Community > Posts By > OffspringPhreak

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:51 AM
How the hell do they go from KITT being a Pontiac to being a new Mustang grumble

Even the new Camaro would've been more suitable. Meh.

As long as Hoff-man is behind the new series it should be good though. And yeah I heard a new KR movie was supposed to come out sometime this year. Dunno how reliable that info is though(considering the writer's strike too who knows for sure?).

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:48 AM
Yeah I heard it's getting a limited release too. Always loved Romero's films. I doubt it'll play close enough to me for me to see in theater(if it really is a limited release; my fingers are crossed though); but I'm definitely picking it up once it gets released on DVD regardless.

Whatever happened to Land of the Dead 2?? The studio brought up him doing it since Land did well in theaters; and he seemed interested with following those characters.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Fri 01/25/08 12:12 PM

nah the graphics are horrible in rpg's and they are boringyawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn

Nothing wrong with taking a hit in the graphics department for a more engrossing story. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of pretty explosions and non stop action; but it's nice to see good RPG's that have 50+ hour stories. Wonder what RPG's with "horrible graphics" you speak of though; Elder Scrolls and Final Fantasy are good examples of RPG's with the graphic muscle to back up their story...

But yeah, anyways, I was a big fan of Final Fantasy 3; Oblivion was awesome too. Star Ocean(even though I never beat it), and Chrono Cross and.. Wild Arms? I forgot the name. Pokemon was cool back when I first got my GameBoy Pocket; and Vampire the Masquerade.

The most recent RPG I've played is Mass Effect(well, more of an action game than RPG, but close enough for me); and not only is the Sci-Fi setting a welcome change; but the awesome kickass story and the insanely long dialogue parts where you can *choose* what your character says blew my expectations away.

Oh yeah, I also forgot, the Fallout series. For those of you that don't know, it's an RPG set in a Mad Max post-apocalyptic world. You can customize the hell out of your character, and is like Mass Effect in that every time you talk to someone you can decide where the convo goes.

There's probably more I used to be obsessed about but those are the ones I can think of off of the top of my head right now.

It's hard for me to get into an RPG anymore though(Mass Effect seems to be the one exception though--eh, sorry I'm more of an action gamer nowadays.); but it's cool to know people still love 'em though.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Fri 01/25/08 09:16 AM

WOOO go team fortress! Anyone here tried the new Bioshock? Gawd that game is the ****.

Awesome game; just a bit on a short side for me. Then again like Half-Life 2, it being short definitely doesn't take away from how awesome it is.

I don't really drink, but I love me some first person shooters.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Fri 01/25/08 09:07 AM
Edited by OffspringPhreak on Fri 01/25/08 09:09 AM

im not a lover of swearing, and hopefully am a lady too...but doesny this work both ways..ive talked to some seemingly nice gentleman on another site and as soon as i have said yes to talking on msn they think they have the right to send pics of there privates and start talking dirty erm works both ways in my books

Yeah I agree; the door does swing both ways. It's not just one or another it's just people in general.

The swearing doesn't bug me at all though(well, as long as it's not overdone). But there are certain things you really shouldn't tell someone you *just* met/started talking to.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:54 AM
Where do I sign up to find a girl like that that wants to be with me?

OffspringPhreak's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:41 PM
If you have to replace the 360, get it from Best Buy, you can get a 60 dollar 2 year warranty and if your 360 dies/shows the red lights of death you can take it back to get it exchanged for a new one no questions asked. The first year you can replace it however many times you need to(my brother and I are on our 7th 360. Yeah, that's right, SIX have messed up on us so far.).

And stay away from those cheesy intercoolers. They can cause fires(kinda ironic, isn't it?), and suck up too much power from the XBox(causing the red lights, since the 360 isn't getting enough voltage to run correctly).

I bought a little fan to put beside mine so it doesn't have a problem overheating(which is most of the causes of the red lights).

OffspringPhreak's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:35 PM
George Carlin, Brian Posehn, Mitch Hedberg, Lewis Black, Jimmy Carr, Dave Attell, Jeff Durham, and even though he's more of a spoken word guy, when he tells funny stories/jokes they're really funny-Henry Rollins. There's tons more I just can't remember.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:32 PM
Walter and the Jalopeno on a stick always has me cracking up. That guy has a lot of talent.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:29 PM
Yeah I found it slow paced in some parts too but you gotta remember that the movie's length was cut down a lot when it was in theaters since they were both released together.

It's a shame to see those awesome muscle cars get smashed up(in fact I saw on an auction show last weekend an all original Charger selling for 159,000 bucks!); but it's nice to know that it was at least worth it though. Great car stunts without CG is always good to see. And Kurt Russell is awesome; I was rooting for him instead of the girls laugh

OffspringPhreak's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:27 PM
Didn't think too highly of the new Rambo until I saw a trailer for it. Looks like it might be good. As long as they don't milk it out and try to make more(like with Die Hard 4, just something to go out with a bang).

OffspringPhreak's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:16 PM
Everybody pretty much nailed it, be yourself, be comfortable, and above all have a good time. Dating is fun when it's not treated as a chore.

I feel your pain though I had to drop a lot of stuff to help out with my family the last few years. Just don't let anything get you down you'll be good.happy

OffspringPhreak's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:08 PM

some women are like that too

This is true. I've been through that type of thing with women; and have seen men act that way.

I don't think it's right to confine it to a certain sex; people in general just seem to be mean and lie a lot.

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