Community > Posts By > SCB27769

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Fri 08/12/16 04:04 AM
I have yet to find "the one"! I don't think she exists on this or any world! Show me the one who is to be mine and then I'll change my mind.

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Wed 08/10/16 01:50 AM

Here's some more for you.


That's the good kind of SPAM! I wouldn't mind getting some of that.


It's really good fried along with a couple of fried eggs sunny side up.

I usually just eat it straight from the can. But fried up with some sunny side up eggs sounds delicious too! biggrin

no photo
Mon 08/08/16 03:49 PM

Link12hh, you sound just like me. I feel exactly as you feel. I've had no luck messaging women here. The best I can hope for is they'll look at my profile and not reply. Ever. Like you, I'm unemployed, on disability and completely lacking the means to get around. Nobody hits on me. The city I live in is worthless for dating or jobs. I've gotten to the point where I've stopped believing there to be any woman for me. I'm almost dead certain there isn't an Asian woman for me otherwise I would have met her by now. I've given up on there being any future for me, there just isn't one. And I get so mad when I see the "celebrities" and their lives, how "madly in love" they are with some other celebrity. I'm terminally ill from all the times the Kardashians end up in the news.

I don't know what to tell you...I'm in no better a position than you and I find it difficult to believe in "love" and "romance". To me, those only happen in books and movies. They never seem to happen in real life because the only thing women want is money, college education and job. They don't care about "love" or finding the man they want to be with. If a guy doesn't have a job, college degrees or money, he is most likely to be ignored by ALL women. And that's where I am. That's why I don't have anyone. And, yeah, I'm a loner, a shut-in for all time. What the f**k else am I supposed to do? There's no job, no opportunity for one. Women are virtually extinct. What would you like for me to do about it? I guarantee, whatever you ask I'll find it undoable. I always do.

Sounds like a perfect time to move. Sounds like you need to get to a big city. There are so many groups that you can join and meets others.


I had a neighbor in WAY worse condition then you and older. For over 2 years he had a girlfriend. She would drive him all over the place because he didn't have a car. Eventually she gave him a car.

It all about taking charge of your life!

Nobody else will do it for you!

If you believe you are worthless and nobody wants you then you are.

Except, BreakingGood, I CAN'T move. How am I going to move out to another city when I have no money or transportation? I'm not living in the same situation as this neighbor of yours. I don't have anyone to depend on beyond my parents. And they can't help in this case because of their own needs. I don't have a girlfriend that would "give me a car". If only it were that easy.

no photo
Mon 08/08/16 03:40 PM

Here's some more for you.


That's the good kind of SPAM! I wouldn't mind getting some of that.


no photo
Mon 08/08/16 03:34 PM
Edited by SCB27769 on Mon 08/08/16 03:35 PM

For those using Firefox, if while browsing Mingle(or any site) and a legit looking Firefox page comes up and wants you to update with a file like "Firefox patch-js" do not click ok. It is a scam and will download malware, trojans etc.

Only download Firefox extensions from the Mozilla Firefox Official site(

Roger wilco. Thanx for the heads-up.

no photo
Thu 08/04/16 02:56 PM
Not to come off as brash or judgmental, but maybe it's time for you to cancel your current email account and create a new account somewhere else. It might stop some of the spam. And, yeah, Serchin's right. Don't send any emails to people who give out their addresses on the first message. I don't. I guess, lesson learned?

no photo
Thu 08/04/16 02:49 PM
Edited by SCB27769 on Thu 08/04/16 02:50 PM
Link12hh, you sound just like me. I feel exactly as you feel. I've had no luck messaging women here. The best I can hope for is they'll look at my profile and not reply. Ever. Like you, I'm unemployed, on disability and completely lacking the means to get around. Nobody hits on me. The city I live in is worthless for dating or jobs. I've gotten to the point where I've stopped believing there to be any woman for me. I'm almost dead certain there isn't an Asian woman for me otherwise I would have met her by now. I've given up on there being any future for me, there just isn't one. And I get so mad when I see the "celebrities" and their lives, how "madly in love" they are with some other celebrity. I'm terminally ill from all the times the Kardashians end up in the news.

