Community > Posts By > sexysweeti
There is right and there is wrong . A soldier should not be just a robot following orders . He or she must use their conscience not to participate in an illegal , brutal and unjust war against the poor , the weak and those who can not defend themselves . Canada was wrong to deport the conscious soldier . If killing innocent people is not a big issue then what is a big issue ?. I just watched the documentary NO End In Sight....Iraq is Vietnam over again. It is hell and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Through the documentary a marine speaks about his experience and at the end he expresses that he is very angry about the mishandling of the war. It doesn't even touch on the lies. |
At the hight of the surge when American deaths in Iraq were over 100 a month, Inside spacious, air-conditioned "Kingpin," a new air traffic control center at this huge Air Force hub 50 miles north of Baghdad, the expanded commitment can be seen on the central display screen: Small points of light represent more than 100 aircraft crisscrossing Iraqi air space at any one time. "We'd like to get it to be a field like Langley, if you will," said mission support chief Reynolds, referring to the Air Force showcase base in Virginia. The Air Force's four-month Iraq tours and extensive use of volunteer pilots from the Reserve and National Guard contrast sharply with an Army whose 15-month tours are sapping energy and morale. There it is again 4 month tours!!! Fanta, I know you have said you were in the military but did you fight in a war and for how long? |
State of the Economy
Let me state a bit more since most wont read a bracket. To make the highest bracket you have to make a little less than 360k. While thats good money its not that rare if you have a 2 income home and are both professionals. Dr.s Dentists and lawyers could also pull this in solo depending on region and experience. In 92 the upper tax bracket was 31%, then in 93 it shot up to 39.6% over an 8% increase. After Bushes tax cuts they are still paying 35%, 4% higher than in 92. The average american income is around 45k which puts them in the 25% bracket, so after the tax cuts the "wealthy" still pay 10% more on their income. This explains a lot in my mind Chaz. You say, To make the highest bracket you have to make a little less than 360k. While that's good money its not that rare if you have a 2 income home and are both professionals. Hmmm, "its not that rare." LMAO I dont know many people who make that. Its pretty rare! If I could make that and own a house in Florida, Colorado, or one here, and one in the Hampton's. I would feel guilty that, first, I didn't pay my help above the min wage, or even better than $45,000 a year. $45 k is not much in todays economy! Some here have talked about abolishing the min wage. Second, that I asked the poorer, who do have an education (middle class) and whose children (middle class and poverty level families) fight America's wars to pay anything close to what I pay in taxes! The statement, "its not that rare," to make $360,000 a year shows that you obviously have no idea what its like to worry week to week about earning enough to pay your bills. You dont understand what it feels like to get up at 4 am to start a fire in the wood stove so it will be warm when your children get up at 7 am to go to school. You dont understand what its like to have to take your children to the health dept when they are sick or have a toothache, because you cant afford health insurance. You have no idea what its like to go to bed hungry and wake up hungrier because your parents make too much to qualify for food stamps and still didn't have enough left over from their wages to buy groceries that week. Or maybe you do, but you've forgotten that feeling. Or maybe you just dont care! I dont know you so I cant answer that question for you. I know I never had to worry about it myself, but I am sensitive to people who have, and low enough on the totem-pole to know many that do worry about these things! But the statement, "its not that rare." Shows an elitist attitude IMO! For one you are taking my quote out of context. I said "if its a duel income home and both are professionals its not that rare."(my point being that people on this site make it seem that wealthy as far as tax is concerned are only the people that make millions of dollars.. which they aren't) I am also sure that people that make more money than you pay more in taxes. Yes maybe a lot of those things I don't have to worry about, because I made the decision to get a degree in something where I will make decent money and definitely get health insurance. You may think that elitist, but I think of it as smart life choices. I have a medical condition that I had since I was 8 and I knew growing up that if I didn't get health insurance through a job I probably wouldn't get it at all. I made decisions based on my situation and what I want out of life. I may not live a perfect life do to medical reasons, but I work hard in hopes of making my future bright. This however, has nothing to do with the discussion on taxes. My point was people were complaining about the tax cuts of people who were originally giving 40% of their income to the government. 40% thats crazy. |
State of the Economy
i believe i have a great job. but unlike must republicans. i never forgot where i came from. sometimes in life. people need help. you no like your parties buddy's at hulburton. or tax breaks for oil companies. you have not forgot that i hope. let don't forget the six years republican ran congress. i wonder how many blank checks they gave bush, to start his bull**** wars, His wars cost lives and money.......huh...!. The war also saves lives, but lets just ignore that. The death rate in iraq for soldiers is less than 4%. All soldiers I have talked to do not regret being there. They feel like they are truly helping the people. I don't forget where I came from and I don't forget that I worked for what I got. I constantly work to try to better myself and fix the wrongs in my life. If you need help once in a while thats fine, but thats different than living off the government. It would be more advantages for the government to pay people for just a couple years to get a degree or learn a trade than for most of their lives on welfare. Here is some #'s for you....this war will cost over 10 trillion dollars. More important is the value of human life lost Since you may not be interested in the link, I will tell you the # of Iraqi deaths due to U.S. invasion, 1,236,604 Wounded Americans, estimated, 23,000-100,000 This war was not worth the cost of human life or the damage to America. No matter what you gained from Bush's failed policies....most American's are suffering the consequences. |
Who is right ?.
