many people out there who are not actually racist to some degree. It is part of our upbringing to look at people differently. usually it is people of minority driven backgrounds who are the most racist of all, and the first thing that a minority does is point the finger and blame everyone else for being racist, instead of adressing the issue of why people have their stereotypes. We should work together to fix the problem of illegal immigration, and HB 1804 is just that, an attempt to take care of illegal immigration. if the hispanic community takes offense to that, then that just goes to point out their own racism and hypocricies. Illegal doesnt mean hispanic. The hispanic community sounds more like it has a guilty conscience.

73. 10/23/2007 1:43:17 PM, Daniel,
Illegal aliens shouldnt have constitutional rights. If you want protection under the Constitution of the USA, then follow the procedures to become a legal citizen. Otherwise, quit your bickering and shut the hell up, or go back to wherever you came from. You want the "system" to work for you, then you have to work for the "system" just like every other LEGAL citizen.

74. 10/23/2007 3:31:20 PM, Ray, Anytown USA
#56, very good list, I've been looking for a comprehensive list like that which details out all of the catagories hispanics lead in. There are a couple that aren't on the list that I'm sure they also excel in - identity theft and using fake ss #'s or stealing someone else's ss#.

***Remember the Alamo***

75. 10/23/2007 3:38:04 PM, George,
#65.. that is hilarious!!

76. 10/23/2007 3:43:54 PM, Ricky, Tulzee Town
Illegal aliens are the racists. They invade a country and get jobs that Americans would otherwise have, and I don't accept the lie that Americans won't do them. I see real Americans all the time doing yard work, construction, working in restaurants, etc. illegal mexicans are the racist ones. They target mainly white Americans and commit genocide against them by taking over their neighborhoods and whole towns. The whites who won't leave become victims of gang crime repeatedly. The mexican organization (gang) known as "la raza" means "THE RACE". It's motto is "everything for the race (meaning brown mexicans) - for the rest, NOTHING".

This is nothing but hateful racism. Its time they are exposed for what they really are. They don't want to become real Americans, they only want to take over a large part of our country and make it part of mexico. These fake "ministers" who are pushing these lawsuits need to be thrown out too because they are working to undermine this country. I don't give a rats' rear if they are legal, they aren't living by the oath they took to support our constitution and live by the laws of the land. The racists need thrown out.

77. 10/23/2007 3:49:56 PM, max,
Re #76, shouldn't this be an issue of concern to Homeland Security? If not, WHY not?

78. 10/23/2007 5:49:34 PM, Jenny, Grand Rapids, MI
Hallelujiah!!! And I'm a democrat. I'm fed up with the violations against the civil and human rights of American citizens.

79. 10/23/2007 5:50:14 PM, Hank, tulsa
What does an ICE agent look like, for purposes of Halloween? Just for the record, the only really good Mexican food is made by first generation Mexican residents, whether legal or otherwise. If they commit a DUI or a felony, we will not have the illegal type chefs to cook for us, which is just. I just hope they obey the laws, though, because I love really good Mexican food! I refuse to enter into all this illegal bashing. Only the criminal elements should be deported. But the federal government does need to do its job and keep out any more illegals. Nuff is enough.

80. 10/23/2007 5:50:17 PM, Outraged Patriot, USA
Glad to see it. Hope this effort spreads.

Does "La Raza" translate into "entitlement race?" Illegal is illegal.

81. 10/23/2007 6:04:38 PM, DB,
I believe this effort is spreading and the rest of the politicians will be forced pull their heads out. More good news, the price of tequila may go down.

P.S. Why haven't we heard of any protests from all the "pro-illegal alien from Canada" groups? Oh, I forgot, hispanics have cornered the market on this subject issue. Enough said.

82. 10/23/2007 6:59:17 PM, superman,
The hispanics say that this is unfair and it is portraying all hispanics as illegals. That this is some sort of "ethnic cleansing", somehow, a country trying to protect its borders is just like the holocaust? Well here is something to think about: Show me a larger group of illegal aliens in the US that arent hispanic, then you can complain about raical profiling, but fact of the matter is, this problem is with the illegal hispanics.

