Community > Posts By > Bithiyah

Bithiyah's photo
Sun 05/20/07 11:55 AM
For what it might be worth to someone interested.

It is my understanding that there are traits having to do with trade,
arts and crafts unique to each people, each respective seed type and the
reason for keeping it all in the family so to speak was to keep the
skill of the trade, art, or craft strong and pure in the family line and
keep them in the top of their trade.

Then religion was invented and some made new excuesses for everything
and many forgot what they use to not do and why they did not do

Is it moraly right or not to mingle? Depends if a soul can live with
it's choices one would guess. Why do some say yes, why do some say no?
Does their case have merrit based off ov your personal values?

Do that which benefits a balanced lifesytle and what ever personalities
it takes to pull that off, Let it be and let the rest take notes.
Might end up with a rainbow of fruit flavors.

Just like I have learned to do, set free your questions and if they were
real, they will return to you with answers. Balance is best achieved
through well reasoned choices that can come from asking the right

Who should it matter too who you are with except to who you are with?
Who is not mixed? Who is pure? What color is out there that was not
reported to come from the same place in some religions? Is it true?

If we all did come from the same place, how did we develope into
different races? I believe the answer is in the soil.
[I heard it here first]

Learn the parable of the sower.

Focus on balance, not vanity and find reason in what you do. Learn what
your values and limits are, because only you can answer to yourself and
you have got to live with U, so you better get along. Fact is it is ok
to agree and ok to disagree with interracial dating, or anything else
your spirit is, or is not ready for, that is your choice, point is, you
have to live with your choices, make them educated, make them count,
they are for you and you will reap what you sow.

If it was good seed the crop will be good also.

Were all of Solomons wives the same race I wonder? he had what 400?
Planted the seed of David deep he did.

Thats my twin buffalos quarter worth. bigsmile

Bithiyah's photo
Sun 05/20/07 09:39 AM

Coming from you I take that as quite the compliment, I am honored.

It was a good question. Caught me off guard, had to think about it for
a few minutes. flowerforyou

We will probably send a few thinking before it's over with and when they
figure it out, they can tell us whats going on. Peace of cake!

We just might get out of this place, if it's the last thing we ever do--
we just might get out of this place, man there has got to be something
better then these things we do. glasses blushing bigsmile
flowerforyou I
sang real outa key four you, Consider that a hug, fully clothed. I
appreciate your respect, I return it.

Bithiyah's photo
Sun 05/20/07 06:53 AM
I have found myself gravitated towards your words also Jess. Thank you
equally. flowerforyou

Bithiyah's photo
Sun 05/20/07 06:50 AM
Sounds like a party, did you bring your guitar?

Can one come to a religious feast without a religion?

I am not part of any group, religion, or organization, I claim no title
beyond that of my name, or stations I have held [daughter, sister, wife,
mother...], nor do I adhere to any specific doctrine. Instead I follow
definitions and the effects of causes. Personaly I only know my own
experience, and I only eat organic food. You would be amazed by how
many people find the fact of it offensive, but I feel welcome here.

And to any who might be concerned, I will not shove my food down your
throat if you do not shove your food down mine, but if you do, it had
better be organic.drinker flowerforyou

Any body like to play cards?

Bithiyah's photo
Sun 05/20/07 06:27 AM

You inspired this passage right out of me. I wanted to give it to you
personal like. Do not know if it is what you was looking for, but it
was your spirit that inspired the construction of it.

What is Gods will?

Experience through the action of taking personal responsibility to the
full possible extent of ones capabilities, to bring balance into
personal existance. If God/Yah has a will for us, I would say this would
be among top priority.
Ask not what God/Yah can do for us, but what we can do for ourselves
with what was given in a state of perfection from the very begining,
while honoring that which is honorable in all forms and casting off that
which is not.

My two cents.

I don't mind you invisioning me nude if it's with the perfect body,
there is no shame with the curse lifted and that is something I would
like to see also, lol, me naked with the perfect body. bigsmile
laugh smokin blushing

Bithiyah's photo
Sun 05/20/07 03:31 AM
I read somewhere once were they used the name Jesus just because it
equaled 888. Could be just a rumor.

Bithiyah's photo
Sun 05/20/07 03:22 AM
Hey AB,

I use the word Bithiyah according to meaning, the daughter of Yah.

I am greatful for Eve too, after all it is said her seed would redeem

And I myself am personaly glad to know when I am and am not naked
mistake, or not.

Bithiyah's photo
Sun 05/20/07 01:40 AM
My two cents?

