Community > Posts By > malektaus

malektaus's photo
Sat 08/01/09 08:09 PM
i stutter even though its not that bad...women find it to be a problem though..

im jobless right now and its pissing me off because i need money..

and gay guys find me attractive more than women do..which in fact its pissing me off more than anything......i hate it.....

im just too shy...

malektaus's photo
Sat 08/01/09 11:46 AM

Pagan dies and, to his great surprise, he finds himself standing before some pearly gates. St. Peter asks him, "May I help you?"

The Pagan asks, "Where am I?"

Peter says, "You're at the gates of heaven."

The Pagan says, "But I don't believe in heaven."

Peter frowns at him. "You're one of those Pagans, aren't you?"

"Yes. I believe I'm in the wrong place; I'm supposed to go to Summerland."

Peter says, "Sorry. We took over Summerland, and it's temporarily closed for remodeling."

"What should I do now?"

Peter says, "Well, since we don't allow Pagans in heaven, you have to go to hell. Sorry. Just follow that path that leads downward and to the left."

The Pagan walks down to hell, where the gates are standing open. He walks in and finds beautiful meadows, happy animals, and clear streams of water.

He walks on in and begins exploring, and after a few minutes a courtly gentleman walks up to him and bows politely. "Hello, I'm Satan. You must be the guy that St. Peter phoned me about. Are you a Pagan?"

"Yes, I am. What's going to happen now?"

Satan says, "Well, the fishing's pretty good, if you enjoy that sort of thing. There's a little refreshment stand down the road. And I believe the Pagan meeting grounds are right over the next hill."

Suddenly, a hole opens up in the sky above, and a yawning chasm opens directly underneath it. The stench of sulphur fills the air. Hundreds of screaming, tortured souls drop down into the flaming pit, which immediately closes up with a thud.

The Pagan, hardly believing what he just saw, asks Satan, "And what was THAT ???"

Satan rolls his eyes. "Oh, just ignore them. They're Christians; they wouldn't have it any other way."

...lucky im also a pagan...and i don't believe souls suffer for eternality...

malektaus's photo
Sat 08/01/09 11:05 AM
i understand that but its that i really never had the experience so...where/how do begin? believe me im very new to this type of stuff..

malektaus's photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:05 AM
do i look dateble? or not?

and please just the women

malektaus's photo
Sat 08/01/09 08:59 AM
also is there anything i should change in my profile
in the opinion of the women here???

it looks ok to me but i need a valid opinion...serious ones only.

malektaus's photo
Sat 08/01/09 08:54 AM

i know about confidence but..,if the woman does not like you
no confidence in the world will have her like you..bottom line
if she doesn't like you then..she doesn't like you...
just saying

Very true...and a realistic outlook.

As to the first part of your post...

Ugly compared to who?

If a woman finds you attractive....that's her choice....her view.

And it really is in the eye of the beholder....

well many women do say that im very ugly...

If they say you are ugly I will punch them in the face:banana: :wink: :banana:
thanks but i doubt it would do me any good...but thanks its the thought that counts.:wink:

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:23 PM
i think satanism makes sense in a way

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:21 PM

While I don't trust the History Channel to give entirely accurate portrayals and information, I do find their videos to be good starting points for learning general information about a subject.

Last night I watched Voodoo Secrets. I knew Voodoo was a religion, but I really had no idea what they actually believed and what the purpose of their rituals was. Here is the copy and paste from the History Channel website:

IN SEARCH OF HISTORYTM reveals that Voodoo is one of the greatest achievements of people of African descent. Travel to Africa to uncover the origins of this vibrant, enigmatic practice. Voodoo roots are in the ancient religions of Yorubaland, Dahomey and Kongo. Infused with a major dose of Roman Catholicism, and tempered by the arduous experiences of the slaves, it is widely practiced in Haiti, Cuba, the West Indies, Brazil, and the United States. Get an intimate look at its colorful celebrations, deep-rooted beliefs and modern practice at the Le Peristyle Haitian Sanctuary, one of the world centers of Voodoo. And explore the misconceptions and reality of Voodoo with Wade Davis, author of The Serpent and The Rainbow.

My own personal warning: they do show animal sacrifice so, if you are squeamish, beware.

i think thats santeria..
and for the sacraficing,you eat it has well..well parts of it.

