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Appeal to Emotion
i had read those. i had not seen the rather well described
discussion about how the previous ISM descriptions had been probably fabricated, exaggerated and faked! after seeing the videos posted above, i am inclined to believe that the Corrie instance was in fact an accident but was misreported by her colleagues. I just joined in this discussion yesterday but i'm not surprised at all that you would buy whatever the IDF says, maybe others who are more objective will do their own research and decide for themselves as I did some years ago. You guys have some very weak arguments in defense of Israel, you do know that don't you? It is obvious to most that Israelis are inhumane, aggressive, liars and thiefs, who could care less about any human lifes but their own and the American Jews were the orchestraters and biggest supporters of the war on Iraq. |
Appeal to Emotion
do you think that the Club Cruz videos are false?
do you think the 60 minutes report on Pallywood was false? they seem very compelling to me. Watch some of the other video's, What Israel doesn't want you to see. Listen to the story that is told by Rachael's friends who were witnesses in the aritle by World prout assembly and the stories start to sound the same. |
Appeal to Emotion
then that would mean that both sides lie and the terrorism is the same, except that Israel has bombs and a much stronger military. The world still sees Israel as inhumane, overly aggressive to the point of terrorism.
Appeal to Emotion
It seems that you will believe any propaganda and there is much that Israel feeds you.
Appeal to Emotion
And this comes from IDF...."It was an accident" And this is what they want America and the world to believe, they are such innocent victims. They are ALWAYS only protecting themselves. Well, the the world has woken up, Israel, maybe not the majority of Americans, but enough to make a difference. |
Appeal to Emotion
And this comes from IDF...."It was an accident"
And this is what they want America and the world to believe, they are such innocent victims. They are ALWAYS only protecting themselves. Well, the the world has woken up, Israel, maybe not the majority of Americans, but enough to make a difference. |
Appeal to Emotion
Edited by
Wed 01/07/09 07:56 AM
Corrie walked in front of a bulldozer. The driver couldn't see her, she was shorter than the scoop on the front. She wasn't murdered, she killed herself though a very stupid and unfortunate accident. Her own diary showed that the people she was trying to help had a secret tunnel in their house through which they smuggled weapons. The Israelis were right in bulldozing that house, it was being used to smuggle weapons into Palestine.
BS they didn't see her, you start off with a lie in defense of Israel, there is a picture of her standing in front of the bulldozer pleading for it to stop. The murder was photographed. The rest of what you are saying is probably not true either. The real story |
Appeal to Emotion
Jew Haters? What a joke. Why would people hate Jews when all we want is fairness and justice of all humans. Jews prove themselves.
They think America owes them something while they have a long history of being aggressive and over reacting like in Lebanon, they lost a soldier and destroyed a country. And people are suppose to respect that? There was a young American student in Israel wanting to help the Palestians and a Jewish soldier bulldozed her down. No one has ever even been brought to trial. She was one of ours. If America had such violent knee jerk reactions as Israel, we would have bombed Israel. Israel is too inhumane and aggressive to be respected. It happened it 2003 so it has been about 6 years and not 4 years go.... Four years ago Rachel Corrie was murdered. No one has been brought to trial, no one has been charged and no one has claimed responsibility. Who was she, what was she doing in the Occupied Territories… and why? Last question first…. she was there to fight injustice. She was there with fellow members of the International Solidarity Movement. She was a non vilolent person killed by violence while trying to stop the illegal demolition of a home belonging to Palestinians…. IN PALESTINE. She was a twenty three year old American with her whole life ahead of her. She was a person that cared…. cared in such a way that she was moved to participate in the activities of the Movement…. cared enough to risk her life. Her faith in her fellow man did not allow her to believe that her life was actually in danger, which raises the question of was her murderer actually a fellow man or was he transformed into a beast? Whatever the answer is, Rachel Corrie is dead…. murdered in cold blood in Palestine by Israelis. She was not the first, nor the last, but she will always be remembered for her bravery and devotion. |
The Israel Rules
I'm not sure I've read all the posts. The Israelis have of course closed the crossings when there have been rocket and other attacks. The UNRWA and others always protest any closing. Food gets spoiled especially in unrefrigerated shipments when there are delays. But eventually Israel has always let through humanitarian aid in trying to avoid civilian crises. If there were no attacks the flow of goods back and forth would undoubtedly be much improved. I do not believe that the Israelis believe in collective punishment but they also have difficulty in cooperating with a hostile terrorist establishment such as Hamas in Gaza. Israel was the first to break the seize fire because they ASSUMED weapons were being smuggled through a tunnel so they bombed. They were the first aggressors. They bombed on an assumption while they kill, steal and lie. They don't want peace. They want it all. |
The Israel Rules
Edited by
Tue 01/06/09 06:49 PM
I would love to see that little third world inhumane stolen state of Israel get brought down.