Your not the only one who has noticed AB.

I have personaly been using the KJV, it has the most original words to
date of any translation in print, but still falls way short without the
knowledge of the original language it was written in. Another example
of bible tampering is in the NIV and AS bibles, they removed many times
the sentence of, "prayer and fasting" which to not understand prayer
and fasting by the practice of it removes much understanding about
things trying to be communicated, and the NKJV is missing a reported
66,000 words. It is one thing to change a word, but to remove it all
together? 66,000 words? To what end?

Many take these things such as bible tampering as if they do not matter,
when in fact it changes the entire work, but to quote someone about a
woman doing good, or about a woman having an athority of her own, or
part in prophecy? Look out!

Some get it, some do not. I am looking for those who do. I am sick of
those who equate woman, mother, sister, daughter, or any mention of her
with Satan, or the teaching of pagan deities. What utter nonesense and

Then there is Eve who was tempted and seduced, she needed a hero, not
someone to give her the blame because He did not refuse the offer. He
was there longer, he new more and had more responsibility. He was only
tempted, she was seduced. If he was given charge, then how is she to
blame? Besides, I myself am very greatful to know that I am not naked
and greatful to know when I am. We must have been nothing more then
beast in nature to not know.

Yes much has been changed, even the times and seasons have been
rearranged, they count too many letters, most eat the food of
wickedness, they die of putrifying diseases, they know not at what they
stumble and blame things that are female and or, foreign. Remedy? Get
understanding and it will eventually balance out when acted upon.

Too many accept calmly those things unacceptable and seek to condemn
those things that should be common place and wait for another to undue
the confusion they themselves have done.

Experience through the action of taking personal responsibility to the
full possible extent of ones capabilities, to bring balance into
personal existance. If God/Yah has a will for us, I would say this
would be among top priority. Ask not what God/Yah can do for us, but
what we can do for ourselves with what was given in a state of
perfection from the very begining, while honoring that which is
honorable in all forms and casting off that which is not.

My two cents.

Bithiyah's photo
Sat 05/19/07 08:34 PM
Is it truly feminist to quote Yahshua, or Solomon? Fascinating. Does
that make them feminist because I quoted them?

Your response did not address my questions Miles.

Sorry if I push your buttons, but sometimes you've got to ask who is
listening to what, and how does it apply now? Why should we believe it,
based off of what authority, according to who's interpretation, or
transliteration? You know the fact is the language the bible was kinda
transliterated from, all the letters and words are specifically male and
female. Not a feminist thing, just part of the grand design, opposites,
male/female, positive/neutral, proton/neutron, Mother/Father, the base
principle forces of all things in existence.

What do you think may be realized by the people in the wilderness that
makes them to loath themselves in their own sight? Turning from that
first love perhaps and forsaking the bond of those who have selflessly
served to give them life?

Before there was a curse it is said that man clang to his woman.

How many here know in that same book it says in a mans first year of
marriage he is to stay home and please his wife? Do not go to do
business, or war, but spend the first year with her, pleasing her. That
too is scripture and there is nothing dirty and sinful about being able
to admit that a woman loves and deserves attention too, to be
considered, taken seriously, cherished and cared for, protected as a
guarded maiden of worth to the man of her heart, and in turn she serves
with all of her heart after having given it, until that day the trust is
broken anyway. No, it is not a dirty thought for woman to think, know,
or ask and it should not be a reason for sudden doom and gloom and
twisted flesh upon a screen about pending destruction because a woman
quotes Jesus, or Solomon in reference to what the bible actually says
about prophecy.

How many wives can a man have before he is considered a feminist? Is
being a feminist bad? What does it mean to pray for wisdom to lead your
people well, or take fast hold of instruction, let her not go, keep her
for she is thy life? Is it a part in the bible that should be
condemned as heresy?

Pro 2 3: Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice
for understanding;
4: If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid
5: Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the
knowledge of God.

Learn what a cover bee, seal the words and soon shall see/d. What does
it take to achieve the faith of a mustard seed?

The special thing about prophecy? The outcome can be changed, all these
things may surely come to pass because people are so predictable and
some do nothing different to change their direction waiting for someone
else to pick up the tab and yet blame still another, but Jonas is one
that points that destruction does not have to come. There are two
choices minimum and they are opposites.

