Community > Posts By > Yesterways

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:02 PM

o_- well he's just nervous and well he can't hear so i guess he can't be all to sure about every one.

She considers the man's answer and, seemingly satisfied, continues eating the apple.

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:58 PM

^_^ nothing like a nice hunt with my trusty hound and a relaxing lazy noon.

When she does not get a response, she reaches out and tentatively touches the smoking man, pulling her hand back quickly. When he looks up, she mouths carefully. "The man in green thinks I want to hurt him, why? Have I done something offensive?"

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:48 PM

[nodss and holds his handout pointing to a seat. goes back to smoking]
^_^ nothing like a nice hunt with my trusty hound and a relaxing lazy noon.

De'Lana sits in the proferred seats and after sniffing the apple for a few moments, takes a small bite of it. Looking back to the man and his smoking, she seems at ease with the silence for it and relaxes a little while eating her apple.

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:39 PM

He senses that he is being watched. He reaches out and grabs his crafted staff and grips it firmly in his right hand. He continues eating slowly not missing a beat.

Sensing the tension from the man in the green cloak, she looks at the man she is standing in front of with the white apple and carefully mouths, "He thinks I want to hurt him, why?"

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:33 PM

Yes white apples the finest one from the arching trees in all of Vana'diel.

Looking back to the man with the white apple, she moves her mouth as if trying to roll the word "Vana'diel" around in her mouth, but no sound comes forth. After a few moments of trying, she looks back at him, smiles, gets up and comes to him to take the apple. She mouths, "Thank you. May I sit with you?"

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:30 PM
Recognizing the man in the green cloak from a preivious visit, the Dark Elf watches him as he moves through the Inn, looking at no one. Her look becomes quizzical is if she were trying to piece together a puzzle.

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:19 PM
Edited by Yesterways on Thu 10/08/09 07:20 PM

[stops smoking for a second goes through his bag and takes out a white apple and holds it out to De'Lana]
Don't be scared i might be a dark elvin but i'm not all mean. go ahead human a gift for you.

Turning back to the man, she watches him speak then smiles as he holds out the white apple. She looks back at him and mouths, "White?"

(De'lana is a DE too)

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:04 PM

Adventuring can be a lucrative occupation

She turns back to Boromir and his statement. She mouths the words, "I know." to him. Then, "Where are you going?"

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:02 PM

[Puts some Elvin weed into his pipe and lights it with a black flame takes a few puffs] thanks for the wine Boromir
[blows out different color smoke]

She watches the man with the pipe with intent interest and her eyes widen a little when his smoke appears as different colors.

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:59 PM
De'Lana looks around the Inn to see who else is around.

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:58 PM

Boromir serves the drinks to everyone and a cup of the finest wine to the newcomer!drinker

Her smile deepens, had she lighter skin, she might have even blushed.

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:56 PM
bigsmile Very well. bigsmile I am here for a few drinks tonight and then it is off to adventuring againbigsmile

Motioning carefully, as if to recall the correct signs she replies, "I am in need of work or adventure as well. Whichever pays better for now."

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:52 PM

waving Hello there lady darkelf.waving How do you fare tonight?flowers

De'Lana smiles and motions "alright" in answer to Boromir's question. Then she points to him with a questioning look, as asking, and you?

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:45 PM
(wow, sorry, that shopping trip took a LOT longer than I planned)

As Boromir speaks to De'Lana, she watches him, and as soon as he mentions elven wine, she nods her head quickly.

Yesterways's photo
Thu 10/08/09 04:42 PM
De'Lana enters the Inn, smiling as usual. The smile still looks a little out of place on her face, but it seems to be getting 'more comfortable' there. She looks around and greets everyone with a smile and a small nod, then heads for an empty table.

Yesterways's photo
Wed 10/07/09 10:16 PM

He then leaves keys on the bar for anyone to take when they are ready to retire for the night in their bedrooms.

As the keys touch the bar, De'Lana stands, goes to the bar for a key, then, with one last look behind her at the couple, knowing he will feel it, she smiles at him when (if) he decides to look up, then slips upstairs quietly to her room.

Yesterways's photo
Wed 10/07/09 10:05 PM
One eye opens briefly in Boromir's direction, trying to make eye contact.

Yesterways's photo
Wed 10/07/09 10:03 PM
As her meal and ale arrive, De'Lana turns her attentions to her meal as if famished. She eats quietly and neatly, but quickly, without so much as a glance up while there is still food on her plate. Once her meal is complete and ale drained. She orders another, but does not resume her people watching. Rather she sits at the table with closed eyes, as if concentrating on hearing or feeling something or someone.

Yesterways's photo
Wed 10/07/09 10:00 PM

*looks over to the newcomer. Her piecing eyes seem to cut through her. She turns back to the man she is talking with. Taking a sip from her glass of wine*

Upon the less than friendly response, De'Lana lifts her hands in the 'i surrender' fashion, smiles at the woman, and moves her gaze to yet another table.

Yesterways's photo
Wed 10/07/09 09:58 PM
Using hand motions, De'Lana makes the appropriate combination of movement to show the barkeep she wishes a meal and a drink. Then returns to her 'people watching'.