Community > Posts By > JaneStar1

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Sat 03/27/10 12:23 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Sat 03/27/10 12:30 AM

That's similar to the fact of Columbus discovering America, which has been named as such after the auther, who's published an article about the discovery:
his name was Amerigo Vespucci!!!

I don't remember my history that well but I thought he was Columbus' mapmaker and put his own name on the map of the new world.

Certainly, darling, I would not argue about the validity of my statement -- after all, that's my recallection from high school's grade 6. However, I made a quick look up -- judge for yourself (the link below).
However, the point I was trying to make is that the authenticity of the discovery doesn't always belong to the discoverer, but to the one who brings the public's attention to that discovery...
Here's the link:

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Fri 03/26/10 01:01 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Fri 03/26/10 01:04 AM
"bride burning"???

No wonder people are emigrating from there in droves!!!

The only solution is the sterilization of infants.
Even that is more humane than bride burning...

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Fri 03/26/10 12:40 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Fri 03/26/10 12:41 AM
That's similar to the fact of Columbus discovering America, which has been named as such after the auther, who's published an article about the discovery:
his name was Amerigo Vispuci!!!

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Thu 03/25/10 10:33 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Thu 03/25/10 11:14 PM
Emanuil Kant:
ntuition is one of the basic cognitive faculties, equivalent to what might loosely be called perception. Kant held that all of our minds cast all of our external intuitions in the form of space, and all of our internal intuitions (memory, thoughts) in the form of time.

**********>>> One of the simplest ways of tapping into your intuition, if you wish to tune in to your intuitive abilities, is mental imagery:
just to close your eyes, if you're having a problem that you're working on, and say to yourself: "OK, let me see what mental image that comes to mind." Imagery can be a very useful tool for bringing intuitive insights into some kind of tangible form, you might say. Using mental imagery can be a very useful way of accessing intuition. : It's as if the mind at some level is just naturally very poetic, and is always looking for poetic images in order to express the deeper essence of the situations that we're in, because images somehow get underneath the logic of things. However, there's a range of imagery, too. Some images really seem to come from a source that's deep in the unconscious, and then other images seem to be quite superficial. So we need to be aware of that range too, because not all of them are unconditioned; not all of them are free from our own conscious programming.

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Thu 03/25/10 09:16 PM
As Draconian measures go, the one child rule seems to be the most practical.

Even such a Draconian measure as that cannot account for children born out of wedlock (i.e. no family) -- even though the government might rule out any child-support for more than one child, any loving father would gladly support his offspring. In other words, the Draconian measure could be bent, cheated, etc.

Besides, adhering to the established policy requires high level of conscience which most of the large city folks might possess. But how do you enforce the rules in the rural areas -- especially in China (not to mention India)???

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Thu 03/25/10 05:43 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Thu 03/25/10 05:51 PM
"Nature" journal reports (in confirmation of "my" hypothesis):
Ancient DNA from fossil finger of child found in a cave in Siberia suggests previously unknown ancestor:
the bone may belong to a previously unrecognized, extinct human species that migrated out of Africa long before our known relatives.
The find suggests that ice-age humans were more diverse than had been thought. Since the late nineteenth century, researchers have known that two species of Homo — Neanderthals and modern humans — coexisted during the later part of the last ice age.
The relative identified in Siberia, however, raises the possibility that several Homo species ranged across Europe and Asia, overlapping with the direct ancestors of modern people.

The DNA differences imply that the Siberian ancestor branched off from the human family tree a million years ago, well before the split between modern humans and Neanderthals. If so, the proposed species must have left Africa in a previously unknown migration, between that of Homo erectus 1.9 million years ago and that of the Neanderthal ancestor Homo heidelbergensis, 300,000 to 500,000 years ago.
(after insemination by aliens???)

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Wed 03/24/10 11:46 PM
Can mankind control it's population? It would appear not.

................Execitive Management Example..............
Our "life boat" is sinking faster than has been anticipated. Nevertheless, some of the passengers neglect the rules -- they__piss right into the boat, thereby making it sink even faster...

