Community > Posts By > Queene123

Queene123's photo
Thu 09/10/15 09:37 AM
many would ask u
to join with skype

that doesnt mean a thing

alot will give out
there number off the batt
that to me shows
how much of a eager beaver they are

if a man states there god fearing
even a woman

there scammers
u can read right
through the lines
especially when reading
there profile

i had a guy
on my messenger on yahoo
yrs back
that even admited he was
a scammer

and not all nigeran
people are that way

i actually ran across one guy many
moons ago that was living here in oregon
going to college and trying to get his career up
which he finally did

i still talk to him every so often

Queene123's photo
Thu 09/10/15 09:29 AM
Edited by Queene123 on Thu 09/10/15 09:32 AM
well in high school
it was the thing
to feel wanted in a crowd

but over time it got

i quit smoking
23yrs ago

i have always
hated the smoke
around others

and i still do

no one is allowed
to smoke in my home

i have a friend
that i have known
sense i was 16yrs old
and my mom wont say this
to his face
but she will say
it to me

how is cigarette butt

smoking weed is the past

i quit that also 23yrs ago
i hated the way
it made me feel
my first bf when i was 16
were still good friends after
all this time and he still smokes it

im lucky neither did my kids
ever got into drugs

and never smoke

Queene123's photo
Thu 09/10/15 12:13 AM

would this guy work


Queene123's photo
Wed 09/09/15 11:51 PM
you borrow
your life
through the
red flowers
and walking
the grounds
of gold,
and forgetting
the past
and the lost from
the ocean floor
as you look and see
the treasures
of the twinkle
of the eye
and control
my mind
in the speed
of light
which things can
be strange at the least
for at times
one may feel
there in a twilight zone
for there memories
have seem
to fail
but reaching out
is not to steal
but reaching out
to give up the past
for a new line of hope

Queene123's photo
Sun 09/06/15 02:54 PM
you dont hear
that name Timi
often for a girl
there was actually
a girl in my junior high
with that name Timi

Queene123's photo
Sun 09/06/15 01:29 PM
Edited by Queene123 on Sun 09/06/15 01:31 PM
i personally
is not fond
of a guy with
a goatee

for it gives me a weary
i prefer a guy
clean shaven


my older sister used
to date a guy
that had a full beard and a mustache
i had seen pic of him with out
and he had such a baby face
he looked better with a full beard
and a mustache

Queene123's photo
Sat 09/05/15 06:41 PM
Edited by Queene123 on Sat 09/05/15 06:42 PM
if you were the same age as me
then i would had said hit me up

but you way to young
in fact you can be my own grandson


but i prefer men that are

i just dont like
a guy that thinks
there mister macho
or a know it all
it turns me off

but any how
i hope you have good luck

by the way
welcome to the crazy
family of mingle2

Queene123's photo
Sat 08/22/15 12:05 PM

Why do we live our days dying,
Breaking, doubting, slaving, and lying?
Growing older in death, burrowing when we should be flying?
Carried through our motions like the leaves of autumn,
Mindless, purposeless, lifeless?
Brittle and frigid, grey and rigid,
Cold to the touch and unresponsive to imagination’s sweet caress?
The sense of none found in everything,
The depths so shallow, the full so empty,
Life inconceivable, the gates barred and warded by cautious sentry.
Oh, why do we choose to live our days in death when life stirs us each dawn?

Do we think we die each day in our living,
Loving, hurting, helping, and believing?
Youth and wisdom found in each search we open?
A world awash with color, painted with the shades of the heart
Would Picasso paint in squalor, brilliance of perception apart?
Of trades of honor, born of but not confined to visions of flying men,
The beauty of valor, discovery, curiosity, abandon, despair and knowing that you can?
The infinite unraveled from the single moment,
Forever etched onto the fluttering, flaky wings of now.
A kaleidoscope of possibility,
Limited only by the fears we breathe in when we decide to die,
Why do we think we might die if we begin to live?

