Community > Posts By > Yesterways

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:14 PM

"I don't believe you would purposely hurt me. You have had multiple opportunities to take out any one of us, and you chose not to. Perhaps there is another way to help you."

**Mentally slapping the snot out of herself for what she is considering doing, especially considering there is no one else awake to watch her back, she just can't seem to let go of the feeling that she SHOULD do this, and that she will be fine if she does. Fighting with herself in her mind, she awaits the newcomer's response.**

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:09 PM

*gets up slowly, walks over to the lady who had spoken to her. She stands in front of her, nothing can be seen but her glowing red eyes.*

I need blood.

*Mishrona stands to meet this strange woman. "I am afraid I am rather attached to mine, I have bloodstained clothing in my pack, but I don't think it will help much. The blood is less than two days old. What of your 'regular' sources?" Her voice does not betray the cold fear inside her, which surprises her to no end. She is poised, ready to jump at the slightest jerk from the newcomer.

"I don't believe you would purposely hurt me. You have had multiple opportunities to take out any one of us, and you chose not to. Perhaps there is another way to help you."

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:05 PM

*gets up slowly, walks over to the lady who had spoken to her. She stands in front of her, nothing can be seen but her glowing red eyes.*

I need blood.

*Mishrona stands to meet this strange woman. "I am afraid I am rather attached to mine, I have bloodstained clothing in my pack, but I don't think it will help much. The blood is less than two days old. What of your 'regular' sources?" Her voice does not betray the cold fear inside her, which surprises her to no end. She is poised, ready to jump at the slightest jerk from the newcomer.

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:02 PM

*notices Kashell feel a sleep. She heads back to the Inn. She takes a seat at the bar, orders wine. sits back an watches the others.*

De'Lana smiles wide when her first order comes in. She pours the requested wine, then gets a little bold and steps through the door into the kitchen, perhaps to see if she could be of use in there as well.

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 04:44 PM

((kinda...I'm off an on))
*She does not move. A low growl starts to build in her chest.*

"I know you aren't really wanting to hurt us, you would have by now if that was your intention. Please, come join us." Despite her casual speech, her hand is on the hilt of her sword, all is ready if the need comes to defend. Taking care not to make any aggressive movements, she keeps her voice calm. "Are you hurt? Is there something you need?"

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 04:40 PM
De'Lana skips down the stairs and looks around. She then moves around the bar and start doing prep work for the evening. It's been a bit since she has seen the proprietor or the bartender in a while. Someone needs to take care of the customers, right? Filling a tankard for herself, she settles behind the bar to wait.

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 04:32 PM
((redhead, you around?))

Mishrona stretches and rolls over, slowly waking up. She notices a figure that wasn't there when she went to sleep. Quickly looking around to make sure everyone else is alright, she sits up and speaks to the figure. "Well met. It's alright to come into the light of the fire you know. We don't bite much. As long as you don't, we'll be fine."

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 11:06 PM
((OOC boy am I a glad De'Lana wasn't there for that little outburst, she would have done something stupid. lol))

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 10:16 PM
Edited by Yesterways on Sat 10/24/09 10:22 PM

bigsmile "Thank you ,and I look forward to many adventures to come."happy"Goodnight and sweetdreams Mishrona."bigsmile"It has been a pleasure to make your acquaintance"flowerforyou

As she slips off to sleep, she replies groggily, almost already asleep despite her 'refreshed' look when she returned. "The pleasure will be....I mean is all mine." With that, she falls deeply asleep, her breathing deep and even and her hand subtly fiddling with a cord around her neck.

((night all, thanks for some great role play))

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 10:06 PM

bigsmile "Trouble often leads to adventure":wink:

"That's what I am counting on." Mishrona shifts again, settling in. "I bid you good night Sir. I do need some sleep if I am to...get into the days to come. Sleep well."