I don't know what to tell you...I'm in no better a position than you and I find it difficult to believe in "love" and "romance". To me, those only happen in books and movies. They never seem to happen in real life because the only thing women want is money, college education and job. They don't care about "love" or finding the man they want to be with. If a guy doesn't have a job, college degrees or money, he is most likely to be ignored by ALL women. And that's where I am. That's why I don't have anyone. And, yeah, I'm a loner, a shut-in for all time. What the f**k else am I supposed to do? There's no job, no opportunity for one. Women are virtually extinct. What would you like for me to do about it? I guarantee, whatever you ask I'll find it undoable. I always do.

no photo
Wed 08/03/16 03:36 PM
I don't think it is possible to remove (i.e. "delete")your account. You can de-activate it, however. There is a button on your main profile page that says "Settings". Click that and scroll down to where it says "De-activate My Account". Click on that and your account should be de-activated. When you do that, nobody can see your profile or write messages to you. Hope this helps you.

no photo
Wed 08/03/16 03:31 PM
I *might* smile more if I felt there was a good solid reason to do so. Actually the photo I use is off of my ID card. I could stand to upgrade it but I don't have a decent camera nor a good steady hand for photographing myself. And I'm not into the whole selfie craze anyway. I don't deem myself to be all that photogenic, so I don't try to make a habit of taking pictures of myself.

My frowning countenance is not meant to scare anyone off or convey any sort of "macho" thing going on. It just is. I probably would have not used a photo, but the site actually *requires* me to have some kind of photograph. Also it's probably a little rude to try to meet someone when they can't see you.

no photo
Tue 08/02/16 07:25 PM
I'll believe in it when I experience it first-hand for myself. I don't believe in anything I can't see, feel or hold in my hands. If "love" is real, I ought to be able to experience it for myself, preferably with the woman of my desire. Until then, "love" ain't a real thing in my world.

no photo
Fri 07/29/16 04:50 PM

"Where have all the ladies that want nothing more than physic"?

Like a physics class? :tongue:

Seriously though, I'm not sure an online dating site is the best place to find a woman that wants a hook-up, if that's what you're talking about.

If I'm reading him correctly, I think what he's asking is what happened to real genuine women. It's an unfortunate reality that many profiles on this and other dating sites are fake and are scammers just fishing (phishing?) for "gold". I'm guessing he's looking for an actual genuine woman to converse with and maybe meet in person later on for some "one-on-one" activity. That's just my guess. I don't know, maybe he is looking for a hook-up and if so, here is certainly not the most optimal place to go for that sort of thing. Though, I don't quite understand what would be wrong with having someone in your life that would want more to do with you than just sex. Just my take on it. what

no photo
Fri 07/29/16 04:39 PM

Unwanted. Unloved. Useless. Perpetually lonely. And, no purpose at all in this world...

Sorry, that's just how I see myself.

That is rather sad.....

I hope you can find some peace my friend because no one is useless or unwanted even though we feel that way sometimes. flowerforyou

Thanks for the sentiment. Unfortunately, peace, or something like it, is nigh to impossible to come by. I don't mean to be off topic here, but how would you explain the obvious and blatant lack of a woman for guys like me? How do you explain a lack of jobs or the opportunity for them for guys like me? I can't find work in the field of my choosing. The United States does not have jobs for Computer Repair Technician or for Electronic Assembly. I'm completely penniless and I can't move away. And it's painfully clear that the vast majority of women, Asian, American and otherwise don't appear to like men who are broke and jobless. Is it even possible to find love or get married any more? I've just about given up and gone MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) on this stupid world. I can't do anything about it. It's totally outside of my control and ability to control. Sorry for the off-topic diversion. offtopic :cry:

I know that it is a hard time but if you are here then you haven't given up all hope just yet. There are many that have most likely read this and have probably had some of that same problems. Not being able to find a job and if they are here; a partner.
5 years ago my department was outsourced to another company. I applied with that company that my department was outsourced to and became the supervisor. Sometimes things happen for a reason and you have to be patient.

That's great for you. In fairness I don't know what you do, but that's not my situation. I worked at a very small family business near where I live. My case isn't outsourcing, mine was simply the classic issue of the boss having to decide whether to cut one guy and try to scrounge money saved to buy parts for the product or to close up shop and keep the one cut guy. I got cut and my former boss was eventually able to buy the parts needed to finish that batch of product. The reason is that sales had slumped so far that my boss wasn't able to pay for the parts and my paycheck. Because I was part-time then, cutting my job made the best sense. Since then, I have had zero luck finding either computer repair or electronics assembly jobs and I've given up on both. Patience only goes so far and I've been out of work since January 2009. And compounding this is I receive disability, which I've had my whole life. It's too complicated so please don't ask the how and why. offtopic

Initially, I joined this community thinking I might find love, but instead, it seems all I'm doing is grousing and venting about how I can't do this thing or that thing or someone or something doesn't exist. That's not what this place is about and as a result, I don't spend much time here, trying to avoid it as much as possible and only logging on when something important comes up. Again...offtopic

no photo
Fri 07/29/16 04:26 PM

SCB27769. Why do you feel this way?

