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Topic: age difference
bedlum1's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:08 PM
if u find someone u were'nt looking foor and that fit u like a glove in every thing, what do u thin if the age difference ended up bein 18 yrs even when thats not what u started out look in for? tho everything matches up

Sat 08/29/09 09:11 PM
if you both are ok with it.. what does it matter what the age is, it only matters to you.

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:11 PM
it depends

if she is 18 years younger and 30 years old not so bad

if she is 18 years younger and 18 year old it might be kinda creepy

Gossipmpm's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:11 PM
How well I understand

My ex is 18 years older

It was wonderful until I turned 40. Then I needed to grow as a woman
We seperated as best of friends

But every couple is diff.....

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:12 PM
:smile: I used to think it didnt matter, but I realize now that age difference does matter.:smile:But it could still work I suppose:smile:

lonetar25's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:12 PM
age is just a number

maturity is not

your old enough to make your own desision on that

buttons's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:13 PM
happened to me so i thought 15 yrs difference. id not let that be a problem in the future. i questioned it till i tried it.. something wasnt right.. in the end but i was surprised that there was so much in common so i wont sut my eyes to it again... that is .. if it is 15 yrs younger lol....... i dunno about older.. for im too lively for that....and the thing that wast quite right had nothing to do with the age...just a insecurity he has in hisself is all... hope that helps.. and before that i was all against it.. i think too it depends on the ages as well cause 16 and 31 would not work lol... but im 46...deb

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:15 PM
18 years would be too much of a gap for me...maybe alright for others.

Sat 08/29/09 09:15 PM
Age is not the question, Feelings are.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:16 PM
:smile: Some people are different:smile:

buttons's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:16 PM

it depends

if she is 18 years younger and 30 years old not so bad

if she is 18 years younger and 18 year old it might be kinda creepy
i always seem to agree with you lol

writer_gurl's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:19 PM
Age is but a number and if you feel comfortable with the other person why not pursue it...Who cares what other people think.

buttons's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:19 PM
Edited by buttons on Sat 08/29/09 09:20 PM

How well I understand

My ex is 18 years older

It was wonderful until I turned 40. Then I needed to grow as a woman
We seperated as best of friends

But every couple is diff.....
yikes it dissapeared .... i said i agree with that too.. for i can see that happenig at a point... but then it seems relationships arent lasting long anymore even when the same age...

mo_muirnin's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:19 PM
It just depends - I've heard of people being 20 years apart and they were together for life. My ex was 11 years older than I - I couldn't get past how much older he looked with his beard, he was 37 and already was over due for a stroke and had *ahem*(E.D.) - that really bothered me the most. It's like "i'm much younger, still in college and want to grow old with someone my age, not somone that will end up dead by the time their in their 50s.

But if both of you feel the same way about each other than I suppose that shouldn't matter. Unless of course she is 18, like the other guy said, that's creepy.

southern_bee's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:25 PM
i dont want to date someone near my parents age..that makes me uncomfortable lol

Jhavez's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:28 PM
Are there any 37 year old mingle women out there that are game? laugh Just Kidding

Age does not matter, your heart can't see wrinkles or physical appearances.

silly's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:29 PM
the last one that just broke my heart was 12 years younger then me.I don't think it was the age tho.It just wasn't working for him.but i think that I would have adventunally broken up with him anyway.brokenheart :cry: tears

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/29/09 09:29 PM

Are there any 37 year old mingle women out there that are game? laugh Just Kidding

Age does not matter, your heart can't see wrinkles or physical appearances.

every heart can see your wrinkles...happy

no photo
Sat 08/29/09 10:13 PM
Times have changed my friend. Age difference used to be an issue. Now we have interracial couples, same sex couples, who knows what is next.

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 08/29/09 10:29 PM
If it makes you happy go for it!

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