Immigrants with Stolen IDs
Dear Ms stylishdotcom,
Sorry to hear you were almost ripped off. Happy to hear they didn't get away with it. Also, congratulations, you earned it!! You know the process you went through to immigrate. My wife, soon to be ex, is a Mexican National. Good lady, we just had too many differences. She did it the legal way also. I have many latino freinds and the majority of them feel the same. Y yo si habla el Espaniol. Yes, I speak spanish. For them, it was a long difficult process. They kept at it and saw it through. |
Immigrants with Stolen IDs
Ms saturnswirls,
You are absolutely right. Legal immigrants did what it took to get here the legal way. Unlawful immigration means just that. Against the law. If you or I broke a law we wouldn't be given amnesty, we'd be held accountable. Let's say, for just an example. You work hard for what you have. One day, you are at work and someone looks peeks through your window and sees all the neat stuff you have. They then break in and steal everything, leaving you just the dust on the floor. Would you want them apprehended and prosecuted? Or, would you hold to your guns and say, "That's ok, they were intitled to those things." |
Immigrants with Stolen IDs
This is just 1 story. You could be next.
JANET LEE, a 54-year-old homemaker living in Weber County, Utah, owns one house. Imagine her shock when she was told last May that her Social Security number had been used to buy two other houses in Ohio and one in Texas that carried a second mortgage, to boot. Combined, the four mortgages totaled more than $500,000. Then there were the nine car loans totaling more than $200,000. And 10 additional credit lines from various department stores and wireless service providers. An investigation by the Social Security Administration in Utah, first reported by the Salt Lake City Tribune last month in connection with a mortgage fraud scam, revealed that an illegal immigrant was using Lee's Social Security number as a means to enjoy his slice of the American dream. And like most folks in this country, he was using credit to do it. There are an estimated nine million illegal aliens living in the U.S., according to Census Bureau statistics. In order to work and obtain credit, they need Social Security numbers — something they cannot obtain legitimately because of their illegal immigrant status. But a fake number isn't hard to get. "There's a very good black market that has fostered this," says Richard Hamp, Utah Assistant Attorney General. "You can buy a Social Security card on the street for $20." MORE ON PERSONAL FINANCE FROM SMARTMONEY.COM Alternatives for Those Without Retirement Plans Are Credit-Card Companies Cleaning Up Their Act? A Guide to Recouping Costs for Lost Baggage Fake cards are produced and sold by organized crime groups, which generate Social Security numbers and sell them to illegal immigrants with their own names on the card. Right now, for example, Utah authorities are investigating a company that offers commercial and mortgage loans, health insurance and debt consolidation, which is distributing advertising that reads "If you don't have a Social Security number, you also qualify." According to Ron Ingleby, resident agent in charge of Utah, Montana and Wyoming for the Social Security Administration's Office of Inspector General, the company allegedly supplies the immigrants with the numbers they need. The numbers, however, often belong to real people. The result can be a bizarre form of identity theft. Traditional theft typically involves a person stealing someone's name and identification and then racking up huge debts under that name. But with Social Security-number (SSN)-only theft, oftentimes abusers have no intent of stealing anybody's good credit. They simply want the number so they can work and establish their own lines of credit — in their own name. In essence, two separate identities are created from one Social Security number. Even in Lee's case, where there were a suspiciously large number of loans, the perpetrator had kept current on most of his payments, although Lee says he's under criminal investigation for other activities. (To protect Lee's privacy, we are not using her real name.) How widespread is this type of identity theft? While there are no official statistics, Ingleby estimates that there are thousands of cases of SSN-only theft in Utah alone. "There are many, many more throughout the country," he says. "They get the counterfeit cards and start working, and when no one bothers with them, they start obtaining credit." Unfortunately, stopping perpetrators is difficult. Lee estimates she spent hundreds of hours filing reports with more than 50 government agencies, including all local police precincts where the immigrant had been obtaining credit, the Social Security Administration and the Internal Revenue Service. The biggest challenge, says Lee, has been working to clean up her credit. Why? Because of the way credit is reported by the credit bureaus, lenders can see when there are two identities attached to one Social Security number. But individuals can't. When Lee pulled her own credit reports from the three credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion and Equifax), everything looked fine. None of the illegal loans were listed there. "You could have someone using your Social Security number and not know it," she |
I suppose, if you enjoy paying more property taxes to school ileagals, and you enjoy paying more income taxes to support them on the welfare and medicaid roles.
