Community and fellowship. This. I would say it can be a reinforcement in our life, but I do not go so far as saying it is 'important to go' to a building. What is important is finding some way to commune and fellowship with others of faith. |
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Sat 03/21/20 12:20 AM
I'm glad you don't live here either watch and see what a real president does. lowest unemployment rate in the past 60 years lowest black Hispanic and Asian unemployment in the history of this country all due to Trump's policies. all those things you think of trump are just talking points in regurgitation of what you hear in the mainstream media. He's not a racist because the black support for Trump has skyrocketed to 34%. he's not a racist oh, why? Because he wants to secure the southern border Ben stop the freeloaders, drug smugglers, human traffickers, oh and not to mention the report that was put out by Homeland Security that we have terrorist cells in this country gee I wonder why SMH! Maybe because past presidential candidates have made promises to secure our Southern border but never did anything about it. Trump has said nothing different than any other person that has resided in the White House but because he actually followed through and did what he promised to do he's a racist? Please... the unemployment rate when Trump came to office was 4.9 ALREADY, it has come down to 3.6 four years later, a CONTINUED drop of 1.3 percent in Trumps first four. It had ALREADY BEEN dropping a total of 5 percent in OBama's 8 years. So Trump did nothing so extraordinary where unemployment is concerned. Black people can support racists, just like women can support sexists. That is not really evidence of anything. It is not clear that someone is racist because they do not want drugs coming over the border, but it is a bit more clear they are a bigot when they say things like "I assume SOME mexicans are decent people." or 'They don't look like Indians to me" or when they are sued by the government for housing discrimination against BLACKS. Trump says plenty of things different. Carrying through on racist promises is still racist. |
Love at 1st Sight 😍
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Fri 03/20/20 07:43 AM
Is it really? For me, no. Looking at a person tells me nothing about WHO I am looking at. I can be strongly attracted by looking, and maybe have an instinct that I will eventually be in love with them, but I have to KNOW someone to be able to develop something as strong as truly loving them. |
Is Religion homophobic?
This thread is asking about 'religion', right?
People have their beliefs about what constitutes 'their own' and their beliefs about keeping 'their own' bloodlines strong. They want to marry within their culture, or their religion, or their race, they want to carry on their race with their children.
If people do not put their hands on you or speak out of turn to you and yours, I would not even give it a second thought, especially if you are happy in your own choice of partner. Everyone does not have to like or agree with it. All any one should be expected to do is respect that it is your choice. |
For Prince fans
Purple Rain is on Netflix this month. Some relief in this chaotic time.
Is Religion homophobic?
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Wed 03/18/20 10:49 PM
What a crock 'o shi○ prejudice cop out I'm not prejudice but. .. I don't acknowledge it... Jesus says it's bad I don't condemn it, I would hug you, I'll pray for you, won't come outright and say it, but the bible says it's wrong I think prejudice is not all bad actually. If we have a brain to learn, we are meant to prejudge things, to a degree, based on past lessons, unless a new lesson is learned. We are meant to have judgment BECAUSE we have working brains. But saying something is wrong or not agreeable to us, does not have to mean we are 'phobic' or hateful of anyone. We can acknowledge that although feelings aren't chosen, they can be a result of environment and conditioning. We can acknowledge also that actions are definitely choice, regardless of whether feelings are. We can acknowledge that hardly any human will mimic every decision we think is right and no human will be perfect. We can acknowledge the balance of good and bad choices, the balance of right and wrong actions or words, because we acknowledge we are all human. |
Is Religion homophobic?
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Tue 03/17/20 06:56 PM
The Bible wants to point out that there's only one God... and anybody else's point of view is false... Why we keep arguing this amongst ourselves would just in typical Jehovah create someone Gay if they weren't made to love that other person they're seeking? I've heard a story where a woman began seeing a phycologist and in a past life rather recent she was a German Air Bomber in WW2... She was a he and he had 3 or so kids... to better the odds... he also was against the war but the man she is dating now shot down his plane and he died... so she gravitates away from this fellow because it's not the first time she was a man and this guy she is now dating has killed her in a past life... Many Lives Many Masters... So what's the ultimate answer to your question of query to the relative subject? Not God... What does your soul consider "gay"? Is religion a mass fed media based to believe only in what the masses consider good graces or each and every one of us believing something different? Here's the thing.. *IF* God created us all...knew us in the womb (as pro-life people like to claim based on a verse that had to do with the future of Jeremiah)....then he *knew* we were gay. Because no one chooses to be gay any more than one *chooses* to be straight. And, if God knew we were that way from the could he punish someone for that? I would say no one knows what they will feel. but still have control and will power over what they do. Otherwise, anyone doing anything can be excused by the assumption that God 'knew' they would feel like doing it. And if disagreeing with the appropriateness, healthiness, or 'right'ness of something is phobic, than no one is not phobic of SOMETHING, if they have a brain that can form opinions. However, disagreement and HATE are not the same animal. I am saddened not only by hatefulness, but also by the way people are shut down as being hateful, when they only disagree with things. |
I'm not a racist, but...
