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Wed 02/07/07 06:43 AM
Here is your high ball dizzy:) Have a good day:)

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Wed 02/07/07 06:35 AM
Thanks zero I need to stay on my wheels this morning LOL papers to write
before friday:)Be back soon for another:)

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Wed 02/07/07 06:27 AM
welcome Nina to JSH we are all family here:)

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Wed 02/07/07 06:24 AM
Good Morning everyone I would love a glass of long island tea please:)

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Tue 02/06/07 09:51 AM
Oh boy new picture of you captain I can't to see it:) I need a new one
myself don't think:)

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Tue 02/06/07 09:47 AM
Moving in does take sometime getting everything set up just right. He
has not forgot about you when you two had such strong connect so I'm
saying be a little more patient he'll call you:)

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Mon 02/05/07 05:58 PM
I'm rolling through how's everyone doing tonight:)

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Mon 02/05/07 09:19 AM
Just got up and on my way to class online so be back soon:)

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Mon 02/05/07 09:13 AM
cool I would love hot coco and powder donut to go please:) What's up
this morning:)

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Sun 02/04/07 04:21 PM
Born and raised in the country so yes I'm full blood country girl at
heart I'm just trap up here in the city for now LOL

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Sun 02/04/07 01:23 PM
What's up good people:)

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Sun 02/04/07 11:18 AM
Yes I truly hope that you get well soon Terisa:)

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Fri 02/02/07 05:38 PM
Help dinner is ready LOL

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Fri 02/02/07 05:36 PM
It was almost time for school to dismiss and a mother noticed it looked
like rain. So she drove toward school to pick up her eight year old
daughter she turned down street to see her daughter running towards her
down the sidewalk. A lighting bolt flashed and the little girl looked up
toward the sky, smiled and then began running towards her mother's van.
Another lighting flashed and again the little girl looked toward the
sky, smiled and resumed running. This happen several more times until
the little girl finally arrived at where her mother was parked.
Her mom immediately inquired as to the strange behavior "why did you
keep stopping and smiling at the sky," she asked her daughter.
" I had to, mommy. God was taking my picture."
I thought this were cute let me know what you think:)

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Fri 02/02/07 05:07 PM
I got you girlfriend but my man is long distance and won't get to see
until next month so I'm just e-mailing him a card Valentines Day LOL

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Fri 02/02/07 05:03 PM
hey shadow another rootbeer float please:)

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Fri 02/02/07 04:59 PM
Good suggest whisper but I need to go to cooking school first before I
cook my man a special dinner LOL

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Fri 02/02/07 04:53 PM
I know what you mean but while I wait I would love and rootbeer
float:)and may be a stomach handy just in case:)

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Fri 02/02/07 04:47 PM
Hmmmmmm try giving him a bottle of his favorite cologne for his son 14
B-Day if he love video games find out the kind he like to play and don't
have:) Good luck:)

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Fri 02/02/07 04:38 PM
doing good:) roomy cooking chili tonight he's specility LOL wish me luck

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