Since the culprits have ignored all of the supplicatons of the other passengers, the latter are faced with the choice:
1. Verbally shaming them in hopes they will cease their "dangerous" acts.
2. Stop giving them the drinking water;
3. Declare war against the culprits -- expelling them from the boat;
4. Put them to sleep (untill the boat reaches the safety);

Thus far, the world has been exercising the 1st option which, obviously, doesn't seem to work;
The 2nd one is just a hypothetical option (similar to #4);
The 3rd option is out of consideration since they won't give up without a fight (and nobody wants to aggravate the situation even further);

That leaves the only realistic option -- #4!!! (i.e. either increasing the drugs' effectiveness to 90%, or partial sterilization of infants -- spay or neuter!

People seem to ignore the warnngs intil its too late. Before we come to the point of NO-RETURN, the World Management has to take the matters into its own hands...
Propagation is a luxury, and should be allowed only to those who possess the potential of producing "quality" off-springs! (i.e. intellectually) Right now it has a rampant quality -- free for all -- as long as the "equipment" permits... In that sense, we are not different from animals!!!

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Wed 03/24/10 09:39 PM

(at your own risk

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Wed 03/24/10 12:04 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Wed 03/24/10 12:08 AM
_________ Hey, GTA guys _(45 and older)_________

Get ready for Friday, March 26th Singles Dance!!!

_______________ SORRY, age 45+ ONLY!!!_____________________

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Tue 03/23/10 11:53 PM
... calling others "stupid",

_____________________ :laughing: __________________________

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Tue 03/23/10 11:13 PM
Are 'Gay-ism' and 'Lesbian-ism' traits,an 'advantage' of us humans being the knowledgeable, superior and dominating species on earth.

But of course, some of them are superior and dominating, while others are inferior and submissive -- that's the whole point of the homosexuality! (and some of them are both...)

However, animals, it seems, are just "lusty beasts" -- when the urge comes, they don't particularly descriminate as to whom they "enter". Such descrimination can only be found among humans!!!

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Tue 03/23/10 10:46 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Tue 03/23/10 10:51 PM

Do you think we will ever have virtual wars instead of putting actual human lives at risk

I saw that on an early Star Trek episode so it's gotta happen.
laugh laugh I never watched Star Trek!!

They played "war" on the computer and the computer calculated how many people died. Those people were then ordered to march into the disintegration box.

Thus far, population of Africa has been maintained with the help of various epidemies...
But China would have to implement such a machine pretty soon -- especially when other countries would have to stop admitting new immigrants...

As far as being Invisible -- that's the only way they would sneak into other countries! (until the contre-active measures are installed!)

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Mon 03/22/10 12:38 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Mon 03/22/10 01:14 AM
......................Subliminal Perception -- Perception without Awareness
Whenever you have to make a decision on the basis of less information than you would like to have, you need to use your intuition. You need to use your intuition when you are looking at possible courses of action, when you're making decisions on the basis of what you already know, which is never enough. We can never be certain of what the outcome of something is going to be, but sometimes we can have a strong intuitive sense of the direction we want to pursue. Even just perceiving possibilities is also an intuitive function.

There are different kinds of intuitions -- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, described intuition as one of the four major faculties of the psyche, thinking, feeling, and sensation. So one would think that to be an optimally performing, balanced individual, not having intuition would be like having one quarter of your brain cut away. (in Jungian psychology they sometimes polarize intuition and sensation -- that is, people who are highly intuitive tend to be less in touch with their bodies.)
It seems to be that some people are more naturally inclined to one type or another. Some people who are really tuned in to their bodies can get body sensations that will give them information about what's going on, and find that that's a reliable source of information. Other people really are oriented to interacting with the world from a feeling place. Many times, the so-called femine intuition is related to feelings, and this is very useful in interpersonal situations. But mental imagery, which is more associated with thinking and the mind, tends to be the type of intuition that's more available to, say, business executives, because entrepreneurs tend to be very intuitive. (that's why women, often, make the best managers -- because they have access to both, the feminine and the business executives intuition at their disposal.) tongue2

Others are spiritually intuitive: the spiritual intuition has more to do with insight into the nature of reality, insight into the nature of who and what we really are, the nature of mind, and the quality of life. You might say it has more to do with understanding life, or having a sense of the meaning of it all. And it's this kind of intuitive sense, that is essential; it's really the key to religious experiences and experiences of self-transcendence.

