Topic: Bars Open.....................YEEHAA!! - Part 2 | |
Had to open a new topic for this because the other one was getting too
long... Bar is still open! Drinks on me! |
freak me out Mike!!!!!!!!! whoa.. was gonna call in the brigade here
ACK Mike dude you so totally freaked me out
i'm there...double fisted.....
hey.. we were hoping to hit 1000 pages... awwwwwwwwww.. ya mucked up our
fun LMAO |
LMAO, Mike dun gone and screwed us all up,roflmao!!!!!
Hi Z. You're back. (((((Z)))))
and NOW it's MIKE's BAR... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh
no longer z-gurls pub .. boo hoo |
Awe Poor Zero :(
I almost but now that its all fixed I will have a or
two |
yea...we were trrying to get to 1000 pages...
can't th system handle it??? |
Heres a drink Z its on Mike LOL
sure it z this is the newly renovated pub:D do you know how long it took
to get out of that cellar mike locked me down there lol. |
Always be your pub Z.
Oops sorry for the scare folks.
zgurl it's still your pub... |
yeah.. I'm BACK.. and I'm PIZZED .. hey.. they took me bar!!!!
and reNAMED it.. CRAPPY DOO!!! |
ahh but just think we now have 938 more new pages to tackle!! YAY!!
Hey! How am I supposed to move all that blue juice. Guess this means I
have to get started on more. |
Well at least its refurbished :)
ooo lion.. poor you.. bet AL was keepin ya busy though eh?? LMAO
brat LMAO |