Topic: borrowing life
Queene123's photo
Wed 09/09/15 11:51 PM
you borrow
your life
through the
red flowers
and walking
the grounds
of gold,
and forgetting
the past
and the lost from
the ocean floor
as you look and see
the treasures
of the twinkle
of the eye
and control
my mind
in the speed
of light
which things can
be strange at the least
for at times
one may feel
there in a twilight zone
for there memories
have seem
to fail
but reaching out
is not to steal
but reaching out
to give up the past
for a new line of hope

no photo
Thu 09/10/15 12:32 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Thu 09/10/15 12:37 AM
... but reaching out
is not to steal
but reaching out
to give up the past
for a new line of hope


Amongst the whole there are many parts to enjoy and ponder.
The slice above steps right on into a personal timezone.
Thank you for the beam.

tulip2633's photo
Thu 09/10/15 06:29 AM
So thoughtful and creative. It has such a nice rhythm. It makes me think of two people that are involved in a passionate love affair.
