Community > Posts By > Roge212

Roge212's photo
Sun 12/13/09 04:32 PM
Dude it's funny you wrote this because I have been wondering the same thing. What do you say and how do you say it? As far as you blowing your chance, man it's hard to say. At least you got a resonse. I have kept all of mine short and simple and haven't gotten reply one yet and I can't understand it. Ok women, how do we do this right? What is it that catches your eye on sites like this and what pushes you away? it all b.s. and women really get on here just to be on here?

Man this is a good topic and I hope that a few gals can get on here and shed some light on this topic.

Roge212's photo
Thu 08/06/09 02:19 PM
See that's the thing, I am not sure she is getting hit and that's why I've stayed out of it so far. But knowing him if she isn't I'd say he's come really close to it.

Roge212's photo
Thu 08/06/09 01:45 PM

You can't do anything, she has to. I would provide her with information on abusers and abusive relationships if you can without putting her in danger and she will have the choice to read or disregard.

She has to make the move. You have to wait and be available if she makes the move.

He CAN do something because it was said to him by her husband. NOT considered heresay.
I was in an abusive relationship.
Wish more people would have stood up for me!

NOO, what he is gonna do is get her killed cause when the husband finds out another man reported it, he is going to think she is seeing someone else and go off of the deep end.
It will not do One stinking bit of good, if that women wont make a stand. If she wont step up, Police wont touch him till he kills her.
Or until, someone kills him.

When this guy goes a far as telling people he will kill her if she leaves him for anyone else, it looks to me like the guy is maybe making the threat to the ones he is telling it too, just so no one will go near her... JMO

This is exactly how I feel too. Everytime he talks this crap it seems like it is directed towards me. This guy is a loose cannon. She called me about 2 months ago after someone called their house and went off on her husband. He was outside with his pistol and a combat knife hidding in his bushes waiting for someone to show up at his house. 3 of his family members showed up as well and everyone had guns. This is how this guy handles a prank call.

Roge212's photo
Thu 08/06/09 01:42 PM
I have been through this before with another friend of mine but I helped her out after I saw how badly beaten she was. She had no place to fall back to so I let her and her kids stay here until she could get on her feet. Even then, the whole situation with the law enforcement here was a joke. They just took it with a grain of salt and none the pics of her bruises were even allowed in court. I just don't want to see this happen to her. She's a good friend and a good person as well.

Roge212's photo
Thu 08/06/09 01:34 PM
I live here in eastern Ky where this kind of stuff is common place. I know first hand that going to the cops here and making a claim like that isn't gonna get them to do anything because they face this stuff everyday. The courts are filled with this crap and they constantly do what they can to protect people but people end up getting back together so most law enforcement people just become annoyed with this sorta stuff.

Roge212's photo
Thu 08/06/09 01:30 PM
Man, I am so glad so many folks are posting on this. I know that she was gearing up once before to leave him. He told me that she was making plans to leave and he found out through her myspace page. I am not really sure how that was handled though because I hadn't talked to them for a couple of years. I know that she had gotten a job to help out with the bills because he wouldn't work. He was livid and hounded her everyday until she quit. She's only 24 and has been with him since she was 16. She never finished highschool and has been virtualy locked up by this guy. He has people follow her and he blows up at her for no reason at all. He's also a preacher and this makes it a lot worse for her because he monitor's what kind of music she listens to and what kinds of clothes she wears. If she misses church she gets a real good tongue lashing.

I am 99.9% sure that she wants out still but is too scared to do anything. I am not real sure how to approach her to talk to her about this because she is monitored 24/7. My best friend lives next door to them and he's seen this jerk outside screaming and yelling at her plenty of times.

To you guys, what seems to be the signs that someone is quietly calling out for help. Since I'm not 100% I really don't want to seem like a jackass for talking to her about it.

Roge212's photo
Thu 08/06/09 12:59 PM
Edited by Roge212 on Thu 08/06/09 01:00 PM
Hi everyone. I figured I'd post this here and get some feedback because I know that there are a few people that have some sort of experience with this. I have a friend of mine that is in a very controling marriage. I am not sure if she is being physically abused or not but I do know that she has been emotionally abused because I've been seen it first hand. Her husband even went as far as to confide in me that he'd end up killing her if she tried to leave him especially if it were for someone else. So any advice would be greatly appreciated as I am not really sure what to do.

Roge212's photo
Sun 08/02/09 01:00 PM
drinker Man this sucks and I feel for you but you know what, I've not seen anyone on here mention this but you don't have to accept the pain that this is causing. It's something that you will someday come to realize is that everything is ok but you don't have to wait for that moment to come at all....if you chose you can have it right now. I know it's hard but you have to pull it together and power through it and when any feeling of pain begins to creep into your heart you have to fight like hell to push it out and you have to keep doing it constantly but very soon it will pay off and it will just become an anoyance. Remember, no one ever said you have to accept this kind of pain, it's not physical there for you can reject it.

And something else I've come to realize is that life isn't over at all for ya. There is always...ALWAYS someone else waiting for you out there.