Topic: an angry mans worst revenge
sexybear's photo
Sat 04/14/07 06:59 PM
A man and a girl had been dating for a while, well, the girl was his
first love, and well, one thing led to another, things happened, and a
few months later, they broke up. Well, the two went their separate ways,
and didnt speak for years. One day, the guy ends up running into the
girl again, and they get to talking about life and things, and they find
out one another is single, well, the guy looks at the girl and says "So,
how about we go back to my place, have a few drinks, and maybe fool
around a little?" Well, the girl, surprised, looks at him and agrees,
and they head off, upon getting to his house, she looks at him and asks
a really interesting question, she says "So, I take it you arent mad at
me for cheating on you with your brother?" His resopnse was a very
simple one. "No, I am well over that, how about we have that fun I asked
for?" She agrees, and things go down, and she looks at him after
finishing, unprotected, and he smiles. "You know, 10 years is a long
time to develope a disease, think hard on that next time you get your
AIDs test done..."