Community > Posts By > Kitteh_Kat

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Wed 01/27/10 10:31 AM
The kid was clearly guilty of WWB.


Kitteh_Kat's photo
Wed 01/27/10 09:54 AM

Despite President Obama's long history of criticizing the Bush administration for "sweetheart deals" with favored contractors, the Obama administration this month awarded a $25 million federal contract for work in Afghanistan to a company owned by a Democratic campaign contributor without entertaining competitive bids.
Wait, what?! A politician who's dirty?! NO WAI!!

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Wed 01/27/10 09:43 AM
birth control= band-aid... that not a lot of people will apply...

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Thu 11/05/09 09:37 AM
WTH is wrong with people?!?

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Thu 11/05/09 08:00 AM

The only problem with Obama is his big mouth, he's a smooth talker with oratory skills out of this world, but he made astronomical promises that can't be kept, however it won't be from lack of trying
That's pretty much every politician out there. I don't know why people are surprised that he made promises that he can't keep.

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Wed 11/04/09 01:16 PM

I must admit at one time or another I have buried an already dead family member to miss work and get compensation.

But would I take thing to this level, hella no.
Not me. I'm a firm believer in karma, and if I did something like that, or called in because my kids were "sick" someone in my family would keel over, and my kids would really get sick. That's just how things go in my world.

In mine as well, which is why I only buried dead people, never live ones, but that I can put down to being young and beautiful.

Someone alive would keel over whether I said it was them I was burying or not. *sigh*

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Wed 11/04/09 01:07 PM

I must admit at one time or another I have buried an already dead family member to miss work and get compensation.

But would I take thing to this level, hella no.
Not me. I'm a firm believer in karma, and if I did something like that, or called in because my kids were "sick" someone in my family would keel over, and my kids would really get sick. That's just how things go in my world.

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:24 PM

With our present economy and jobs being so hard to come by, would any of you stoop to this as a means of keeping your jobs?
Going to your job always helps when it comes to job retention...

so would you make up a crime in order to save your job? :thumbsup:
No- I would go to work, and if I weren't there it would be for a valid reason, and not something I had to lie about.

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:23 PM

He got punished because he raped a young boy if it had been a young girl then the punishment if any would had been very different.

Thats the problem over there, one rule for men another one for women.
How would the punishment have differed?

Of course the rules are different- women are second class citizens in that part of the world.

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:00 PM

With our present economy and jobs being so hard to come by, would any of you stoop to this as a means of keeping your jobs?
Going to your job always helps when it comes to job retention...

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Thu 10/29/09 12:29 PM
Kudos to hellkitten54 for taking care of herself and her own. She is an example of who the system should be helping.

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Thu 10/29/09 12:25 PM

You guys! Without a cell phone how are these people supposed to call and find out where their welfare check is!!rant

Checks aren't issued anymore. Cash and food support go on an EBT card, which is like a cash card.

Big silly me. I contribute by working and don't keep up on these matters. Sorry.slaphead
I find sickening how the poor are viewed as second class citizens in the US, but we do live in the land of hypocrites.

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Thu 10/29/09 11:43 AM

You guys! Without a cell phone how are these people supposed to call and find out where their welfare check is!!rant

Checks aren't issued anymore. Cash and food support go on an EBT card, which is like a cash card.

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Thu 10/29/09 11:14 AM

Funny--how did people get jobs before the phone--cell that is! and I said i DON'T MIND THE POOR HAVING A PHONE FOR EMERGEMCY'S AND JOB HUNTING--BUT NOT ONE OF YOU HAVE DEFINED "POOR"-- SORRY HIT CAPS LOCK AGAIN bigsmile

The Department of Health and Human Services uses the federal poverty guidelines to determine program eligibility for federal programs. Those are typically the guidelines that states follow when determining eligibility for public assistance programs.

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Thu 10/29/09 11:01 AM

here's something else they should get - jobs
Which the cell phones can assist with since they give potential employers a means to communicate with the potential employee.

Oh please woman. Dont defend the people that dont want to help themselves. I can also guarantee you that most with the phone do not use it for jobs but more for calling up theie friends or "certain" people for more public assistance ;)
Stop h8ing, h8r.

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Thu 10/29/09 11:00 AM

I didnt see in the op anything about joblessness. I think it is unwise to assume that people are poor because they dont have a job. We have a thing in the US called the WORKING POOR and there are more people in that category than you may think.
Welfare reform has created a new form of the working poor who are working low wage jobs, and who are still dependent on some form(s) of assistance, whether it be childcare assistance, medical assistance. subsidized housing, etc...

How do you end this--More give-aways?? People love there free sh-t, even if it's from our tax dollors. You will never see an end if we keep this up--It's all-ways the worker who has to foot the bill!--Gotta say time to stop.bigsmile
Addressing the underlying issues of poverty, as well as what factors play into families continuing the cycle of poverty is a start. I understand the reasoning behind welfare reform, and the intentions of it, but pushing people to go to work without addressing what's going on with them, and within their communities, doesn't lead to job retention and long term stablilization of individuals and families.

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:37 AM

I didnt see in the op anything about joblessness. I think it is unwise to assume that people are poor because they dont have a job. We have a thing in the US called the WORKING POOR and there are more people in that category than you may think.
Welfare reform has created a new form of the working poor who are working low wage jobs, and who are still dependent on some form(s) of assistance, whether it be childcare assistance, medical assistance. subsidized housing, etc...

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:35 AM

here's something else they should get - jobs

what and give up all those benefits?
Yeah because those on public assistance are living in the lap of luxury. *rolls eyes*

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:34 AM

here's something else they should get - jobs

what and give up all those benefits?
Yeah because those on public assistance are living in the lap of luxury. *rolls eyes*

Kitteh_Kat's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:33 AM

here's something else they should get - jobs
Which the cell phones can assist with since they give potential employers a means to communicate with the potential employee.

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