They are the greediest, lying, most aggressive state of the world. They with the help of England and the UN stole the state of "Israel" from the Palestinians and have only got more aggressive and greedier since. They don't want peace, they want possession and more, more, more. They are greediest bunch of people in the world, arrogant bastards too. |
Israel is and has long been an aggressive terrorist state and I don't think they should have nukes and I think their plants need to be bombed and destroyed.
"In the interview, the Prime Minister made clear that any decision will be based on continuing positive development That is what I was referring too. Spiegel deliberately left that out. So Scott Stanzel's translation of the interview collaborated what Bush and Maliki said previously the day before. The way I see it is that Maliki was saying that the 16 month timeline that Obama talks about is probably close to correct if positive developments continue. All the surge troops have already left and more will leave this fall when conditions on the ground warrant such. I figured out very quickly what you were talking about, because they are very easy to figure out these days. You are waking up, their lies are having less affect on you. You really don't like the lies. Slowly, open your eyes and when I snap my fingers you will no longer be brainwashed by BushCo. *snap* |
Yes, I read that but he has enough wiggle room with the translation and all to stand behind his story. Yahoo news version of the same interview seemed to me to collaborate the 16 month withdrawal timeline with the improvements on the ground and with continual improvements on the ground to be a realistic timelime. Spiegel appears to have left such content from the interview about continual improvement out as related to the timeline. Theirs was the original interview!! I believe the spin was created by the Republican biased American news services, not by Spiegal.,1518,566852,00.html What did that assesment on McConfused say? Oh yeah, Why does John McCain think he can tell lies and get away it? Arrogance Problem? He thinks people are too stupid to pay attention? Integrity Problem? He says whatever he thinks will make a good sound bite? Cognitive Problem? Video; That could be applied to describe the entire Bush Administration. The news cast are probably not really confused but they do have to report what they are told to report. Bush and McCain and Co. are adding their own words to the interview. Because they knew they were "f***ed" White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said Saturday: "In the interview, the Prime Minister made clear that any decision will be based on continuing positive developments — as he and the president both did in their joint statement yesterday. But Maliki was letting Bush who has repeatly and stubbonly refused to discuss a timeline know that he wants the US out as soon as possible. Maliki: Those who operate on the premise of short time periods in Iraq today are being more realistic. Artificially prolonging the tenure of US troops in Iraq would cause problems. Of course, this is by no means an election endorsement. Who they choose as their president is the Americans' business. But it's the business of Iraqis to say what they want. And that's where the people and the government are in general agreement: The tenure of the coalition troops in Iraq should be limited. |
Yes, I read that but he has enough wiggle room with the translation and all to stand behind his story. Yahoo news version of the same interview seemed to me to collaborate the 16 month withdrawal timeline with the improvements on the ground and with continual improvements on the ground to be a realistic timelime. Spiegel appears to have left such content from the interview about continual improvement out as related to the timeline. And this comes two days later from the Whitehouse...when did their spokesperson become credible? All of American news broadcast are also confused by the delayed spin on translation and exactly what was not translated correctly. It appears that the Whitehouse is adding their own spin to the interview. White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said Saturday: "In the interview, the Prime Minister made clear that any decision will be based on continuing positive developments — as he and the president both did in their joint statement yesterday. It is our shared view that should the recent security gains continue, we will be able to meet our joint aspirational time horizons." On Friday, the White House announced that President Bush and al-Maliki had agreed to set a "general time horizon" for bringing more U.S. troops home from the war. Obama's Republican presidential rival, John McCain, has supported Bush administration policy opposing a set timetable for taking troops out of Iraq. "Barack Obama advocates an unconditional withdrawal that ignores the facts on the ground and the advice of our top military commanders," McCain foreign policy adviser Randy Scheunemann said Saturday. "John McCain believes withdrawal must be based on conditions on the ground. "Prime Minister Maliki has repeatedly affirmed the same view, and did so again today. Timing is not as important as whether we leave with victory and honor, which is of no apparent concern to Barack Obama," Scheunemann said in a statement. |
