If I had a chance to actually meet "God" face-to-face and ask "Him/Her/It" any question, here's what I would ask:
"Hey God, if that's what you really are, why have you put me here? Why did you have me born on March 24, 1980, into a life that YOU KNEW I would never be anything? Why have you given me a life in which I serve NO useful purpose, where there exists NO woman for me to mate with, a life in which you knowingly don't create or provide me ANY means with which to obtain them, all while expecting me to be happy-dappy dippy **** every day that I suffer emotionally and DEMANDING that I "worship" you, BLINDLY, and giving me ABSOLUTELY ZERO acknowledgement of EVER hearing ANY prayers I send to you? Why have you made me this broken, very cynical, EXTREMELY BITTER!, mentally disabled, lonely, useless pile of garbage and put me in a world, in a life where no one wants me, no one really loves me and, if killed, would never, ever be missed? Did it not once cross your mind that you might have been making A BIG MISTAKE in putting me here in the first place? Was there not once ANY moment, in all of your all-seeingness, in all of your all-knowingness, where you genuinely and honestly questioned whether putting me in this place at this time was a really good idea? Was there no point at all in ANY of your "creating" where you thought, even if only briefly, even if only once in passing, that doing this would actually result in YOUR CREATION, THAT WHICH YOU GAVE FREE WILL TO, OPENLY REJECTING POSITIVELY EVERYTHING THAT RELIGION HAS TRIED AGAIN AND AGAIN, AND FAILED EACH AND EVERY TIME, TO MAKE THAT CREATION BELIEVE IN YOU?! You made me, and I hold you AT LEAST half accountable for my UTTER FAILURE at being what you designed me to be! I blame YOU, GOD, CREATOR OF AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE, for FAILING me and COMPLETELY DESTROYING ANY FAITH I MAY ONCE HAVE HAD IN YOUR ACTIVITIES!! HOW DO YOU PLEAD?!! WHAT HAVE YOU TO SAY FOR THIS?!! I DON'T CARE IF YOU DESTROY MY SOUL!! I HAVE NOTHING TO GAIN OR LOSE!! I SEEK ANSWERS!" ...Unreasonable? Maybe, but this is how I feel. No words shall be minced. Peace to all this coming Christmas. |
Anyone do any shooting?
No, I don't. Which is probably a good thing since I might decide to be depressed with my life and shoot myself. BLAM!! Goneski. One bullet right between the eyes. There are lots of stuff that I'm not into either. I would never tell some one they should start any hobby they are not comfortable with. The way I see it is that different folks like different flavors of ice cream. No big deal. We just like different things. Yeah, I understand. I'm not uncomfortable around guns, per se, though I have never been out hunting or to a shooting range. My comment was purely my appraisal, albeit a little unfair, of what I'd probably do with a gun, a prediction at best, crudely worded rhetorical sarcasm at worst. My thinking is pretty much similar to yours in the "different strokes for different folks" department. :-) |
Anyone do any shooting?
No, I don't. Which is probably a good thing since I might decide to be depressed with my life and shoot myself. BLAM!! Goneski. One bullet right between the eyes.
Nothin'. Absolutely nothin'. I don't do anything before I go to bed.