adding on to your poem

life is knowing
the truth of the matter
as you have the wisdom
and the honor of staying
as we continue our
search with others
without fear or without
dying is the mark
one wishes
not to make
as our hearts
open that journey
of channel
to bring
us our wings in return
as our guides are the ones
that give us a open limit
feeling we can fly and feel
the gentle crisp of the leaves
crunching on our toes
or walking motionless through
the deep blue sea
as we keep opening that door
and discover our most inner

Queene123's photo
Tue 08/18/15 02:21 PM

Any woman wanting advice about guys please feel to ask. Other guys are welcome to answer the questions that ladies have about guys.

rofl rofl

that some guys
can be male shovinast
mister macho
where they can turn you off
by that action

or a man that thinks there gods gift to woman

your still a youngster

so you cant give all the right
advice to anyone

but good luckrofl rofl rofl

....and you queen, u still post weird like you're writing poetry even when youre not rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

im not judging you
so dont judge
me like the way i write

Queene123's photo
Tue 08/18/15 01:25 PM

Any woman wanting advice about guys please feel to ask. Other guys are welcome to answer the questions that ladies have about guys.

rofl rofl

that some guys
can be male shovinast
mister macho
where they can turn you off
by that action

or a man that thinks there gods gift to woman

your still a youngster

so you cant give all the right
advice to anyone

but good luckrofl rofl rofl

Queene123's photo
Wed 08/12/15 10:05 PM

Queene123's photo
Mon 08/10/15 09:52 PM


laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

thats not a name sillyoops rofl

but thanks for the chuckle

laugh ...Oops Sorry!

i had to look that name
up i think you ment to spell

Queene123's photo
Sun 08/09/15 11:06 PM


laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

thats not a name sillyoops rofl

but thanks for the chuckle

Queene123's photo
Sun 08/09/15 11:05 PM
life as it is

as you look
all around your
life has been a struggle
as trying to be open
about your health needs
as some may listen and others
look the other way
as im more open with
my thoughts and dreams
i speak my mind
and let things flow
as i look at the moon with
the sparkling tone
you see in the sky
we all wish to protect
one another
which should be as well
to protect all the loved
ones that need protected
like a planted seed to gain
trust with our inner needs
so dont frown, for your
not a clown
you have a living soul
in need
as you wish to scream
through the winds and the rain
make a habit to dance upon
without a fright
open that channel
with others who
tend to understand
one best
as a relationship that is wishing
to stay despite of your health
then a relationship will conqure
all the fright you dont need

Queene123's photo
Sat 08/08/15 11:13 AM

I've had a woman on here message me and wanted me to send her money for a plane ticket so she could come to where I live and meet me- when I told her no she said I was stingy lolololo. so I asked her to get me a ticket to where she lives and I will come thereflowerforyou

there is a member on here
cant recall his screen name
but he met a lady on here and
im not sure but i think they met in person
she really did a big one on him
he had not heard from her for a few days
and he was on yahoo and he gets this message
from her cousin or sister cant remember
and they told him she died......

she didnt... she was scamming and
playing with his emotions

Queene123's photo
Thu 08/06/15 09:26 PM
thats a heck no

i had a strange experience
not on this site

but i thought i felt a good vibe

this guy gave me his cell to text
so i called the next day
it was a older lady suposely
i call wrong number
right after i get a text
asking where i lived what i was wearing
and i text back and the next message
was from a sex broad who ever she was

and asking questions
and i didnt answer back
i went back onto that site
and he deleted his profile

what the heck does a scammer
get from that enjoyment


and when someone offers there number
right off the batt.. it either a scammer
or there to much of a eager beaver

i delete all emails
with phone numbersnoway noway noway

Queene123's photo
Tue 08/04/15 07:55 PM
well this is very much up
my alley
just look at my profile

laugh laugh laugh

but yes
i have came across
a few that didnt know crap

Queene123's photo
Thu 07/30/15 02:06 PM

Thank you
I will look more into Aries and Leo
Both parents were Scorpio and work really well together. I have two children that are that two but can fight
Do you think having the same star sign is a good idea?

not all scorpios can get along

my ex hubby and i fight all the
i have several ex bf that are scorpios
and only one oct 24th
was the one i ever got along with

but it seem that i attract

Queene123's photo
Thu 07/30/15 08:35 AM

THE Zodiacal Sign of Scorpio commences on October 21st, but for seven days it does not come into its full power until on or about October 28th. Prom this date onwards it is in full strength until November "20th and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign - Sagittarius.