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QUOTE....I haven't seen a flip flop from him myself, but a few have tried unsuccessfully to convince me of one or two. I dont see it when I look over all the evidence. Check Obama's website for his Statements a year ago, and up until a couple months ago on the "surge" in Iraq. they are all gonE...OMG.. And his switch on public financing of his campaign? Blames that on the repubs. What that tells me is his honesty and morals are based on someone else's actions, saying he has none of his own. Kinda like Bill Clinton's sex thing. I'm still waiting for the dems to define...."Depends upon what your definition of "is" is. You said it right there wiley, I haven't seen a flip flop from him myself, but a few have tried unsuccessfully to convince me of one or two. I dont see it when I look over all the evidence. I'm not going to keep repeating what was actually said or how the republicans try to twist his words. I also said, that even if you take those one or two and fabricate their existence in your mind, (stop)... lets just say I concede (for the sake of argument) and agree he did flip-flop on those occasions, it is still nowhere near to the 60 some flip-flops McConfused has very clearly committed. His complete reversal on issues! ![]() According to a poll people don't care about the public finance and actually like the idea. so if that is all they can make an issue out of, it's not going to get many people upset. |
| Iraq clarifies Spiegel interview. Did you read that update at the bottom of the link you posted.... UPDATE: I'm told that Arabic for "spin" is "faraa." I'm also told that Der Spiegel bleibt bei seiner Version (Der Spiegel is standing by its story). the interview with Maliki,1518,566852,00.html Other major newspapers in Baghdad on Sunday, including the government affiliated al-Sabah, the independent daily al-Mashriq and Iraq's leading paper al-Zaman quote the SPIEGEL interview at length. There is no mention of al-Dabbagh's statement denying Maliki's support of Obama's withdrawal plans, but it may have come after the papers went to press. With reporting by Bernard Zand in Baghdad and Gregor Peter Schmitz in Washington D.C. cgh/Reuters,1518,566914,00.html I bet Bush himself was on the phone with Maliki. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Iraq Leader Maliki Supports Obama's Withdrawal Plans In an interview with SPIEGEL, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said Barack Obama's 16 timeframe for a withdrawal from Iraq is the right one. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki supports US presidential candidate Barack Obama's plan to withdraw US troops from Iraq within 16 months. When asked in and interview with SPIEGEL when he thinks US troops should leave Iraq, Maliki responded "as soon as possible, as far as we are concerned." He then continued: "US presidential candidate Barack Obama talks about 16 months. That, we think, would be the right timeframe for a withdrawal, with the possibility of slight changes." Maliki was careful to back away from outright support for Obama. "Of course, this is by no means an election endorsement. Who they choose as their president is the Americans' business," he said. But then, apparently referring to Republican candidate John McCain's more open-ended Iraq policy, Maliki said: "Those who operate on the premise of short time periods in Iraq today are being more realistic. Artificially prolonging the tenure of US troops in Iraq would cause problems." Iraq, Maliki went on to say, "would like to see the establishment of a long-term strategic treaty with the United States, which would govern the basic aspects of our economic and cultural relations." He also emphasized though that the security agreement between the two countries should only "remain in effect in the short term." Maliki has long shown impatience with the open-ended presence of US troops in Iraq. In his conversation with SPIEGEL, he was once again candid about his frustration over the Bush administration's hesitancy about agreeing to a timetable for the withdrawal of US troops. But he did say he was optimistic that such a schedule would be drawn up before Bush leaves the White House next January -- a confidence that appeared justified following Friday's joint announcement in Baghdad and Washington that Bush has now, for the first time, spoken of "a general time horizon" for moving US troops out of Iraq. "So far the Americans have had trouble agreeing to a concrete timetable for withdrawal, because they feel it would appear tantamount to an admission of defeat," Maliki told SPIEGEL. "But that isn't the case at all. If we come to an agreement, it is not evidence of a defeat, but of a victory, of a severe blow we have inflicted on al-Qaida and the militias." He also bemoaned the fact that Baghdad has little control over the US troops in Iraq. "It is a fundamental problem for us that it should not be possible, in my country, to prosecute offences or crimes committed by US soldiers against our population," Maliki said.,1518,566841,00.html BAM! I bet the Republicans are feeling that one.. BAM, BAM!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Bam, Bam, is a nice way to say it. Here is another way...A “prominent Republican strategist” who occasionally provides advice to the McCain campaign said more candidly, “We’re f@cked.” if you keep scrolling down there is a couple more short articles that were written today. McCain camp reacts to Maliki’s call for withdrawal: Voters don’t care what Iraqi leaders say. other short artiles Maliki endorses Obama’s plan for withdrawal from Iraq. and White House Announces ‘General Time Horizon’ For Iraq Withdrawal; Is It ‘Conceding Too Much To The Enemy?’ |
