Community > Posts By > RollandSmoke

RollandSmoke's photo
Wed 05/12/10 02:18 PM
Not that you'd know it from these forums, but the UK has just got a new prime minister. We had an election on thursday and no-one won an overall majority. the lib dems flirted with the torys and labour until Gordon Brown did the hounarable thing in any love triangle and walked away. Rather than be on their own the lib dems and torys have gone for a marriage of convenience and moved in to number 10. On arriving there the first thing the new government did was to anounce a change to the rules on a vote of no confidence. Whereas previously only one extra vote was needed it now needs a 55% majority. As the whole point of the first past the post system was that the 1 extra vote was all that was needed and the Torys reluctance to go for PR I can only conclude that we are being stiched up from day one.

RollandSmoke's photo
Wed 02/10/10 08:02 PM
Edited by RollandSmoke on Wed 02/10/10 08:05 PM
Ever wondered why Israel is hated in the muslim world and why America is so keen to jump into bed with the Israeli's? If Israel was in the wrong it would be all over the news wouldn't it?

RollandSmoke's photo
Wed 02/10/10 05:37 PM

Such a loving christian attitude..."lets go bomb a nation".

What would Jesus do??? spock

Just look what happens when a country with no respect for human life gets nuclear capabilities. Look at all the countries have actually used those weapons. Hypocrisy anyone?

RollandSmoke's photo
Wed 02/10/10 05:16 PM

Don't want to hear any complaining from you libs when we start carpet bombing Iran.Iran has had several years and hundreds of warnings to stop enriching plutonium but ignors all of them.It will be nobodys fault but their own when Isreal and the United states invades,occupies,and destroys Iran.

Yeah sure If America goes in it will be about Iran's nuclear program. Just like when they went into Iraq it was about the weapons of mass destruction and when they went into Afganistan it was about finding Osama bin laden. Mabie If America stopped trying to bully the muslim world they wouldn't feel so threatened by them. But then again most of the muslim countrys are developing and America is in decline so it's probarbly best to keep them from developing nuclear power with the possibility of making weapons that America has thousands of. Plus just think of all the money that can be made by people like Halliburton and the American kids who can be kept off the streets with no jobs. Kill em all, USA, USA, woop woop

RollandSmoke's photo
Wed 02/03/10 07:23 PM

Someone gave my sister a joint laced with angeldust.She went into a coma and nearly died from smoking it.

I hope your sister is better now. I feel however that this is one more reason that the legalisation is important. It needs to be taken out of the hands of dealers to ensure that when you get marijuana thats all you get. Pot smokers don't have a physical dependancy which requires them to return to the dealer every day therefore the dealer will try to push harder drugs your way. Expect lots more stories like this as there are a lot of people who will lose money through the legalisation of medical marijuana so any oppertunity to say its bad will be jumped on. Big pharma is feeling threatened just as much as the backstreet dealers

RollandSmoke's photo
Wed 01/27/10 12:33 PM
Edited by RollandSmoke on Wed 01/27/10 12:35 PM
Hey you in the silly suit
you know the world is on to you?
your gonna pay for what you do
to the ones who stand in your way

Oh yeah you think your smart eh?
New world order Illuminati
ain't gonna be no laughing party
come the judgement day

Ok I'm just being mean
I'd better take some more vaccine
and hope its all a real bad dream
but it just wont go away

Will Britain really be so great
when it's turned into a police state
with your army of manchurian candidates
who'll do anything for their pay

You'll be fine though you'll have no troubles
protected by your corperate bubble
"money is power" I hear you mumble
and the people have no say

How's this happened? how can it be?
We're human beings not commodities
we're sick of all the inequality
and we're fighting back today

RollandSmoke's photo
Mon 01/18/10 06:39 AM
Ok I'm not from America but from what I can see the republicans and democrats are two sides of the same coin. Both following a capitalist agenda for the benifit of big business and reducing the people to mere comodities to be bought for as low a price as possable. At least until the technology comes along to replace you or it becomes more profitable for them to take their business to China or india where the workers are cheaper. As in England the system stinks no matter who's in charge but we don't have a great deal of choice but to go along with it.

RollandSmoke's photo
Mon 01/18/10 05:08 AM
It annoy's me that blokes like that are out there as we all end up getting tarred with the same brush. There are women out there that show way too much but I wouldn't be interested in any woman that showed the world her bits and pieces. If a bloke did it he would be seen as a pervert and rightly so. when a woman does it she just looks like a tart. I doubt either is after any sort of meaningful relationship.