So you need to quiet the feelings, quiet the body, quiet the mind, and then you're left with a kind of inner knowing (i.e. In silence you learn what can never be taught) It's really in silence that we learn the most about intuition.

For some people it means being out in nature alone and quiet; for other people it may mean meditation; for other people it may be solitude in a study. Some form of being in silence can be tremendously advantageous in terms of developing intuition, and it also has its fringe benefits in terms of putting you more in touch with yourself and what you really want. * * * In some way, truth is recognized rather than learned.* * *

frustrated However, the mainstream formal educational system tends to train primarily the intellect. In addition to that, the system is fostering competitiveness, and that, in turn, is fostering a sense of distrust among people. At the same time, the system is fostering grasping the outer world, ruther than the inner world. However, understanding ourselves helps in understanding each other too -- that all of this is part of a larger sense of wanting to experience each other more fully as who we really are, with less fear and less defensiveness, in order to be more open and more receptive to a genuine exchange of ideas and communication. As we become more intuitive we do become less fearful too -- it helps to give us a sense of being in the world in a way that we can trust ourselves and trust each other too.
(>>> DISTRUST, by the way, is the first sign of an Unintuitive personality!!! -- for that reason, I always verify the person's "Trustfulness" before agreeing to a date...)

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Sun 03/21/10 08:59 PM
quit starring at my chest!
Both of them are identical --
(especially the left one)

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Sun 03/21/10 08:52 PM



As a matter of fact, I wonder who's better equiped to make a value judgement: the lei-men, or the physicists who spend their time studying dark energy? ? ?

Surely you meant 'laymen' ... or 'lay-people' if we''re being 'politically correct' and 'gender neutral' as we must be these days ...

Sorry for my typo distracting you FROM ANSWERING MY HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION! In fact, that typo saved you a lot of embarrassment (cuz you know the answer!)

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Sat 03/20/10 01:34 AM
Listen, honey, sailorboy4u:
(especially those who say "NO")
---- Everything we know is limited by precisely that -- what we know thus far!!!
Our understanding of reality is far from being complete.

We laugh at the scientists of the middle ages -- just as future scientists may laugh at the 20th cantury science...

I do not mean Reincarnation is real, but neither do I completely reject it. I just do not know. BUT I KNOW ENOUGH TO NEVER SAY "NEVER"!

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Fri 03/19/10 11:54 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Fri 03/19/10 11:56 PM

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Fri 03/19/10 08:54 PM
. . . . . IMAGINE:


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Fri 03/19/10 02:33 AM
This is a view which seems quite acceptable to people who are on the leading edge of theoretical physics, and is just beginning to filter in to the rest of the scientific community -- that our fundamental notion of objectivity, that there's something flawed in the notion that there is such a thing as an objective universe, separate from ourselves, separate from our minds. In fact this so-called paradigm shift in science may be the biggest ever, because it might mean the end of experimental science. this seems to be what the skeptics fear so much -- the whole world view will be thrown into smithereens.
* Albert Einstein wrote extensively about this, that the real essence of science was keeping alive that mystical feeling. That was his whole purpose in science -- science and art, he said *

. Ever since my dissertation disease disorder, I've paid a lot more attention to what bubbles up from within, and I've learned to trust it; you know, it's been an ongoing process. It's one of the things I've also noticed as a teacher, particularly of liberal arts students -- how much people distrust this inner knowing, this intuition which we all have. Because it seems to me they'd rather accept on some sort of faith the dictums of modern science, without really a full understanding of it, more than they would trust what comes from within, for themselves. There's something very dangerous about a culture that somehow allows its knowledge to come so much from outside, from other sources that aren't necessarily something they can test within.

