May just be me, but isn't a breakup during anytime of the year a bad time? I the history of all that is dating/relationships is it ever easy to break it off? It is bad to break up at anytime but because people are brainwashed to think they must be with someone for Christmas and that its a bad time to be alone. |
To the comments I have read. I am an atheist. I have no desire to be my own God. I don't shove my non belief of God down a religious person's throat and I wish they would give me the same courtesy. I don't do what I want as I have a sense of morality. I try not to hurt people, I respect people, try to help people, and just live my life as a decent person. Being an atheist doesn't make me a bad person; its just a choice not to believe in God.
I would rather not have the holiday but I don't celebrate it. Its a depressing time of year and I wish I could disappear to a place that doesn't celebrate this time of year. Also; suicide threats are extremely high during this so-called happy season as I have heard on the police dispatch. I always hated the financial stress of the obligated gift buying as well as trying to make a perfect dinner to others that do nothing but complain. I am seeing more and more people not celebrating Christmas these days due to all the stress that is forced on them.
Good post Op and to be honest; I am not surprised. The article is spot on about the needy and greedy. Christmas is indeed not a happy or joyous time for a lot of us. It is a sad and stressful time for most actually. No one wants to be alone for the holidays and I think they grasp on to a relationship just so they aren't alone. Honestly; if someone expects an expensive gift from their significant other; they deserve to be dumped as its supposed to be the thought; not the amount of the gift. I personally hate the idea of gift giving being imposed on me simply because its Christmas. Not to mention; people buying you inappropriate gifts further putting stress on you to fake a smile; fake a thank you when really you are horrified of what they bought you. I personally can't blame someone for wanting to get rid of the baggage of bad relationship before Christmas and wanting to start the New Year fresh.
Having taken survival course; yes I would whatever it took to survive. Never saw 127 hours but I think you would be surprised what you would do for survival. The idea of amputating any part of my body sends shivers through me but when faced with the alternative of dying; you would be surprised of what you would do. |
Having taken survival course; yes I would whatever it took to survive.
I totally agree age makes a difference, after the sex with a younger person and after all is done just what does a person 50 have in common with a person 24? NOTHING!!!!! This I agree with 100%. ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 12/28/14 02:20 AM
i guess guys get mature faster than girls thats why 20's guys like to date older women lol.. i guess older women will know the real meaning of a relationship rather than young girls do Actually; women mature faster than men. Guys in their 20s are just out to use an older woman for sex. Its not a real relationship; its just sex. but if its just sex then they dont have to get into a relationship! i mean like he could just look for one night stand with any lady instead of loving one lady right? I agree but young guys get in their minds that an older woman is desperate for sex. There is a big difference between loving someone and just having sex. I know of people who are strictly in a sex relationship but there is not any real love there; however they may stay together for convenience. |
The world without us ...
Lol Blondey you know my views on any divine portents or otherwise. ;-) But nothing those guys can come up with will destroy the human race. Not even Iran really. But they can probably do a lot of hurt. I don't think (cross fingers) that any extremist group posseses nuclear weapons. What I would worry about those guys is biological ones. Actually biological warfare is already out there and I learned that in my Nuclear Biological Chemical Warfare course in the 80s. Problem is that it can't be controlled which is why it hasn't been used. Agreed about the agent orange and you are correct it wasn't used to wipe out the human population but it certainly did affect humans. We can disburse biological, chemical, or nuclear weapon to destroy the local population but how do you contain it to only wipe out only the local population and not continue further to other areas? Dispursing an airborne substance that will kill every living thing it comes in contact with is a tricky situation as we don't control mother nature. |
The world without us ...
Lol Blondey you know my views on any divine portents or otherwise. ;-) But nothing those guys can come up with will destroy the human race. Not even Iran really. But they can probably do a lot of hurt. I don't think (cross fingers) that any extremist group posseses nuclear weapons. What I would worry about those guys is biological ones. Actually biological warfare is already out there and I learned that in my Nuclear Biological Chemical Warfare course in the 80s. Problem is that it can't be controlled which is why it hasn't been used. |
i guess guys get mature faster than girls thats why 20's guys like to date older women lol.. i guess older women will know the real meaning of a relationship rather than young girls do Actually; women mature faster than men. Guys in their 20s are just out to use an older woman for sex. Its not a real relationship; its just sex. |
Christmas Hangover
Christmas is a very special day and so it was a very memorable day. What was your Christmas all about? is it a little merry? or a bit wild? What is your Christmas hangover??? - Merry Christmas ... No celebration of Christmas. Just had some seaweed salad and sashimi for Christmas. Lost about 10 pounds over the Christmas period; so no hangover for me. ![]() |
This article says it all. I didn't put it all in as its very long but this sums it up as to why young guys hit on older women.
The Truth about Older Women and Younger Men by W.F. Price on December 21, 2012 Now that more money is in the hands of women and more men are hard up and without a job, it’s likely that there will be more older female/younger male couples. However, rather than true love relationships, many of these will likely be some sort of gigolo setup or outright fraud. Unfortunately, I think fraud will come to be more the norm, because it offends a woman’s pride to support a man, even when it would be fair of her to do so. The number of lonely middle aged women is getting to that critical point where they will be seen as resources to enterprising young men who are down on their luck. Anecdotally, I’ve been hearing about this for some time, particularly in regards to men who set up internet dating accounts, only to discover that the majority of interested women are five to fifteen years older. |
Good vs Nice
Good thread MsHarmony. Me, I never considered myself good or nice; just a normal person. If people think I am good or nice then fine but if not that is equally fine. Not everyone is going to like me for who I am and I accept that.