RollandSmoke's photo
Tue 01/12/10 05:25 PM
good to see you guitarman2020 there's nothing better for obsessive compulsive disorder than to stick a guitar in your hands and it's damn theraputic to boot I think guitarists are the most balanced nutters on the planet. Although I may be biased smokin

RollandSmoke's photo
Mon 01/11/10 05:10 PM
here's a link to the song

RollandSmoke's photo
Sun 01/10/10 08:35 PM

legalize...but make it mandatory that all government officials have to smoke it:banana:
And if they refuse we should use the "Shot Gun" aproachshades

Quite a few in the uk already have. The leader of the opposition David Cameron got into trouble at Eaton (Illuminati School) for his part in a pot dealing ring. It wont stop him from being primeminister after the elections. If more of them in government admitted to it it might explain their poor judgement, but your unlikely to find out until the news of the wotld catches them snorting coke off some prostitute/rent boy
the shotgun should be made manditory

RollandSmoke's photo
Thu 01/07/10 10:08 AM
After looking at who's online and having to go through 10 pages to find anyone from the UK I realise I may have killed the thread by mentioning the UK elections. However having watched the US election last year where Obama stole Bob the Builders catchphrase "yes we can" and had half of the US chanting away for six months or more, I will change my question slightly. Do any of the political parties have an ideology nowardays or is it all about critisising their opposition?

RollandSmoke's photo
Thu 01/07/10 08:26 AM
As the UK fast approaches a general election does anyone actualy know what the three main parties stand for?

RollandSmoke's photo
Wed 01/06/10 10:04 PM

Dispite living in a world of information technology there is much talk of falling educational standards and some Children being unable to speak at age three. The older generations always seem to believe that they were more clued up than the young people are today. Is this true and if so who's to blame?

Why do you feel that children are unable to speak at age three? My child's first word was at 10 months old. I had a chatterbox at age three.

This is not a personal oppinion it relates to a story in the Times I sincerley hope it is a very small amount of children but however small the number it doesn't say much about the society we live in

It sounds like an interesting article.

In my area, many children are in pre-school by ages 3 and 4. If they're not talking by age 3, they're tested for learning disabilities, autism, etc.
It's definitely not normal for a three-year-old to not be talking.

I have to admit I don't read the times myself. I read about it on infowars (your one stop shop for conspiricy theories) but here's a link to the Times artical if you wish to read it

RollandSmoke's photo
Wed 01/06/10 09:28 PM

Dispite living in a world of information technology there is much talk of falling educational standards and some Children being unable to speak at age three. The older generations always seem to believe that they were more clued up than the young people are today. Is this true and if so who's to blame?

Why do you feel that children are unable to speak at age three? My child first word was at 10 months old. I had a chatterbox at age three.

This is not a personal oppinion it relates to a story in the Times I sincerley hope it is a very small amount of children but however small the number it doesn't say much about the society we live in

RollandSmoke's photo
Tue 01/05/10 11:03 PM
Hope everyones staying warm and safe out there. On the plus side its a great time to share body heat. Anyone need defrosting?

RollandSmoke's photo
Tue 01/05/10 09:47 PM
Dispite living in a world of information technology there is much talk of falling educational standards and some Children being unable to speak at age three. The older generations always seem to believe that they were more clued up than the young people are today. Is this true and if so who's to blame?

RollandSmoke's photo
Tue 01/05/10 09:03 PM

a woman repeatedly if you don't like her or have an interest in her in a romantic/sexual sense?

If a woman is flirting with me I would flirt back in a freindly way. This doesnt mean I would lead them on to believe there was more than freindship on offer but as most internet contacts will never meet I feel this is a more polite way of dealing with it rather than ignoring them or upsetting them by telling them straight out that your not interested. if the flirting continues then at least you can let them down gently.

RollandSmoke's photo
Tue 01/05/10 07:57 PM
I have been suprised by the depth of feeling expressed by some of the posters on here. I would just like to point out that I did not raise the issue as a means of getting sympathy for not having a great job as I live within my means and I have never been in debt in my life. I obviously have no fear of gold diggers, my point was that some may look at occupation as way to find a meal ticket. The conclusion I have made is to be perfectly honest about my lack of work as then I will never have to deal with the shallow people for whom it's not who you are its what you've got. I would also like to point out that I am not unemployed through choice (few people ever are) I am out of work due to health reasons so at the moment I cannot work. I thank all of you for your replys it's been an eye opener.

RollandSmoke's photo
Mon 01/04/10 10:28 PM

I don't think the way your question was phrased calls for her to ask "if you have a job"...

What does it matter if posters want a person they date to have a job? It is their choice what preferences they choose in people they date.. Wanting someone to have a job is no different than wanting to date peoople of a certain height...

If you're going to ask questions, you'll need to understand that 1) everyone has an opinion 2) it is each persons right to whichever preference they choose and 3) you may not always like the opinions you get but if you're going to complain about them either a) don't ask the questions or b) state "answer ...." and tell them how to answer... It'll be a dead thread but hey, you won't have to deal with differing opinions... huh
I am not complaining about anyones opinions, mearly playing devils advocate as I am finding the debate stimulating and as yet I've not put my cards on the table as to whether I work or not.

I think people have surmised that you do not work due to health reasons b/c of your posts...

Also, you asked what does your occupation matter not "do I have a job" or "do I have to have a job"

At present yes although I do do some volentary work but if I was a sewage worker would that make me a better person or if I was a debt collector would that be better and if so why?

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