Community > Posts By > unicorngal

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:33 PM

well if what I saw last night is anything like what is to come they need to worry more about putting soldiers together to go out and fight than worry about who can or can't leave the city.

then it is good that we are traveling together for there is strenght in numbers.

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:26 PM
Ah very well then.I told you their was evil all a round it is getting stronger everyday.Now they say we can not leave here.At least it is safe here for now.

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:18 PM
huh I fly around to see if Rathil will see me darting in front
of his face.I see his arm cut and ask him if I may help.

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:10 PM

well if those little creatures have anything going for them it is most definately their numbers, but if thats all that is coming down on this city I say let me at them. I will cut down every last goblin I come across

Spirit hering all the camotion,flys down to check on her friend
Rathil are you feeling better? you had me so frighten that I just had to hide for I was not sure what a little thing like me could do.No one seams to hear me

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 08:58 AM
Edited by unicorngal on Fri 04/11/08 09:23 AM

*Rathil doesn't move. Upon closer inspection he seems to be completely passed out and unaware of his surroundings.*

I fly to the bar shouting for the barkeep.Please help my friend
Rathil for he is in need. He does not respond,now I truely fear the evil is upon us.
(should I touch him or does he just need his rest,not even sure if my healing touch is enough) I fly back up to my little hiding
place where I can watch and wait not sure what to do

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 08:12 AM

*Rathil comes staggering into the tavern earlier than normal this morning. Some of his clothes are singed and he has a few cuts and bruises. His clothes are covered almost fully in dust. It looks like he had one hell of a night. He collapses into one of the seats at a nearby table and almost immediately passes out.*

I fly over to talk to him,but when I get near the strong smell of dust is everwhere.I scream OH MY WHAT HAS HAPPENED? but not sure if he has heard me

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 08:03 AM
Edited by unicorngal on Fri 04/11/08 08:08 AM
As I awake from my long sleep,start looking about to see if any
of my new friend might be in the traven.The wind howls outside
making such an errie sound.I see a notice so I fly over to read

(It reads:

None may enter or leave town by orders of Lord Elkinsinan. An evil without mercy is fighting to enter the surface of these lands and could reach the town in one era’s time.
May we pray the gods for protection.

by orders of Lord Elkinsinan)

Oh my the danger is getting closer,the feeling of evil is strong
but as I look around there is not soul to see.The traven has a chill this morn. but the smell of food is strong.When I look again I see my friend Rathil.

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/10/08 09:39 PM

oh it is my friend it is but it will take a while to tell and I am afraid that i am not in the mood for story telling right now.
*wishes she could get so drunk she could forget where she came from*

Another time then We will be traveling together So there will be time at a later date

Might I travel with thee also,for I too would like to here her storyembarassed As i jump again due to the storm rageing out side.
Yes you are most welcome to join us on our guest

Thank you,I bid thee good night for now.I fly back up to my little hiding place where I know nothing bigger then me can get too.yawn

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/10/08 09:32 PM
Edited by unicorngal on Thu 04/10/08 09:36 PM
Good night then my friend as tomorrow is another day ,Thank you
for letting me come along. I welcome thy protection.yawn Till
tomorrow as I shall seak my hiding place for the night,high up in the rafters.

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/10/08 09:29 PM

oh it is my friend it is but it will take a while to tell and I am afraid that i am not in the mood for story telling right now.
*wishes she could get so drunk she could forget where she came from*

Another time then We will be traveling together So there will be time at a later date

Might I travel with thee also,for I too would like to here her storyembarassed As i jump again due to the storm rageing out side.

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/10/08 09:24 PM

No, I have not.
Greetings there little one, I am Re'Anna De' & this is silverwaya, whom she strokes protectively.
*there is another flash of lightening and a loud rumble of thunder overhead. The beautiful song of the wolves can be heard in the distance. Her eyes glow brightly and Silver looks at her longingly.*
/to know what happened the last time we went out and ran in the rain. He nods his head and lays at her feet with a sigh./

thank you Borimor for the wine. *she lays a generous payment on the table for him*

Hello,it is so nice to meet you,Your wolf is beautiful,does she travel with you all the time.
there you are Hello again Spirit

hello again

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/10/08 09:24 PM
Edited by unicorngal on Thu 04/10/08 09:26 PM

Oh there she is..
nice to meet you Spirit. Yes SilverWaya is my constant companion. He is with me always. Maybe one day soon i will reveal how we became "partners" so to speak. drinker

That would be nice.May I travel with you also on your quest? I like wolves its just with all that has been happing around here
their howl makes me a little uneasy.But this storm is scary.

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/10/08 09:17 PM

glad that you do, where did the pixie go?

I'm still here it is just that the storm makes me very nerves
so I hide when I get scared.

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/10/08 09:15 PM

No, I have not.
Greetings there little one, I am Re'Anna De' & this is silverwaya, whom she strokes protectively.
*there is another flash of lightening and a loud rumble of thunder overhead. The beautiful song of the wolves can be heard in the distance. Her eyes glow brightly and Silver looks at her longingly.*
/to know what happened the last time we went out and ran in the rain. He nods his head and lays at her feet with a sigh./

thank you Borimor for the wine. *she lays a generous payment on the table for him*

Hello,it is so nice to meet you,Your wolf is beautiful,does she travel with you all the time.

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/10/08 08:12 PM
(from fourm 1) Reply to Max)

Hello,it is nice to meet you.My name is Spirit.Do you feel the danger all around us?

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:48 PM
Edited by unicorngal on Thu 04/10/08 07:49 PM
As I sit high upon my ledge watching ,not sure if I should venture out, for the feelings of danger are still strong,the storm is un nerving and the wolves howl is making me cring,but the empty feeling in the pit of my stomach is strong. I fly to a lonely Conner of the bar,Barkeep may I please have some food
and a drink. I look around the room cautionally! For I know not anyone here.

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/10/08 08:51 AM
Edited by unicorngal on Thu 04/10/08 09:01 AM
As I slowly emerge from my hiding place I hear the Howling of wolves just out side of townfrown Now I'm very worried ,the
danger is very real and all a round. I can feel an evil within
but can't figure out why.Hungry and in need of a drink , but to scared to venture out as I return to hide and watch from above
hoping someone I know will enter. Or someone nice to meet that I feel safe with.

unicorngal's photo
Wed 04/09/08 01:38 PM

oh like I said. there have been a rash of crimes in the city, and that is why there is an increase in guards. Although there has always been crimes. I don't see anything special about these.

That is true,crime is everywhere,maybe because of all the new ones in town for the festivities is why everyone is so on edge.I just hope that there be no real danger. Well my friend
I must find a safe place to hide before it is dark.I bid thee good night.

unicorngal's photo
Wed 04/09/08 01:00 PM

that's what everyone keeps saying. I am not sure what everyone is so scared about lately though. A few thefts going on in the town it seems but I wouldn't say that adds up to a great evil. I am curious as to where people keep getting their information that something big and evil is coming. I just don't know if I buy it. drinker

But if it is not true then why are all the guards around? Be it may or not I'm greatful not to travel alone.

unicorngal's photo
Wed 04/09/08 12:47 PM

Name's Rathil, and I have no problem with you joining me.

*Takes his mug and quickly downs the rest of the brew inside of it and flips the mug upside down onto the bar to provide a sitting space for the pixie.*

It is a pleasure to meet you.Thank thee for the seat.Soon are travels will begain and I am glad to find someone to go with for there is much danger around.

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