I am only evil to guys that treat me poorly.
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Signs You Are A BoringLady.
I am not sure that the women you met are boring but I would surmise that if they are giving short answers like that to you that they simply are not in to you.
Does it matter?
Edited by
Fri 12/26/14 07:31 PM
Does it matter what the opposite sex does for a living when you're dating them? Guys usually aren't shallow that way, as long as she's cute.. I disagree with this. Men are certainly shallow about what a woman does for a living. I know some men who would not date a woman that doesn't make as much, or is a cop, or is in the military. A woman's occupation certainly does matter to a man. Someone's occupation can certainly have an affect on your relationship as a few people on here have already pointed out. |
age difference
Edited by
Fri 12/26/14 04:15 PM
Why is hard to date someone younger than you? I would not date anyone over a 10 year age difference. I will sum it up they are immature and nothing but users. Not into being used by someone for sex, a place to stay, or for money. |
Relationship Scams
It seems that I am loosing a faith in people too navygirl. The problem with female players is the one men will have to deal with. Not me. Since I am not into women that part of the society is not trying to play games with me. Men are. So men can speak of THEIR problems with female players. I am not a player either, so I couldn't care less. Either way, neither I am a causing anything, nor it's my problem. Strange, but it helped me realize that living alone isn't bad at all. It's becoming easier every day and I am even beginning to enjoy it. When I think about it, love makes everything more complicated and I am much calmer and happier since I stopped looking for it. Pure lust doesn't do a thing for me. It's even funny to see players so insulted when their attempts fail. LOL Sometimes I wonder why don't they choose softer targets. Does it have to do something with ego or it's becoming harder to get what they want? Whatever the reason it doesn't really matter. It won't convince me that piece of cake is better than no cake at all. Yeah I hear you. I found being single is a lot less stressful as I can be myself. When I dated; I felt I always had to tip toe around a man due to them being so oversensitive. I find these days that most people don't care about relationships but just want sex and throw you away like a piece of garbage when they are done with you. I was just telling my male friend that he treated me better as a friend than any boyfriend had ever treated me. Seems like once the honeymoon stage is over; its like a green light to treat a person like crap. Oh well, no point in worrying about it. There is a whole lot of fun to be had out there and one can certainly do it solo. Its all good. |
Age is just a number. If both parties love and respect each other i see no reason while it will not work. Age is not just a number; its an important number. How can a 25 year old man relate to life experiences of a 50 year old woman. Love simply isn't enough to keep a relationship going. Interests, intellect, relating to life experiences are important. Also; as we age; we change and a much younger man will vastly change as compared to an older woman. I have seen lots of people on this site say they would only date a younger person but 6 months later; they say never again. Bottom line is you can't relate to a younger person as easily as someone your own age. Young guys just want to use an older woman and have no desire to have a relationship. I hate younger guys hitting on me and I usually tear a strip off of them when they try. So, you're saying a 25 year old by default has different interests and intellect? Doesn't make sense to me. The only differences imo between young and old is a cultural gap (things they grew up with) and outlook on life. I find a lot of older people (myself included) to be more cynical and pessimistic. But really, even those two don't matter sometimes. There are cynical young people who grow up listening to "oldies" songs and so forth. I grew up in a family where a generation gap in ages was never an issue. And that was in both directions btw. I've got an uncle who married a much older woman, and my mom and dad were 14 years apart in age. The age difference was never a problem, since they shared very similar interests and even careers. I myself have dated from both ends of the spectrum. That being said, it seems a lot of older folks looking for younger partners concentrate too much on the physical, without considering the whole aspect of the age difference as part of the relationship. So, older men will often pick a younger woman based on physical attributes rather than personality, and vice versa... and that's where the whole thing falls apart. To me, I put my age cutoff at where the younger women get closer to my daughter's age, or the older women start looking more like my mother. But that's a purely personal choice. I don't judge others who extend beyond those limits. Age IS relative. To each his own. Personally; I could care less if you or anyone here dates someone half their age or not. Where it would bother me would be if these young gold diggers/users hurt someone close to me and yes I would take it personally. I had a dear friend that was in his 60s; fell for a woman in her 20s, and the witch cleaned out his account and left him. I can tell you many more stories of how a young person used an older person but I will digress. I found guys in their 20s and 30s certainly do have different interests. At that age; they don't have life experience and the only thing on their mind is sex. How can a 25 year old share a career when he isn't old enough to even of had a career. I am on my second career at my age. You said it yourself that you wouldn't date someone close to your daughter's age. Well, I feel uncomfortable dating someone younger than my nephew who is 10 years younger than me. Not to mention; it would be embarrassing to date a much younger man as well it could do damage to my reputation. I can't be seen as a cougar while being a teacher of kids, working for the police, or working for the military. |