Why do I feel this way?! It's how my life has turned out! I'm asking the question "Why am I here?" almost every day I'm awake! I NEVER had a girlfriend in school! It is impossible to find one here, in spite of the site being free use!! I can't find a meaningful job that fits my interests! I don't know how to drive a car!! I don't own a house!!! I DON'T HAVE ANY F***IN' MONEY!!!! Don't you think that's a useless man?!! A man who can't find work, is disabled, doesn't drive and probably can't look after kids?!!

God f***ed up when He/She/It put me here, pure and simple! There isn't a job for me! There isn't a wife for me!! There is no future that I can see for me!

Good I'm sounding MGTOW! I need to stop now while I can. offtopic

no photo
Fri 07/29/16 04:12 PM
Boring? I don't know. Not very helpful in finding my soul mate? Yeah, I'd say it hasn't been very helpful to me as far as my search for my desired woman is concerned. I'd say more lonely than boring as I have found some of the forum threads to be slightly entertaining. I have responded to some of them that I've found interesting, irritating or just something I felt a need to chime in on.

no photo
Thu 07/28/16 01:07 PM

Unwanted. Unloved. Useless. Perpetually lonely. And, no purpose at all in this world...

Sorry, that's just how I see myself.

That is rather sad.....

I hope you can find some peace my friend because no one is useless or unwanted even though we feel that way sometimes. flowerforyou

Thanks for the sentiment. Unfortunately, peace, or something like it, is nigh to impossible to come by. I don't mean to be off topic here, but how would you explain the obvious and blatant lack of a woman for guys like me? How do you explain a lack of jobs or the opportunity for them for guys like me? I can't find work in the field of my choosing. The United States does not have jobs for Computer Repair Technician or for Electronic Assembly. I'm completely penniless and I can't move away. And it's painfully clear that the vast majority of women, Asian, American and otherwise don't appear to like men who are broke and jobless. Is it even possible to find love or get married any more? I've just about given up and gone MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) on this stupid world. I can't do anything about it. It's totally outside of my control and ability to control. Sorry for the off-topic diversion. offtopic :cry:

no photo
Thu 07/28/16 12:33 PM
I don't "date" anybody more than 1 year older than me. I'll be friends, but I'm not gonna marry or attempt a more serious relationship with anyone older than that. I want my girl to be as close to my age as possible. If there has to be an age gap at all, I'd prefer younger over older. And I'm 36 years old.

no photo
Thu 07/28/16 12:27 PM
I'm in Metairie. Closer to Kenner than NOLA. And right under the flight path of them big ol' aeroplanes that take off and land at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. Hopefully that isn't giving too much away. :smile:

no photo
Thu 07/28/16 12:21 PM
Unwanted. Unloved. Useless. Perpetually lonely. And, no purpose at all in this world...

Sorry, that's just how I see myself.

no photo
Thu 07/28/16 12:17 PM
Have those kinds of women ever existed? I can't seem to get anybody, fake or otherwise. It's like, I send a message half expecting a response, the other person looks at my profile (or not) and I don't hear anything back, ever. And when I do finally get something in my inbox, it's either from one who is the wrong type for me, ethnically or interests-wise (I want an Asian lady who is at least somewhat interested in at least some of the things I am) or the message has their "phone number" and/or "email" and a plea to "Text me" or something like that, and it's their first message to me.

Personally, I don't think the woman I desire exists in this world. I don't know where the hell she would be, but certainly not here from what I have experienced so far. And she's definitely not making her presence known, that's for damn sure.

I'm definitely not going out to some bar or nightclub to look for "love", that's just sketchy to say the least.

no photo
Mon 07/11/16 03:01 PM
My current system is a Toshiba. It's a laptop. My previous system was a Compaq, also a laptop. Neither system really let me down. The little Compaq lasted right to the bitter end and what killed it was the backlight in the display. Hard drive still worked, optical drive and battery committed digital suicide right before I got the Toshiba. And my Toshiba seems to do reasonably well. I only had one major crap-out that required a return trip to the repair shop. Other than that, the Toshiba laptop has been fairly dependable so far, despite it being a refurb.

I don't know if I'm qualified to say which brands are good and which are not. Maybe check out the reviews and the user responses when you go shopping. I find those to be immeasurably useful in determining which systems are stable and which ones need a lot of attention as they age.