Community > Posts By > Darknight1981

Darknight1981's photo
Mon 08/31/09 06:20 AM

no nice guys do not finish last

they give up halfway and whine about how unfair life is

some people confuse being nice with beiing a doormat

Not too far from the truth!

Darknight1981's photo
Mon 08/31/09 06:18 AM

Stop whining.

Lmao! All I thought was Arnold Swartzanegger saying "stop whining"

Darknight1981's photo
Mon 08/31/09 06:14 AM
Yeah we do whine :laughing:

Darknight1981's photo
Mon 08/31/09 06:10 AM
Sorry I'm still a n00b to this site and just wanted some peoples opinions tongue2

Darknight1981's photo
Mon 08/31/09 06:02 AM
Is this statement really true or is it a myth? Do you have to be a jerk to get what you want? Or can you be a good person and still win in the end?

Your thoughts people! winking

Darknight1981's photo
Mon 08/31/09 05:56 AM
I happen to believe that age does make a difference. But it depends on the age range that truly makes the difference.

I could see a 21 year old guy with a 35 year old woman

I could see a 25 year old girl with a 40 year man.

What I (can't) see is anyone younger than 21 years old, girl or boy, with someone who could potential be they're father or mother which is gross by all means.

I mean hey look at Ashton and Demi, they're doing fine right? :laughing:

So I think it's the age group that matters the most because age "can" come with experience.

Darknight1981's photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:53 AM
Hmmm.. All very valid points. As I've stated in the previous blog entry, there are the ups and the downs that are dealt with. Honestly speaking I think it all really depends on how one feels for another to continue the relationship at all. Nobody's perfect.

I happen to think that the "love" between two people will bring the hard work to keep things fresh, new and stable.

Although communication,honesty, trust and loyalty has to be present in order for stability. :heart:

Darknight1981's photo
Sat 08/29/09 05:47 PM
I'll take a pretty woman with a squeaky voice. lol nah jk, 50% character and 50% looks for me drinker

Darknight1981's photo
Sat 08/29/09 04:53 PM

its better to be alone than be with the wrong one

100% agree with that

Darknight1981's photo
Sat 08/29/09 04:01 PM
Edited by Darknight1981 on Sat 08/29/09 04:02 PM

Darknight1981's photo
Sat 08/29/09 07:58 AM

All good points! :thumbsup: Too bad not everyone follows these! slaphead

I agree, that's why it's here for a reason ;)

Darknight1981's photo
Fri 08/28/09 07:33 PM
Who's Dr. Ruth??? X_X

Darknight1981's photo
Fri 08/28/09 04:16 PM
Lmao @ Keith1916 " Spring chicken"

Darknight1981's photo
Fri 08/28/09 04:05 PM
Sometimes people or myself question, "how did I get myself into this", or " why is this happening and how could I have let this happen to me".There are always signs and symptoms of a bad realationship from every corner. How to avoid them? It is not an easy task but with some effort and time, you could keep your spouse a lot longer than most people.

What not to do in a relationship:

1. If an argument spawns up and both parties of the fence have valid points, DO NOT over exaggerate your point. Learn to be humble and know that when two people argue, it is because they love each other and want to express they're points because they feel the other person might not understand. Which usually boils down to a misunderstanding.

2. Jealousy! This one is usually the cause of breakups and heart aches. If you happen to know what makes your spouse upset or jealous, DO NOT continue to allow something that makes them feel uncomfortable or uneasy. Sometimes it is the little things that can make a person feel insecure. Talk it out and find out why that person feels that way to begin with.

3. Being honest! Plenty of people these days have the habit of telling "white lies". Though it is difficult not to tell a white lie but please do try and tell the entire truth to the best of your ability. This usually causes insecurities, doubts and future arguments. Even telling a single lie can lead to a disaster in the future so it is always best to be honest from the start.

4. Expectations! Oh man, this happens a lot in relationships. Especially when one "thinks" they know what the other is thinking before asking instead. It is always good to express the feelings of one another and talk about what may be a problem that could be causing a bad relationship. Just remember, the person cannot read your mind, so speak up and tell them how you feel. Not everyone is a mind reader :P

5. Last but not least is something that breaks two people apart is the ability to hold grudges. If something wrong appears and it is the bearer of bad news, it is ok t be upset and have space of your own to ventilate. But DO NOT and I would highly suggest that you take "too much" time away from your spouse because not only could time "make the love grow fonder" but it could also mean your giving that sign to not want to repair the issue. Life is short, kiss and make up because sometimes you don't know what you got till it's gone!

Well that is all! Hope this can be useful for those in these type of situations and even for those who have great relationships who could use the touch up. Good luck all! ;)

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