There are terms for people that have gave up religion like "Lapsed. and Non Practising" can the same be used for Racists? Or do they have to fully switch over to being a non racist or former Racist? I like the term 'recovering racist', like they use for alcoholism and drugs. |
I'm not a racist, but...
LOL. Racism is not so much about perspective. It is what it is. If it is a choice or prejudgement of ANY individual which is based only in their race, it is racist. The issue is that it is all placed in a negative box as if it is all the same, when there are different degrees and contexts, all based in prejudgment, but not all with an intention or thought that anyone is better or worse than anyone else, just different from.
I confuse people when I admit to being 'sexist', with that same definition. I do, in fact, thing males and females are and should be different from each other. I do not believe those differences mean that either one is better or worse than the other. I am very much embracing of 'gender roles." because I think males and females are best when the complement each other, instead of duplicating or competing with each other. |
The Great Biden Deception
With Biden likely to win the DNC nomination what do you think will happen during the Presidential Debates? My reading has been that the Biden campaign is to save his family - Hunter / Ukraine from investigation. As Impeachment hasn't worked to deter the President. For Democrats, Impeachment was "also" to save the Obama legacy. I have no problem with this. Yet, Biden running is the Biden Deception. It's like the Indian tiger. When it appears to attack it runs away; and when it appears to run away, it attacks. Maturity will go out the window. The two old men will not hold back. People will vote for who they support. People will also vote for anyone AGAINST who they don't. After 2016, I feel there is no way to predict what will happen. Biden has been in public service over 40 years. I feel after being VP, the PRESIDENTIAL run, especially with this DIVISIVE a republican President, is why Biden is running. I do not know what impeachment has to do with Obama, but okay. I do not feel there is any deception. I feel a man who has devoted decades to politics just is pursuing the next logical step in his career. |
Bernie Sanders for President
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Sat 02/29/20 12:56 PM
He is past the american expiration date. Let's get some candidates less than 70 who can deliver and work well with others, without the 'I already know it all' mentality. I love elders. They can be very resistant to the idea of not being the smartest in the room or having the best or only 'right' thought to contribute. I am not saying all by any rate, or even most. But those who have had a lifetime in power over other's lives and run for POTUS seem to have it in common.
Trump or Obama ?
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Thu 02/27/20 11:28 AM
All depends on what you believe: If you think it is government's job to take care of you, then Obama. If you think it is your responsibility to take care of yourself, then Trump! lol, okay. I do not believe EITHER blanket statement. I choose Obama because I believe life is balance and not an either/or, and that it is therefore a human's job to take care of that which they can and to ask for help when they need it. And I believe that help should be a part of what a community provides EACH OTHER for those moments of human need. I choose Obama because I respect things in a man like integrity, honesty, diplomacy, maturity, tact, and intelligence. I also love a man who can be a devoted family man, but that is not a necessity in any job including political office, just a PLUS. I see in Obama a history, before even running for President, of reaching out to be that source of help when people were needing it, while also taking care of himself and his family, in other words, genuine. I see in Trump a history of his family taking care of themselves and a history of taking pride in the ability to BS, get over on people, and lie, in other words, a con man. |
Does world peace count?
