heres my question ladies
Jill...I totally agree. What a time saver. That's why I find it so funny when people put that in their profile: "Just don't break my heart" or "no players". Either they are players and they're not going to tell you about it and not going to care, or they're not players and if they break your heart it will be unintentionally. Either way, asking them up front sure isn't going to warn you about it!
because dating someone on something other than looks is actually far harder than dating someone pretty.
You could find a pretty girl in a heartbeat, but could you find someone truly deep and interesting? I think it takes them longer to find that, and that's why they're still single. |
heres my question ladies
did you hear, they're also looking for "no liars or cheaters!"
Hahaha. Hilarious stuff. As if the players all go "aww damn I guess I better not get in touch with them!" |
What do you do when...
have one hell of a night!!!! Cheers! |
Def. not JSH, haha. |
I'm not arguing policy here, there's no point to that since all that it does is highlight the divide between personal opinions. What I'm saying is that if you assume the premise that we should be there until they are able to provide their own security, then a timetable is not a good way to do so. (If pressed to pick a policy side, I would agree that they aren't likely to ever be able to police themselves.)
As for the semantics, our constitutional republic is the modern functional equivalent of "democracy". True democracy is impossible in a large society, and so an "elective democracy" is required. The difference is entirely negligible and not worth quibbling over. |
If I'm correct, President Bush is in complete agreement with the quote from the article: "his national security adviser, Mouwaffak al-Rubaie, told The Associated Press that the government is proposing a timetable conditioned on the ability of Iraqi forces to provide security."
The administration doesn't want to be there if Iraqi forces are able to provide strong enough security for the country to thrive. The only difference is that they are rejecting an explicit pre-emptive timetable for that. Think about can you predict when the Iraqi forces will be ready? It's impossible. And therefore, putting a restrictive timetable on it wouldn't likely achieve the goal of leaving only when the Iraqi forces are stable and in control. (You can debate the premise of whether or not we should even be waiting until they are ready to handle it themselves or not, but I don't think you can really argue that if we stay, a timetable is a bad idea due to the inherent inaccuracies) |
What I really want is a scenario where I could do/say what I really want without being judged or condemned for it!
Leftist bullies
There is a big difference between social engineering & conserving values for sociatal benefits. In other words...clean up your own mess before you point fingers with your phoney compassion. Pointing fingers at any broad national agenda while attributing it to either particular end of the political spectrum is precisely what I was avoiding (and condemning). I was pointing only at those who would classify an entire segment of the population as specifically like-minded, choreographed, and bonded together for supposedly malevolent purposes. There's no reason that a decision by a particular undersecretary to bypass regulations in favor of a decidedly non-mainstream leftist group should be extrapolated to represent the views of an entire political party. Your assertion that any of this foreshadows Democrats' actions is fairly ridiculous. It would be comparable to saying that every Republican is defined by the actions of any one right winger. Let's try to see the bigger picture here. |
I hardly know her! |
Leftist bullies
Uh,.... my point is that the federal undersecretary bypassed the permits only to have it thrown in his face with this situation. THAT'S WHY THERE'S A NEED FOR ADDED MEASURES... BECAUSE LIBS CAN'T CONTROL THEMSELVES. It's right there in the article for anyone who READ IT! Speaking about individual actions while attempting to relate their consequences to a larger group sharing similar (sometimes) beliefs smacks of such abhorrent stereotyping as racism and sexism. The fact that individual Republicans can't control themselves from ethical violations doesn't mean that all Republicans (or right-leaning ideologues, if you prefer to avoid political parties) are the same way. Regardless of your political preference, it's illogical and needlessly broad attacks such as this one which need to be avoided if this country is ever going to focus on anything important. There is no sense in saying that all liberals want to turn to communism. I'm sure some do, but that has no bearing on the millions of liberals en masse. Vice versa with conservatives and their particular stances as well. Needless vitriol sure isn't helping this country. |
french bull: |
Mends Socks...Only red ones Why not white ones?! Random_Stranger: Tattoo artist *admits to stereotypical impressions* |
The best is the fake french accent one! With the california male cows trying to hit on the female cow with fake french accents...then it turns out she speaks fluent french. I hate when that happens!
Ode to Peccy...
Peccy left?
Sheesh, I leave for a few months and it's like a new planet here. What happened? |
I'm guessing that most raw meat all tastes the same, so cats probably don't distinguish much.
Unless they're picky like my cat, and insist that their mice being cooked thoroughly before they eat it. |
lead singer for a Black Sabbath tribute band
ouiga board and scared
Ouija boards are Parker Brothers' way of making money off people scaring themselves. It's genius, really.
ouiga board and scared
Tap back!
That way you scare them! |