Will nature continue to function according to the same laws no matter if
another understands her, or not and provide for all upon the planet no
matter their following? Will the things you believe come to pass for
those who have never heard about them? Which of these things will
sustain who ever makes it no matter what happens, Nature, or

Not because anything we did, from no effort of our own, without any need
to understand, all things on the earth are provided for impartially by
nature for all upon the Earth. Limitations come from belief systems
that lead to bondage and destruction, but that of Nature which was given
in the beginning provides all we use, belief, or not. Nature is the
same now, as it was yesterday and still will be tomorrow, question is,
what to do with it? Respect and preserve it, or disrespect it and
think the answer is in a book instead of how we are treating the things
around us. Are we here looking for what we want in life, or trying to
find our purpose and a reason to live it? Will memorizing one version
of a book save us from what might come, or will survival come by what
nature provides to sustain life and those who know how to utilize it

Judgement is not something in the future, it is the result of our
actions in the now, cause and effect, which if the course is continued,
the outcome is predictable, yet if warnings headed the course could be
changed to effect a different outcome, just as those who heeded Jonas.

Will nature continue to function according to the same laws of the land
no matter if another understands her or not and provide for all upon the
planet no matter their following? Will the things you believe come to
pass for those who have never heard about them?

It is not right to apply the credit and title of feminist to me, but
rather to those whom I quoted, Yahshua and Solomon, they gave the
testimony. Is it feminist heresy, or scripture and prophecy? Should I
be given credit for what they stated and wrote? Should it be tossed
aside because it does not fit an all male model, even in spite of the
station of those who claimed it? Is that in itself not heresy to toss
aside the words of Yahshua and Solomon? I would rather be a feminist.

No emotion, or attitude here, just sharing the shapes in my mind. One
may ponder, or ponder not, their path is their own.

Bithiyah's photo
Sat 05/19/07 01:42 PM
I want someone who feeds my mind, inspires my heart and does not make
everything a competition to see who is the smartest, yet aspires above
mundane things and typical answers to get to what really works.
Progression and goal driven desires.

Bithiyah's photo
Sat 05/19/07 01:10 PM
[q:We are to do and warn as John said and to do as Yahshua said To
the acceptable year of Yahweh... This is when he comes with vengence. ]

How can we expect him to come with a vengence when it is said that the
Queen of the South would rise up in judgement in that day? What about
the part that says the Father YHWH would not return before all the bones
are burried? Sounds to me that he will not return until the party is
over, sounds to me that the Queen of the South will have the vengence if
she is to rise in judgement against mankind. How could it be defined as
anyone else if this is what Yahshua said?

Fire means understanding. Annointed with fire is the same as annointed
with understanding. Who has been annointed as such? From what I can
tell all people know is from the study of a book that is incomplete,
which has become an endless debate that bares fruit of hate and
contention, and in the reality of the world, it is worse then ever, they
sin and hide it not on a scale never seen before. What has been learned
from this book that has improved us? It seems that more blood has been
shed over the matter of religeon and this incomplete book given and
edited by Rome then anything in history. Just as the book says, the
written word brings death and the spirit of the living word [those
spoken] brings life. How much better could we do to use some common
sense, with the exception it does not seem so common anymore? Even the
bible itself says if you seek answers seek the prophets, you know them
by their fruit, yet everyone runs to a book these days with authors that
cannot be verified? Even those fervant about the book does not do as it
instructs, nor do they teach as it says that gives any benefit to
improve our situation today. There are more churches and denominations
then ever before in history, most of them with the same book, yet the
social state of things are worse then ever before.

Everyone seems to be waiting for G-d to fix them instead of fixing
themselves when the fact is all that they do is freedom of choice. The
Devil might tempt but no one has to join his company. I do not blame
the devil for my problems, I blame those who have been inconsiderate and
even myself for those things I do not yet understand, yet who has seen
the devil? Isn't it written that man is carried away of HIS OWN LUST?

The law of Nature is that which the LORD set forth, Mother nature in
fact, the Law of the Land, according to the workings of nature and that
which is natural in it. Man set forth his own laws through religeon and
until he stops drowning in these illusions no peace will be found for

You stated before that you appreciated that I remembered that man is a
cover, yet man in his followings himself does not understand the meaning
to cover. Simply being married does not cover, nor playing lord and
ruler over the one given to intruct. How can one take fast hold of
instruction if she is treated as one to be lorded over, belittled and

And how in the world has man managed to make Yahshua into the greatest
that ever lived except the Father if even Yahshua himself said there was
none greater born to woman then John the Baptist? Did Yahshua Lie? Even
Yahshua was born to a woman. Who in the bible is being adheared too?
The LORD, Yashua, Paul perhaps? It is not the Holy Spirit, for she is
Wisdom and in this day has been replaced with a man.

