Yeah; flirting can be dangerous as you could attract the wrong person and there are lots of nutters out there.
What matters
Since, this is my post, what I'll share here is what matters to me. I don't expect everyone to give a "**", but this is just in case you see this and plan to send me a message. I can be pretty conversant. I can carry a very sensible, but, interesting and funny conversation for hours. But if you are like �eah?', "hmmm..", �k", "lols", "I see", then better not exert effort to even say Hi. You can be very handsome and superbly hot with your 6 packs, but if you're a one-liner kind of guy, I honestly won't be interested. So, please, have some interesting topic in your pockets when you hit my INBOX. Oh, and one more thing, if you're so intent in seeing boobs and all the flesh over a cam, you, surely, are not getting it from me. SO, when it comes to that, I can be pretty boring. Saying it so it saves us both some precious time. Thanks! Hoping to find good people who could share great topics from around the globe. I find nothing wrong with your thread as you are stating your preferences and good for you for knowing what you don't want. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Sorry to disappoint you but Myth: Sex burns tons of calories If you're thinking you can trade the gym for the bed, not so fast. The average romp burns off a measly 21 calories, according to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. So unless you have the time (or, let's be real—the interest) to get busy multiple times throughout the day, stick to the gym if you’re serious about burning calories. |
I still think if someone doesn't want to talk, that is their feeilngs and they are as entitled to them as those who 'feel' like they should talk,,,, its two ways, if the other way ain't willing, go on your way with something else its been my experience that no one stops talking FOREVER, at some point they will, when THEY decide THEY WANT TO,,, I don't see the difficulty,,, but then, I have always been just as comfortable doing my own thing as interacting with someone else,,, This is spot on. When a person is very upset; they will do the silent treatment not to punish you but its because they are extremely mad and I think the old saying is if you have nothing nice to say; don't say anything at all. When tempers flare; people will say some very nasty and even hateful things that not only do they regret but can never be taken back. I found when a man gives me the silent treatment; I leave him be and let him take the time to sort things out and when he is ready to talk; he will. I found the more you pressure a person to talk; the less chance they will talk or they will lash out at you; some even do it physically. Its another form of nagging personally. If the person does this for a short time; I found its best to just ride it out until they can gather their thoughts; but if it goes on for days and days; then there is something more serious going on. |
Fix it or listen?
I don't like to give advice but will give options and let the person choose which option they want to take.
Tiss the seasons ...
I am not getting anyone anything for the holidays as I don't celebrate Christmas. bah humbug
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"BE YOURSELF",really?Really?
Me; I do believe in just being myself but that doesn't mean I don't strive to improve myself. The difference with me is that I do things to improve myself for me not to impress someone else. Whether I chose to improve myself or not; it should be entirely my choice and not pressure from another person or partner. I don't like someone telling to me change who I am just to make them happy. I have always stood my ground as to who I am and I have no problem showing any man to the door that won't accept me for who I am. I would rather be single than to live like that.
just how 'genuine' is he when he clearly has been in a relationship the entire time he has been, as you put it, "had flirty gestures", "even softly kissed my cheek", "lingering" touches? don't these things fall into the cheating category? (even if to a small degree.) sounds to me like he was waiting for something better to come along, so you can take that as a compliment or you can see him as a snake in the grass that has completely deceived this other woman for the last two years. (pretty much up to you.) i wonder how he explains the time he spends with you to his long time girlfriend? Yeah; I was thinking the same thing that he was waiting for something better to come along. Why wasn't he upfront about his girlfriend whether the relationship was good or bad. He lacks honesty and he also lied to her about what he was doing that evening. As Metalwing says; "I smell a rat." |
the cold shoulder..
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Sat 12/06/14 07:06 PM
what do you do! when your lover or partner... gives you the proverbial... cold shoulder..... that is throughout the day or week.. depending on your sex drop hints.. that you need servicing so to . you get into bed with them.. ... thinking that your.. subtle. but provocative hints.have worked.. . their magic... and they give you the cold shoulder..... what do you do then.. ... yes this.. probably won't stay up for a long.. ohhh.. the topic I . I will have to get back to you on that as my friend is going through that right now with his wife for the last 3 years; cut off completely but still married after 29 years so I guess its not that bad or he would have left her by now. |
In response to James - Wow, your comment is very dissapointing for me to read. I would hope it would be the opposite because I think that your opinion is part of the reason why girls can act very "stupid" to get attention. Looking at the age of James;I suspect that being such a young man; this would not be an unusual response. You must also remember a man can control a dumb woman but not a smart woman. I have always thought it is about control in these types of relationships as opposed to a partnership type of relationship. |
The biggest obstacle I have had to overcome on this site is sounding too "pretentious" or "superior." I am someone who is very confident in her intelligence, so I don't try to dumb down my use of language. Unfortunately, many guys see this as a negative. As far as I can tell, they are either threatened by the prospect of a smart woman being able to see through their bullsh*t, or they just don't find intelligence attractive. What is your opinion? Do you subconsciously judge people based on their intelligence? I quite agree that many guys are indeed threatened by an intelligent woman and found that they are certainly not worth dating. Sounds like they are insecure little boys and personally I would think you would want a secure and intelligent man. |
going it alone..