I agree with what CatInIdaho, Peggy and Blondie have said above. good luck too. Thanks Jan. So far their suggestions have all been what I'm looking for, or at least close enough to it. It's become pretty evident that I have many things to change. I'm glad to see that I haven't been totally ignored. I just hope I can do this without too much difficulty. Describing myself is not my strong suit as I've never really had to do it. Not even for a job interview, which is telling. Good luck to you, too. I see you a lot in the forums, too, and I hope that some of my help and comments have proved useful to your own needs. ![]() |
Well instead of saying you aren't the one that has luck with girls.. That kind of sounds like you have no confidence. I have seen some of your posts and you are smart and quick, there is a depth to you that I don't see in your profile. You know you need more pictures... So not going to beat a dead horse. What I would say if your profile is your chance to really advertise who you are and what you are looking for. Think of how you would describe yourself to a total stranger and go from there. Best of luck and hope to see you out here posting more. Hmm...I don't have much confidence. Indeed, I've never really had any confidence about much of anything. That's been an issue all my life, the lack of confidence and self-esteem. It's funny that you mention my forum persona as being "quick" and "smart". I try my very best to not be just completely stupid. I do experience life in quite similar fashion as everyone else, albeit colored slightly by some of my own personal issues. I am apt to think of myself as being "useless" and "incapable". As for there being a lack of depth in my profile, I guess I'm more of a "prove it to the world directly" type than an "advertise, advertise, advertise - never mind if there's any proof!" type. I just don't like talking about myself. I'd often prefer to show my true colors in the "field" over saying how good I am and run the risk of not delivering later. Thank you, SitkaRains, for your input here. You're very observant even if I am a bit obvious and unambiguous. I'll have to re-think the concept of "depth" in my profile. Describing myself to a finicky and oft judgmental world is going to be a challenge. Hopefully, not too challenging. |
On your profile, you start a little negative. Maybe you can talk about what kind of man you are and the kind of girl you are looking for. Get a girl to see what she is missing by not getting to know you. Hey, Cat. Thanks for your input. Perhaps you are right about how I start off my profile. I don't know if I have all that much to offer. I'm super "average" and kind of awkward at talking about myself. I don't really like doing that too much because doing so tends to make me feel a little self-conscious or like I'm overselling something that isn't as great as all that. I don't really know what women want and I'm timid or headstrong depending on my mood. I admit that I haven't give enough thought to that and I'll definitely keep your suggestions in mind. ![]() |
Hi SCB27769. ![]() I agree with Cantinidaho. You want to focus on all the positive things you bring to the table as a human being , not on any negative aspects of your life. It might be better to leave the profession part of your profile out rather than to state none. You can explain your situation to the person, as you get better acquainted with them. You can state the things that are good about you eg If you are a great listener, if you are patient, if you are non-judgmental etc. But if you don't want to come across as bragging about your virtues, then you could at least list what is important to you in life so people get a sense of who you are at your core. Do you value family for example or your friendships, great food , enjoying nature, time with your pets , laughing at stupid jokes etc Some of the regulars at the forum have really interesting profiles. You dont have to word yours exactly like theirs but it might give you an idea of some of the details you can include. Good luck to you! ![]() Hey, thanks for the tips, Peggy. I've wondered if stating my "career" was really a good idea or even necessary to the end purposes of this site. So, yeah, I can definitely change that yesterday. As for what positive things I bring to the table...I'm not totally certain if I actually have all that much to offer. I'm pretty, let's just say, "average", if I'm even that. I'm not much of an adventurer. And I don't count myself as being heroic in any sense. I've got a lot of life issues, a LOT of 'em, most of which I don't really want to talk about for various reasons. And, obviously, I don't want to come off as a perverted old fool to anyone, young or old. Maybe that's where I'm falling short. I'll see if I can think of something to better "capture my essence". I'm really not apt to sing my own praises, that is, I don't really like talking about myself too much. So virtues might be muted a bit for sanity's sake. To be honest, I haven't given this aspect of my profile enough thought. So I'll keep all of your tips in mind. Just an ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 10/07/16 06:58 PM
The law of attraction .. States that your photo is more important than what you write .. I would suggest you try to capture the real you .. Have some fun with your camera .. Imagine you are taking the pic for someone you really like .. Would you smile .. I think you would . ![]() Thank you Blondey. I know my current photograph sucks. And I'm well aware of the female's tendency to judge first on looks, everything else second, third, fourth, etc.. That's why I put "...beyond my photograph, of course" in my initial post. I know that has to change. Unfortunately, I don't have a proper camera and it's kind of cumbersome to figure out a good way to mount my phone so that I can take a good clean photo of myself with it. The "selfie cam" (front-facing camera) is crappy, to say the least. I mean, I don't know how else to put it...the resolution of my particular phone's front camera is only VGA quality at something like 640x480 px., so it's really not good. The main camera is far and away better, but I'd need someone else to hold my phone and take it for me. And then there's the issue of not having a suitable environment to do the photo shoot. My room's a horrible mess and you people do NOT need to see my room, it is HIDEOUS. I will, however, keep your suggestion in mind when I am able to take a more decent photograph. |
Oh come on, now... There must be SOMEBODY that has seen this and would be willing to give me some help here, right? In fifteen days, 40 or so have viewed this, but NO replies?! And you people wonder why I get so mad when I am ignored?!! What's the point of writing messages or posting in the forums if I'm just going to be ignored?!
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And THAT'S why I don't play Pokemon Go!