India. I'm not proud of my nationality. Its not that i hate my nationality i love it. But there is nothing to be proud of it. I am a part of my country and my contribution to society does not dictate how my country behaves. I can be proud of specific people in my country who's contribution benefits the masses. I'm internationalist(Marxist) and i believe borders of whole world would eventually be abolished. I'm patriotic, but not a nationalist. When a man has achieved nothing in his life he can always be proud of his birth, royalty, nationality. The two world wars have taught lessons particularly to Europeans that Nationalism is a threat. Nationalism was the cause for collapse of many countries. That's what I was referring to. You shouldn't be proud of the result of a mere coincidence You should be truly proud of the person you are and what you've achieved on this we agree. This was something my elders taught me actually, that I have no right to feel pride or shame about that which I have nothing to do with. But not everyone uses pride and shame in such a personal way. Many people do have pride and shame based in mere association. |
Bernie Sanders for President
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Tue 02/25/20 12:41 AM
Sanders economics - free college, free health care... are workable But not minimum wage increase to $15 This would mean inflation by 20% Your $1 coffee would cost $1.25 minimum In previous post I suggested SC will write history is because it is the least developed state among those on the East Coast based on having driven on the I-95 And likely to fall for Sanders Economics --xx Scenario 2: On the other hand, Steyers, Warren or some other dark horse during debate And Sanders comes second --xx In all these scenarios, Biden comes in 3rd He has a major trust deficit -- "Impeachment", His continuous reference to Obama period Imagine Warren saying "You Sir, are not Obama!" How else do you explain steep descent in his ratings? A week to go. we don't explain us politics. Trump was elected, which defies explanation and all polling and ratings at that time. I was once again viewing the first Trump Hillary debate on You Tube the way 'Secretary Clinton' was demolished right from the start Trump listing out names of companies closed in Penn., Michigan while Hillary was listening as if it were fresh news that CNN did not have. Hillary was dead at start. Media had to keep her going because Hillary's money was in Media Trump - nothing ==== But between the Democrats - so far Media has not polarized on any one candidate. The democrats see companies closing as a good thing, getting rid of corporate America. The Democrates lives off people who are poor, on welfare, or minorities. Its part of their power to encourage socialism. The minimum wage is pretty much $15 in most places already, your lucky if you can get a cup of coffee anywhere for $1.00 or even $1.25. Many people are already willing to pay $5 for a coffee at Starbucks. Inflation isn't always a bad thing for such things as your wages go up and your mortgage remains the same. As with all media it depends on what you listen to as to who they are talking about. Bloomberg has many commercials out and has spent a ton of money but he really hasn't gotten much of a draw so far. As far as a woman for president I don't think most people have a problem with that in this day and age, but finding the right one is the problem. I am not sure where that information is gleaned from. How does anyone 'live off' poor, or welfare, or minorities? How does any of that tie to socialism. The minimum wage is NOT $15 in most places. I still think, even in this age, the status quo of 'man in charge' is something people still have bias towards, and a woman being there in place of a man is still something people have a problem with, at least at the executive level. I still think a woman in business or politics is held to a much higher scrutiny and standard than a man except, of course, when it comes to harassment in which women are given much more discretion and benefit of the doubt. |
Bernie Sanders for President
Sanders economics - free college, free health care... are workable But not minimum wage increase to $15 This would mean inflation by 20% Your $1 coffee would cost $1.25 minimum In previous post I suggested SC will write history is because it is the least developed state among those on the East Coast based on having driven on the I-95 And likely to fall for Sanders Economics --xx Scenario 2: On the other hand, Steyers, Warren or some other dark horse during debate And Sanders comes second --xx In all these scenarios, Biden comes in 3rd He has a major trust deficit -- "Impeachment", His continuous reference to Obama period Imagine Warren saying "You Sir, are not Obama!" How else do you explain steep descent in his ratings? A week to go. we don't explain us politics. Trump was elected, which defies explanation and all polling and ratings at that time. |
Bernie Sanders for President
No matter how many people vote for Bernie Sanders during the caucuses, I'm willing to bet a £1 to a penny that Elizabeth Warren gets the nomination. It could happen. But we would have another Trump Hilary situation, people are not ready for a woman, every flaw will be hyper emphasized. |
Faith for believers