I did not realize you live where you live...hmm.. well if you ever need a hand with anything. ![]() Oh; I didn't know you were just 3 hours away from me. The weather is great but it was a little slushy today for work; but still managed to catch lots of speeders. I will let you know the next time I grocery shop or need a set of hands to help lift something. ![]() |
hmm, two things that stand out here. One; he had a girlfriend and didn't bother to tell you and two; he lied to you about going out with his friends but was actually going to see his girlfriend. So, he lies and sounds like he was looking around while being in a relationship. Doesn't sound like stellar guy to me.
going it alone..
.. what are some of the biggest challenges you have faced... in..going it alone so to speak.. . For me; I am fine doing things alone. About the only challenge is when I have a job or chore that requires a second pair of hands. For instance trying to put together furniture; or say carrying something that is long in length up or down my steps. Never have much time to be lonely as I am very involved with my community which keeps me very busy. ..hmm.. trying very hard to keep this topic not only for the. points, you pointed out... but bringing all the groceries in by yourself ,really sucks.!.. ![]() You behave yourself. ![]() |
Calling to all Amazons.
So be honest tall girls-should you stumble upon this post: how irritated does it make you when someone, say, 6'6'', happens to be dating someone 5'2''? =p Actually; I am 5'8" and I dated a guy 5'2". I thought the height would be a bit of a problem but tried anyway. He got intimidated by my height so he stopped dating me but no hard feelings as we are still friends. I did similarly.. I married one that was 3" shorter.. in the end he became intolerably intimidated.. to the point of lashing out for control (a reaction to his intimidation sadly) however I did date another guy after him that was 5'2.. thinking 'different person, different possible outcome?' yeah.. didn't work either.. I may be wrong but.. it could also have something to do with the 'strength' of the woman men in general find intimidating.. just not in the physical sense.. Yeah; some men can be easily intimidated by this as well. sadly my experience has taught me.. MOST men are... ![]() I was thinking the same thing but I was trying to be politically correct on here. ![]() |
going it alone..
The time its scary is when you are injured and can hardly get by without help. I've been there more than once and just lately! It infurrirates me to be crippled after everything else i've been through! I know its partially permanent now, but still an eyeopener for the future! Luckily i believe in my training and 2 words pop up everytime! (Adapt-overcome) working for now!! ![]() I was injured in a very serious accident. I had a hard time moving and could barely walk. I had to shovel my side walk by getting on my knees and pushing the snow away. I couldn't vacuum the floor for more than a few minutes at a time. I still went to work and suffered through pain. I had trouble even buying groceries but I pushed through it all on my own. |
Edited by
Sat 12/06/14 05:08 PM
wat up with me and u rigth lil mama ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() LOL, I am biting my tongue in saying what I really want to say but yeah; he is missing something. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Aww; you still think this old gal has got it? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Nah my heart is made of stone. I was talking to a friend that has been married going on 29 years and he says occasionally he and his wife give each other the silent treatment but usually as a cooling off period. Contrary to what most say here on this forum; it hasn't hurt their marriage or relationship at all. Personally I have given and received the silent treatment and have found there is no point getting upset over something so trifle. After all its not a life and death situation. ![]() |
My first thought was "it can't be 4:30 already and time to get up for work as I just fell asleep". So tired.
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going it alone..
Edited by
Sat 12/06/14 05:00 PM
.. what are some of the biggest challenges you have faced... in..going it alone so to speak.. . For me; I am fine doing things alone. About the only challenge is when I have a job or chore that requires a second pair of hands. For instance trying to put together furniture; or say carrying something that is long in length up or down my steps. Never have much time to be lonely as I am very involved with my community which keeps me very busy. |
Calling to all Amazons.
So be honest tall girls-should you stumble upon this post: how irritated does it make you when someone, say, 6'6'', happens to be dating someone 5'2''? =p Actually; I am 5'8" and I dated a guy 5'2". I thought the height would be a bit of a problem but tried anyway. He got intimidated by my height so he stopped dating me but no hard feelings as we are still friends. I did similarly.. I married one that was 3" shorter.. in the end he became intolerably intimidated.. to the point of lashing out for control (a reaction to his intimidation sadly) however I did date another guy after him that was 5'2.. thinking 'different person, different possible outcome?' yeah.. didn't work either.. I may be wrong but.. it could also have something to do with the 'strength' of the woman men in general find intimidating.. just not in the physical sense.. Yeah; some men can be easily intimidated by this as well. |