i don't have any problem with the war in Afghanistan. but your buddy bush is a compete moron. still no reason for attacking Iraq. bush is a criminal. The wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan are unjustified , illegal and have political agendas . Can anyone in the world seriously believe that an old , sick man in a cave attacks the most powerful nation on earth and causes such damage in few minutes ?. . Apparently they can and did. But I guess you're smarter than all of them, right? The whole episode of 9/11 does not make sense to billions and I am one of them . I do not believe the Administration version of events .I found tons of holes in it . Did you watch "lose change"? A documentary of 9/11 and how hard it would have been to bring those buildings down in a matter of minutes. This is the site if you're interested. |
Who is right ?.
As a republican I am not worried in the slightest about gay people. I do consider marriage to be a sacred and holy institution though and see nothing niether sacred or holy about a gay couple. The two wars you speak of are just 2 of the almost countless reasons we need a president who is strong on defense in the white house. Bush or McCain know nothing about defense. Bush allowed Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolferitz to plan and operate this war. He wouldn't listen to top military on the ground. He messed it up bad. And McCain is not going to do any better. He will continue the destruction of America. But hey, if you want a job, they are paying $300 a month to 90,000 sons of Iraq to not kill Americans and each other and giving free education. |
Did you ever stop to think that if those files were opened, that a lot of agents might be in jeoporady of their life? I agree that files should be open to inspection except where there is a chance of national security being threatened. When you oust a CIA agent national security is threatened. |
State of the Economy
Let me state a bit more since most wont read a bracket. To make the highest bracket you have to make a little less than 360k. While thats good money its not that rare if you have a 2 income home and are both professionals. Dr.s Dentists and lawyers could also pull this in solo depending on region and experience. In 92 the upper tax bracket was 31%, then in 93 it shot up to 39.6% over an 8% increase. After Bushes tax cuts they are still paying 35%, 4% higher than in 92. The average american income is around 45k which puts them in the 25% bracket, so after the tax cuts the "wealthy" still pay 10% more on their income. In 2006, the median annual household income was $48,201.00 according to the Census Bureau.[3] The median income per household member (including all working and non-working members above the age of 14) was $26,036 in 2006.[4] In 2006, there were approximately 116,011,000 households in the United States. 19.26% of all households had annual incomes exceeding $100,000,[5] 12.3% fell below the federal poverty threshold[6] and the bottom 20% earned less than $19,178.[7] The aggregate income distribution is highly concentrated towards the top, with the top 6.37% earning roughly one third of all income, and those with upper-middle incomes control a large, though declining, share of the total earned income.[ |
4121 soilder dead in iraq
The invasion of Iraq did two important things. First, it moved the war out of our front yard, off our street and across town to another neighborhood. Our enemy, meaning the various terror groups and their state sponsors, are having to focus a greater share of their resources in Iraq than we are. If you want to know why we haven’t been attacked since 9/11 its because we’ve done a good job defending against attacks and we’ve gone on the offensive in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because of the nature of modern terrorism, Iraq is depleting the availability of resources to fight elsewhere. Secondly, the war in Iraq is a planting a seed right were it needs to be planted. Iraq is right between Iran and Syria, the two biggest state sponsors of terror. The Syrian are ruled by a thug and the Iranian people are ruled by religious fanatics. A rising democracy in Iraq is a threat that Iran and Syrian cannot defeat. It will most surely mean the seed of democracy will start to spread and before long revolution in Syria and Iran will bring about an end to the harsh rule of its people. We will never fully defeat terrorism because there will always be kooks with guns and bombs, but the modern Islamic-faciast terror movement can be weakened to the point that it can be best handled as a law enforcement issue. The problem with Democrats is they don’t want to do the hard work of war before that. Posted by admin on September 28th, 2006 in Articles | 29 Responses to “IRAQ WAS THE RIGHT CHOICE nah, i think we haven't been attacked because of more awareness and homeland security. But America will spend over 10 trillion for this war. Violence is down now because they have put the "terrorist" back on the payroll. Which was the biggest mistake made in this war when Bremer fired the Iraqi army and they had no income to feed their families. The American Army didn't have orders to secure anything but oil wells. They couldn't do anything about looting. They couldn't secure historical sites. There were 70 sites full of bombs and guns and the iraqi army knew exactly where they were. And then the American army began putting every Iraqi male of age in Abu Ghraib prison. The war hasn't started yet for the control and profit of oil sales. They just want America out and I'm all for it. I never believed blood for oil was worth it. This administration messed up soooo bad on this war. They only planned 60 days before going to war. I recommend for everyone to watch No End in Sight it is a docomentary with the people from Bush's administration telling about the mistakes as they were made. |
State of the Economy
And, Obama has an extensive economics background? What? Mccain MUST put Romney in the VP slot for the economy aspect. Yes, please take Mitt Romney. He is such a loser. |
Obama Today on Iraq...