I just think with the economic burdens we have already, it would bs best to take care of Americans first. |
I put a thread in the Current News and Events section.
It is in regards to a new Immigration Amnesty Act that is going to be acted on soon. If you are concerned about that this will burden our economy, lower our standard of living and raise our taxes then, please read it and act now. It is imperative your Senators be aware that you oppose the Dream Act. Thank you |
This will explain.
Amnesty Advocates Set to Bring DREAM Act to the Floor! Call Your Senators Now! This morning, we heard from reliable sources that amnesty advocates in the Senate are poised to renew their push to pass the DREAM Act. Our sources tell us that the DREAM Act will be offered as an amendment to the Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations bill (H.R. 3043) on the Senate floor, most likely late TODAY or TOMORROW. Things are moving so quickly that we understand even Senate staffers do not have the text of the amendment! Nevertheless, we do know that the DREAM Act grants amnesty to illegal aliens who entered the U.S. before the age of 16 and have met certain educational requirements. Those who are granted amnesty under the bill may later on Petition the Department of Homeland Security to grant their parents legal status. And if past versions are an indicator, the amendment will have no caps on the numbers, no age limit on applicants, will allow "conditional legal permanent resident status" to be extended indefinitely, and will provide for retroactive benefits. We can also expect the amendment to authorize in-state tuition to illegal aliens and make illegal aliens who receive conditional LPR status eligible for federal financial aid. ACT NOW TO STOP THE DREAM ACT!!!! Please call your Senators IMMEDIATELY and let them know that you oppose the DREAM Act. Tell them: * A vote for the DREAM Act is a vote for amnesty; * The DREAM Act unfairly rewards illegal alien parents with exactly what they wanted-legal status for their children and a U.S. education at taxpayer expense; * When you told them you opposed the Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill, YOU MEANT IT and are upset they are trying to sneak provisions of it past the American people; * You are watching how they vote. Last month, you inundated Senate offices with thousands and thousands of calls opposed to the DREAM Act. Your efforts stopped the DREAM Act in its tracks. Please act now to stop it again! After you have called your own Senators, please call Senate Democratic and Republican leadership: Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) - (202)224-2158 Majority Whip Richard Durbin (D-IL) - (202)224-9447 Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) - (202)224-3135 Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-MS) - (202)224-2708 |
Sources tell us that the DREAM Act will be offered as an amendment to the Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations bill (H.R. 3043) on the Senate floor, most likely late TODAY or TOMORROW. Things are moving so quickly that even Senate staffers don't have the text of the amendment! |
Welcome there Ms Sleepy.
I'm pretty new here myself but not a stranger to this new fangled way of meetin' folks. Take care. |
guys wanting 2 be women
Believe it or not, all men that dress in drag aren't gay.
Milton Beryl was one and there are more who make a good living at it. Sounds to me, the op is pretty curious. Go ahead and try it. You might not look back. |
I recon it depends on who yer liftin'!!
Nice guys finish last...
See what I mean? You give 'em compliments and all they want to do is whine. If a hot lil' Mama like you gave me those type of vibes, I'd be on you like white on rice! Too bad you so young and far away!!! |
Nice guys finish last...
And you don't have to be an ass to have confidence.
You have to believe in yourself, stand by your principles and it helps if you like your life also. Look at me. I'm old, overweight, mostly bald, top dentures, live in a bus, got a couple health issues and looking older by the minute. What I do have is high self esteem. I believe I am worthy and don't have to put on an act or pretend to be any one other than myself. You gotta' do that also or you're going to keep crying that nobody loves me. Faulting and judging others shows you lack self worth. Look deep inside and dredge up what you do have to offer and make those qualities shine. That's what will attract your woman. Now, the next time I see you guys posting, I want to see those things I just wrote about . No more, poor nice me! Got it? |
Nice guys finish last...
I try to tell 'em I'm a nice guy!
Just look at that pretty face and tell me I'm not! |
Like I said before. Torture during interrogation has gone on since there has been war.