Oh the mass confusion man has created for himself. How will we ever
rise above if they will only listen to themselves and not listen to
reason according to the Laws of Nature set forth?

And then there is the matter with Eliyah upon John. So was John Eliyah,
or where their two people living inside the one? How can one person be
two people?

In looking for the definition of Eliyah another name popped up that
meant Daughter of Yah. Could there maybe have been a woman in the mix
that has been referred to only by the representation through the word
spirit and dove?

You know that Yahshua is always referred to as Messiah. Fact is the
word Messiah means he who is annointed King. When was he annointed
King? Did you know it required a woman, a High Priestess Princess of
the order of doves to do the annointing to make an israeli king back in
the day? So how is it he is called Messiah? There were laws and
cerimonies set forth in order to cause such things to come to be. How
can someone be defined as something that never went through the proper
channels to gain it? Fact is in history, no man was considered a King
without a Queen. In fact without a Queen he had no Kingdom at all.

Things of ancient history are relavent in the context of what they
belived in the time they lived in, not in the context of what people
follow after now.

Respectfully Miles. I can go to any messianic site, or church and on
the same key words and subjects that have come up, you can count on
everyone that is steeped into such a following to pop up and give the
exact same answers and verses as you have. I have experienced it many
times, yet these other things are left unanswered. No one seems to want
to touch on the things I have brought up and they are all trained to
answer the same. Yet mean while the human condition gets worse. Not
because of the devil, but because of the actions of the people in the
world, they are carried away of their own lust and educated in a manner
that bares no good fruit and no matter how right on a church seems to
think they are, they still eat the food of wickedness, even on feast
days, instead of abstaining from that which they were instructed to keep
away from. So truly, what is it all for, to what end do people join
these clubs in the name of G-d/YHWH?

Bithiyah's photo
Sat 05/19/07 11:15 AM
How is it that it was proclaimed that that paticular prophecy was
fulfilled when in fact what else was stated in that chapter still has
not come to pass?

Isa 61

3: To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for
ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit
of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the
planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.
4: And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former
desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of
many generations.
5: And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the
alien shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers.
6: But ye shall be named the Priests of the LORD: men shall call you the
Ministers of our God: ye shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in
their glory shall ye boast yourselves.

These things have not been fulfilled, nor the rest of the chapter.

Reincarnation basically means reborn, just as all who are and have been
mentioned in history were born of a woman. How could Eliyah and Moses
return except they were born again? If things are done in earth as they
are in heaven according to the laws of nature set forth and the seed
that is in itself, they could not return unless they were born again.
And when they do appear, who on earth will believe them?

Bithiyah's photo
Sat 05/19/07 10:09 AM
The Queen of the South must be among those two witnesses. Yahshua said
it was she that would rise in judgement in those days. Why never a
focus, or mention?

And the return of Eliyah and Moses? Seems to me that some people
believe in reincarnation and are not even realizing it. What are the

Bithiyah's photo
Sat 05/19/07 01:25 AM

quote: Yahweh must come 1st. He can
do anything. As Yahshua said they sit in Moses Seat do what they say not
as they do. Moses seat is the keeping of the law.<

The Commandments of the Father and the Law/Torah of thy Mother, for the
commandments are a lamp and the Law/Torah is Light. For it shall be an
ornimant of grace upon thy head and chains about thy neck.

Throne is a word that literaly means Lady of the Land, the seat of Moses
was the Throne, a crown of 12 tribes/stars. Solomon married her, David
married her. All who were ever bound on Pentecost at the great wedding
feast married her. The Crown/dowry that bound them all, heaven and
earth. The mascot is the lovig hind and pleasent roe and dove.

I do not know that YHWHY must come first. If what Yahshua had to say
holds any credibility then the following must happen first.

Matt 12
39: But he [Yahshua/Jesus] answered and said unto them, An evil and
adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be
given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
40: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly;
so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of
the earth.
41: The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and
shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and,
behold, a greater than Jonas is here. [Interesting to note that Jonas
means Dove.]

42: The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this
generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts
of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than
Solomon is here.

No I am not of Judah, I am of Naphtali.

Bithiyah's photo
Sat 05/19/07 12:33 AM
I feel there is something deeper afoot going on here and more then one
story from one narrirator is being told.

What is to be made of it?

I would have put the whole chapter but I did not want to startle anyone.