France, Canada, Germany, Sweden (conservatives in power now), Poland, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Chechnya, and Albania's increase in pro-Americanism and pro-Bush leaders shed a different light on the opinion of us and Bush in the world. As to security we have not been hit by a terrorist attack since 9/11. And, we have a highly trained military should any real world conflict arise. Battle hardened military. As to economy there is nothing earth shattering. In an economics standpoint we have not hit a recession. The first quarter was a 1% GDP growth. Better than most countries in the world, including Europe. Europe has higher fuel and food prices, and much higher unemployment. Our unemployment, with 5% being considered full employment, is just slightly higher than that. The economy is not good, not good at all, but most of the world economy is pretty crappy. Economies will rise, hit a ceiling, decline, hit bottom and then rise again. It is a healthy economic cycle. It is far too early to determine what the result will be of all decisions. Iraq's economy and stability are on an impressive rise. Investment is heavily flowing into it and oil production is set to far exceed what had ever been produced before in that country. Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time. I suggest everything not be in doomsday mode, history repeats itself, we've been in this spot before, and we will be in it again, but what follows are times that are high and prosperous for us all as well. I'm guessing you meant Iran, not Iraq. The way you are saying that "doesn't like America taking whatever they want," you are forgetting something. It is the UN who is imposing these sanctions and restrictions. Not just the US, but many countries all around the world that make up the UN as well, including all of the EU. We are not imposing OUR will, there is a collective congregation of will to stop Iran from enriching uranium that can be used for nuclear weapons. How can you say all I care about oil being produced in Iraq when I just said, in my previous post, "Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time." You are distorting my words and not understanding my reasoning for the hope of a success of the Iraq economy. Iraq is a democratic state, and now I hope it becomes the economic powerhouse that it can be as well. This will lead to a rise in exports of oil and other goods that will contribute to the world economy, and many goods will flow into Iraq as well. Iraq will become a very rich country with its oil production. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis will have middle class jobs in the oil sectors, trade sectors, energy sectors, shipping sectors, technology sectors, and so forth based around oil and their diverse economy. The Iraqi education system is good, it has always been so. Iraqi has always been an advanced technology country as well. High-Tech Iraq on the rebound - This boom in oil exploration, drilling, and shipping will enrich IRAQ and enrich the Iraqi people. Massive middle class citizens will be a high buying, spending, and investing society that will make Iraq a gold mine. The citizens there by majority will live in a true democratic capitalist state, even more than Kuwait who were considered a long time as the model for democracy of the Middle East. Thank you western influence, especially that of the US. Democratic influences bring prosperity and happiness for the citizens of those countries. Allowing a free people to live freely, having free will, and with the entrance of multiple private sector markets that will bring them economic success and betterment to their lives, I believe it was a good thing and will be a good thing when Iraq becomes the next rich, oil rich, technology rich, trade rich country of the Middle East and world. Iraq is not a democracy. How can it be a democracy when it is being controlled by occupation of America? Even American officials are seeing the reality and curbing their vision for democracy in Iraq. The officials now say they are willing to settle for a government that functions and can bring security. What makes you think this is possible in a war torn country when it is not even a reality in America...."Massive middle class citizens will be a high buying, spending, and investing society that will make Iraq a gold mine. The citizens there by majority will live in a true democratic capitalist state" And we are not in a civil or geurilla war. You need to watch the documentary No End in Sight. I can't predict what is going to happen with Iran but the way I see it is that Iraq is closer to Iran now than they are America. Maybe they think that they went down, America destroyed their country, killed their loved ones, humiliated them in prisons, and America can come down with them. I don't think they are thanking America. They want America out of their country. And Russia is backing Iran, so figure that. Bush took America in over our heads and now our economy is a mess. The only people he helped are the wealthy and corporations. Our country has lost all respect in the world. The whole world has their eyes on us and how stupid this country is for electing that idiot twice and if we are stupid enough to stay the course of disaster. Talk about starting out with unsubstantiated propaganda. Is South Korea a democracy, how about Germany, how about Japan? Is Kuwait a legitimate sovereign government, how about Qatar? We have bases and presence in each. Iraq has a very complex government now, I suggest going on the government website to see just how complex it is. They even have an Environmental Ministry Division. Can't seem to find the English version of the cabinets and ministries right now, but here is the Arabic version: Iraqis are in full military control of over 9 of 18 provinces, and in full governmental control of them. We only provide the assistance to the officials and security. Many of those remaining to be secured are peaceful, but have not all the manpower in government and so forth to control it absolutely yet. Foreign Investors are throwing millions of investments into Iraq for they see the security and feel there are great possibilities for returns on their investment in the Iraqi government, people, and businesses. They aren't just going to throw money into something they don't see great possibility in. These people aren't so blindly stupid to waste their own money. 