Community > Posts By > ShagnaC

ShagnaC's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:41 PM
Hello Todd!bigsmile

ShagnaC's photo
Tue 06/17/08 07:35 PM
Hello from Tempe, and NOOOOOOOOO I cant stand this 112 degrees

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:24 PM
Who did you send the email to, there are a few of us ladies here lol :O)

ShagnaC's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:55 PM
We are women hear us roar not purr, okay we can purr sometimes!

ShagnaC's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:45 PM
My dog is out like a light

ShagnaC's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:39 PM
My kids are out, they are older so they are never home to keep mom company.

ShagnaC's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:38 PM
I am so tired of staying in on the weekends, Just have not found the right person to sweep me off my feet to take me out. Thank gosh for the computer!bigsmile

ShagnaC's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:35 PM
sad Hello All, who is sitting all alone at home on a Friday night again?

ShagnaC's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:34 PM
Hello Look!

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 05/25/08 03:09 PM
Has anyone been to the Tempe Market Place and watched the live bands? It was so much fun and relaxing at the same time.

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 05/25/08 01:00 PM
Hello! bigsmile

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 05/25/08 12:51 PM
Looking for friends around Tempe, people to go out with and have a nice night or just a day out BBQ'ing. People who are full of life and all around are just good people.

ShagnaC's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:46 PM
I think you know what is the right thing to do, but needed your feelings validated!

ShagnaC's photo
Mon 05/05/08 05:31 PM
If your heart is not there then it would not be fair to the new girl, Be honest with her and let her know you are wanting to be friends with the thought maybe sometime down the road it could turn into something else. No women likes to play 2nd best to any other women.

ShagnaC's photo
Mon 05/05/08 04:50 PM
Thank you..
I told him I would stand by him and support him emotionally if he wanted. We decided to put things on hold for a week or two to see if he can get things situated. I did send him a encouragement card and a hug so he knows I am there. Things happen for a reason and if it is ment to be it will if not I was happy to get to know such a nice man.

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:36 PM
Hey fox!

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:08 PM
Thank you for all your kind words. He knows I am there but he has to let me in.

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 05/04/08 06:45 PM
I have planned things that does not cost anything, I am fine with that, but he has a hard time with it. I told him I am more then willing to stand by him but he is way to guarded right now and I cant break it down I tried

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 05/04/08 06:42 PM
Maybe, I dont know~ I am not one to sulk around wanting to know the what if's. It is just to bad as he was a nice guy.

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 05/04/08 06:40 PM
Wouldnt a man want his girlfriend to stand by his side though? He said it had nothing to do with me but as you said it is a man thing, he said it really bothered him that he couldnt take me out and do nice things for me at this time, I told him that did not matter to me but I guess it did to him.

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