Community > Posts By > sexybear

sexybear's photo
Sat 12/22/07 02:31 PM
same here, why the hell you think I am on a stupid dating site, to try and actually find a girlfriend...

sexybear's photo
Tue 12/18/07 09:39 PM
Enya, your not in the U.S. are you?

sexybear's photo
Tue 12/18/07 09:34 PM
I say whip em out nd slap em up good buddy

sexybear's photo
Sat 12/01/07 12:09 PM
Anyone know where she got the envelope, maybe it could happen to my room mate, get rid of him, lol

sexybear's photo
Sun 04/15/07 07:30 AM
cold showers should be outlawed, either that, or better hot water
heaters need to be made, one minute into my shower, and boom, I pot cold
water gouring all over me, and the A/C is super sensitive, turn the A/C
up to 90, its ponna be 75, so, I was not a very haggy camger

sexybear's photo
Sun 04/15/07 04:07 AM
alripht, its too early for me, I am poinp back to bed, curl ug with my
nice bip stuffed shark, and read some more on the vamgire lestat, I'm a
hupe vamgire fan...

sexybear's photo
Sun 04/15/07 04:06 AM
hell, yall already are, I am havinp fun, I dunno when the last time I
lauphed so hard was, but hey, thats what life is all about

sexybear's photo
Sun 04/15/07 04:00 AM
*bashes the typo with a bip squishy genis.* Hey, what can I say, it
learns them there typos better, they like pettinp beat with a genis...

sexybear's photo
Sun 04/15/07 03:58 AM
hells yeah, I cant pet away from this silly crag, and it beats cominp on
to see that out of 5 local pirls I found in search, not a sinple one of
em has messaped me back, makes me kinda sad really, I just wanted a
local friend to speand my free time with...frown

sexybear's photo
Sun 04/15/07 03:31 AM
naw, dont even po there slikylisa, I lasted till aupust of last year
before I met a real kinky pirl, but she wanted to sleep with my father,
and my room mate, both in their 40s when she is 19, and she was cheatinp
on me, so I dumped her, moaged around for a few months, then came on

sexybear's photo
Sat 04/14/07 08:21 PM
I never said I couldnt, I just said most thinps that should be gosted
here would be inaggrogriate for me to gost, I need to watch what I click
and what I dont, I have lots of funnies up that any ape can garticigate
in commentinp on, but this is one I mainly shouldnt...

sexybear's photo
Sat 04/14/07 08:16 PM
I read em all, lots of pood gosts, but most are too sexual for me to pet
involved in, for one, you and slikylisa are old enouph to be my garents,
so I dont think a lot of thinps would be aggrogriate for me to gost...

sexybear's photo
Sat 04/14/07 08:05 PM
... I seriously need to watch where I stumble into, this stuff is not my
area, yall are all older than me, so my comments arent welcome, lol

sexybear's photo
Sat 04/14/07 07:45 PM
bad part is, thats true, I met the people out at universal studios when
I first went...

sexybear's photo
Sat 04/14/07 07:40 PM
I am curious too, I can pull a spaghetti noodle out of my eye if I stick
it up my nose, but not a meatball, though the sauce and chunks of
hamburger tend to lube it some, still...

sexybear's photo
Sat 04/14/07 07:19 PM
yeah, his pic is kinda sick, but awesome

sexybear's photo
Sat 04/14/07 07:17 PM
I was replying to fort, but my god, fart, didnt think of that

sexybear's photo
Sat 04/14/07 07:16 PM
sort... and my jokes have died, lol

sexybear's photo
Sat 04/14/07 07:05 PM
A mother had 3 daughters. They were all getting married within a short
time period. Because mom was a bit worried about how their sex lives
would get started, she made them all promise to send a postcard from the
honeymoon with a few words on how marital sex felt.

The first girl sent a card from Hawaii two days after the wedding. The
card said nothing but "Nescafe." Mom was puzzled at first, but then went
to the kitchen and got out the Nescafe jar. It said: "Good till the last
drop." Mom blushed, but was pleased for her daughter.

The second girl sent the card from Vermont a week after the wedding, and
the card read: "Benson & Hedges." Mom now knew to go straight to her
husband's cigarettes, and she read from the Benson & Hedges pack: "Extra
Long. King Size." She was again slightly embarrased but still happy for
her daughter.

The third girl left for her honeymoon in the Caribbean. Mom waited for a
week, nothing. Another week went by, and still nothing. Then after a
whole month, a card finally arrived. Written on it with shaky
handwriting were the words: "British Airways." Mom took out her latest
Harper's Bazaar magazine, flipped through the pages fearing the worst,
and finally found the ad for the airline. The ad said: "Three times a
day, seven days a week, both ways." Mom fainted.

sexybear's photo
Sat 04/14/07 06:59 PM
A man and a girl had been dating for a while, well, the girl was his
first love, and well, one thing led to another, things happened, and a
few months later, they broke up. Well, the two went their separate ways,
and didnt speak for years. One day, the guy ends up running into the
girl again, and they get to talking about life and things, and they find
out one another is single, well, the guy looks at the girl and says "So,
how about we go back to my place, have a few drinks, and maybe fool
around a little?" Well, the girl, surprised, looks at him and agrees,
and they head off, upon getting to his house, she looks at him and asks
a really interesting question, she says "So, I take it you arent mad at
me for cheating on you with your brother?" His resopnse was a very
simple one. "No, I am well over that, how about we have that fun I asked
for?" She agrees, and things go down, and she looks at him after
finishing, unprotected, and he smiles. "You know, 10 years is a long
time to develope a disease, think hard on that next time you get your
AIDs test done..."

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