83. 10/23/2007 8:17:33 PM, DB,


How about reporting this issue from the other side of the liberal weeney fence!!!


Thanks for all the vacations stops on the Friday and Saturday papers that I don't want on my "weekend delivery subscription" that USED to be the Sunday paper ONLY!!!

Drive safely! Don't forget your bib

84. 10/23/2007 10:47:03 PM, Yeah!, tulsa
Maybe we should give them Texas and take it back (again). Just kidding.

85. 10/24/2007 9:22:40 AM, ChicagoAmerican,
"Yeah!, tulsa

Maybe we should give them Texas and take it back (again). Just kidding."

You jest, but in a prophetic sort of way. Maybe, we give them temporary possession of texas, so-cal & Arizona THEN take it back again (while bush is home - and cornyn) and send them all packing militarily back to the south of OUR new border. GREAT IDEA! I'm in!

86. 10/24/2007 9:29:58 AM, ChicagoAmerican,
Americans: PLEASE call your senator this AM and tell them to vote NO to cloture on another attempt at amnesty for illegals.

Reid, Durbin, obama and hilarious clinton are trying to ram amnesty down our throats against the will of Americans - as the tulsa legislation clearly indicates.

87. 10/24/2007 2:38:16 PM, Ace Tinker, Tulsa
I'm afraid #86 is right. Senator Durbin, with bill 2205, cosponsored by Hagel, Lugar and Leahy, are trying to give amnesty to illegals who have a GED, HS diploma, or have been admitted to an institution of higher education. The funny thing is, they are trying to cram this down our throats by saying these illegals desperately want to join our armed forces. Right. ROLFMFAO.


It IS a pretty shameless attempt to legalize some illegals, with a teaspoon of artificial sweetner for the bitterness. The amnesty would only be given if the students had maintained good moral character (as defined by the bill, pretty loose!) and had been here 5 years, beginning before age 16, yadda yadda yadda.


Still, it's amnesty, and they are trying to justify it by minimum education level required -- and by saying these people will want to go to Iraq to fight for us. Anybody see a flaw in logic here???


Are we going to have a Spanish speaking segment of the military? Are we going to cancel deportation (as if it was going to happen!) and enable scholarships, grants, etc for college, to illegals simply for being here and having us finance their public school education?


We -- the voters -- have to keep saying No, No, No. They evidently thought we meant, "Well, okay, sometimes." No to S2205!

88. 10/24/2007 4:17:48 PM, ChicagoAmerican,
RE: the Dream Amnesty act. THEY LOST AGAIN! WOO HOO! For the 5th time no less and hilarious hillary and obama bin laden were among the traitors who voted FOR IT.

This terrible legislation also included unlimited rights for the illegal alien kid to gain amnesty AND bring his/her mexican family members (everyone) here legally once the kid is legalized. Illegal mexican kid X 10 = 10 illegal mexicans for every dream act kid.

The funniest part of this whole attempted scam is the fact that THE ILLEGAL MEXICAN KIDS' FAMILY IS ALREADY HERE! Right in the living room or garage.

deet da dee. They (durbin, reid, hillary and obama) really think we are that stupid?

89. 10/26/2007 1:15:48 PM, Darlene,
The sooner the illegal scum and their spawn that keeps sucking the life out of this country are punished and removed the cleaner the air will be and the better off this country will be! I cant afford to send my son to college but they want to give a free ride to these parasites? Not if I can do anything about it!

90. 10/26/2007 2:21:24 PM, ChicagoAmerican,
It just doesn't get any clearer than this? mexican morals on display for all the world to see. This is for all the poor mexican illegal supporters. We don't need these people or their ilk in our country temporarily or permanently.

From Judicial Watch:

October 26, 2007

Illegal Immigrants Capitalize On U.S. Disaster

Mexican illegal immigrants have taken advantage of the California wildfires, looting and stealing from evacuated homes and victim shelters and entering the country through vulnerable border crossings abandoned by U.S. agents forced out by flames.