500 million invested, at least 1 billion dollars invested by end of this year. - And, with the ever increasing rise of the Iraqi currency, the Iraqi Dinar, this shows that Iraq's economic and government successes are true. A rising currency that started at 0 is the sign of a country that will prosper. And, they will. Violence is down in Iraq by huge percentages. Most of the countries provinces are nearly 100% violence free, if not totally. Sectarian violence is way down, and in fact, Sunni's are now actively participating in government. Iraqis are now returning to Iraq in great numbers once having fled the violence. 1000 a day, and this is from November of 2007, and violence is way down since that time. "An estimated 1,000 people a day are returning across Iraq's borders having previously moved abroad to escape the violence, Iraqi authorities say. " - If there is a civil war and it is all doom and gloom, they would not be returning in waves of a THOUSAND A DAY. Iraq has paid every debt they've had, way ahead of schedule as well. They are becoming the economic success I know they will become and as many Iraqis and foreign investors see coming as well. - Just like festivals and carnivals taking place in Baghdad, where the streets are full of people enjoying the festivities, kids running around enjoying it all, and no explosions to be seen, others are bringing out old hobbies, living the way they want, enjoying life and prospering in an Iraq that is very different from even 2 years ago. Education is UP as well: "Education. Primary-school enrollment has jumped 20 percent over the Saddam years, according to the Brookings Institution's Iraq Index." - And this article, report from the Brookings Institution was from 2005! Much is for the better since then. The news from Iraq, though not rosey with gumdrops, is VERY good and impressive considering what they came from and what they've gone through. Iraq is successful and will even be more successful in the future. It is openly accepted now that this war was about oil. It still doesn't matter to the hawks that it was illegal and immoral and not worth the cost of human life, monetary value and destruction fo a country. And it is a land of wreck and ruin. The highly regarded British polling agency, Oxford Research Bureau, has just updated its estimate of deaths. Their new estimate a couple of days ago is 1.3 million. That’s excluding two of the most violent provinces, Karbala and Anbar. On the side, it’s kind of intriguing to observe the ferocity of the debate over the actual number of deaths. There’s an assumption on the part of the hawks that if we only killed a couple hundred thousand people, it would be OK, so we shouldn’t accept the higher estimates. You can go along with that if you like. Uncontroversially, there are over two million displaced within Iraq. Thanks to the generosity of Jordan and Syria, the millions of refugees who have fled the wreckage of Iraq aren’t totally wiped out. That includes most of the professional classes. But that welcome is fading, because Jordan and Syria receive no support from the perpetrators of the crimes in Washington and London, and therefore they cannot accept that huge burden for very long. It’s going to leave those two-and-a-half million I can agree with this, Iraqi's are becoming more confident and they want America out and are standing up more to the lame duck Bush. Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, a Sunni Arab, added his support for a withdrawal timetable. "Iraqis must know when the American and other forces will leave Iraqi land. It is our right to know, and know the truth of where the situation stands, if there is an intention for American forces to leave or not," Hashemi told Iraqiya state television in an interview broadcast on the weekend. The Post said the "bridge" security document would likely cover only 2009, and be limited in scope, allowing basic U.S. military operations to continue once the U.N. mandate ended. Iraq has rejected a number of Washington's demands, insisting they infringe on the country's sovereignty. There is strong domestic pressure in Iraq to set dates for a withdrawal of U.S. forces, especially with violence at a four-year low and with Iraqi security forces getting larger. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's political opponents would also likely try to exploit the issue of an undefined U.S. troop presence in provincial elections later this year. "Iraqis of all sectarian and ethnic groups believe that the US military invasion is the primary root of the violent differences among them, and see the departure of [what they call] ‘occupying forces’ as the key to national reconciliation.” Iraqis are determined to get their nation removed from the purview of the U.N. Security Council under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter, which allows the international body to declare a country a threat to international peace, a step the U.N. took after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Iraqi officials say that designation clearly is no longer appropriate. But even on that basic request, the U.S. has not promised to support Iraq, Saghir said, and is instead withholding that support as a pressure point in negotiations Looks like the Iraqi's are making Bush work hard these days. |
Obama Today on Iraq...