Isaiah 1
11: To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith
the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed
beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of
he goats.
12: When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your
hand, to tread my courts?
13: Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the
new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with;
it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.
14: Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a
trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.
15: And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you:
yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of
16: Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from
before mine eyes; cease to do evil;
17: Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the
fatherless, plead for the widow.
18: Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD:

Ezek 20

39: As for you, O house of Israel, thus saith the Lord GOD; Go ye, serve
ye every one his idols, and hereafter also, if ye will not hearken unto
me: but pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts, and with your
40: For in mine holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel,
saith the Lord GOD, there shall all the house of Israel, all of them in
the land, serve me: there will I accept them, and there will I require
your offerings, and the firstfruits of your oblations, with all your
holy things.
41: I will accept you with your sweet savour, when I bring you out from
the people, and gather you out of the countries wherein ye have been
scattered; and I will be sanctified in you before the heathen.
42: And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall bring you into
the land of Israel, into the country for the which I lifted up mine hand
to give it to your fathers.
43: And there shall ye remember your ways, and all your doings, wherein
ye have been defiled; and ye shall lothe yourselves in your own sight
for all your evils that ye have committed.
44: And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have wrought with you
for my name's sake, not according to your wicked ways, nor according to
your corrupt doings, O ye house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD.

According to the above statement, the symbols, idols, ceriomonies,
oblations, offerings, will not be accepted until delivery out of exile
comes, mean while the resent feast fest trends, it seems like a bunch of
smoke and mirrors and people who forgot the reason to study the
significance of the metaphore and lesson behind the
memory/rehersal/preperation/feast of the LORD that has not yet come, yet
may be upon us, and missed the whole point anyway. There are more widows
and orphans in world history and the past trends if continued will not
make us fair better tomarro, nor has men hashing over proper
translations and transliterations of scripture done anything to lesson
the madness, it has done the opposite.

Mean while we have people shunninig others for those who do not keep
feast like cerimonies, forsaking those who do go out of their way to
help others, yet of different faiths, in some cases acting as if they
are not of YHWHY/G-d/Yah, or do not know Yashua, or Jesus and are not

It is not woman who has made up the game plan and ruled the roost from
on high, nor can she cover herself if she is a widow, for if she was
covered--and that does not mean married, but if she was covered she
would not be a widow. Oh if they could understand the concept ov cover.

If as much preperation went into a man learning how to cover instead of
how to translate ancient text, to cover that which is here today ,so
there were no Widows, there would be a lot less orphans. If those men
who fall short could get their focus off things that do not benefit and
put it onto those things that do, it would be then that we would have an
epiphany, then maybe a group of people could interest the LORD enough to
come back and accept those offerings again. I miss them old time friend
and family Bar-B- Q's.

Note: These points are an observation, not a pointed finger at anyones
intellect. Nothing personal, just an observation and something my mind
chews on.

Bithiyah's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:18 PM
Actually Belushi, the Scepter/Rod and the Holy/Holly Grail/Girl are one
in the same.

10: Thy mother is like a vine in thy blood, planted by the waters: she
was fruitful and full of branches by reason of many waters.
11: And she had strong rods for the sceptres of them that bare rule, and
her stature was exalted among the thick branches, and she appeared in
her height with the multitude of her branches.

1: Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?
2: She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of
the paths.
3: She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in
at the doors.
4: Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man.
5: O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an
understanding heart.
6: Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my
lips shall be right things.
7: For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to
my lips.
8: All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing
froward or perverse in them.
9: They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that
find knowledge.
10: Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than
choice gold.
11: For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be
desired are not to be compared to it.
12: I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty
13: The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the
evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.
14: Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have
15: By me kings reign, and princes decree justice.
16: By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth.
17: I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find
18: Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and
19: My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue
than choice silver.
20: I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of
21: That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will
fill their treasures.

The Crown of 12 stars/tribes was give through the tribe of Naphtali/my
wrestling with YHWH, the child that was born after Jacob was named
IsRaEl, the crown that bound heaven and earth, the high priestess
princess of the order of doves, Wisdom/Sophia the Magdala. She
annointed with the oil and gave names. In more ancients text is refered
to as the Malkut/Kingdom, Shakina Matronet, or Sabbath Bride, another
metaphor for moon, shabbat, rod, staff, door, gate, ark, basket, house
and the list goes on. Call Wisdom that sister and Understanding thy
kinswoman, take fast hold of instruction, let her not go, keep her for
she is thy life.

Pinned by who was referred to as the wisest man that ever lived. I like
his style, I wish there were more like him.

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