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Fri 03/19/10 02:29 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Fri 03/19/10 03:24 AM
Well, quantum physics started out in the twenties to explain the interaction of light with atoms. It focused on that, but now it's extended to explain the interaction of anything with anything. It's basically the physicists' theory of the world these days, and it's been very successful. So there are two reasons, I think, why quantum physics and consciousness have some connection. One is that quantum theory, as most people know by now, is very strange. It has very weird properties -- dealing with the very smallest particles of matter that exist.
: Particles aren't even particles anymore. That's one of the connections with consciousness -- that the solidity of matter is dissolving away in light of these theories, and becoming more and more like the fuzziness that's inside our heads. And physics is in fact the basic science of all the sciences. So the most fundamental theory of all of science is that the basis of reality is fuzzy -- is crumbling, and it is ambiguous.
* * *a peculiar feature in quantum theory called Quantum interconnectedness, implies the notion that separability doesn't exist -- somehow all is one, the way the mystics used to say it. Due to Bell's theorem, new interest has been rekindled in this interconnectedness. Bell's theorem proves that this connection is not a theoretical artifact, but actually exists in the real world. The theorem seems like the crack in the cosmic egg, in a way; it's the one part of quantum physics that's almost turned everything upside down.
It was put by Paul Davies -- the notion that somehow big things are made of little things. Quantum theory doesn't describe the world that way. Big things aren't made of little things; they're made of entities whose attributes aren't there when you don't look, but become there when you do look. Now, that sounds very, very strange -- like an illusion (or the Hindu concept of Maya, something like that).
Einstein said the world cannot be like this, because this interconnectedness goes faster than light. With this quantum interconnectedness, two objects could come together, meet, and then each go into the universe, and they would still be connected. Instantaneously one would know what the fate of the other one was. Einstein said, now that can never be; that's like voodoo -- in fact, he used the word -- it's like telepathy, he said; he said it's spooky, it's ghostlike. Almost his last words in his biography were, "On this I absolutely stand firm. The world is not like this." He died in 1955, and ten years later Bell showed that the world must be like this. It's kind of ironic. Bell himself said, "My theorem answers some of Einstein's questions in a way that Einstein would have liked the least." (even Einstein's mind wouldn't go this far, to accept these instant connections, which now we believe really must exist in the universe. )
The notion of instant connections almost implies that space itself is an illusion -- distance is an illusion. And the notion the mystics sometimes say, that you and I, we're not really separate individuals, but at a deeper level we're like fingers; we're all connected. Or we're like islands connected. There's that sense of connectedness as well.
* We're learning that the world is put together in such a strange way that it's almost like reading science fiction. You don't know what's going to happen next. And this is certainly a strange way to make a universe. All the patterns are perfectly ordinary; they preserve space and time, and they're separated at light speed. Yet the bricks that make up these patterns are not that way at all. They don't know anything about space and time, and they're connected instantaneously. Now, why make a universe that way? I would never make a universe that way. To make a local universe, I would use local parts. But whoever made this universe, or if it made itself, s/he did it with parts that were better than the whole, in some sense. (***A local connection is an ordinary connection that obeys the speed of light, and a non-local connection is like voodoo -- that when you do something here, instantly it affects someone over here. What Bell proved was that no model of the world that used only local connections would work. ***)
Not only that there have to be occasional non-local connectionsl -- everything is non-local. (and that concerns the information transferring also!)
Tthere are two kinds of knowledge that people have about themselves. One is the kind of computer-like knowledge where you have facts, and the other is this very experience ourselves, that we have right now. It isn't computer-like, it isn't facts -- the events themselves, the irreducible events, and that's like awareness. So my feeling is that people might be able to share awarenesses, whatever that is, but not data. So there might be mood links.
Since physicists don't know much about consciousness, we start with very crude models. So one model was that things have insides and outsides. Your outside is the physicalness of you, and the inside is your consciousness. So we assume everything has an inside and an outside, all the way from atoms to people.
the brain is receiving a lot of information, but consciousness is filtering it out somehow. The brain is about 1012 bits per second. It's immensely more powerful than TV.
consciousness as a data rate would be obviously almost undetectable in the masses of everything else that's going on there, unless it were located in some central point, which may be so. We had a little group in San Francisco called the Consciousness Theory Group. We were going to solve the problems of consciousness. There were people from physics and from psychology and computer sciences, and one of our hobbies was looking at slides of the brain and trying to locate where the consciousness would be. One popular place is the reticular activating system. Consciousness is very, very small -- it's like the President and the three hundred million people, or however many there are, and one man in some sense controls the actions of the whole thing -- not the detailed actions, but the collective actions. In other words, the control system is a very small part of the whole system.

P.S. Real Science is much more mystical than seems... scared