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:59 PM
Edited by Yesterways on Sat 10/24/09 10:01 PM

biggrin "The pleasure is mine lovely elven maiden"flowers

Mishrona's giggle is childlike once again as she lay down on her bedroll to get comfortable. "You know, you're distracting. I could get into trouble around you."

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:50 PM
Edited by Yesterways on Sat 10/24/09 09:52 PM

bigsmile "Such pleasant laughter soothes my soul and tickles my ears"bigsmile

A blanket of stark redness slowly works its way up Mishrona's Elven features and she suddenly looks like a young girl that has just been spoken to her by the man she was secretly rather fond of. The coloring stayed only a moment, as if she realized it and she reigned in control. Everything went back to the way it was except her smile, still of that young girl. "You're too kind." At that moment she seemed to notice absolutely nothing around her but the man speaking to her and the ground under them.

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:43 PM

flowerforyou "Perhaps, and I hope that is will be so."bigsmile

drinker "It is in the hands of Fate and Chance."bigsmile

"Fate and Chance have never been kind to me." she laughs, more full now. "I am not sure meeting them again would be good for me...or them. But I speak in haste, perhaps it is indeed another meeting with them I need. My last did not go well, but mayhap this one will be better, seeing as I no longer" Her voice gets softer as she gets to the word seem, and continues to do so until she finishes the sentence. A few moments after the sentence, it's almost like she snaps out of something, her voice returns to its normal Elven lilt and she laughs."

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:33 PM
Edited by Yesterways on Sat 10/24/09 09:33 PM

happy I,also am a seeker of adventure.happy

"Much too simple an answer, I think there may be more to it than that." She smiles at him, a truly warm smile. "But as it stands, it seems we are in good company then. People with like goals tend to find them. Perhaps we will be as lucky."

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:24 PM

bigsmile "What brings you to this place Mishrona?"happy"What is it that you seek?"bigsmile

"Trick questions no doubt." she smiles a little and almost giggles. "I have simply come in search of what I have not. What things I don't have and what things I have not done. I am simply a seeker of adventure. What about you?"

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:17 PM

::He watches Kelandra leave, though says nothing really, he just looks down afterwards and can only ponder how she knew this story when its never left their library and has never been truly heard by ears outside his home. Was.. she from there too? He shook his head and looked up to the returning Mishrona, as he regained that bright smile.::

"Feeling refreshed?"

"Quite, thank you. I could still use the rest, but I feel much better than I did."

She turns and looks at Garisse, "You look as though you have a question. What is it?"

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:11 PM

"goodnight, dear Kelandra. It was a true pleasure meeting you."

"Night Kelandra. Be well. I pray you call me friend and call on me should have you have the need."

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:10 PM
After a little more than a candlemark of time, Mishrona strides silently back into the camp area. She looks different. Not tired in the least. She looks refreshed and ready to move. Her eyes are bright, her elven ear tips no longer droop from exhaustion. She is smiling again as she returns to her bedroll and prepares to sleep for the night. She gets comfortable in her roll and lay listening to the things said around her. Learning all she can about each and every person. Those who say nothing get watched more than the others. You can almost see the mental not taking going on in her eyes, smiling the whole time.

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:50 PM
Edited by Yesterways on Sat 10/24/09 08:50 PM
((for the GM, she leaves, spends about 20 minutes wandering to ensure she hasn't been followed, making VERY sure of it. Then finds safe place, out of sight and takes care of her jewelry. During the time she waits, she practices with her weapons))

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:45 PM

"I thank you for your offer, but it is you who appears to be in need of some rest. Please, feel free. I will make sure you are ok. I have not slept a wink in so many years.. I know not the last time I've felt such an urge."

I will take the second watch. I have little need for sleep.

"Thank you, both of you. I do need the rest, but I must take my leave for a short time. I have some things that need doing. I shall return and take full advantage of the sleep. Thank you, I am exhausted, more than I thought it seems." With that, she covered her bedroll, picked up her weapons, pulled her hood up and strode out of the group and its light, away from the man in the trees. She no longer seemed angry, just relieved, and tired.