France, Canada, Germany, Sweden (conservatives in power now), Poland, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Chechnya, and Albania's increase in pro-Americanism and pro-Bush leaders shed a different light on the opinion of us and Bush in the world. As to security we have not been hit by a terrorist attack since 9/11. And, we have a highly trained military should any real world conflict arise. Battle hardened military. As to economy there is nothing earth shattering. In an economics standpoint we have not hit a recession. The first quarter was a 1% GDP growth. Better than most countries in the world, including Europe. Europe has higher fuel and food prices, and much higher unemployment. Our unemployment, with 5% being considered full employment, is just slightly higher than that. The economy is not good, not good at all, but most of the world economy is pretty crappy. Economies will rise, hit a ceiling, decline, hit bottom and then rise again. It is a healthy economic cycle. It is far too early to determine what the result will be of all decisions. Iraq's economy and stability are on an impressive rise. Investment is heavily flowing into it and oil production is set to far exceed what had ever been produced before in that country. Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time. I suggest everything not be in doomsday mode, history repeats itself, we've been in this spot before, and we will be in it again, but what follows are times that are high and prosperous for us all as well. I'm guessing you meant Iran, not Iraq. The way you are saying that "doesn't like America taking whatever they want," you are forgetting something. It is the UN who is imposing these sanctions and restrictions. Not just the US, but many countries all around the world that make up the UN as well, including all of the EU. We are not imposing OUR will, there is a collective congregation of will to stop Iran from enriching uranium that can be used for nuclear weapons. How can you say all I care about oil being produced in Iraq when I just said, in my previous post, "Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time." You are distorting my words and not understanding my reasoning for the hope of a success of the Iraq economy. Iraq is a democratic state, and now I hope it becomes the economic powerhouse that it can be as well. This will lead to a rise in exports of oil and other goods that will contribute to the world economy, and many goods will flow into Iraq as well. Iraq will become a very rich country with its oil production. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis will have middle class jobs in the oil sectors, trade sectors, energy sectors, shipping sectors, technology sectors, and so forth based around oil and their diverse economy. The Iraqi education system is good, it has always been so. Iraqi has always been an advanced technology country as well. High-Tech Iraq on the rebound - This boom in oil exploration, drilling, and shipping will enrich IRAQ and enrich the Iraqi people. Massive middle class citizens will be a high buying, spending, and investing society that will make Iraq a gold mine. The citizens there by majority will live in a true democratic capitalist state, even more than Kuwait who were considered a long time as the model for democracy of the Middle East. Thank you western influence, especially that of the US. Democratic influences bring prosperity and happiness for the citizens of those countries. Allowing a free people to live freely, having free will, and with the entrance of multiple private sector markets that will bring them economic success and betterment to their lives, I believe it was a good thing and will be a good thing when Iraq becomes the next rich, oil rich, technology rich, trade rich country of the Middle East and world. Iraq is not a democracy. How can it be a democracy when it is being controlled by occupation of America? Even American officials are seeing the reality and curbing their vision for democracy in Iraq. The officials now say they are willing to settle for a government that functions and can bring security. What makes you think this is possible in a war torn country when it is not even a reality in America...."Massive middle class citizens will be a high buying, spending, and investing society that will make Iraq a gold mine. The citizens there by majority will live in a true democratic capitalist state" And we are not in a civil or geurilla war. You need to watch the documentary No End in Sight. I can't predict what is going to happen with Iran but the way I see it is that Iraq is closer to Iran now than they are America. Maybe they think that they went down, America destroyed their country, killed their loved ones, humiliated them in prisons, and America can come down with them. I don't think they are thanking America. They want America out of their country. And Russia is backing Iran, so figure that. Bush took America in over our heads and now our economy is a mess. The only people he helped are the wealthy and corporations. Our country has lost all respect in the world. The whole world has their eyes on us and how stupid this country is for electing that idiot twice and if we are stupid enough to stay the course of disaster. Talk about starting out with unsubstantiated propaganda. Is South Korea a democracy, how about Germany, how about Japan? Is Kuwait a legitimate sovereign government, how about Qatar? We have bases and presence in each. Iraq has a very complex government now, I suggest going on the government website to see just how complex it is. They even have an Environmental Ministry Division. Can't seem to find the English version of the cabinets and ministries right now, but here is the Arabic version: Iraqis are in full military control of over 9 of 18 provinces, and in full governmental control of them. We only provide the assistance to the officials and security. Many of those remaining to be secured are peaceful, but have not all the manpower in government and so forth to control it absolutely yet. Foreign Investors are throwing millions of investments into Iraq for they see the security and feel there are great possibilities for returns on their investment in the Iraqi government, people, and businesses. They aren't just going to throw money into something they don't see great possibility in. These people aren't so blindly stupid to waste their own money. 500 million invested, at least 1 billion dollars invested by end of this year. - And, with the ever increasing rise of the Iraqi currency, the Iraqi Dinar, this shows that Iraq's economic and government successes are true. A rising currency that started at 0 is the sign of a country that will prosper. And, they will. Violence is down in Iraq by huge percentages. Most of the countries provinces are nearly 100% violence free, if not totally. Sectarian violence is way down, and in fact, Sunni's are now actively participating in government. Iraqis are now returning to Iraq in great numbers once having fled the violence. 