You think the US is guilt free? In Viet Nam, prisoners were routinely tortured. The military has special units specificly trained in tourture tactics. Get your head out of the sand and read up. Here is a portion of the CIA handbook,declassified. The loophole is, if it's illegal for the US then, they hire mercs to do it. KUBARK was a U.S. Central Intelligence Agency cryptonym for the CIA Headquarters. The cryptonym KUBARK appears in the title of a 1963 CIA document KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation which describes interrogation techniques, including, among other things, "coercive counterintelligence interrogation of resistant sources". The manual was one of two torture manuals declassified by the U.S. government in 1997. The manual deals exclusively with interrogation.[1] Both manuals have an entire chapter devoted to "coercive techniques." It recommends arresting suspects early in the morning by surprise, blindfolding them, and stripping them naked. Suspects should be held incommunicado and should be deprived of any kind of normal routine in eating and sleeping. Interrogation rooms should be windowless, soundproof, dark and without toilets. The manual advises that torture techniques can backfire and that the threat of pain is often more effective than pain itself. The manuals describe coercive techniques to be used "to induce psychological regression in the subject by bringing a superior outside force to bear on his will to resist." These techniques include prolonged constraint, prolonged exertion, extremes of heat, cold, or moisture, deprivation of food or sleep, disrupting routines, solitary confinement, threats of pain, deprivation of sensory stimuli, hypnosis, and use of drugs or placebos. [2] [4] By 1967, the CIA was running approximately 40 interrogation centers through its Phoenix Program in South Vietnam. Eventually the CIA’s psychological methods were spread worldwide through the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Public Safety program and U.S. Army Mobile Training Teams.[3] Sections of these manuals were used to create a later CIA document, Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual - 1983. After Congress began investigating reports of Central American atrocities in the mid 1980s, particularly in Honduras, the CIA's "Human Resource Exploitation" manual was hand edited to alter passages that appeared to advocate coercion and stress techniques to be used on prisoners. CIA officials attached a new prologue page on the manual stating: "The use of force, mental torture, threats, insults or exposure to inhumane treatment of any kind as an aid to interrogation is prohibited by law, both international and domestic; it is neither authorized nor condoned"[5] One section states: "Interrogations conducted under compulsion or duress are especially likely to involve illegality. . . . Therefore, prior approval at the higher level must be obtained for the interrogation of any source against his will under any of the following circumstances: If bodily harm is inflicted; if medical, chemical or electric methods or materials are used to induce acquiescence.[6]" |
I don't recall the new name of the site but the old one will get you in. You can view the filmed beheading of 2 or 3 US civilian abductees in Iraq. For the kid here, you might consider going over to Iraq and get a first hand view.
the site is Just search beheadings. |
Looks Aren't Everything
213399_9293_thumb Joined Tue 08/28/07 Posts: 1836 Sat 10/13/07 02:42 AM stupid post you get stupid answers.. i mean its the inside that counts..but if you are to lazy to take care of the outside thats your come the makes the man the asshole...get real This is a copied quote from seanusmc. Don't take your health for granted.And be careful about slamming folks. I had your attitude about 10 years ago. Then, I developed asthma and chronic bronchitis. That stuff gets you from out of nowhere. The meds and steroids I have to take put weight on and it's not a matter of overeating. Went from 180 to 270. I work outside doing heavy manual labor the weight doesn't go away. My diet consist of healthy food and I only eat a couple times a day. My advice. If you believe in Karma then be very careful about how you judge and view folks. You might just wind up in their shoes. |
Uh Oh. I try to be in before dark and sometimes fall asleep in front of the TV. Then at 11 I wake up and go to bed.
Man, it's been a long time since I stayed out late! |
sick of bein single
If I was about 100 years younger, I'd take you out on a date.
Get a grip, Baby Girl. Those babies of yours need a healthy Mamma right now. In time, when you least expect it, a real good boy will come along and grab you up. |
Interrogating using torture is old news.
It's done in every war. It only comes to light because of the zealous Media. At one time the media was not allowed in sensitive areas, as the enemy monitored radio, telegraph and now television broadcasts. Leave the military to do the jobs they were trained for. Did you also know there is killing going on during wartime also? |
That bbque was good. Put on chicken on the grill for tomorrows lunch. Something about cold bbque'd chiken. I like it!
This site seems like such a breath of fresh air. The other one, won't mention, is getting to where you can almost hear the gnawing and gnashing. I appreciate ya'll are all so hospitable. And the lady that ordered a horse trailer. Do you have one now? If not, I could look around to see if one is up for sale somewhere. Just let me know what your specs are. |