Symbols for Scorpio are the scorpion, a ground-dwelling killer with a poisonous sting in its tail and the eagle, a far-seeing predator soaring above petty problems into the spiritual sky.

People born in this section of the year seem to be filled with inherent contradiction. The best and the worst seem to make this period their chosen battlefield.

Up to nearly twenty years of age they are usually extremely pore-minded, virtuous, and religious, but once their nature is roused they are often found to swing in the opposite direction. At the same time the greatest saints have been found in this period.

People who were born in this section of the year have great magnetic power, and as speakers appeal to the emotions and sentiments of their public more than to logic, but they sway their audiences as they choose. They are the searchers of the zodiac and have an insatiable desire for knowledge on every level. From spiritual and intellectual revelations, these people want the edge on everybody else.

In dangerous situations and in sudden crises they remain cool and very determined. Many of the very best surgeons have been found in this period. Representatives of this sign often become workaholics. They drive themselves hard, and usually drive others unmercifully. They despise weakness in themselves or in others.

Their worst fault is that they are too adaptable to the people with whom they come in contact.

They always lead double lives one for the eyes of the world and another for themselves.

In business and politics they have clever ideas, but they are best as advisers of others. One of their main problems is that they have a habit to "put off things until tomorrow.

Such people usually excel in settling other people's quarrels and bringing enemies together to shake hands.

They have incredible personal magnetism, so no other class of people makes more friends or have more enemies than those born in this period, but their strong personality carries them through like a resistless wave.

The sex quality plays a vital part in their lives. The women attract men and the men attract women; but in cases where the will and ambition are dominant these people can control their strong sex-natures. Relationships are a kind of mystery for them so anyone involved with them must prepare for profound changes in themselves, their mysterious partner and the relationship itself. Usually these people are interested in marriage and long-term commitment. To an avarage Scorpio, love is an intensely passionate and enduring emotion that may be directed at one person only.

People in this Sign should, above all, be encouraged to have ambition, for it is the one thing that will save them; for it they mil make any sacrifice or deny themselves any pleasure, and so accomplish more work than any other class.

In general they need to dominate relationships and rarely display their true feelings even at the most open and communicative moments. Although this people may not intentionally set out to be mysterious, they manage to appear enigmatic anyway. They hate being crossed or manipulated, and can react to such treatment with sarcasm and vengefulness.

In their home life the men are inclined to be dogmatic, and expect to rule; but their influence over women is so great that they are almost always forgiven.

Sooner or later, they generally become interested in occult matters, they readily develop unusual clairvoyant powers, and quite often gain fame and distinction as writers, painters or poets. They are natural philosophers, deep students of Nature, and observe and analyze other persons' characters better than any other class.

Usually persons born in this sign have, or make, two sources of income. They often have to go through a great deal of trouble, difficulty and sooner or later success and fame nearly always find them.

Scorpio - The Sign of the Scorpion
When we speak about the representatives of the Scorpio's sign , we recollect unusual people with difficult or even tragical destiny. Even if Scorpio by birth is on the top of a social ladder, he often doomed to live suffering as it was, for example, with the wife of French king, Louis. She was hanged. There is such quality incorporated in the personality of this sign that is not peculiar for any other. It is self-destruction. That is strange enough, but it is a way of his development and realizations in this life.

These people as a rule only has a few friends and expects loyalty from them. They will find their most lasting friendships with people born in their own period and between June 21 and July 20-27, from February 19 to March 20-27.

These people as a rule are very slight and thin in their early years, but put on weight and are inclined to corpulence after reaching middle life. Scorpio rules the reproductive organs and excretory system, so those with Scorpio active in their charts suffer headaches, infections and fevers, along with various illnesses to do with what used to be called the secret parts. Later the heart is also inclined to be their weakest organ, and they should be careful not to overstrain it in exercise, or in work.

The colors most suitable for persons of this period are all shades of crimson and blue

The birth stones for this period are the turquoise, the ruby, and all red stones.


Queene123's photo
Tue 07/28/15 01:50 PM

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