1000 a day, and this is from November of 2007, and violence is way down since that time. "An estimated 1,000 people a day are returning across Iraq's borders having previously moved abroad to escape the violence, Iraqi authorities say. " - If there is a civil war and it is all doom and gloom, they would not be returning in waves of a THOUSAND A DAY. Iraq has paid every debt they've had, way ahead of schedule as well. They are becoming the economic success I know they will become and as many Iraqis and foreign investors see coming as well. - Just like festivals and carnivals taking place in Baghdad, where the streets are full of people enjoying the festivities, kids running around enjoying it all, and no explosions to be seen, others are bringing out old hobbies, living the way they want, enjoying life and prospering in an Iraq that is very different from even 2 years ago. Education is UP as well: "Education. Primary-school enrollment has jumped 20 percent over the Saddam years, according to the Brookings Institution's Iraq Index." - And this article, report from the Brookings Institution was from 2005! Much is for the better since then. The news from Iraq, though not rosey with gumdrops, is VERY good and impressive considering what they came from and what they've gone through. Iraq is successful and will even be more successful in the future. It is openly accepted now that this war was about oil. It still doesn't matter to the hawks that it was illegal and immoral and not worth the cost of human life, monetary value and destruction fo a country. And it is a land of wreck and ruin. The highly regarded British polling agency, Oxford Research Bureau, has just updated its estimate of deaths. Their new estimate a couple of days ago is 1.3 million. That’s excluding two of the most violent provinces, Karbala and Anbar. On the side, it’s kind of intriguing to observe the ferocity of the debate over the actual number of deaths. There’s an assumption on the part of the hawks that if we only killed a couple hundred thousand people, it would be OK, so we shouldn’t accept the higher estimates. You can go along with that if you like. Uncontroversially, there are over two million displaced within Iraq. Thanks to the generosity of Jordan and Syria, the millions of refugees who have fled the wreckage of Iraq aren’t totally wiped out. That includes most of the professional classes. But that welcome is fading, because Jordan and Syria receive no support from the perpetrators of the crimes in Washington and London, and therefore they cannot accept that huge burden for very long. It’s going to leave those two-and-a-half million I can agree with this, Iraqi's are becoming more confident and they want America out and are standing up more to the lame duck Bush. Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, a Sunni Arab, added his support for a withdrawal timetable. "Iraqis must know when the American and other forces will leave Iraqi land. It is our right to know, and know the truth of where the situation stands, if there is an intention for American forces to leave or not," Hashemi told Iraqiya state television in an interview broadcast on the weekend. The Post said the "bridge" security document would likely cover only 2009, and be limited in scope, allowing basic U.S. military operations to continue once the U.N. mandate ended. Iraq has rejected a number of Washington's demands, insisting they infringe on the country's sovereignty. There is strong domestic pressure in Iraq to set dates for a withdrawal of U.S. forces, especially with violence at a four-year low and with Iraqi security forces getting larger. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's political opponents would also likely try to exploit the issue of an undefined U.S. troop presence in provincial elections later this year. "Iraqis of all sectarian and ethnic groups believe that the US military invasion is the primary root of the violent differences among them, and see the departure of [what they call] ‘occupying forces’ as the key to national reconciliation.” |
Obama Today on Iraq...
France, Canada, Germany, Sweden (conservatives in power now), Poland, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Chechnya, and Albania's increase in pro-Americanism and pro-Bush leaders shed a different light on the opinion of us and Bush in the world. As to security we have not been hit by a terrorist attack since 9/11. And, we have a highly trained military should any real world conflict arise. Battle hardened military. As to economy there is nothing earth shattering. In an economics standpoint we have not hit a recession. The first quarter was a 1% GDP growth. Better than most countries in the world, including Europe. Europe has higher fuel and food prices, and much higher unemployment. Our unemployment, with 5% being considered full employment, is just slightly higher than that. The economy is not good, not good at all, but most of the world economy is pretty crappy. Economies will rise, hit a ceiling, decline, hit bottom and then rise again. It is a healthy economic cycle. It is far too early to determine what the result will be of all decisions. Iraq's economy and stability are on an impressive rise. Investment is heavily flowing into it and oil production is set to far exceed what had ever been produced before in that country. Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time. I suggest everything not be in doomsday mode, history repeats itself, we've been in this spot before, and we will be in it again, but what follows are times that are high and prosperous for us all as well. If America goes to war on Iraq there will be a draft and hopefully you will be drafted to fight all the terrorist who doens't like America taking what ever they want. And that is exactly what this is about, not "war on terror" but oil war and all you seem to care about is the oil being produced in Iraq. And as I said before, the cost of this war in human life and monetary value was never worth it. I'm guessing you meant Iran, not Iraq. The way you are saying that "doesn't like America taking whatever they want," you are forgetting something. It is the UN who is imposing these sanctions and restrictions. Not just the US, but many countries all around the world that make up the UN as well, including all of the EU. We are not imposing OUR will, there is a collective congregation of will to stop Iran from enriching uranium that can be used for nuclear weapons. How can you say all I care about oil being produced in Iraq when I just said, in my previous post, "Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time." You are distorting my words and not understanding my reasoning for the hope of a success of the Iraq economy. Iraq is a democratic state, and now I hope it becomes the economic powerhouse that it can be as well. This will lead to a rise in exports of oil and other goods that will contribute to the world economy, and many goods will flow into Iraq as well. Iraq will become a very rich country with its oil production. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis will have middle class jobs in the oil sectors, trade sectors, energy sectors, shipping sectors, technology sectors, and so forth based around oil and their diverse economy. The Iraqi education system is good, it has always been so. Iraqi has always been an advanced technology country as well. High-Tech Iraq on the rebound - This boom in oil exploration, drilling, and shipping will enrich IRAQ and enrich the Iraqi people. Massive middle class citizens will be a high buying, spending, and investing society that will make Iraq a gold mine. The citizens there by majority will live in a true democratic capitalist state, even more than Kuwait who were considered a long time as the model for democracy of the Middle East. Thank you western influence, especially that of the US. Democratic influences bring prosperity and happiness for the citizens of those countries. Allowing a free people to live freely, having free will, and with the entrance of multiple private sector markets that will bring them economic success and betterment to their lives, I believe it was a good thing and will be a good thing when Iraq becomes the next rich, oil rich, technology rich, trade rich country of the Middle East and world. |
Obama Today on Iraq...