Christianity and Muslims are the most bloody and wicked religions on the planet. With all the ongoing molestation today of children, men, women, beast and the ongoing slaughter, kidnapping and slavery especially by Muslims, one must surely re-consider joining these religions. This is the Greek, Roman and Ottoman Empires, all over again. People tend to equate religion with individuals who follow religion. Humans are bloody and wicked, and those humans can choose whatever denominations they want and claim to follow whatever denomination they want. Nothing in how Christ lived set an example supporting slaughter, kidnapping, or slavery. I am not a Muslim but know muslims, and I don't doubt their faith and values are similarly misrepresented by making the example out of the extremists in their faith, instead of the norms. You are a special lady miss Harmony and there were several instances in which I wanted to share more knowledge with you. But it is good to wander from the TRUTH, before becoming part of it. But let me warn you that the Christ you are referring to is NOT the biblical Christ, and the biblical Christ warned us to take heed that no men deceive us. Which Bible, and how is it not 'biblical' Christ? How can it be validated who the 'deceivers' actually are? Maybe they are the ones encouraging us to not believe the Bible, or that other bibles are more 'real'. This is the challenge and the complexity of 'faith'. It is not about any one man or woman or what they say, it is about what our spirit tells us. Did you noticed that the churches NEVER compare the Holy bible with HISTORY and make you think it is partially true and partially mythology? And did you also noticed that BIBLICAL PROPHECIES and LINEAGES are being neglected? Well indeed they gave you one Jesus, and hid the other. If you keep telling a lie over and over, many will believe it's the truth. The Jesus they gave you has his own doctrine, and he is not the one who told you how to pray [Matthew 6:9]. AS A MATTER OF FACT (YOU LIKE FACTS, DON'T YOU?), the Jesus you worship CAN'T BE FOUND IN THE HOLY BIBLE. lET'S LEAVE IT HERE, FOR YOU TO DIGRESS! I do not know what you mean by 'the jesus you worship'. I am worshipping the one that is in the Holy Bible. I never noticed what the church compares, they are there to teach, not compare. I have the resource from which they teach. I leave secular history to history teachers. Any side of the debate can use the same statements you use here. Faith is the answer. So my dear sister, let's be more specific. If you were robbed and the police asked you who robbed you, what would you have to do? You would have to give a DESCRIPTION of the robber. Let's say the thief looked like Jesus, the one you know, and I am the Police. How would you describe him to me? Let's look at your questions for a brief moment: You: I do not know what you mean by 'the jesus you worship'. I am worshipping the one that is in the Holy Bible. My Answer: So you think! Let's say my sister is going to bake a cake for you, for the 1st time. But instead, I baked the cake and gave it to you. Would you know? (That's called witchcraft). You:I never noticed what the church compares, they are there to teach, not compare. My answer: Right and they taught you that Jesus baked the cake for you and then they gave you their own cake. You:I have the resource from which they teach. I leave secular history to history teachers. My answer: They tore pages from the Holy Bible were Christ was speaking and teaching. Do you believe these pages were NON SECULAR? Was Christ a liar or did they make him a liar? And because you leave secular history to history teachers, you become vulnerable. You:Any side of the debate can use the same statements you use here. Faith is the answer. My answer: Let's look at one prophecy which was removed from the Holy Bible: [Maccabees 3:48] And laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images. What is your understanding of this verse and do you know when in history this happened? circular logic. If you make a statement about what is in the Holy Bible, unless one is speaking about a different Holy Bible(Which I also asked you to clarify), one cannot say that someone is not worshiping what is in the Holy Bible. If you say your book is more of the truth than someone else's truth, unless there is a time travel machine that gave you personally the experiences written of, then you have no more or less reason to be considered having the 'truth'. I didn't made any of the statements you wrote. There is no circular Logic with me! I simply asked to answer few questions. That's all. You didn't touched the prophecy which I requested! I am addressing only your claim that I do not worship a Christ that is 'anywhere' in the Holy Bible. I did not address the prophecy because, again, it is only your 'claim' that it is something that was removed. It was removed for a specific reason. Unless you understand the narrative of the bible and who you are in the Holy Bible, and what your life purpose is , you will remain in the congregation of the forgotten! Okay. I suppose I should trust that YOU have that knowledge and I don't. Yes, because he knew you before you were formed in the womb! You must humble yourself to the LORD for the proper understanding. I already told you that you are in Idolatry, the most hated sin, but you mist the point. or perhaps there is confusion between being humbled to the LORD and being humbled to a man on a social media comment board I did not miss any point, except how sure you are that you possess the truth and others who do not believe as you do don't. |
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Sun 02/23/20 08:48 PM
I'm assuming the full quote is "it takes a village to raise a child" It had nothing to do with taking anything from anyone, it was about the idea that many people are willing to give of themselves when needed and the examples their lives show to a child. Most people are willing to give of themselves especially when it comes to children. It may be something as simple as tossing a ball with some child or mentoring a child in school. It might be something much more as in setting up a local school scholarship or paying for a child's medical care. There is no government involvement or mandate only people giving to others because they want to. I am familiar with that quote. Yet people have used the particular words 'it takes a village' to describe many things beyond raising children. These words are often referring to the sense that we do not live in isolation, but as community. And as a community, there must be some central source of collective resource, support, values, or what have you to make it a community in the first place. |