You think Afghanistan is an illegal war? Wow! They should start the draft. A volunteer Army is ok for peace-time, but in war every American should sacrifice equally. If they did you wouldn't have all these Arm chair Generals and housewives sitting around complacent as America Patriots die. Too many people in this country just take, take, take, never giving back. Why should a few Patriotic and brave volunteers and their families have to carry the burden for everyone? Iraq, I'll agree is an illegal war. It has been a distraction from the real reason Americans were willing to engage our military in combat and send our young men into harms way. The Taliban who were ruling Afghanistan with terror and their Al Qaeda guests who attacked Americans on US soil was the reason. Regardless if we pull out of Iraq or not. Our brave men and women and their families are tired. To ask of them to continue redeploying time and time again at the pace we have is crazy and selfish. Its destructive to their moral and mental health, and while they sacrifice everything, there are 100 times as many who sit on their privileged asses and do nothing. Half of them couldn't even point to a difference in the two countries or our reasons for being there. Recruiters cant meet their goals and are resorting to allowing criminals and drug addicts enlist. I'm all for pulling the troops out of Iraq and prosecute Bush and his cronies, but to ask them to continue their sacrifice and jump from one war right into another is asking too much. Many of these soldiers have already served 5 tours in Iraq. Draft! Draft! Draft! Draft! Its time for all to shoulder the burden, and go after our real enemy! Not many will agree with you on a draft. This war has cost over. 2 trillion already, over 4000 American lives and estimated 20,000 -100,000 wounded. There have been 1,236,604 Irai deaths due to the invasion of US. Israel is threating a strike on Iran and I believe this will lead to more violence in Iraq, or more of our soldiers dying because of lies, greed, and to protect Israel. And instead gaining any respect from our allies, we would lose it even more. Russia would likely supply Iran with weapons to cause more conflict and continue to kill our soldiers in Iraq. I'm not sure if it is just for politics but the minister of Iraq is asking for a timetable for withdrawal. It must be what the constuients want anyway. Just like the constuients of America want our soldiers out of this war of lies and greed. Our soldiers never volunteered to be lied to for war anyway. I just watched the Documentary No End in Sight of how these bumbling idiots in suits messed this war up so badly and wouldn't listen to anyone who knew more about it. I will give this link because I find it interesting and it will make you think about the world affect this war of greed and imperlism has created. The only way to win is to accept that imperilism is not going to work. |
Donald Rumsfeld can not even walk properly and he sends young men and young women die for some futile causes . ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What on earth does not walking properly have to do with anthing? Disabled people on this site will find that comment to be highly offensive. An old moron who can barely move sends young people who have life ahead of them to die for his stupid lies just makes me sick . Harper believed in the war in Afghanistan enough to send Canadians there as well sam. Your countrymen are dying right along side ours. This war is winnable if Bush would send more Americans there! Start the draft!!! Fec the draft. Take them out of Iraq and put enough forces in Alpganastan. It is a shame and disgrace to America that several self-serving men in suits who never had military experience and would not listen to anyone started this illegal war that has killed and mamed millions. Why should our men be drafted to fight in this illegal war that has been so badly managed and there is No End in Sight. If Israel attacks Iran, our young men will be fighting a bigger battle to protect Israel. The Iraqi government may be playing politics but they are also speaking for their constuients who want America out. Because they believe as many of us do that it's all about greed and power and taking what you want. Our soldiers are dying for greed. I think Israel should protect themselves. But they will let our soldiers die for them. And Iraq has now been lifted up to participate in the battle of greed. Our soldiers is just another group to fight against. If Bush and Co. wasn't so stupid and greedy, we might have more world support. Our young men never volunteered to be lied to for a bunch of greedy AH's. And they shouldn't be drafted for that reason. |