Community > Posts By > Narlycarnk

Narlycarnk's photo
Sat 11/02/19 05:15 PM
Try scrolling on the mouse while holding down Ctrl.

Narlycarnk's photo
Sat 11/02/19 04:29 PM
Edited by Narlycarnk on Sat 11/02/19 04:34 PM
And thanks, MK, for your contribution to the forums. I enjoy reading it always and it is very smooth and thought provoking.

Narlycarnk's photo
Sat 11/02/19 04:23 PM
I am just saying that the scripture was conveyed directly according to the truth revealed to the author.

The text describes the chronology as how things were recognized by name when it says let there be this and that; if components of the world were even formed in the order that they were recognized by name is not nailed down, and the text of course refers to other truth in between the lines. I believe evolution is also just as true; it is only a different way of experiencing the world.

Narlycarnk's photo
Sat 11/02/19 01:38 PM
God’s forming the world as we know it over a six day work week is the word of God and it is without error in any part. If a scholar of today needed to write a complete description of how the world came to be recognizable as we know it today, it would be hard to write a better description in the same length of text.

Narlycarnk's photo
Sat 11/02/19 08:55 AM
Edited by Narlycarnk on Sat 11/02/19 09:16 AM
Makes sense to me perfectly. Some people feel like they are responsible for how the world works, feel guilty when things don’t go their way, then try to throw their self into the trash can by rejecting God. We need more of a crowd of believers. It is senseless why some people insist this world is all there is, and say that the evil this world is proof that that there is nothing more. Like some sort of slippery slope or something.

I am not used to authority that accepts Jesus, and I am improving by becoming less rebellious. That is where I am, but more importantly, that is the direction I must go in and I am so feel so fortunate to have what I do have.

We need to engage more people who are genuinely interested in becoming stronger in our Lord Jesus Christ. A topic titled “the reign stomping ground of Christ” would keep the riff raft out.

Narlycarnk's photo
Sat 11/02/19 07:36 AM
Edited by Narlycarnk on Sat 11/02/19 07:43 AM
I believe in the 1977 encounter because although science could theoretically explain everything, I do not need an explanation in order to believe communicated truth. The complete material nature of how it happened is not the important communicated truth. Communicated truth is easier to grasp without the constraints from the usual way of experiencing the world.

The communication dynamics could be quite better, but there is nothing wrong with anyone in this thread.

The ideas I have mostly are ones I have found from other people on this forum. By the way, I have been reading posts the past few months, I just had no way to write or acknowledge that I was reading them.

The worst risks I can imagine on here are manageable. There is the limit of what one can emotionally tolerate, in which case one can let go amd do something else. There is the risk of getting kicked off the website, in which case one can request an admin review and get reactivated. All in all, stake is pretty low. I would be dancing on the table tops, and going at it, but I have seen harsh things in real life, so I am content to just enjoy the company of the folks on this site.

The matter of if God does not exist or does exist is a matter of what one worships and a matter of linguistics. Different people and at different times are in pursuit of a select few of the many reasons for interest in this subjective question.

Narlycarnk's photo
Fri 11/01/19 05:04 PM
Wondering why I keep having a reoccurring dream about my soul getting stuck in the elevator. It scares the heck out of me.

Narlycarnk's photo
Fri 11/01/19 03:52 PM
Fountain, how do you continuously withstand the cold?

Narlycarnk's photo
Fri 11/01/19 03:52 PM
Fountain, how do you continuously withstand the cold?