More than 1,400 homes were lost in the catastrophic fires that burned hundreds of thousands of acres throughout southern California and led the president to officially proclaim the event a federal natural disaster.

U.S. Border Patrol agents in several San Diego crossings were forced to evacuate their posts and illegal immigrants took advantage to enter the country. More than 200 illegal aliens have been arrested in the fire zone since the flames erupted earlier this week and several are being treated for burns at San Diego hospitals.

Many of them entered the U.S. through a remote border crossing (Tecate) just minutes after Border Patrol agents evacuated, locking a small gate behind them. Migrants opened the gate and a rush of traffic, both pedestrian and vehicle, ensued. Federal authorities are still not certain how many illegal immigrants have slipped into the country in the last few days.

Additionally, there have been numerous incidents of illegal immigrants looting and stealing from burned residences in the San Diego area as well the football stadium that served as a shelter for thousands of evacuees. The San Diego County Sheriff has arrested several of the culprits, including two illegal aliens caught crossing back into Mexico carrying items stolen from a burned home.

From LA Times 10/24/07

Six illegal immigrants arrested at Qualcomm

San Diego:

Six undocumented Mexican immigrants were arrested today by U.S. Border Patrol agents at Qualcomm Stadium, after a report that they were stealing food and water meant for evacuees, according to spokesman Damon Foreman.

San Diego police responded to a call about alleged theft from the evacuation center and encountered six people in a van who didn't speak English and didn't have California driver's licenses, Foreman said. The police officers called the Border Patrol, who arrived at the stadium and made the arrests, he said. Foreman said the immigrants admitted they were Mexican citizens and that they were stealing.

91. 10/28/2007 9:47:22 PM, el, oklahoma
For all you people who think illegals get tax dollars through public assistance...WRONG!!!

I happen to know quite a few,and they work very hard to provide for their families.They are very dependable and put up with a lot of crap just to keep their crappy jobs.

92. 10/28/2007 9:59:33 PM, Allison D, okc
I don't understand how all you people can be so mean. It's not like all the illegals go and steal money. I agree with #91 because what they said is indeed a fact. I know illegals and do you know what they have to go through? No, you don't. They are constantly being harrassed because of their race. I also know that they get low paying jobs, because that's all they can get. They work VERY hard for their families. Do you honestly believe that all illegal mexicans are thieves? If you want to tell me anything about this go ahead, I'll listen. By the way, why are all illegals mexican? What about all the others who are here illegally?

93. 10/29/2007 11:36:25 AM, ChicagoAmerican,
Allison D,

You 'KNOW" illegal mexicans? Try living NEXT TO THEM and in a neighborhood INFESTED with them. They get the jobs that illegal mexicans are supposed to get; low paying and out of sight of American Law Enforcement. They drive to work drunk and drive home the same way. They treat American neighborhoods like their personal garbage cans. They attract rats and cockroaches like magnets and have NO REGARD for the country they invaded.

It's not what THEY go through that matters, it's what WE go through that counts because THEY DON'T BELONG IN OUR COUNTRY IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Turn the other cheek on your own dime if this is a religious issue for you, Americans don't want or need 'them' here.

94. 10/29/2007 11:54:32 AM, Darlene,
I couldnt agree with #93 post more,very well put!

Dont forget that with their households that have 2-3 times more people than normal,they also take up way more than their share of parking spaces. I just despise them and their lowlife family members and the spawn they produce. Round em up,beat the crap out of them and put them in jail,THEN deport them.

95. 10/31/2007 10:03:18 PM, Saulo Garcia, Tulsa
God will judge all of you racist pigs, and in due time you will all have to answer to the Man himself, and will receive the same judgement, not getting into heaven...

96. 10/31/2007 10:08:24 PM, Saulo Garcia, Tulsa
This is actually our land that was invaded by your ancestors. America belongs to the indians, not to the people that just took over it. Its just a matter of time before the minority is someone else.

Spur277's photo
Wed 10/31/07 08:28 PM
My mistake.
Miguel, did you flee to come here?