Community > Posts By > LilScionGurl

LilScionGurl's photo
Wed 04/30/08 05:39 PM
my husband is a marine

LilScionGurl's photo
Sat 01/19/08 09:41 PM

LilScionGurl's photo
Sat 06/16/07 07:47 AM
lol i dont like buckets its the size of the intake and how it works with
my throttle body glasses bigsmile blushing

LilScionGurl's photo
Thu 06/14/07 09:12 PM
i have class, and i conduct myself as a lady, its just frustrating to
think that even if i am on a date it usually just turns out as a
friendship b/c of the things i do like cars, and autocross both male
dominated professions im not my any means a liberal when it comes to
womens rights i just want to be called babe instead of dude

LilScionGurl's photo
Thu 06/14/07 02:45 PM
btw ajhagena you are wearing my bucket on your head, now i am naked
drinker blushing

LilScionGurl's photo
Thu 06/14/07 02:43 PM
lol legs are short but thighs are thick lol

LilScionGurl's photo
Thu 06/14/07 02:35 PM
that might work if it was a kfc lol men are always thinking about food
:) breast and thighs baby

LilScionGurl's photo
Thu 06/14/07 02:32 PM
hmm. thanx for all the suggestions i like who i am just whenevr i crush
i get that respnse, maybe i should wear heals and shorts lol j/k but
thanx :) i feel better now :) drinker

LilScionGurl's photo
Thu 06/14/07 01:55 PM
well im a tad bit distraught, i hang out with guys b/c i work on cars
as a side job, the other day when i asked some guys what they thought
they are like "dude" your one of us, NO IM NOT i have a chest and i dont
have capatin winky steering my ship!!! how do i get out of being one of
the guys!!! explode huh

LilScionGurl's photo
Sun 06/10/07 10:12 AM
noway well they do make eddited versions of cds and the only time the
radio plays uneddited versions is during non peak hours when the kids
are home and stuff so the weekend is ok personally i think it is healthy
b/c you can talk with them about it and make it a learning expiriance,
ranther than shut them off to it and when they are with friends or at
school they hear it anyways. wouldnt you rather them get the correct
story from you or the hip supposed to be cool version from school,
atleast if you get to them first you have the chance to change thier
minds other kids will encourage them do such.noway

LilScionGurl's photo
Thu 06/07/07 08:47 PM
i agree with manwich women just need to " man" up

LilScionGurl's photo
Thu 06/07/07 06:55 PM
as far as pricing goes ya know inflation is a *****, the american dollar
is worth less and less every day, unfortunatally and uncanny is that so
are american women. anyways, i agree women do need aproach men. they
think it is sexy that a woman would have the confidance to such. so
ladies lets get out of the 40's and pay for our food,gas,bills, boobs,
and approach these guyz ourselves. its a game right? do you wanna be the
guy that shoots or gets shot down!!blushing

LilScionGurl's photo
Tue 06/05/07 12:18 PM
i belive strongly that the heart rules the id b/c the mind is what
rationalizes decisions, however lord of the flies is linked to
ego/superego b.c "jack" was a good kid at first then survival instinct (
herbert spencer) kicked in and that is when the id kicked in to help him
survive not only in life but in leadership, however i do see what you
are saying. its all about intergrating psychological/sociological points
of view.

LilScionGurl's photo
Tue 06/05/07 12:10 PM
lol, its all about self expression some people express themselves
through clothing, hairstyles, cars and so fourth
i myselfe have 1 tatoo of a bar scene on my wrist and several pircings
nose nipples belly button and in the nether reigons ;)
its all about how you feel some like it others despise it thats what
puts us in the social catagories that we are.

LilScionGurl's photo
Tue 06/05/07 10:32 AM
i think its not a matter of dewlling in either, its a matter of how
your subconsious may over rule the conscious. we nay think we dewll on
one thing, however to function two of them must be present in all
descisions. enough about freud how about herbert spencer or karl marx?
they fall right into the post freudian therum (sorry bout the spelling)
does anyone remember lord of the flies??? perfect example!

LilScionGurl's photo
Tue 06/05/07 10:26 AM
do you live close?
just organize a date where you guyz can meet but bring atleast 1 friend
so just in case he is psycho

LilScionGurl's photo
Sun 06/03/07 05:03 PM
your right it is 2007 and you cant help who you are attracted too thats
what makes our species so special we are soo different and yet we are
all the same. naturalistically and biologically, obviously this person
didnt make it past high school such shallow thinking maybe he should try
taking a sociology class lol :) keep your spirits up your beautiful no
matter who you date!

LilScionGurl's photo
Sun 06/03/07 04:40 PM
you dont need to do anything fancy, just tell her your sorry and that
you wont do it many times have you done this?? if never just
relax dont sweat it and prove her wrong the next time, diamonds are
worthless anyway and flowers die an apology is heard and never

LilScionGurl's photo
Sun 06/03/07 11:40 AM
but stuff like that comes down to billing and collections nothing to do
with the doctor, b/c if he didnt recive those packs then the doctor
didnt order it. simply billing they work hard too

LilScionGurl's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:19 AM
ok well i am a nursing student, and seeing what these doctors have to
through you need to give them props they work hard and very skilled at
what they do and put up with, errors happen every day in every field
look at factory workers they do the same thing and look at the quality
of american made cars still good but have a few quirks her and there , i
am currentally a tec aid at the hospital where i live and i work mad
crazy hours, but somone has to do it!!! its like robbing peter to pay
paul there is such a staff shortage all over the med profession and no
one to work so we have to step up to the plate otherwise you wont be
getting the healthcare that you need period!