Narlycarnk's photo
Fri 11/01/19 02:37 PM

the other night channel 7 news here showed a woman pushing a shopping cart across the street.

sudding from the bottom view you see this car going fast and going directly at this woman walking with the cart.

and then the car is so close in view you no longer see the woman and just know she has been hit and killed.

when suddenly from the left side a vehicle just rams into this car and you see that car roll over on its side plus moving forward.

and then at last, this lady pushing her cart continues by as this all was happening in real time.

long story short, after making sure all lived, they assumed the driver hitting the car headed for the woman was this hero. they talk to him and he says, i dont know. i still dont know. i was holding the brake pedal and my car just moved faster than i could by pressing the gas pedal hahahahahaha

that was only a couple weeks ago.

yeah God only helps those with no fuel hahahahaha

That is so awesome! Haha

Narlycarnk's photo
Fri 11/01/19 10:06 AM
Edited by Narlycarnk on Fri 11/01/19 10:32 AM
I have experienced miracles that extended beyond the world as I know it too. They have made me realize that challenges I was experiencing were only the beginning of some of incredible challenges to come, and perception of tranquility that later realized was a mere fragment that fits into a complete peace and tranquility.

In society, judgment often occurs when someone is trying to use someone else or else needs their space. The context of “discernment” holds an image closer to reality than the context of “judgement” which generally does not hold likeness to reality. I have a theory that the experience of frustration is when someone is growing new neural structures and does not know how to use them yet. It is not a delusion, but an illusion.

I have prayed to God before by ordering him around like he’s my servant, and no good came of it. I do like praying while lifting weights though. It is just a mental exercise for the benefit of our relating to God, but it has the power to turn the word into flesh.

Narlycarnk's photo
Thu 10/31/19 06:39 PM
I want to live.

Narlycarnk's photo
Thu 10/31/19 04:49 PM
Feeling happy for all those who have found someone for them on the site.

Narlycarnk's photo
Sun 10/27/19 05:45 PM

. . . sort of deity, . . . capable of affecting the lives of believers, although curiously having no effect on the lives of those who do not believe?


Narlycarnk's photo
Sun 10/27/19 01:20 PM

Stinging caterpillar rolling down my face

The 30 minute time period getting used to the pain after the novocaine wore off from wisdom teeth pulling.

Getting stitches on my finger without novocaine.

Trying to treat chronic sinusitis with flonase as strongly ordered by a doctor and yet turned out to be abominably harmful. I learned later was a synthetic stress hormone. It made the sinusitis worse, but that was the way the least of my worries. Corticosteroids are an abomination.

Wow I’m happy you survived those

The caterpillar :bug: one caused my goosebumps now when I saw the word once my forefinger was stung I put my finger in soda water for a night the second day I felt better (I was grateful I read that before in a book)

Cool! The best thing about the caterpillar was that it completely went away after about 10 minutes, then everything was fine I was left sitting in wonder that such intense pain could be experienced.

Narlycarnk's photo
Sat 10/26/19 05:11 PM
Tried Flonase;I feel like I aged two years and I cannot think straight. That was two months ago. Did the stuff take two years off of my life and damage my brain?

Narlycarnk's photo
Sat 10/26/19 11:21 AM
Stinging caterpillar rolling down my face

The 30 minute time period getting used to the pain after the novocaine wore off from wisdom teeth pulling.

Getting stitches on my finger without novocaine.

Trying to treat chronic sinusitis with flonase as strongly ordered by a doctor and yet turned out to be abominably harmful. I learned later was a synthetic stress hormone. It made the sinusitis worse, but that was the way the least of my worries. Corticosteroids are an abomination.

Narlycarnk's photo
Fri 10/25/19 04:46 PM
Who wouldn’t want to date you? You are not unique in having things you want to improve and are working to change.

Narlycarnk's photo
Fri 10/25/19 04:33 PM
Self conscious? I would be by your side even if people humiliated and killed us both.


Narlycarnk's photo
Thu 10/24/19 05:14 PM
Heaven is everywhere, though we don’t always perceive it, because of our will, working to sustain life. There remains the question of how does one relate to the other side and still pursue life.. If one is lonely and is socializing, the relating is through the Holy Spirit. If one is making peace with the inanimate world, the relating is directly to God.

Why did God have Adam eat the apple? That is the question of why we, as life, here. I accept the reason that Christ gave, that it is because of love, though I do not know the specifics. To me, will is just the mechanics of the powers of the inanimate world. The powers of this world are the will of God. Period.

Peace be with all.

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