France, Canada, Germany, Sweden (conservatives in power now), Poland, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Chechnya, and Albania's increase in pro-Americanism and pro-Bush leaders shed a different light on the opinion of us and Bush in the world. As to security we have not been hit by a terrorist attack since 9/11. And, we have a highly trained military should any real world conflict arise. Battle hardened military. As to economy there is nothing earth shattering. In an economics standpoint we have not hit a recession. The first quarter was a 1% GDP growth. Better than most countries in the world, including Europe. Europe has higher fuel and food prices, and much higher unemployment. Our unemployment, with 5% being considered full employment, is just slightly higher than that. The economy is not good, not good at all, but most of the world economy is pretty crappy. Economies will rise, hit a ceiling, decline, hit bottom and then rise again. It is a healthy economic cycle. It is far too early to determine what the result will be of all decisions. Iraq's economy and stability are on an impressive rise. Investment is heavily flowing into it and oil production is set to far exceed what had ever been produced before in that country. Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time. I suggest everything not be in doomsday mode, history repeats itself, we've been in this spot before, and we will be in it again, but what follows are times that are high and prosperous for us all as well. If America goes to war on Iraq there will be a draft and hopefully you will be drafted to fight all the terrorist who doens't like America taking what ever they want. And that is exactly what this is about, not "war on terror" but oil war and all you seem to care about is the oil being produced in Iraq. And as I said before, the cost of this war in human life and monetary value was never worth it. I'm guessing you meant Iran, not Iraq. The way you are saying that "doesn't like America taking whatever they want," you are forgetting something. It is the UN who is imposing these sanctions and restrictions. Not just the US, but many countries all around the world that make up the UN as well, including all of the EU. We are not imposing OUR will, there is a collective congregation of will to stop Iran from enriching uranium that can be used for nuclear weapons. How can you say all I care about oil being produced in Iraq when I just said, in my previous post, "Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time." You are distorting my words and not understanding my reasoning for the hope of a success of the Iraq economy. Iraq is a democratic state, and now I hope it becomes the economic powerhouse that it can be as well. This will lead to a rise in exports of oil and other goods that will contribute to the world economy, and many goods will flow into Iraq as well. Iraq will become a very rich country with its oil production. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis will have middle class jobs in the oil sectors, trade sectors, energy sectors, shipping sectors, technology sectors, and so forth based around oil and their diverse economy. The Iraqi education system is good, it has always been so. Iraqi has always been an advanced technology country as well. High-Tech Iraq on the rebound - This boom in oil exploration, drilling, and shipping will enrich IRAQ and enrich the Iraqi people. Massive middle class citizens will be a high buying, spending, and investing society that will make Iraq a gold mine. The citizens there by majority will live in a true democratic capitalist state, even more than Kuwait who were considered a long time as the model for democracy of the Middle East. Thank you western influence, especially that of the US. Democratic influences bring prosperity and happiness for the citizens of those countries. Allowing a free people to live freely, having free will, and with the entrance of multiple private sector markets that will bring them economic success and betterment to their lives, I believe it was a good thing and will be a good thing when Iraq becomes the next rich, oil rich, technology rich, trade rich country of the Middle East and world. Iraq is not a democracy. How can it be a democracy when it is being controlled by occupation of America? Even American officials are seeing the reality and curbing their vision for democracy in Iraq. The officials now say they are willing to settle for a government that functions and can bring security. What makes you think this is possible in a war torn country when it is not even a reality in America...."Massive middle class citizens will be a high buying, spending, and investing society that will make Iraq a gold mine. The citizens there by majority will live in a true democratic capitalist state" And we are not in a civil or geurilla war. You need to watch the documentary No End in Sight. I can't predict what is going to happen with Iran but the way I see it is that Iraq is closer to Iran now than they are America. Maybe they think that they went down, America destroyed their country, killed their loved ones, humiliated them in prisons, and America can come down with them. I don't think they are thanking America. They want America out of their country. And Russia is backing Iran, so figure that. Bush took America in over our heads and now our economy is a mess. The only people he helped are the wealthy and corporations. Our country has lost all respect in the world. The whole world has their eyes on us and how stupid this country is for electing that idiot twice and if we are stupid enough to stay the course of disaster. |
Obama Today on Iraq...