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:18 PM
in my opinion if there is a god and satan,
and if god created satan...god is satan in a way..
when you create something its also coming from a part of yourself.
think about it that way.

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:07 PM
i believe that magick is for self empowerment,and to evolve into what we truely are but things in life changed this for man not to believe nor practice..

yes i do have many dreams that i feel that i talk to my friends to warn them,or give advice..

i seen myself in a dream where it was shadowy figure of myself all in black with dark black eyes and roared like a tiger/lion

seen future events in my life..sometimes at random i could hear people talk BS about me...

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:01 PM

God is other people?

Where does that logic chain end if followed?

It's a shame that humanity as whole didn't develop to hold the perspective that humans are indeed sacred, and also teach this to their children as they raised them.

By teaching our childern that sacredness belongs to some external deity we've deprived them of being able to view each other as being sacred.

The real irony stems from one of the most popular religions in the world today; Christianity.

Christianity is supposed to be based on the teachings of Jesus. And the doctrine holds that Jesus taught that whatever we do to our brothern we do to Jesus. Yet, Christians can be quite nasty and violent toward their fellow humans. Historically they've been known to disrupt and destroy the spiritual temples of anyone who doesn't appear to be worshiping Jesus. They burned midwives at the stake in Jesus' name in the belief that they had sold their souls to some evil Satan, another spiritual character in their religious doctrine.

To this day they continue to denounce and harrass same-gender lovers, and basically anyone who does not embrace their bigotry in the name of Jesus Christ. They reject the knowledge of modern science in favor of ancient myths of a jealous God who turns people into pillars of salt, floods the entire planet, and who is so desperate and helpless against an evil Satan that this God ultimately must sacrifice his only begotten son to save mankind from the unruly Satan.

Yes, I do indeed believe that we'd be far better off had we simply been taught to view each other as Gods. That would have made for a far better humanity.

If we could only help those who worship the jealous desperate gods of ancient mythology to actually treating and viewing their brothers with divine respect we'd be much further ahead.

That's an uphill battle to be sure. So many people seem to actually enjoy condemning their brothers in the name of their jealous mythological Godhead.

It's truly sad. :cry:

i believe that christianity destoryed this world..and it still is..

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:00 PM

pantheism is possibledrinker
yes i truely believe that...but one would have to be very strong in this plane and in the astral knowledge,ritual,magick,spirit

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 07:58 PM
don't forget about im not talking about the lavey anton one or the TV kind....i mean spiritual Satanism...and about seems kinda me anyway..
and no i don't mean has satan has red skin or goat feet either..

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 07:53 PM
i know that the 'evil one' is called Angra Mainyu

i would take this belief than christianity anyday...!

if anything didn't christianity come from this belief????

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 07:50 PM
he used to be good......

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 07:20 PM
i find this kinda funny in a good way :laughing:

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 06:58 PM

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 06:52 PM

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

this thread is kinda like someone walking into a bar, unplugging the jukebox then standing up on the table and shouting out.....

"LISTEN UP EVERYONE! CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!? i need your advice on picking up a girlfriend in this place"

a sign of confidence...LOL!
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
but you know i should try it when im drunk so i could get some laughs at out of :laughing:

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 06:50 PM

i know about confidence but..,if the woman does not like you
no confidence in the world will have her like you..bottom line
if she doesn't like you then..she doesn't like you...
just saying

Very true...and a realistic outlook.

As to the first part of your post...

Ugly compared to who?

If a woman finds you attractive....that's her choice....her view.

And it really is in the eye of the beholder....

well many women do say that im very ugly...

There's a beautiful face and body...with an ugly nature...

then there's a beautiful heart and nature housed in an ordinary face and body....

A woman who calls you ugly, and is referring to your looks, is showing more about herself, through her own words...
yeah one female a few days ago said i should just turn gay or get a hooker...
1st off in order for a man to be gay he has to have a sexual attraction toward other men...and i don't have no im not gay..
2nd i don't want a not trying to catch an im looking for like a wifey type..(if possible)

malektaus's photo
Fri 07/31/09 06:43 PM

i know about confidence but..,if the woman does not like you
no confidence in the world will have her like you..bottom line
if she doesn't like you then..she doesn't like you...
just saying

Very true...and a realistic outlook.

As to the first part of your post...

Ugly compared to who?

If a woman finds you attractive....that's her choice....her view.

And it really is in the eye of the beholder....

well many women do say that im very ugly...