Unfortunately, the real world is scarier in this respect than many are willing to admit. Seems like everything, even simple necessary things like food can cause some sort of addiction. How ironic. |
Hey all,
Just writing to ask for some advice/tips/suggestions/additions/modifications from the community for updating and improving my profile. I'm not getting any action and I am considering a rework of my profile and the information in it. I know the text is badly lacking, but I'm not sure where I need to start or what I should put in or what is safe to put in my profile, description, headline, etc. So, if you would, please take a look at my profile and write in your suggestions, beyond of course my photograph (I can't really do anything about it at the moment...bear with me), of what I can do to improve my profile data. BE NICE! Don't be mean or impolite and thank you in advance. I would especially like some feedback from the 20-something/30-something ladies out there. Your input will be greatly appreciated. |
In a way, it's a bit silly. Everyone knows that everyone these days is actively trying to hack each other. If you do some serious study of the history of international interactions, particularly in the field of SPYING AND SABOTAGE, you will learn that EVERY major power, and half the minor ones, have ALWAYS had spies and saboteurs running around the globe on their behalf. Remember when the original leaks of "shocking" diplomatic information was done some time back by that guy who's hiding in Russia now? Snowden? His leaks, showed that diplomats were bad-mouthing each other and using intelligence gathered through taps on the phones and so on of our own allies. I thought the protestations about it all was funny, because I DO study history, so I know that everyone has ALWAYS spied on their allies. The British even spied on the US during WW2, and vice versa. Whenever such spies are caught, the country who was being spied on, makes a big show of being offended and amazed, but really, no one in a leadership position is actually surprised. It's all just like that scene in Casablanca: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjbPi00k_ME Captain Louis Renault is shocked SHOCKED! to learn that Gambling is going on, right before being handed his winnings for the evening. You're right on, Igor. The whole thing's a free-for-all. There ain't nothin' sacred, not a thing. So yeah, this isn't news...at least, not to me anyway. |
Just letting you know...... The prayer warriors ![]() & political posters have Louisiana's back. ![]() Thank you, SassyEuro. We so need it. ![]() |
![]() Pizza for everyone: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Okay. Papa John's, Domino's or Pizza Hut? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Just like all the rest, trying to find TRUE LOVE AND HAPPINESS, I hope someone proves to me that it still EXISTS Hey man, you're not the only one. I'm still looking and haven't found it yet. |
Olympic officials say an Egyptian judo athlete has been reprimanded and sent home after refusing to shake his Israeli opponent's hand. The International Olympic Committee says Islam El Shehaby received a "severe reprimand" for his behavior following his first-round heavyweight bout loss to Or Sasson last Friday. When Sasson extended his hand, El Shehaby backed away, shaking his head. The referee called the 34-year-old El Shehaby back to the mat and obliged to him to bow; he gave a quick nod and was loudly booed as he exited. The IOC says the Egyptian's conduct "was contrary to the rules of fair play and against the spirit of friendship embodied in the Olympic values." The IOC says the Egyptian Olympic Committee also "strongly condemned" El Shehaby's actions "and has sent him home." http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2016/08/15/egyptian-judo-athlete-sent-home-from-rio-after-refusing-to-shake-israeli-opponents-hand.html Hmm...sounds more like a case of sore-loser syndrome more than anything else. But I do agree with the IOC's stance here. You cannot bring political sentiment to what should be an event where all participants are expected to be friendly and demonstrate some form of civility and humaneness toward opponents, even when there is normally hostile sentiments between the two outside of the Olympics. It's one thing to compete, it's quite something else altogether to be mean-spirited and display poor sportsmanship by dredging up political strife and being unfriendly to the other participants, whatever their ethnicity, nationality, religious persuasion or political persuasion. The Olympic Games are not the place for that! |
Well now, this is interesting. I wonder what's going to happen next. Is the NSA going to admit to their "dirty deeds"? Or, are they going to classically give the old "We can neither confirm nor deny..." deflection clause when they are eventually exposed and confronted? My bets are on the latter and not the former.
Thanks RebelArcher. Your thoughts are well received here. Here where I live (Metairie/New Orleans), we haven't seen anywhere near as much rain as our neighbors in Watson, Denham Springs, etc.; maybe 2 to 6 inches at most. So, NOLA residents are fortunate, but we are also very much thinking about our neighbors to the west. New Orleans folk know what that's like.
Biggest turnoff?
Biggest turn-off for me is ignoring me and failing to reply to messages I send! That really kills my desire to be more active and defeats the purpose of a dating website!! Not to mention it triggers my anger and depression issues!