Edited by
Tue 07/15/08 09:22 PM
France, Canada, Germany, Sweden (conservatives in power now), Poland, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Chechnya, and Albania's increase in pro-Americanism and pro-Bush leaders shed a different light on the opinion of us and Bush in the world. As to security we have not been hit by a terrorist attack since 9/11. And, we have a highly trained military should any real world conflict arise. Battle hardened military. As to economy there is nothing earth shattering. In an economics standpoint we have not hit a recession. The first quarter was a 1% GDP growth. Better than most countries in the world, including Europe. Europe has higher fuel and food prices, and much higher unemployment. Our unemployment, with 5% being considered full employment, is just slightly higher than that. The economy is not good, not good at all, but most of the world economy is pretty crappy. Economies will rise, hit a ceiling, decline, hit bottom and then rise again. It is a healthy economic cycle. It is far too early to determine what the result will be of all decisions. Iraq's economy and stability are on an impressive rise. Investment is heavily flowing into it and oil production is set to far exceed what had ever been produced before in that country. Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time. I suggest everything not be in doomsday mode, history repeats itself, we've been in this spot before, and we will be in it again, but what follows are times that are high and prosperous for us all as well. I disagreed with you earlier and you said I was in fantasy and not in reality. Because you think you have the market cornered on truth, facts and classified information. But when someone tires of your rheteric you whine. So France took a cut. That's not very new. As to the economy the only jobs that are being created are minimum wage food service and bed pan empting. America has lost millions of jobs since Bush took office. If America goes to war on Iraq there will be a draft and hopefully you will be drafted to fight all the terrorist who doens't like America taking what ever they want. And that is exactly what this is about, not "war on terror" but oil war and all you seem to care about is the oil being produced in Iraq. And as I said before, the cost of this war in human life and monetary value was never worth it. |
Obama Today on Iraq...
France, Canada, Germany, Sweden (conservatives in power now), Poland, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Chechnya, and Albania's increase in pro-Americanism and pro-Bush leaders shed a different light on the opinion of us and Bush in the world. As to security we have not been hit by a terrorist attack since 9/11. And, we have a highly trained military should any real world conflict arise. Battle hardened military. As to economy there is nothing earth shattering. In an economics standpoint we have not hit a recession. The first quarter was a 1% GDP growth. Better than most countries in the world, including Europe. Europe has higher fuel and food prices, and much higher unemployment. Our unemployment, with 5% being considered full employment, is just slightly higher than that. The economy is not good, not good at all, but most of the world economy is pretty crappy. Economies will rise, hit a ceiling, decline, hit bottom and then rise again. It is a healthy economic cycle. It is far too early to determine what the result will be of all decisions. Iraq's economy and stability are on an impressive rise. Investment is heavily flowing into it and oil production is set to far exceed what had ever been produced before in that country. Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time. I suggest everything not be in doomsday mode, history repeats itself, we've been in this spot before, and we will be in it again, but what follows are times that are high and prosperous for us all as well. |
Obama Today on Iraq...
I'm here for debate. I want to solely debate the issues with concise arguments based on studies from outside sources and personal opinions backed by some experience or education. However, there are too many that choose to do anything but that, they will target individuals for personal attacks within the group or attack a whole group of people outside this group. It is childish, rude, and demeaning to what should be a friendly forum for agreeing and opposing minds to discuss issues of the day. When people continue to deter such processes it really ticks me off that we can't act like educated grownups and debate the issues rather than target the individuals putting them forth for discussion. Here you go sweetie, can I call you that? :) Let's debate the "war on terror". Many of see it as the fear mongering vice it is. The "war on terror" has created a culture of fear in America. The Bush administration's elevation of these three words into a national mantra since the horrific events of 9/11 has had a pernicious impact on American democracy, on America's psyche and on U.S. standing in the world. Using this phrase has actually undermined our ability to effectively confront the real challenges we face from fanatics who may use terrorism against us. To justify the "war on terror," the administration has lately crafted a false historical narrative that could even become a self-fulfilling prophecy. By claiming that its war is similar to earlier U.S. struggles against Nazism and then Stalinism (while ignoring the fact that both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia were first-rate military powers, a status al-Qaeda neither has nor can achieve), the administration could be preparing the case for war with Iran. Such war would then plunge America into a protracted conflict spanning Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and perhaps also Pakistan. I don't even think we know who or where the real danger is anymore. Terrorist cannot even be identified. Why not call them freedom fighters? |
Obama Today on Iraq...
"This war distracts us from every threat that we face and so many opportunities we could seize. This war diminishes our security, our standing in the world, our military, our economy, and the resources that we need to confront the challenges of the 21st century. By any measure, our single-minded and open-ended focus on Iraq is not a sound strategy for keeping America safe." Go. what about terrorism? do you think its not important enough to fight? I do not believe the version of the Administration about what really happened on 9/11 . Too many lies and too many holes . It is a war propaganda in my view . It was psychological warfare on the American people. No matter what really brought those buildings down, 9/11 was exploited for the purpose of war on Iraq. |
I'm against Iraq war, but still. at 18 your a man, you no right from wrong.thats what wrong with this world today, to many bleeding hearts. Well, we are not the judge. I am sure each has their own individual story, so let the judge decide. |
National Security Policy
1. McCain thought Bush's warrantless wiretap program circumvented the law; now he believes the opposite. 2. McCain insisted that everyone, even "terrible killers," "the worst kind of scum of humanity," and detainees at Guantanamo Bay, "deserve to have some adjudication of their cases," even if that means "releasing some of them." McCain now believes the opposite. 3. He opposed indefinite detention of terrorist suspects. When the Supreme Court reached the same conclusion, he called it "one of the worst decisions in the history of this country." 4. In February, McCain reversed course on prohibiting waterboarding. 5. McCain favored closing the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay before he was against it. 6. When Barack Obama talked about going after terrorists in Pakistani mountains with Predators, McCain criticized him for it. He's since come to the opposite conclusion...............more here--- |